Friday, April 5, 2013

GH Red Carpet

Everyone looked awesome!! What fun!! I can't wait to get more photos for everone.. Carly was my fave. Honestly I really liked her dress and hair.  Brenda was all in Haute couture over there. 

14 minutes in on Twitter:

 YEP! Nurses BALL!! WHOO HOO! Note: ABOVE the Final Four AND Kurt Cobain! LOL
Wubby Hubby comes in "so..what ya doin'??" I'm screaming at him GET OUT!! JUST GET OUT!! :) This is my week off..after this, it's DVRing for me. If I get to watch at all.

Brenda called Carly A "Miserable Skank" tee hee

Alexis looked great, and so did her chestalooge.  

Patrick and Sabrina kissin' it up. 

IT'S STARTING!!  Lucy comes out and this is a dream!! WOW, the lat regime was just "we can't do money -- no time" 
Well, BS. 

It was so fun! Sonya Eddy was great and of course Sabrina sounded like Anne Hathaway.    She blinded me with Science! PERFECT Song for SpinELLIE!! 

Sam doing her DWTS... it was so nice! Loved the number. 

ACK!! Frisco singing to Flea. Wow.. first loves are JUST. ;/ and he PROPOSES!! He sang that song for TANYA btw, Tony's love and he fell for her.

Monday will be Milo stripping... and Rick Springfield and Britt and her nasty mama. 

I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK!! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  1. Today's show was wonderful. There are so many talented people on this show.

    My only eye roll was when Sam danced that supposedly unrehearsed number. That wasn't exactly a number in which a novice could follow his lead. lol

    Spin was amazing. perfect song for him too.

    I can't wait for tomorrow.

  2. I loved today's show. My mom and I got my grandmother into GH since we've been up with her in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and she just loved it. We had the marathon on last weekend, so when she saw Bobbie for the first time (she didn't see last week) yesterday, she was like, "oh, she had some bad plastic surgery. it is such a shame." lol

    i loved Felix's voice. I didn't expect it at all. Sabrina sounded great and of course Epiphany has such an amazing voice.

    She Blinded Me With Science? The perfect song for Spinelli.

    I can't wait for next week. I haven't really been this excited about GH since the late 90's. :)

  3. They all looked so beautiful and I can't wait for next week. Is Robin coming back (ever)? Wouldn't it be cool if she popped up during the nurses ball?

    Is Kelly Monaco pregnant? I swear she had the tinist baby bump in the gorgeous gold dress. I'd love to see her have her own child. :)

  4. Loved today's show! Was really hoping Jack would of sung Lady of my Heart but All I Need is great too! Spinelli & Ellie were fun and so was the opening! What was Brenda wearing? Loved Maxi & Carly's dresses! Lucy looked fab! Can't wait for Monday!

  5. Awesome ep!! When Frisco started singing I sang along with him. "All I Need" is my fave Jack Wagner song! I have it on my ipod :D

  6. THIS WAS SO AMAZING!!!! Didn't love the first number, and didn't love Brenda's dress, she is SO GORGEOUS, the dress didn't do her justice at all!! Lucy looked amazing--her hair, her make-up, her dresses, that figure--has it really been 10 years?

    I keep saying this, but all of this is a gift to all of us ever-loyal fans, we stuck w/GH through good times and Guza, and now we all are in GH heaven!

  7. Forgot to say, Frisco has an AWESOME voice!! And Mac and Mr. Marbles really cracked me up!

  8. Notice in the group shot of the women that Emme Rylan is in there as Lulu. See Heather in there as well!!

  9. It was wonderful show today.

    Loved the kiss between Patrick and Sabrina, even though I know Robin is still alive. That is going to be awkward...

    I sang every word of "All I Need" with Jack Wagner. Although I would have thought it would have been a more appropriate to Sing "Lady of My Heart" to get Flea back. But I guess AIN was much more popular and catchy.

    Spinelli was awesome = perfect song.

    We get Rick Springfield on Monday !!!!!!

    It was a fun show I loved it.

  10. Today's show was wonderful!
    The red carpet announcer had me giggling.
    How exactly he would know all these personal details about everyone is beyond me. LOL!
    Silly but great!

    Thank you Carly for kicking Brenda out.
    A little rediculous, but so Brenda, to have her throw a roll at Carly.
    Then Sonny acts like Carly is in the wrong for throwing her out.
    Loved Spin singing!
    It has been a very long time since I said this but I give today's episode an A.
    From a lifetime fan, I say, Thank you GH!
    For today's episode and for the past 50 years!
    Thank you!!

  11. Oh my gosh, I was in GH Heaven! Having most everyone in one room was magical. Under Guza it seemed like we never had more than 2 or 3 actors in one scene. Now we get most all the characters at once AND extras.

    The red carpet was hysterical. Lucy as host was amazing. Getting to see all the acts in their entirety was unexpected and so awesome.

    And the ending....all I can say is that I was swooning and crying with Felicia. As a big F/F fan, I can only wish for a yes answer, but I'm sure it won't go my way. For now, I'm a happy happy fan! Never thought I would see a F/F cliffhanger again. :)

  12. Loved everything but Patrick and Sabrina. I do not like them together ESPECIALLY since Robin is still alive. And they should have picked someone who looks nothing like Robin; another brown-eyed brunette is ridiculous. Not my cup of tea.

  13. 2 deleted scenes from todays eppies

    i love that Jax left without getting the divorce papers. yay theres still a chance! brenda just continues to be irritating.. loved the whole show in general

  14. Metrocourt hotel: Sabrina looks like Liz!! When Patrick was telling her how he feels, I thought Sabrina wasn't going to believe him, because how she changed her looks. But she did believe him and they kissed!! Awwwwwwwww! :)

    Nurses ball: The red carpet?!?! How odd. And that announcer who knew everyone's business, was annoying! When the announcer said that everyone is afraid of PIffy, I laughed a little cus it has some truth to it. :) I wanted Piffy to hear the guy, and punch him in the face! Milo told Sabrina the truth! Okay Milo I forgive you. :) Oh come on Brenda!! Don't be upset with Carly! It's not her fault, it's YOURS! So grow up and stop throwing food at her!! THE NURSES BALL IS STARTING!!!! YAY!!! FRISCO SINGS HIS SONG TO FELICIA!!! HE PURPOSES TO HER!!! FELICIA SAY YES!!! FRISCO SINGING HIS SONG ALL I NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Passes out*

  15. Caren said...Awesome ep!! When Frisco started singing I sang along with him.

    Andrea said...I sang every word of "All I Need" with Jack Wagner.
    Yes me too!! I was singing along with Jack!!!! :)

  16. Not to take away from the suspense, but when you think about it, it comes down to what vet is going and which vet is staying. They can't afford to take them all. I'm guessing Felicia will say 'yes' to Frisco and the two will go off the show together--again. Poor Mac. Get Alexis back for him!

    I suspect Genie Francis will be gone fairly soon so Luke can be with Tracy, since RC expressed his love for that teaming. I hate Luke with Tracy as a couple, though I like both actors. They are no love match at all. But Genie would be an expensive contract for them now. But I'd HATE to have her be stuck with Scott. That's not a love match either.

    I was so sad to see Kevin leave because I really had hoped he would stay. I do hope Lucy will be staying around and starting her cosmetic company up in PC.
    But she needs her Doc. Oh, and Sabrina could hire on as a model.

    It was indeed a lovely show today, such fun and talent and excitement. I still wonder how Ron will handle the return of Robin...what a dilema, but one he created himself. I have never cared for Brenda and even less so now. Hope she heads back to Rome fast. Today was so colorful and extravagant!

  17. Soaplover says I suspect Genie Francis will be gone fairly soon so Luke can be with Tracy, since RC expressed his love for that teaming.
    I never read or seen RC say that!! :( I don't want Luke back with Tracy. :(

  18. Love4dogs.... thanks I couldn't figure out who that was in the picture. Now I know that we will be seeing the new Lulu very soon!

  19. JPink...April 11 is Emme Rylan's first air date as Lulu.

  20. JPink...April 11 is Emme Rylan's first air date as Lulu.

  21. This was just amazing. I had tears when Jack sang and Kristina was in tears - it must have been very emotional for her. He sounded fantastic. Everyone looked fabulous although I didn't think Brenda's dress did her justice. Can't wait to see the rest on Monday. Carly hated Robin and she should have shown some class and left and had Brenda stay, who was her best friend.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...