Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh, Jason, It's Gonna Be a VERY Bad Day!

NOOOOOOOO Fronkey is not my TWIN!! 

There's Sam, all ready to tell Jason! Jason looks like a deer in headlights: I had a twin? Oh, honey, not JUST ANY sir. A Fronkey twin!

Steven LARS is like 3 feet shorter than Ewan  LOL... 

Oh Poor ConKate, third in line to Sonny after Olivia and Canolis!! hee hee.. How fun. I so wish Olivia would have decked her. There's The MIRROR TRICK--- Connie talking to Kate. ugh This accent is just so bad her faces? UGH!! And she digs in that damn handbag again. I counted.  In the past 2 days she's dug in there 66 times. 
I was really trying not to lose it when Kate was int he mirror talking to "Connie"!!

Starr and Michael..sorry I like them. I miss OLTL so much. 

Heather was great throwing Maggie up against the nurses' station, I thought she was going to crack it in half! WOW!! 

RIP DICK CLARK....what a part of my life.. I don't remember a time when he wasn't on TV


  1. Finally Jason knows the truth....goodness!!!

    So Anthony tells Starr it was Sonny and she believes him now Micheal tells her it was Johnny and she believes him....smh! I don't like how they are writting Starr she's much smarter than that.

    Kate looked like a bad birthday mime trapped in that!

    Why does it seem like Johnny days are numbered?


  2. Sonny, Kate, Olivia, and Max: This was great! Kate is TRYING to tell Sonny the truth, when Sonny tells her she doesn't have to tell him anything! ROFL! Shut up Sonny! Let her talk! :) And then Olivia shows up and then Max ROFL!

    Kate and Connie: FUN FUN FUN!!!!! :) ROFL! Connie comes out YAY! But awww poor Kate is stuck in the mirror ROFL! She yells out at Sonny! Come on you idiot! Sonny can't hear you!!

    The hospital: Maggie and Heather meet!!! GO HEATHER GO! GET MAGGIE HAHAHA! Heather talks to Ewen alone and she hits on him ROFL!

    Jasam home: Sam spills the beans about everything to Jason!!!! FINALLY!!!

    Starr and Michael: Okay this is getting really really old!!! Come on Starr you act like you have known Sonny for years!!!

    Carly and Johnny: They have an argument. Awww their first argument. :) Oh look when Carly leaves, Starr shows up!!! :)

    Yes Karen.. RIP Dick Clark. :(

  3. Geez. Who isn't hitting on Ewan right now? I don't even think he is that good looking! Must be the accent...

    I want to see Heather and Liz together. Would Heather treat her nicely, or hate her?

  4. Connie/Kate ruined it for me today. I absolutely can't stand the storyline and Kelly Sullivan's portrayal. Way too much airtime as well.

    There needs to be far more character integration instead of the same airhogs day after day. Hopefully, they're still tweaking things and that'll improve.

    Loved the Heather scenes of course!

    Jasam. It's like watching paint dry.

    Such sad news about Dick Clark. Such a part of my life growing up.

  5. When the new folks took over GH I thought it really improved but in my opinion it is going down hill again very quickly.
    I hate the Kate/Connie storyline.
    I do not like the Starr character. She reminds me of Courtney (who I hated) but with Lulu's shreakiness.
    I am beyond bored with the stripper / Delores storyline.
    Where is Maxie, Anna, Patrick, Liz, Mac, Anthony? What happened to Shawn and the young guy? I thought we were told there would be more focus on the Q's and the hospital? Seems like it is gone back to the Jason and Sonny show with a side of another soap thrown in.
    The only silver lining lately is Heather Webber.
    P.S. Did anyone notice how wobbly Sonny's bannister was when he put his hand on it? Oh, and they said the elevator to Kate's office was public, that anyione in the MetroCourt could have accessed it. Does this mean Maxie's desk and Lulu's old desk are just open to the public?

  6. Loved watching American Bandstand!So many musicians/singers appeared on Dick Clark's show!
    GH - Why do we have to see Kate daily. This is the sonny/Carly/kate/jasam show again. I don't want to tune out but I can't take much more of this.
    What happened to Patrick/Liz/Anna/Monica.
    I'm sorry but I was bored today, and turned the channel.

  7. yeah... GH isn't doing real well this week in my book either. They HAVE to end the stripper crap soon!

  8. Has anyone read Ron C interviews becaues when he got to the show some of these storyline were already written and he has been tweaking them.I loved the show today.

  9. Starr reminds me of Courtney. Wish she'd go away.

  10. Cooks, I realize that but I would be ok if he dropped some. He certainly got rid of the Lady in white in one gunshot!!!

  11. Haven't posted in a while, but while I was pleased to learn GH got a reprieve and a "stay of execution," so to speak, I don't think it's out of the woods. As many have stated, we won the battle, but not the war.

    About the only thing that's kept me tuned in is Heather in the last two weeks. (Why is it that whenever I see Maggie around Heather, my thoughts are..."Kill her, please, Heather! Just off her as fast as Cassandra got offed!") I've liked the nods to the past with her arrival. But really, at the risk of sounding like a Debbie Downer, there is so much more I wish would get wrapped up!

    Of course Sonny wasn't going to jail! We didn't need to waste a couple of days contemplating that, did we? And the chest beating between Johnny and Sonny is old and tired! Oh, and Johnny...I would not trust Carly as far as I could throw her in the loyalty department. She's Sonny's gal...she just gets mad at him occasionally! With the storyline as it is going and because I doubt Maurice is going anywhere, I'll be surprised to see Johnny last much longer!

    The three faces of Kate is somewhat engaging, but enough with it already! And does Sonny EVER listen to anyone?

    Secret Sam...She's spending more time with McBain than Jason lately! Just talk to Jason for heaven sake! She's no longer got the excuse that his brain might explode!

    How long has the stripper beater thing been going on and who really cares anymore? And I still wonder what the heck Lulu is doing at the PCPD. I mean at least she's doing something other than sitting in her jammies drinking, but she looks more like a fish out of water in that job than at Crimson!

    I think, as some people have noted, it's character balance that is desperately needed. Where is Patrick? Anna? Luke? The Q's? Shawn? Molly? Papa Z?

    I don't mind the OLTL folks because I am looking at them as new characters, yet part of me does wish GH would have been allowed to stand on its own like the other two soaps. If we're employing some of Llanview, then why not bring some Pine Valley folks on too, if we are integrating? I better not give them ideas!

    RIP Dick Clark...the end of an era indeed!

  12. I hope the storylines are over soon too.I also heard GW had some crappy storylines ready to go when he got fired.I just hope new storylines start soon too.

  13. I love Lulu at the PCPD.RC put Lulu at the PCPD so Lulu and Dante could have more time together and less recapping their days to each other. So Lulu the daugther of Luke and Laura who saved the world should be stuck behind a desk and fetching Kates lattes, I think not. As RC says think early Laura for Lulu. RC loved the Luke and Laura days

  14. Heather has been the definite highlight of the last two weeks. The actress is so great at playing unhinged - you just believe that she could do anything at any moment, you know? Funny how RM is so great and multi-layered at playing crazy but the hack they have playing Kate/Connie is so over-the-top absurdly awful at playing crazy!
    Robin Matson = GH legend! FACT!

  15. OldSchooGhfan says Robin Matson = GH legend! FACT!
    YUP!!! FACT! :)

  16. I may be in the minority but I'm loving Crazy Connie! Can we keep her instead of Kate?

    Also loving Heather. Maybe I just love the cray cray? It's really the only light, entertaining part of the show besides the Quartermaines.

  17. I am also so sick of Kate/Connie - badly over-acted and ridiculous scenario. Need to see more Anna! Heather has been the only bright light. And McBain. I know the new regime is finishing up the storylines they were dealt with, but we have yet to see the start of a new storyline from them. Had to actually ffwd. Starr and Michael - no chemistry there at all. Can't even stand to watch Starr. Why in the world was she brought over for a contract and the actress who plays Blair wasn't?

  18. I am also so sick of Kate/Connie - badly over-acted and ridiculous scenario. Need to see more Anna! Heather has been the only bright light. And McBain. I know the new regime is finishing up the storylines they were dealt with, but we have yet to see the start of a new storyline from them. Had to actually ffwd. Starr and Michael - no chemistry there at all. Can't even stand to watch Starr. Why in the world was she brought over for a contract and the actress who plays Blair wasn't?

  19. 'Oh Poor ConKate, third in line to Sonny after Olivia and Canolis!!'
    Though I wish ConKate would have decked Olivia. What nerve!!

    When is Maggie leaving? I am going to assume whatever Sonny has planned with Steve, it will drive Maggie away. This week??

    Why is Starr even on this show without her parents? Go home to Landview Starr, grow up and come back with your folks.
    The ONLY good thing about Starr is she is making Michael 'watchable'.

    I love 98% of everything GH right now. I have NO complaints. (did I just say that?) LOVE watching good talent on tv. They make the storyline easier to digest.

    Isn't Lulu Chief of Police now??

    OldSchoolGirl...since we come from the same GH era, I agree 100% that Heather is the highlight of this show these days. How far behind is Dr Jeff??

    When Ron & Frank were at OLTL, they switched weeks with main stories. Next week we will be back to Anna, Patty, Liz, Maxie, Spinelli, & hopefully Felicia & Mac.
    I see the same similar pattern here.

    Robert-you are NOT in the minority. I am loving Kate/Connie as well. Not sure if you were a OLTL viewer, but I HATED when they brought the DID storys to Landview.
    I happen to think Kate/Connie is a hell of a great actress, (not that Vicki wasn't) but I am so enjoying this storyline too!!

    LindaV I am hoping that Blair will be made an offer soon to come to GH. Now that they are renewed....

    Dick Clark. Now what will I do on NY's Eve??? Who will be my date?

  20. @My2Cents2 - I didn't mind OLTL's multiples stories, especially with Tess towards the end bc she was far more interesting than Jessica. Kinda like Connie and Kate now on GH.

    I like how they're not trying to emulate how they did it on OLTL, which to me seemed more grounded. This is a bit more out there and campy but I'm liking the levity of it. It's a nice change from some of the darker tones of the show.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...