Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prospect Park..crying like a BABY

This is just stupid... Prospect Park is SUING ABC for using OLTL characters on GH--even though they PULLED THE PLUG ON THEIR OWN Reboot before then deciding to green light it again.  I don't pretend to understand all of this but to ME-- that's just sour grapes. GH is doing great and a lot of Press out there right now. What better way to get some PR for your own shows? 

FROM Daytime Confidential  Go  read their take. I think it's sour grapes. 

According the article, All My Children and One Life to Live will relaunch as planned on April 29, as PP gears up to duke out their grievances with ABC in court. Among PP's reported claims concerning GH's use of OLTL characters are that, “for over a year, ABC outright failed and refused to consult with Prospect on any storylines involving these characters, rendering Prospect’s approval rights meaningless.”
The Deadline article also mentions PP isn't happy GH decided to kill off two OLTL characters (Cole and Hope?) and revealed a OLTL character was actually a GH character (Alcazar/Tomas?).


  1. I'm so pissed! I hate PP! But the truth is GH is so awesome I don't need Todd and John now

  2. I am mad they took my Todd LOL. They are trying like hell to drum up some $$ and Press.

  3. Prospect Park were the one's who screwed up in the first place. They couldn't get their act together, our shows got cancelled and we all thought OLTL and AMC were gone forever. PP should thank Ron and Frank and ABC for keeping OLTL relevant! All of this political crap is going to kill both shows!

  4. I had no plans to watch PP but if I had...
    This would have definitely changed my mind.
    Hopefully no one will tune in, PP will flop, then GH can bring the characters back.
    Because let's face it, actors would rather be on Actual Television then the Internet.

  5. PP probably is a little strapped for cash so they decide to try to find a reason to sue the major network for 25 mil to stay afloat! Seriously, after the crap they pulled early on getting everyone's hopes up and then dropping the ball.....GH probably thought like most that OLTL was gone forever as did RH ME and KA. Can't blame the actors for wanting to stay where they felt they were secure in a job!!! PP and ABC shod have let the actors decide where they wanted to be considering what they went through. Obviously, they chose GH even now as new characters. If PP just let them stay on as their OLTL characters then it would have given them cross promo and a possibility of them going back to OLTL in the future. Now, they've lost out and they are nit picking. Corporate babies!!!

  6. so glad you didn't leave yet karen. i've been a lurker for years and you are pretty much the only place i frequent on the regular. also very sorry to hear about your friend. i lost one of my best friends to cancer just last october and it feels like yesterday. :(

    in either know....none of this surprises me. jeff kwatinetz (one of the dudes behind prospect place) used to run the firm management company. and is a royal ASS. does NOT play well with others, and cries like b*tch when he doesn't get his way. even wikipedia lists him as controversial, lol. nope. does not surprise me at all.

    i just want my todd and john back to gh. been a fan of both actors for years. i even miss starr. her interactions with todd were priceless.

  7. thanks alisa..I'm still in the process of trying to EXTACT MYSELF from GH but..sigh, can't do it yet! LOL

    I'm just exhausted trying to do it all!

  8. Yeah I heard about PP suing ABC. I still don't believe AMC and OLTL is going to be online! Not until I see it with my eyes that it's online! Here is my thoughts about GH yesterday.

    Sonny's place: I can't believe Carly would say that Michael didn't sleep with Brenda, that Brenda slept with Michael! Say what??!!?! ROFL! Carly you are crazy. I did like their scenes tho. :)

    Crimson: Oh Olivia leave Connie alone for crying out loud!!!!

    Courthouse: Lucy talking about what would happen between Rafe and Molly if Rafe lives with Alexis and Molly ROFL! Rafe is going to live with Sam! YAY! :) That's good cus Molly was just telling Rafe that they could run away together. Umm Molly? What about TJ?!!?!

    Kelly's: AJ is still giddy that his son and Brenda slept together, and he still wants to give his son a high five ROFL! Brenda has a confession to make! Yes Brenda tell him that you two didn't sleep together. :)

    The hospital: AJ vs Nik LOVE IT! :) Poor Liz is so confused ROFL! Nik shirtless YUM! :)

  9. Okaaaay...I guess I won't be watching PP then. Jerks.

  10. I predict the prospect park shows are going to tank. I don't want that for the actors that I love, but kharma's ugly and these guys are doing nothing by spreading bad kharma.

    Two points about yesterday's show: 1. AJ is creeping me out with the Michael/Brenda sleeping together stuff 2.Holy smokes Nick looks amazing. I need a hug too. :)


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