Monday, April 8, 2019

The Tale of The Cult Club

Oh geesh, first we have a Monsoon last night and this morning...then a school district shut because of superintendent conf day (Or maybe Nina and Valentin sabotaged it) -- and here I AM!! I have a meeting that STARTS AT 2pm!!

SO, for your entertainment, I'm at a Starbucks (no judging) and I'll write up what I'd like to see today: 

They await in the woods...

Kristina's white ermine coat donated by The Cassadines. She sits upon Sheba. 

Sam's blindfold is pulled off slowly by Harmony.  She sees everyone dressed in black and red robes. Shiloh  is at the head of the gathering and starts praying to the Sun God Aurora. Sam realizes that Drew wanted to name their company Aurora--!! Drew's memories are still locked away. so could it be that he too is into the whole DOD with his old army bud, Hank?? Then she spots Harmony leading Kristina to the Shiloh. Kristina is riding on Sheba, the long dead horse of Nikolas and dressed in a white robe of Ermine.  She steps off and slips the robe down her naked back. Evil tattoo guy is on the side, getting ready to brand her forever.   Shiloh raises a holy box... that glimmers in the cave candle's  glow. He slowly opens it.  Sam looks up--it's..a HAND...a RIGHT HAND!!  Just then-- out of the deepest shadows comes...RYAN!! That's right this whole Cult Club is tied to the TWIN EXPERIMENT! Ryan reaches Kristina and strokes her hair with his good hand. He beckons to the corner. Who's waiting there? LIV.VIE!!.. Sam's other half from Port Charles.  Liv turns and looks at who's holding her hand.  Cableb gazes over the crowd and stops at Sam. Sam clutches her throat. Blood runs down her neck. Spooky music rises and we hear the whirrrrr of the tattoo needle. 

If I could get the rights, Billy Ellish "You Should See Me in A Crown" would blast out while she's getting her ink. WARNING: Don't watch the video if you don't like spiders. 

By the way, I've been watching Sabrina S2 so, probably influenced from that!! 
Have a good one. 


  1. Off topic, I thought I read someone watched Killing Eve? Is it good? I love Sandra Oh and wanna check it out. Is it available on Hulu?

  2. I watched season one of Killing Eve, very good.....I recorded last night's new episode. I don't know if it's on Hulu, though

    1. Thanks, I'll ck. There is so much I wanna watch from the start like SVU and Blue Bloods from the beginning and now Killing Eve. Haha! I totally loved Sandra Oh on Greys. Gotta fit everything in.

  3. Killing Eve season 2 is on AMC and BBC America. Season 1 was fantastic and last night's was great. Terrific series. I think season 1 is on Hulu,

  4. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD WATCH IT!! Go find Season ONE and watch it. Has my fave lady, Jodie Comer in it. It's fantastic.

    1. OOOOh. I love fan fiction! The Wubs Blog really should do more.

      Just saying...

    2. Oops!!!! I forgot to mention your fan fic of darkness Karen! LOVE IT! :) I love fan fiction too Dave!

    3. Karen I found KE on Hulu. I was sooooo tired I couldn't get thru the 1st episode. The part where that lady is pretending she od'd though and scared that guy made me jump LOL!!!

  5. FYI that Season 1 of Killing Eve is available on Hulu.

  6. I think Ryan will kidnap Lulu but everyone will believe she’s in Paris.

    1. Oh that's good Mrs Goose! Never thought of that!

  7. "Oh geesh, first we have a Monsoon last night and this morning..."

    Oh my!!!

    "then a school district shut because of superintendent conf day (Or maybe Nina and Valentin sabotaged it)"


    "-- and here I AM!! I have a meeting that STARTS AT 2pm!!

    ROFL! Awww poor Karen!

    Willow's classroom:

    Chillow: Make out city!!! :) Love their scenes.. King Mufasa shows up.

    Chillow and King Mufasa: Oh my!!! King Mufasa said her real name!!!! Callie Miller!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0 Oh boy he is trying to manipulate her with a picture of them together! :)

    Cult house: Oh forgot to mention the last time about King Mufasa watching his video of Sam with that red scarf on her eyes.. Wow King Mufasa has video cameras at the cult house?!!?!?

    King Mufasa and Krissy: Krissy gave him the money!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it time for the tramp stamp yet?

    Krissy,, Daisy, and Sam: Oh yes!!!! The circle of life meeting is tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Oh time for Sam to go. Oh wait she isn't going! She is sneaking upstairs!!

    Attic: and Daisy: Oh look! The attic is a hippie room! :) Watcha got in the bag there

    Sam: Sam snuck in! She sees inside the bag!!! It's all the stuff for the tramp stamp!!! Time for Krissy to get one tonight!!! WOOT WOOT! :) Can't wait! :)

    The floating rib: Whoa! The therapist asks how old Krissy is, and Alexis said 25!!!! HOLY COW! I didn't expect her to give out Krissy's age! Awesome!

    Alexis and her therapist: Alexis wins the lines of the day.

    Alexis: My daughter's in a cult. She was born.


    Hiney and Maxie: Oh no UGH!

    Hiney: I have feelings for you.

    Maxie: I have feelings for you.

    *Makes out*

    Maxie: What do we do now?

    Hiney: Let's have dinner.


    Hiney, Maxie, and Lulu: Lulu tells them she is going out of town which I think it still stupid. Hey Lulu sees Miney kissing hahaha.

    Finchy and Anna with a sprinkle of Robert: Man Anna is so invested with Miney that she isn't paying any attention to Finchy! And Finchy really wants to propose to her!!! He is trying, when Robert shows up! THANK YOU ROBERT!!! :) Oh no talking about stupid Alex and the stupid memory. UGH!

    Sonny's office:

    Sason: Talking about King Mufasa a lot.. Sam shows up and then leaves, and then someone else shows up! ALEXIS'S THERAPIST?!!?!?!! HUH?!!?!?!?! :0

    1. I think alexis therapist is in the cult

    2. I thought that Sonny hired the therapist to deprogram Krissy?

    3. Only in a soap can you say you are going to Paris for maybe months and then leave the next day.

    4. I figured Sonny would have been calling the therapist for Krissy but oh that'd be interesting.

  8. Loved Mrs. Goose comment about Ryan snatching Lulu, and everyone thinks she's in Paris. Nice!

    Also liked how Neil told Alexis to show Krissie old family photos to remind her of life outside the cult, and the next thing you know Shank is giving Willow a picture of when she was in the cult. Nice! And Krissie is 25?? Why does she act like a tween? Sheesh! Also hoping Neil is NOT in the cult, but it wouldn't surprise me.

    1. Well Alexis did make that comment about her being 25 going on 15 I think is the age she used. She's very immature so it fits....

  9. I thought the therapist showed up at Sonny's place... not at the cult. But maybe missed what really happened. Am looking forward to the scene that was in the previews of Ava, Laura, and Felicia talking about luring Ryan back. Maybe my dream of the women getting him will really come true.

  10. I know this has nothing to do with yesterday's show but why is Carly pregnant? She isn't in real life so there must be some story line coming up that needs her to be. Any thoughts?

    1. Just because...she is not in real life though.

  11. Because she has no real storyline right now of course!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...