Friday, April 12, 2019


Jon Linstrom posted this on Twitter.. HOW WONDERFUL.

I was supposed to be HERE but my meeting was changed to 1:30 and ended at 2:45-- OY!! OY!!  
Anyway, my mind is mush. 
So, Here's your place to write and I'll see you either Sat for an update or for Sunday Surgery. 


  1. I was wondering why you weren't tweeting! I don't watch the show any more, I just read your tweets and blog. :D Will you do me a favor after you watch? Can you just update me about Llanview? #GH twitter implied that Nora talked a lot about what people were up to. I miss my OLTL fam. ;( THANKS!

    1. "#GH twitter implied that Nora talked a lot about what people were up to."

      CaryeN! MATTHEW AND DESTINY ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Nora also was on the phone with Bo!!! She talks to him about when she gets home by 8:00 that she wants to order in burgers from Rodey's!!! Then when she ends the call, she says alright sweetheart I love you. Awwwwwww! :) But then V.C. comes in and says he needs her services..

      "I miss my OLTL fam. ;("

      Me too!!!!!!!!! :(

  2. Did anybody see some strange expressions from Kevin that looked like Ryan.

    1. No, but apparently I miss alot LMAO!! I love the photo above, JL facial expression is funny!

    2. Yes!!!! I was thinking the same thing.

  3. I think I need Twitter, seems all the cool kids are on there! LOL!! I used Facebook and IG.

    1. Ha. I am NOT cool. LOL... I don't have a Twitter account, I just watch Karen live tweet at @wubsnet. You can go to Twitter and search @wubsnet to find her ... or you can search #gh at 2:00 pm Eastern and read all the people who live tweet.... but I prefer Karen's particular snark the most. :)

    2. I signed up, found JL, GH and Karen or rather wubs

    3. Carey, I love Karen's snark hahaha!

  4. I noticed kevin's expressions in the courtroom, thought he was ryan.

  5. Lame Friday (except I like to see Spencer). Hated to see Kevin get off scot-free. Don't care for wimpy Anna.Nothing on Super Jason today - I was wondering if he wold give Kristina's doped bowl to Brad for analysis seeing as he is the latest DOD recruit.

  6. The hospital:

    Finchy and the skeleton: Finchy proposes to the Lisa the Skeleton! ROFL! Laura saw.. :)

    Finchy: Oh Lisa Skeleton. I love you so. You mean the world to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!


    Laura and Finchy: Oh talking about Ryan's hand!!! :) Hand was walking around with not a care in the world until it was caught. Poor hand. :( Oh and Laura says Anna will LOVE the engagement ring!!!

    Spencer and V.C.: Haha love it!!! V.C. threatening Spencer because Spencer says he is going to find out what is going on with him and Sasha! :) Man I still can't get over Spencer's deep voice! :) Oh hi Laura!!!

    Spencer, V.C. and Laura: Laura wants to have some visitation with Charlie.. V.C. says NO! HAHAHHAHAHA!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sasha, Maxie, and Hiney: Maxie still has the guilt feels because of that whole DNA mess.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    V.C. and Hiney: V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: Yeah? You want something? You want a hair sample or something?

    ROFL! All Hiney wants to do is to apologize to him. Awww they are bonding. :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and Robert: NO ANNA! NO! Robin is your bio daughter NOT Alex!!!! Hiney is NOT your son, he is Alex's!!!! Listen to Robert!!!! He even said not to rewrite history!!!! Oh look Finchy shows up. Finchy this is the wrong time to tell Anna that you are engaged to Lisa Skeleton!!


    Ava and Jordan: Talkin about Ryan and the hand! Ava don't you think you should should give Ryan a nickname? Mr. Pirate? Mr. Hook? :)

    The court begins: Doc and Nora: Wait what?!?!!?!?! Matthew is engaged to Destiny?!!?!?!! :0 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) For a one life to live fan like me, I am overjoyed! :) Destiny had a party and that is why Nora is wearing sunglasses. :) Drank too much at the party eh Nora? :) Well DOC IS FOUND NOT GUILTY YAY! :) Nora was right though. The court is not going to judge people on their morals. Margoo is NOT happy! Oh Margoo! Go read DOD book and relax.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Oh Ava was going to drink alcohol, but changed her mind and decided to drink coffee. She is listening to Julian and keeping her wits about her. :) Oh oh! Someone is watching her outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Captain hook Ryan? :)

  7. Oops Maxie, Hiney and Sasha, weren't at the metrocourt.. They were at Charlie's pub and restaurant! Oh and I forgot this.


    Maxie and Nina: Man! Nina is so cold to her!! Just forgive her already Nina!!!! Nobody is perfect, and she didn't do it to hurt you.

    Sasha, Maxie, and Nina: Oh my! Sasha convinced Nina to forgive Maxie!!!!

  8. I think they had Kevin set free so that he and Ava can pretend to be a couple to lure Ryan out. Kevin makes more sense than Scotty.

  9. Anna. For the past few years all they do is make Anna weak, teary and on edge of a breakdown. She is supposed to be a strong kickass super-spy. I don't get it. Why can't the show have powerful women? Somehow every story has to find a way to end with Jason and/or Sonny to the rescue. I want the real Anna back. Start writing for the women GH.

    1. I completely agree. Give Finola the story line she deserves. Stop the stupid crying stuff and give us strong Anna back. Give HER the police work. Jason doesn't need to save the day all the time

  10. I liked yesterday’s show-Finn was so cute, Robert was there and Spencer. I really like Nora - wish they could keep her. Really funny how Anna doesn’t even question Peter as her son. Did anyone else see Julian(WD) on B&B yesterday? His character died but apparently fathered a daughter so they had flashbacks. He looked really young.

    1. "LSV422 says I really like Nora - wish they could keep her."

      Oh that would be a bad idea! Then her and Bo would be over. I don't want that. :(

    2. They could both move to lovely PC!

  11. This is so stupid how they are trying to take Robin away from Anna. Isn't it stupid enough crap to have had her sleep with Faison the guy who tortured her all these years? Why oh why don't the writers let Robert and Anna have another chance together. He knows her so well. Saw right through her little "tea party". Knows she is trying to punish herself for being a double agent. He even said she was trying to ruin "the best thing that has ever happened to me". I know that Finola is a great actress and can pull off all these crying scenes, but give this crap a rest. Give her a good "police caper" to solve and stop with this nonsense. Do TPTB want the show cancelled? They keep pulling stupid stuff to piss us off royally. I love watching the vets on this show and I have watched for 41 YEARS, but I am really thinking they want us to stop watching so they can cancel and put on another cooking show or something.
    Sorry. I am just so mad that they keep rewriting history.

  12. Just watched the scenes from 1999 when Lucky was presumed dead in the fire. The best acting was done by Laura and Liz. Second best by Luke. Sonny and Jason were like "borgs" and just stood there with a blank face. Terrible acting on their part IMO. Genie and Becky knocked it out of the park.

    1. I agree about genie and becky. still remember them and thinking wow. and becky has always been in the back seat compared to kelly monaco the mumbler who has always been front and center. don't get it

  13. Finola Hughes is being WASTED with this ridiculous storyline. Plus, does anyone remember Alex Devane on AMC? I am trying to think back and just don't remember her being this awful a person. I mean, she was a respected doctor at the Pine Valley hospital, yes?
    At any rate, they need to stop with this nonsense right now. Empower ANNA to be the strong, smart, capable (but flawed and capable of sketchy stuff at times) character we know her to be. Leave Robin's maternity alone and make Peter the son of Alex. Pair FinMcbain with her or Scorpio - either way is OK with me. Get her working on something with Laura or Felicia - chasing down Ryan maybe?


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...