Monday, April 2, 2012

Ya Matha?

 They got the area code right. Of course, it changed to 585 but that was way
after St. Jasus was born!
Oh I can't stand Steve--just sayin' not sure why.... but hes driving me insane.  Speaking of INSANE-- there's Heather. Robin Mattson looks great.
At least with Steve we get Olivia, I do like my Lisa LoCiccero!

Steve told the story about his sale--and almost abortion. THEN he told about the LSD insanity stuff.  heehee. Such a twisted storyline! 
Heather likes Franco's work!! ahhha....she would! And she calls Steven STEVEN LARS-- which is his real name.

Hey, MICHAEL cops are the GOOD GUYS.  Well, in most universes--yes, there are a few dirty cops but MOBSTERS are not the "good" ones. Hey, who saw Mob Wives last night??! Man, talk about witnessing a breakdown!! wow... sad, sad sad. That's real life mob fallout. Karen was a true friend to go to Renee after she had given her sheeze about her dad flipping. 
"It's a mob hamlet"John says.  lol... Anna was like "but Robin was close to Sonny".... yada yada. Oh Anna, Robert hates Sonny--you should too.

McBain and Anna have a connection with the FBI ..nice. I bet they knew Mulder and Scully too! LOL FINOLA is just perfection no matter who she's with. She's just making me swoon lol. I have a girl crush!! I have a girl crush!!

Spinelli wore baby blue today! Nice contrast to the black. 

Jen Lilley was so good with Patrick today-- her eyeballs were swimming with tears! Patrick was so nice to Maxie today. I am sick of her "PLEASE HATE ME" Lines, they need to move on from that quick.

TWO BIG REVEALS TODAY: Spoiler for West Coasters...Sonny killed McBain's sister (or thought he did) and Heather said "That baby isn't Jason"!!


  1. Courthouse: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD MAXIE IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! Listen to Patrick!!! SpinMatt scenes are great!!! They act like such a great couple! Matt cuts Spinny off from anymore coffee, Matt touches Spinny's shoulder, and is very sweet to him. Awww! :) Maxie says to the judge she is GUILTY! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!

    Sam and Heather: HEATHER WEBBER YAY!!!! :) Heather wants to see her son Steven Lars! :) The baby Moore picture, is NOT Jason!!!! The plot thickens!! :)

    Olivia and Steve: They make love!! :) I love how Steve licks his lips hahaha! Oh Steve talks about his mother!! Love the history lesson!!! :) Ahh memories! :) He brings up the famous LSD accident! :) I was hoping we would get to see Steve's eye tattoo! AND THEY SHOWED YAY! :) I'll call it Mr. Eye. :)

    Anna and McBain: THEY KNOW EACH OTHER!!! Anna knows Patrick Thornhart too!!! Sonny killed McBain's sister?!!?!?!

    Starr and Michael: She is going to make breakfast, but all he has is milk and 1 egg! WOAH Milk and an egg is shown!!! :) She cooks the egg. She thinks of her daughter. :(

    Sidenote: Karen, That Jabberwocky thing you were talking about, is that about Robin?

    Another sidenote which contains a spoiler, WARNING!!

    *Luke gets a text from 1/2 way around the world*

    Hmmm LAURA?!!?!?! :)

  2. I don't like Steve or Olivia. How is Steven Lars his real name? Isn't Webber because that's his father's name? I wasn't alive back then sadly haha.
    I'm so glad Carly wasn't on today. I like her but only in small doses! I absolutely loved the Heather Webber scenes though!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry I meant to say the only thing good about todays show for me was hearing Heather say Steven Lars everytime she talked about Steve! lol

  5. EXCELLENT show today

    Steve & Olivia, Starr & Michael---NOT liking those 2 couples. FF thru both.

    Heather looks like she is going to be fun! LMAO

    NuMaxie is such a great actress, I don't care about KS anymore. This here is Maxie. She has 'earned' this role.

    Anna - LOVE you, you can't ever leave GH. They need you. I need you.

    McNostrils I seen them nostrils flaring today talking about Gnat.
    BLAH! Forget Gnat, told you that years ago!

    The GOOD: Patrick & Matt scenes.
    The BAD: Steve & Olivia, Starr & Michael
    The UGLY: Spinnelli

    Patrick & Matt & Maxie...beautiful scenes. Well done.

  6. Absolutely love how Ron is integrating McBain into Port Charles. Having him know Anna is brilliant! Very believable. Then the wowser at the end with McBain saying Sonny killed his sister?? I. Am. Hooked. Lol!!

    Heather Webber loving Franco's work and Sam muttering "shocker"...too funny!

    Steve telling Olivia about his crazy mother's antics was priceless. Great way for new viewers to catch up on history.

    Heather pointing to the baby photo and saying "This baby ain't Jason Morgan"...oh such soapy goodness :)) Glad to have Heather Webber back to stir sheeze up!

  7. "That baby isn't Jason"!!


    Karen, she actually said, 'That baby ain't Jason Morgan!'

    Lars is Steven's middle name- Heather obsessed over getting Steven Lars back from Diana Taylor.

    Diana Taylor- there was a babe!

  8. I just thought something disturbing if it turns out to be the way they decide to go with this storyline. EWWW!

    Cold shiver down my spine.

    Apologize a head of time for even writing this, Sorry!!

    I was thinking, how about if Steven Lars is really supposed to be Jason Quartermaine, and Jason Quartermaine is supposed to be Steven Lars?

    Is that even a possibility? Would Jason and Steven have been born around the same time if they decided to rewrite history. Considering they SORAS'D Jason to begin with.

    That would mean that Jason and Elizabeth are really siblings and that would end the whole Liason story. EWWWW!!

    A way to finally end the whole debate of who's better with Jason? I'm surprised that Frons/Phelps and Guza didn't think of it?

    Please do not go there with this story. PLEASE!!!!

    As crazy as Heather is, and one could not put this past her, seriously, please do not let this happen. Just too disturbing.

    I think, I just vomitted in my mouth a little. Ahhhh, so disgusted right now.

  9. Regarding the name Steven Lars. Jeff Webber was raised by a guy he thought was his father, Lars Webber. It was not until Jeff was an adult that he found out Steve Hardy was his real father. He loved the step dad though, so when he got his son back from being PJ Taylor, he renamed him Steven (after Steve Hardy) and Lars (after Lars Webber).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. She called him Steven Lars because there was another STEVE on the show...Steve Hardy

  12. I've been thinking about the Anna/McBain connection and how McBain wants Anna's help in taking down Sonny and Anna was a bit wishy-washy about Sonny because of her daughter's friendship with him....well, I don't think Anna knows that Sonny shot Robin in her own home with Emma present. Am I right in thinking that Anna doesn't know this? If so, WOW, can you imagine when Anna confronts Sonny about it? Yipes!!

  13. Oh wow! When Steve was telling Heather's history, it shot me back to my very first GH episode when I was 12. I was at my summer camp in the Adirondacks with my 2 aunts and my cousin and they were shouting at the TV because Heather put LSD in the iced tea. the glasses were on a lazy susan and it got turned and Heather drank it herself. That was the episode that began it all for me. How amazing to come full circle just as GH is beginning to get my attention again! Fun, fun, fun!!

  14. Watchintele said...I was thinking, how about if Steven Lars is really supposed to be Jason Quartermaine, and Jason Quartermaine is supposed to be Steven Lars? That would mean that Jason and Elizabeth are really siblings and that would end the whole Liason story. EWWWW!!
    Watchintele ewwwwww no!!!!! Gross!! I hope not!!

    2cents says BLAH! Forget Gnat, told you that years ago!
    Hahaha you tell John! :) And um about Spinny, Yeah I thought SpinMatt was adorable! Love the bromance. :)

    campus disco said...Oh wow! When Steve was telling Heather's history, it shot me back to my very first GH episode when I was 12. I was at my summer camp in the Adirondacks with my 2 aunts and my cousin and they were shouting at the TV because Heather put LSD in the iced tea. the glasses were on a lazy susan and it got turned and Heather drank it herself. That was the episode that began it all for me. How amazing to come full circle just as GH is beginning to get my attention again! Fun, fun, fun!!
    Wow!!! I love reading your story!! Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

  15. I think that the baby is Franco and that he and Jason are twins..

  16. I totally agree Carrie Ann. That's what I've been thinking all along too, that and the baby Sam is carrying is in fact Franco's. Time will tell.....

  17. Avalonn, Even if Jason and Franco were twins they would not have identical DNA unless they were identical twins, which they obviously weren't. Fraternal twins have different DNA.

  18. Well the GH Promo 04/02/12 is out on you tube and it seems they are going with Jason having a twin brother. If they were identical at birth and Franco had his face shanged later then it could be franco's baby. Sam is shown freaking out at she finds this out and she may keep it a secret.

  19. steve was born 3 years before jason and it would be impossible unless they changed the dates.

  20. This show just gets better and better! We must find a way to alert some of those who dropped it years ago because of mob overexposure--we MUST get those ratings up!

    I find I am paying close attention now (which I haven't for long years), and rewinding some parts to listen even closer. I am entertained by the conversations (for the most part) and loved Anna and McBain together. I've long liked McBain but he seemed especially good in today's scene--better acting than I've seen him do for awhile.

    I just want the new team to do something for Alexis now--she deserves a great story.

    Meantime, THANK YOU, Frank and Ron, for making this hour a really tight, well done, well paced, well lit, interesting hour! It has been so long since it was....

  21. Karen, I was wondering what was [SPOILER ALERT]
    Tomas like on One live to Live. Considering that RavenBeauty has admitted that Ted King(who also played Lorenzo and Luiz Alcazar)will be returning to GH, is he a long lost brother, or is he secretly Lorenzo.....?

  22. Second and final post.
    @Di, I hear ya and yes that makes perfect sense in the real world but, it is Port Charles and in soap land you never know. I still say they are going to spin it in some way to make this baby Franco's. No kid is born on GH in a regular non eventful fashion.
    @love2chat, I just YouTubed that promo, sure looks like us fans are being led down that road. At least they are trying to explain crazy Franco and how he ties into things. Before his appearances made no sense whatsoever clear of the movie star on a soap for shits and giggles at GH's and the viewers expense. Love it or hate it I'm glued to my tv lately!!

  23. I LOVE Olivia, but I hated her and Steve sucking face--they literally sucked face, it was sooo loud, and they have NO chemistry, it was gross! And why was he licking his lips?

    ITA, Matt/Spinn are great together, and I LOVE ANNA DEVANE!!

  24. Tomas on OLTL was a CIA agent guy or whatever they called it on that show..can't remember. Tea Delgato was his sister-- Alkazar already had an identical twin. I suppose they could have been triplets!! LOL His character was a good/bad guy spy--

  25. Jason was born WAY WAY WAY after Steven Lars, I don't think there is anyway in hell that could be rewritten. I think the baby has to be Franco. Or a Fronkie

  26. The truth will be revealed when Sam gives birth to an animatronic monkey with cymbals...

  27. I thought Sam was rather rude to Heather, considering she was trying to get information. And why the hell should Heather care about her baby? Liked the Anna/McBain connection. Matt and Patrick were so genuine - thank goodness they never got rid of Jason Cook. I know I am in the the minority here but seeing Kirsten S. surface again on Twitter makes me hope she will be back soon. Carol Banks Webber(Soapzone) Twitter voiced my sentiments about Jen L. and Kelly S. - they are newbies and are on way too much and they both have the bad habit of stepping on the lines of whomever they are with. Alexis has had maybe a dozen words of dialogue in the past two weeks and I would rather see more of her than them.

  28. Of course the baby is Jason's sibling! Identical or fraternal??
    Franco has to be involved, how else would he have gained the info?
    He was obsessed with Jason. Now we know why. Per OLTL, the fraternal twin (Gnat) showed up years later, and it wasn't pretty. Ron is still the writer for both of these storys.
    Watchintele..NO Jason & Liz are NOT siblings,nor do I think GH would even 'go there'. I have more faith in the show. don't think its time for Spinelli to grow up already?? I find him sickening to watch. Though he is a talented actor, if they keep him, give him a worthy storyline!

    Linda I don't think Jen L has been on too much. Sonny, Jason, Sam, McNostrils, Johnny, Carly YES. Not Jen Lily. I would KILL for Alexis to get her own storyline. That is a given. She has the talent, I just don't get why she isn't a lead.

    VISIBLY absent yesterday was Uncle Mac. Maybe he was out getting another haircut???

    AntJoan....ICK Steve & Olivia all naked like that! tmi. I hate when a show displays a couple only in a sexual way instead of a real relationship.

    I agree, glad they didn't get rid of Matt. His dialogue was awesome with Patty. Is Papa Drake gone already?

    Something tells me, and I have NO proof, that GH hits the 50 year mark.
    I don't see the show being cancelled this year. jmo of course!!

    If ratings don't shoot up this week, I am DUMB FOUNDED why not.

  29. Well,My2Cents, with a lead in like the Revolution, that has to be hurting GH, too. I'll bet a lot of folks who don't go on line think it isn't going to be on much longer and just stopped watching. It really is so much better. And I actually don't mind seeing McBain on everyday - his introduction has been well done.

  30. Well, I can see them making Franco Jason's twin. And, possibly the baby Franco's. This will give them an out for breaking up Jason & Sam if they ever decided to go that route. Perhaps opening the door for McBain and Sam.

    Jason finds out not only did Sam lie about Franco being his brother, but that the baby is Franco's and not Jason's. Not like Sam wouldn't stoop that low.
    And, if they are identical twins, they is always the possibility of switching paternity again and again. Endless story with this plot. Perhaps redundant but a way to bring them back together or keep them apart depending on the direction that the TPTB decide to take them.

    Go for it, far more interesting than what we have now with them.

  31. I would KILL for Alexis to get her own storyline. That is a given. She has the talent, I just don't get why she isn't a lead.

    ====My2: Nancy Grahn is 50+. That explains it all.

  32. From the Spoilers.....

    If Sonny asks Jason to kill McBain's family - that does it for me. He has lost whatever moral code he supposedly once had.

  33. Just what's not Jason and Franco who are twins...but the fact Franco has a twin! Then James Franco can come back and resume making havoc all over Port Chuck. Does he need a reason to obsess with Jason? How about the fact he's NUTSO??? (after all look at Heather and mommy dearest wasn't the sanest cookie in the box either). Maybe he's ticked cuz Jason shot the WRONG Franco, lol...boggles the mind! Loving it!

  34. Poor McBain. First, we learn (on OLTL) that his father was murdered by Spencer Truman, who let his brother think he was the murderer. Now, we learn that he had a sister that also was killed, but instead of by crazy Spencer by Sonny Corinthos. I have to say, he and Michael (McBain not Corinthos--too many common names) barely made it out of their family alive.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...