Monday, April 15, 2019

Notre Dame Fire

So, the beginning of GH was interrupted by the terrible Notre Dame fire. I've been there and it's such a sad, sad thing. Over 800 years old. Which also means the timbers are that old as well. 

So, 20 minutes in and... still on!! When Windsor was being remodeled in 1992, that fire ripped through there too...but it wasn't that high and their certainly not that many relics inside. 

I got some info from a Canadian viewer:

Cam got in a fight at school because a kid called Aiden a "fairy boy". Oh Cam doesn't think Aiden is gay, 'he's just a little kid".. so this MAY be the start of the real gender vs gay issue

Jason took the cup into GH to be tested--Shiloh sees it and tries to get it back from Brad. HE says Jason is 'coming after Brad' (I didn't get it all) -- but when Jason comes back Brad tells him there was just tea in there. So..he obv lied. 

Valentin asks Nora if Laura can visit Charlotte in place of Lulu or if that was not legal. Spencer interrupts and says you'd better let her see Char or he'll tell about Sasha. Valentin calls Nora and says that they can visit. 

Nina overheard Spencer mention something about Shasha when he was talking to Val.
Willow confirms to Michael her baby was Shiloh's and that HE'S ALIVE and not dead! Whoa.

So thanks to Bonnie Lee, the Canadian who tweeted to me!!

The Notre Dame thing is still on BTW. 


  1. The Notre Dame report ended here as soon as Ellen came on.

    Between the obvious Brad scene with the cup ( the only way GH ever deals with tests)and Cam being told to accept his little 8 year old brother for "who he is" I've given up on GH. It's off my PVR.

    1. Yeah when I read about Brad I was really disappointed. So predictable and so frustrating that he's so scummy and married to Lucas.

  2. Such a catastrophic loss for the Perisian people!And people around the world! This is holy wk.too. I cried a little when the spire came down. Hopefully they'll be able to save the towers and the many,many irreplaceable treasures inside. Praying for Paris. Have a blessed night all!

  3. I just looked, they are showing a rerun in NYC, say they will show today's episode tomorrow.

  4. I had it on mute in case it came on and it did when I was watching it was Michael and Sara. Then GH came on but repeat. Sad what happened. Saw it falling over. They say it was being remodeled if I got that correct?

    1. Yes you are Michelle. It was in the process of undergoing an, I think,8 million dollar restoration. So they're thinking maybe something went wrong there but of course it's too early to know for sure what happened.

  5. Playing a repeat on the west coast.shows Ryan trying to smoother Lulu.

    1. Would have watched that repeat, I got yesterdays repeat.

  6. Here in Canada on the West Coast we got a new episode. I guess tomorrow it will be repeated or a throwback episode. No spoilers then except that Spencer was on and his voice is changing but not his height so much. He is a Teenager so maybe he will grow soon.

    1. Yeh I read somewhere that Canada got a new one so today they get a rerun.

  7. The whole thing in Paris is just horrific. I did watch it for a while, and it was just awful.

    That being said, I'm looking forward to GH today. Thanks to those folks in Canada who filled us in. I may start hollering at Brad though. He is SUCH a tool! :)


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