Friday, April 19, 2013

Casting Rumors

Since I haven't seen any confirmation:

Looks like Kris Alderson is playing Serena Baldwin
Roger Howarth is playing Alex Quartermaine (son of Alex and Tony Cassadine) 
Michael Easton will be playing some variation of Caleb Morely or the singer guy. 

Maura West expected to join the cast... 

NuMorgan is coming (see photo below in blog)



  1. Oh no. This sounds bad. I hope they don't really do this. It sounds too embarrassing to watch

  2. That's a pretty picture of KA. I like her as a darker blonde. It softens her. JMHO.

    It should be interesting to see her dynamic with Scotty and Lucy.

  3. Oh no. This sounds awful. I like my plan better of just pretending everyone had their names pronounced incorrectly and we all just go on from there.

    Tom Banning and his daughter, Starla

    Don McCain

    You get the picture

    PS Lately every time I post it goes twice, so apologies in advance.

  4. I'm gonna miss Todd Manning the most :(

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can't believe they won't let that bl...Caleb storyline go. That is just plain ridiculous.

    Why can't ME just change his appearance as other actors do ALL THE TIME and come back as a new character. Is his hair so important to him and the writers that we have to have another ridiculous look-alike? Or is he simply a one trick pony?

    I understand why the writers wanted to employ some OLTL actors when the show folded but it's up and running again. Why do we need to take the chance of ruining our show by bringing them back now, especially as another look-alike in ME's case. It's been too soon. The audience will never see them as anyone else.

    I certainly won't be watching any reincarnation of that Caleb/Clay storyline.

  7. How is it logistically possible that Alex and Tony had a child? We saw them meet on screen. We saw them die on screen. And unlike Britt's miracle baby bump, she never got pregnant while on screen.

    Karen? any clue to the explanation?

    Is THIS the missing heir? And Lauren is a red herring?

  8. It's cool they're bringing back Serena, but I'm I am kind of "meh" on the recast with KA. Maybe KA will surprise me, but I really would have liked the original actress in the role (check out the movie "Mean Creek" to see how good she is - the girl can act!)

    RH as Alex Quatermaine is GOOD. A Cassadine/Q combo as a lot of potential and connects to the history of the show. If anyone can play that part with a lot of complex nuance, it's RH! Looking forward to this one

    ME as another Morley is somewhat lame. Oh well.


  9. Okay: I can see the Alexander thing (suspension of disbelief is my friend) and really, a Q/C mix= Todd Manningesque attitudes (and maybe Sam's father? Things that make you go Hmmmm). And the only other Q/C mixture is Danny and he won't be full grown for 3 or 4 years.

    I can see KA as Serena, if she can keep up with Lynn (and she kept up with Roger). Again, giving her rich history.

    I don't mind the new Morley. They own the character and the idea, so they can do anything with the Caleb/Steven/etc story and not worry they're stepping on toes.

    As always, can't make me stop watching. They can on occasion make me wince though *grin*

  10. Sorry, I must have been on one of my GH breaks when that whole storyline occurred. Could someone tell me who Alex Quartermaine was?

  11. Hi, was GH on today? Everything up here in ew ngland is wall to wall news. Thanks.

  12. No Gh for me today. Prays to all in Boston.
    Maybe GH will be on Soapnet tonight. Anyway, I have no idea who Alex Quartermaine is either.
    I may be in the minority but I didn't mind the whole vampire story and how it played out. Maybe thats because I really enjoy Lynn Herring and Michael Easton.
    I will miss Todd too but am okay with these actors coming on as different characters.
    Never invested in Serena so we shall wait and see how that plays out.

  13. No Gh for me today. Prays to all in Boston.
    Maybe GH will be on Soapnet tonight. Anyway, I have no idea who Alex Quartermaine is either.
    I may be in the minority but I didn't mind the whole vampire story and how it played out. Maybe thats because I really enjoy Lynn Herring and Michael Easton.
    I will miss Todd too but am okay with these actors coming on as different characters.
    Never invested in Serena so we shall wait and see how that plays out.

  14. There are several websites detailing the character history of characters on GH. All you need to do is type the character name into the search engine and a few of them will come up and will be entertaining reading on backstory, etc.

    ps. the full name for this character is Alexandria Quartermaine.

    There are some youtube clips as well.

  15. @delcodave Thanks for the tip. After reading, I realized I watched that story as a kid. Remembered the Luke/Laura/Robert part and forgot the rest.

  16. Ron Carlivati tweeted......

    Today's episode of General Hospital will air on Monday. It will not air tonight on SoapNet. Brenda's secret will have to wait... #GH #GH50

    I'm willing to give the whole Serena/Q-Cass/Morley thing a try and see how it plays out.

  17. we were so lucky here on the West Coast, we got two episodes of The Spew. Yuck!!!!!

  18. They don't mention Starr by name anymore. Michael didn't say her name when he answered the phone and Sonny referred to her as "your girlfriend."

    Haven't heard Todd mentioned either.

  19. Oh, so sad about the OLTL characters, this makes no sense to me. . . . Also, I've been watching GH for forever (although I missed tons of shows before taping became an option), but I've never HEARD of Alex Quartermaine. . . .

  20. The PP thing is incredibly short-sighted. GH kept OLTL in fans' minds all year with bringing over the actors, and also giving OLTL fans something to watch. Why on earth can't they just give up those 3 characters and those 3 actors? If they are going to lose the actors anyway, do they actually think recasts will work for such iconic characters? What were the actors supposed to do, retire from acting while PP tried to get their act together?

    Selfish, short sighted and mean-minded.

    I really miss John McBain and I want him back as John McBain. If they are supposed to be other characters, will they behave differently and forget the personas with which they are most associated?

    As to the Tony C and Alex Q thing--Alex was a Q niece and was deeply involved in the beginning of the Ice Princess story and was the one who hired Luke to find a stolen treasure on the docks. Tony first appeared as a man who was woeing Leslie. Les dated him a couple times and then it turned out he was a Cassadine with an agenda. And had had an old romance with Alex, broke up with her, and her revenge was to steal the Ice Princess, which was subsequently stolen off the docks. When Alex arrived in PC, she was very worried about the C's coming after her...

    The actor who played Tony was Dutch (a really poor actor) and all the Q brothers, had different accents, which really tested our sense of accepting the incredible!

  21. And Tony Cassadine would have been Alexis's uncle. This would make Alexander her cousin. So I hope he doesn't turn out to be Sam's father, because she's the only Cassadine that wouldn't do the in-bred ding thing.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...