Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Honey, I Shrunk the Lulu!

I had to say it.. LOL NuLu is so tiny-- it was like she shrunk in the freezer!! She did a good job in the time I saw her, so no complaints. GH was a short one this week due to the Boston story and I was busier than a bee in Lila's rose garden, so this Surgery will be short and sweet. 


Here's my list for the week:

1. Katie's guest gig was totally fluffy but FUN.. And it gave GH some extra PR. Epiphany got to call her "skinny ass" heh.

2. I'm kinda tired of the "PicALila" stuff.. get on with it already. Tracy is finally breaking off but if this continues into the "Pickle War" that lasts until December..uh... borrring.

3. ConKate is back. Bitchy and cold as ever. They didn't leave any zip or giggles in that shell, did they? PLUS the fact that I know deep in my heart it's going to be another "will they or won't they" when it comes to she and Sonny. Which WE'VE BEEN THROUGH 3x! Painfully!! I remember when they were hold up in Wyndemere during the Black and White Ball for 7 days yapping about their relationship.  Then the "Should I marry him" stuff... then the "I got shot stuff and I can't go back" THEN the "I do love him but now I'm two people" junk. I. DO . NOT CARE NO 'MO'!! (Pun intended )

4. Felix is turning into a great character. 

5., on the fence. And it's still hard to care about Sabrina's angst when we know Robin is alive. I still think Britt has a huge bump to be even talking about abortion, btw.

6. Cassadine lore. Stavvy's now frozen along with Hells so... hmmm. I guess Faison has to show up to defrost. (Or if we are really lucky, Stefan)

7. Maxie. Ellie.  sigh

8. Spin and Heather: loved it.

9. Michael and the Maybe Brenda stuff...? unless she's PG from this, not really caring much lol I think it's a ruse on her part to mess with people. The fact that Sonny didn't throw ONE glass when he found out? Very telling. 

10. Sam and Rafe. Weird. Just..weird. Lucy thinks she's a good choice? Um, why?

 SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Lulu Freezer scenes with Dom, Genie and Tony. Kudos to all 3 Actors. Kudos to NuLu too because she was put into a HUGE situation first day at bat.

NOT THE SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Shaun/Sean/Shawn almost tossing out OUR LILA! What the heck? Um, no. you do NOT even joke about it.

Most of the good stuff happened off screen: The casting rumors of the OLTL three, and the fact that Prospect Park is looking to sue ABC for characters they wanted back. Oh the dramaz!


  1. 4. Felix is turning into a great character.




    He has no real life, he's a flamer who is an appendage for Ugly Betty, he's sex-crazy and stereotypical.

    Granted, the actor has chops and can dance, but the character's total crap.

    I hope if Lucas Jones returns they don't go the predictable way and make the only 2 gay guys in town instant bed buddies.

  2. Perhaps if you actually knew gays you would realize that Felix is hardly a flamer....oh and calling someone a flamer is also considered stereotyping.

  3. Karen totally agree about Felix. I am really starting to like him. As for "ugly Betty", meh - she leaves me cold. I don't see any chemistry between her and Patrick.

    NuLulu didn't say much this week so it is hard to really judge, but am totally willing to give her a chance. Loved the goodbye speeches by Luke, Laura and Dante - even though I knew she wasn't dead.

    AJ bugged the hell out of me this week and not in a good way. He is still the same douchebag that he always was - don't see much growth there.

    As for Brenda- just ugh.

  4. Karen totally agree about Felix. I am really starting to like him. As for "ugly Betty", meh - she leaves me cold. I don't see any chemistry between her and Patrick.

    NuLulu didn't say much this week so it is hard to really judge, but am totally willing to give her a chance. Loved the goodbye speeches by Luke, Laura and Dante - even though I knew she wasn't dead.

    AJ bugged the hell out of me this week and not in a good way. He is still the same douchebag that he always was - don't see much growth there.

    As for Brenda- just ugh.

  5. gmjl said...

    Perhaps if you actually knew gays you would realize that Felix is hardly a flamer....oh and calling someone a flamer is also considered stereotyping.


    I've spent 3 decades in the arts, and have known more gays than you have people, apparently. And if you don't think Felix is a flamer than that explains much about your outlook on life and childish posts. Life is lonely under a rock, eh?

  6. And someone who flames is self-stereotyping, which is generally considered a form of attention seeking, and a sign of a lack of self esteem.

    the character is not good, and the actor is too good for the role.

  7. I'm a gay man and I feel that Felix is a sterotypical flamer - as portrayed by the media. I keep in mind that whenever there is a gay pride event, the media never interviews a doctor, lawyer, or construction worker, but always a drag queen or high pitched effeminate man flailing his arms in the air because the media's goal is to reinforce the stereotype and not combat it.

    the only reason (and this is my opinion here) that Felix is perceived to be a flaming queen is because the media has put him in that situation and kept him there since 1969.

    As for Lucas' return... I agree with Cosmo. If he does come back, he will probably fall in bed with Felix. Which sucks, because contrary to popular belief, gay men actually CAN say no to sex and do not jump into bed with everyone. But what choices would a gay man in PC have anyway? It is not exactly the most diverse city in the country.

    That being said, I will say that I think the actor is fantastic. (Bet you thought I was going to say 'fabulous', didnt you?) He is nailing the part, and I can definitely see an insecurity about the character that is underlined by his outspokenness. I predict that someday in the future, there will be a big dramatic breakdown with him in tears and reaching out to someone to listen to him and for him to show the backstory of Felix, and I hope that he pours it out to Milo.

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  9. all this over saying I am liking Felix as a character. Hmmmm. Sorry! My brother is gay. 1/2 the people I know are gay. I don't see Felix as a flamer character like say, Elton was.He has hilarious lines, can be a bit bitchy and I like the actor. Sue me

  10. Well I personally hope Faison is freed from prison and resurrects both Stavros and Helena...I don't want them gone. Or if the rumor is true about Todd being a cassadine (whatever the actor's name is)

  11. I'm liking Felix too, he's a good friend. NuLulu is so fragile. I think ron made her vulnerable so we will fall in love with her and then her with Dante.

  12. Only a couple of days in and you can already tell Emme Rylan is a far better actress than Julie Berman.

    How Berman managed two Emmy awards I will never ever know (no competition, I suppose).

  13. I thought JMB was an excellent actress, and, so far, am not impressed with the new one, who fluttered her eyelids the whole time she was supposed to be "dead." And, I guess it's me, but I didn't notice that she is "miniature," gee, is she really that small? Remember, Luke is very tall, over 6 feet I think, so anyone looks small next to him.

  14. Controversial Opinon:....No offense to the actor, but the whole Stavros thing was badly done. It was one of those everything went bad. Bad lines: MY ICE PRINCESS!!, Bad acting: Stavros flat lines,Directing: An agonized(?) Laura freezing stavros(yes , GF is a good actress, but instead being in agony, act like a mama bear protecting her cubs like Mrs. Weasley does in Harry Potter Book 7!*
    Is it me, but is GH trying to paint Tracy as the villian and AJ as the hero, with the whole Pickle-Lila storyline? .

    *[For those who have not read HP,(warning HP spoilers) Mrs. Weasley was a kind sweet mother of 7. At the end of the series, she loses one son in the wizarding war/battle and her daughther is nearly killed by pyscho named Bellatrix, Mrs. Weasley goes and fights agains Bellatrix in a life and death match, and beating her. She has one of the remembered lines in HP. Mrs Weasley to Bellatrix: "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU B####!".]

  15. Karen: the issue is not your liking of the character. You said he was a GREAT character, implying he was well written and defined. There is a BIG difference between te 2 statements.

    gmjl: 'You're 50 years old man and you're arguing about a fucking soap opera...Yes, you are the mature one.' Great comeback. Another way of avoiding saying yoo were wrong on flamers. Guess having a gay guy agree w me took the wind out of you. You really need to get out more.

    DDave: I hate characters who are Gay-first, like Felix. When Lucas returns they need a non-gay storyline so his homosexuality is just who he is. He has Mob roots, so maybe he is in a rival family to Sonny, and dealing w that in a macho biz. Or make him a cop who gets hot for Dante, only AFTER they become close after a case. Or have him casually mention things ad then in his 3rd or 4th story explore this. Be subtle, not preachy.

  16. As another gay man, I see both sides of the "flamer" story here. Felix originally came in as "fabulous" kind of guy, an over-the-top kind of drama queen. I think we're seeing his character gain some depth in recent weeks and I think he could carry a good storyline. I'd love to see him in a soapy/heartbreaking kind of unrequited romance with Milo... who knows, maybe Milo could turn out to be bisexual! Back to the "flamer" issue... so what? There is indeed a significant portion of the gay male population that possess what are considered to be feminine behavior. It's real and I'm not so sure it's necessarily about some inner insecurity. Again, so what? Diversity is what it's supposed to be all about isn't it?

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  18. Honey I shrunk the Lulu! ROFL! Good one Karen. :)

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  22. Not fucking COOL any of you. Looking people up online? People I happen to be FRIENDS WITH?


  23. What friend are you talking about? That troll was looking up an article, and I simply responded.

    Did this Zahid person post something about someone?

  24. Dan, just because someone doesn't agree with you opinion does not make that person a troll...but I forget that you're a special snowflake who thinks that everything and everyone revolves around them.

    The article does hit the nail on the head when it states that you just can't let it've proved the writer correct on that point since you started posting here.

  25. No, constant attacks on others and your anti-gay remarks that were removed, and the fact that you can't converse like an adult make you a troll.

    That you are so obsessed that you look up idiots like Parcelli just make you laughable.

  26. Hey Karen,
    "I'm kinda tired of the "PicALila" stuff.. get on with it already. Tracy is finally breaking off but if this continues into the "Pickle War" that lasts until December..uh... borrring."
    I think they might have dropped this already if it hadn't been getting press on The Soup, now they just are playing along making it completely ridiculous, and it makes me laugh. Really, Sean/Shaun/Shawn? You are going into BUSINESS with AJ? And Michael bought Running an International Conglomerate for Dummies, because he suddenly knows something about everything.

    I agree on SO MANY THINGS, Love Felix, like Sabrina as babysitter, nothing more. Have teeny compassion for Britt then she stomps it out, and COME ON that baby bump is six months along, no one noticed Maxie is further along and barely has a bumb (further along with second pregnancy!). Ridicuous.
    I don't immediately feel NuLulu as an improvement, or even as Lulu, for that matter. I immediately liked NuMichael (this Michael).

    Loved Flea biting the ring.
    This show is fun again. Fun, I say. Scene of the week was Tracy trying to convnice Mac she is as warm and fuzzy as Lila. HAHA.

  27. I forgot to add, to anyone (MAC, SEAN/SHAUN/SHAWN) who thinks people won't eat/drink/imbibe the SAME GREAT product in a new label hasn't tasted Kirkland Vodka (French, not American). I'll take me some faux Grey Goose any day for 22.99/1.75L, bring that Pic-A-Tracy on!!!



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...