Tuesday, April 2, 2013


"That bitch is working overtime with her winged monkeys snatching my kids" says LUKE 

WATCH the show today..a LOT of surprises!!

I don't want to spoil because it was so good. 


  1. I won't get to watch until later but, I can't wait!!!!

  2. All I have to say is OMG was that good.

  3. I had a good cry during today's episode.

  4. Today was so awesome- It honored the show without being just a flashback filled party with no story movement- The end was one of the best friday cliff-hangers EVER and it was on a tuesday-

  5. Actual tears down my face today!!! So good! I want Alan back permanently!

  6. Oh it was so good, but it still hurt.

  7. I was got all teary with Audrey and Steve dance ;/

  8. It was simply amazing, and so well deserved! Did Patrick's "speech" at the end remind you of Vicki's from OLTL? It was perfect. The whole episode was perfect. RC s such a gifted writer, and I am so glad he has been lifelong fan of the show. Guza would have blown something up, and had Jason & Sonny be the center of the whole show.

  9. I just hope we don't have to wait a few days to see Helena again! :P

  10. This was really well done today, IMO...Good mix of folks just talking and letting scenes breathe as well as some of the old school Cassadine action-aventure. GOOD surprises too...the only thing I would have done different is.....SPOILER SPACE

    ,,,I would have booked Amber Tamblyn back as Emily instead of Natalia L! Always like Amber's Emily better than Natalia's one for some reason.


  11. Karen,
    You probably already know this but there was a mention today on the local ABC station of GH's head writer being a Western New Yorker from Rochester!

  12. I, too, loved today's episode and thought it was a fitting tribute to the show. I shed my share of tears and was really happy that I have been a part of the fanbase since 1977.

    I do have a few comments I would like to share, and any responses would be welcomed.

    I am dismayed that Emily McLaughlin has not been mentioned. Nurse Jessie Brewer started on 4/1/63 the same as John Bernadino. Grant it, she didnt live as long, dying in 1991, but when I think of the "rocks" that made the foundation of GH, it has always been Steve, Audrey and Jessie. I am very happy they mentioned Amy Vining (and surprised Laura hasn't). If they continue to do flashbacks, I am hoping that there is a Nurse Brewer in there somewhere, maybe with Bobbie remembering her.

    Now I need to preface the next statement by saying I adore Constance, Genie and Tony. But I am so over the Spencer-Cassadine feud. This cat-and-mouse game has been going on for almost 30 years. It is practically the same script. It is almost getting cartoonish. It reminds me of the old Batman shows form the 1960s. No one acutally "kills" anyone. instead they come up with elaborate plans and lots of threats but no one has the cojones to pull the trigger. Anymore it is "oh, Helena is on? Well. She will threaten L&L, no one will die and they will all keep going on living..." Please, SOMEONE pull the trigger already. How hard is it to overpower a senior citizen?

    Other than that, I am going to re-watch todays episode and am totally looking forward to the rest of the week.

  13. On one hand I agree with delcodave about the old Spencer-Cassadine feud--it is a cartoon and long has been. But, on the other hand, it is so good to see Luke and Laura doing this stuff together, that I don't want to quibble. (I've watched since 1977, too.)

    I was always so dismayed that Guza invented Ethan--the result of Luke cheating on Laura at a time when they were very much together and married. One of Luke's best traits was that he was a one-woman man. Not many of those on soaps and it made him very special. I didn't mind early Holly because their big romance came at a time Laura was thought dead and Genie had left the show. Holly was adorable, a nice choice for Luke's next romance. But NOT after Laura returned.

    Anybody notice Brenda was wearing the same dress the First Lady wore Easter Sunday to church? Yahoo made a fuss about it so I remembered it. Both wore it well!

    What a day today was, with Rick and Alan and so on. I do wish we could have Alan back, but I'm not it would work if he was a permanent ghost....

    Anybody think we'll get to see Tristan again soon? I miss him...

    Ron C is doing this show so proud.

  14. Yes, Delcodave, I was just saying to someone today, "Why hasn't anyone just killed Helena already so she would stop torturing their family? It would clearly be self-defense, even if she were shot in the back!"

    Great day. Great, great, tear-filled day. Can't wait for the rest of the week. I re-watched all the old Nurse's Balls, and there were some great scenes. It won't be the same without Robin and Jason...and Emily and Alan. :( Oh and Ned. Dare we hope for an Eddie Maine cameo at the Ball?

    Le sigh. All-in-all, no complaints.

  15. So very well done! Had the Kleenex ready, I knew I would need it.
    I'm pretty sure I saw a pic of the nurses ball showing Jessie and Amy so, it looks like a tribute is coming.
    I also agree in regard to the "cartoonish" feud. Yesterday I was thinking just shoot the crazy old bitch already! But, if that happened then we'd have no story and no Constance Towers.

  16. It is cartoonish, but it cut the "seriousness" of the rest of the show (well, the hospital part). I love seeing the three at the Q manor BUT...it didn't fix the actual problem.

    I don't regret Ethan. Perhaps the "how" was wrong, but the character? I adore every second of him (and hey, Luke sorta puts up with Nik, so it's fair that Laura likes Ethan). I can't wait for more!

    I laughed. I cried. I yelled at the screen "What is in that RELISH"?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Helena suffers from classic Villain Hubris:

    'Aha, I have you now, my little pretty,' and instead of just winning, she talks and gloats and her prey escapes. And she does this EVERY time!

  19. Gwen (and others): I think every jar of Pickle-Lila contains one rose petal from Lila's rose garden.

    Brilliant, if that is the secret ingredient.

  20. I was disappointed about yesterday. I was SO happy to have Alan back with Monica and they didn't get one loving moment! She had a tender moment but Rick but nothing with Alan! That's criminal.

    And kill me with the NL! It ruined everything for me because I can't stand how she plays Emily.

    Everything else was fine but I'm really looking forward to today!

  21. The only part that kinda fell flat for me were the Q's. The inclusion of Rick Webber was unnecessary, imo. I think it would have been much more effective w/o Rick and more drawn out. The pacing of the scene was just off.

    Everything involving Audrey was perfection. I'm glad they acknowledged the foundation of the show.

  22. Lots of tears here from the brilliant beginning that they have been showing with the old GH. Loved Audrey and Liz, the Qs - never a fan of NL and would rather have AT, but I was really surprised when she walked out. These guys are doing a fabulous job and I only hope some of the vets are here to stay.

  23. OMG, THE MOST AMAZING SHOW EVER!!!! Knocked my socks off, so much emotion, so many surprises, so much history . . . TOTAL shock and awe!!!!

  24. This show was a gift to us. I almost fainted seeing Sonny & Brenda together--still the same AMAZING chemistry!!!!

  25. I like the fact that Brenda and Jax are engaged. Take that, Sonny & Carly! Saw an interview with Finola and Jason T. that I think will be on 20/20 Sat. They are both delightful and very smart and as much in awe of the 50th anniversary as we all are.

  26. So tired of the Cassadine/Spencer Feud! Just kill her already!

    I have to stay as much as a Brenda/Sonny/Jax fan i was I am so tired of the back and forth she has with these men. It would of been a nice change of pace for her to be with someone new. Some gentleman she met in Rome. Not Jax.. again! I would really rather have Carly with Jax!

  27. great episode....I noticed Brenda's dress because there weren't any overly long sleeves for her to pull on :)

  28. Glad to see old favorites return yesterday but I did not think that it was such a big deal. Could have been much better. I was seriously let down. Big disappointment. :(

  29. Q home: ALAN!!! RICK!!! So good to see them!!! Rick looked like a beatnik! ROFL! But without the hat and drum. :) Emily UGH! Shut up about going to see Nik! UGH! I wish Amber Tamberlyn was playing Emily.

    Haunted Star: Yup it was Ethan. I hated seeing Laura meet him! The look on her face! It was like she was hurting. I was waiting for Helena to tell Luke that Ethan was really Robert's son!!! Come on Helena!!!

    The hospital: Steve Hardy's picture!!!! :) I cried. :( Audrey!!!!! Man there were no flashbacks except 1!!! What the hell? :(

    Carly's home: When Jax was telling her about their divorce not being finalized, I had a feeling Jax was engaged!!! And to Brenda!!! HA! :) I always loved Brenda with Jax AND Sonny!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...