Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Conjoined Twins

Now, let's see. What would be something over the top, dramatic and just plain kookie on soaps?! CONJOINED TWINS! Hey, a girl came dream, right?!
The theme is TWINS: Jason and Franco (paternal) and Connie and Kate (mental). Also my TWIN headache with this show lately. Sit back, relax and join Chang and Eng for this week's Sunday Surgery. (don't forget to scrub up!) 

 Oh, such high hopes I had for this show.  The first month I was in heaven with the new writing and direction. There was so much more movement, story weaving and excitement I couldn't stand it! Now? Eh. It's way WAY better than it was--but lately it's not making my eyes sparkle. 

I'll start with what DOES make me happy. HEATHER! Yep...very scene she's in is just fun and unexpected. Her snark, her fun looks and her "wub" of Steven Lars is just priceless. No matter where she is, you know it will be interesting. Jason's face talking to her? ahh!! With Ewan? Well, I even liked that scene.
Anna and John were good, mainly because Finola is just awesome. We know that. Hell, she even got John to go visit Natalie!! WOW. Too bad we can't see it.
Lulu and Luke...Luke was back to his old self--none of that sad-sack weird guy I didn't know.. Liked he and Lulu brainstorming about Ronnie. Guza and Wolf acted like he was never on the right side of the law. Um, yah he sure was. He totally helped WSB out all the time.

ON To "The Other" 
Johnny and Starr-- I like the idea of a connection. I think I like the music angle. I think. Jury's out on this. Just don't show her "Jail Bait" video. I would like to see Porno Rick show up at some point. Maybe at Vaughn's!? 

ConKate-- DAMN.  I just can't. The mirror sheeze was bad-- (the way her dress fit was even worse). The fact that Sonny's so  STUPID he can't see it is maddening. Wake up! The whole town knows she's talking in some weird fake accent-- everyone BUT YOU! 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: How the hell can't I pick the ConKate Cake Murder? It was everything a soapy camp is made of. The cake is so ugly too. Love the finger-lick and Cray-Cray eyes the end. OTT Acting and the Music? Priceless! 

BIG RUNNER UP: Epiphany and Patrick. LOVE this friendship. This is what Cartini can do with characters. Patrick was just despondent. Kudos to Jason Thompson. Loved Ephiphany's line "I'll give you a day to fall apart, then it's back to work". 

NOT THE SCENE OF THE WEEK:  The MIRROR scene. OH my much wrong with this. Just hated it-- plus I was totally distracted by ConKate's ill-fitting suit. When you notice stuff like that, the 'intensity" of the action just isn't there! Her pounding was hilarious. (Not to mention the lipstick)

RUNNER UP: For totally different reasons--the JaSam scene where Sam tells Jason about the baby and DNA test. Who wrote this? I'm so tired of women begging for mercy even after they are the ones that have been violated. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT SAM! One could argue about the whole "secret" DNA test but come on--- was I supposed to feel badly for JASON?! Because if I was, I sure as hell didn't.  I wanted to bash his face in for the most part! Now, Kelly and Steve acted the HEY out of the material. I'm not faulting them for that at all. This is all crappy writing, imo.

WUBS POLL RESULTS:  You voted and The results are: 437 leave the OLTL characters off GH and 432 love them.  230 said the stories were so good they didn't care...and 218 said it was too soon to tell. This week's poll should be very controversial--give it a check!

So, are you feeling the need to turn in daily? I still am-- things like Heather throwing the milkshake and the cake murder keep me watching. Other things? Like I said, not making me tingle. I am into the McBam (Sam, McBain) story because they are just so damn sexy together. Even if it's an "underground unholy" thing? I'm there!! 


  1. McBain sexy? Oh geez, give me a break! He always looks like he just sucked on a lemon. Hate, hate HATE the Franko character -- on the show as well as the actor, but McBain comes in a close second. Just yuck!

  2. Good column. Two other things the show is doing better now: pacing and cast integration. I can't remember, did Jason and Heather even share a scene on her last go-around?

    On OLTL, the stories were just better. They moved fast, so if a less interesting story was playing, two or three better stories were running concurrently. But right now at GH, so many of the stories are just blah. Some of them RC inherited, like the stripper thing or Lisa's murder, and for whatever reason he decided not to do an expedient wrap up, like he did for the lady in white fiasco. His decision to keep Franco as a major story is bizarre, seeing how unpopular the Franco story was, especially Sam's kidnapping. Then there's Connie/Kate, which I think is bad in nearly every way bad can be. Heather, Anna/Luke and Anna/McBain, and Patrick are the only stories I'm into right now.

    As you said, the show is much, much better than it used to be. The stories just have to catch up with the other improvements, and I think they will. RC showed on OLTL he had a great imagination, and I believe he has better stuff planned.

  3. I don't think Jason/Heather did share a scene.
    I am so hoping these stories end--Stripper, Franco and DID and then we get fresh new stuff bob!

  4. Georgette, ITA!! As for Sonny's cake, with blue frosting and devil's food, it looked yummy to me, just like him!

  5. I'm liking the Mcbam stuff, think they work off of each other very well. Not a fan of Ewen, there is just no chemistry with anyone. Like that Spin figured it was Matt. Flea will be something to look forward to this week and maybe that will give us more of Anna. How much longer do we have to see Maggie? Oh and the organ harvest thing just seemed thrown in last minute.

  6. Karen,
    Any idea how much longer we have to endure Connie? Really awful.

    Am I the only one who thought less mob would mean less Sonny. Can't they force him to take a vacation?

  7. I agree with nearly everything. There is still WAY too much Sonny and Sonny story on this show--push him to the back-burner for a while--and Kate/Connie story is awful (a reason to be grateful they didn't bring back Megan in the role, lol).

    I don't mind the stripper mystery so much and I rather like Delores, but they need to move it along now. I also like the idea of Lulu and Dante working together on cases with her doing it more or less undercover. Lulu's a better partner for him than Ronnie who is always a hothead. I do think we are seeing the wrap-up now.

    I'm still waiting for a real Alexis story--she SO deserves one by now. Nancy is still my favorite actress on the show.

    Yes. how good it is to see the real Luke start emerging from the mess Guza made of him. How any writer could write for Tony Geary SO badly is beyond me. I'll always remember the day Robert showed Luke the hidden room where he contacted the WSB and explained how he was this secret agent, and Luke exclaimed, 'Comicbook City!' like a kid seeing his first action hero. After finally getting free of the mob, Luke worked at being on the side of right. He just often did it in unorthodox ways.

    I am terribly out of sorts with RC for raising the Franco spectre again, when it was such a terrible story to begin with. Let it die and lie. Make Heather a liar about the whole thing. She obviously has an agenda so let Franco go. It was a mistake from the getgo.

    And McBain--I am enjoying his every scene on GH. I was okay with him on OLTL, but then they put him with the ever-boring Nat and that brought him down. I'm not sure how they can free him, but maybe Brody gets out of rehab and she falls for him while John is gone and she and Brody are wanting to raise little Liam. Nat was always a dim-bulb, I thought, and moved on pretty easily.

    Tea will have had her baby? Some loose ends from that show make it difficult to move people to this show.

    How can they make GH fans happy fast? Resurrect the Nurses Ball as an honor to Robin and have it climax with her stumbling in! We used to look forward to the Nurses Ball every year and Lucy's state of undress at curtain. Of course, bringing back Lucy would be marvelous, too!

    I'm giving the new team time. So far, pretty good. But it can be better, as long as they don't repeat mistakes of the past crew....

  8. I have to agree with everything that's been mentioned. As a light at the end of the tunnel, sweeps begin next week and we all know they'll pull out all the stops.

    Hopefully no event that will "change Port Charles forever!" but hopefully some great scenes and writing. And conclusions to a lot of these storylines.

  9. I'm having mixed feelings with GH but I'll hang in there because I understand change is hard and slow when it comes to writing/taping for soaps.

    Not happy with the DID storyline or the daily Sonny, Kate, Jason, Sam scenes as it is so repetitive.

    It's my hope RC/FV will be better at integrating/utilizing other characters and balancing storylines as the weeks progress. I think the telling of one major storyline while backburnering other actors is a mistake, in my opinion.

  10. I think block taping is still occuring on GH, hence why we haven't seen Felicia yet. DID NEEDS to end. So does the Lisa storyline(She was murder last fall/winter!), stripper story, and the Franco storyline. I hope they don't write Kristina as a snotty brat, when she returns.Three faults I see with the Cole/Hope story are 1. Why did they never search the wreckage and find their bodies? 2.If Anthony want to frame/blame Sonny, then why did he not DESCRIBE the car in his testimony/account. I get the fact that the mob can “get rid” of a car, but we all know Kate was driving the car. 3. Why hasn't Kate been possibly considered as a suspect(I know there is some suspicion), but considering Anthony SHOT Kate on her wedding day.!

  11. Heather IS awesome. Agree.

    Glad we can't see Jawns & Gnats reunion. More than likely if OLTL was still on, he would find Gnat in someone's bed by the time he came home.

    McBain sexy??? Ewwwwwww...not on my watch he isn't with those nostrils flaring and his hands in his pockets!

    Love my Kate/Connie. Great acting. That in itself good entertainment and keeps me laughing.
    The cake was ugly. Sure looked good though! lol

    DID will never go away while Ron & Frankie are around. Whether its Skate or someone else. Those 2 LOVE those DID storylines.

    Sweeps are coming and I believe GH will Rock n Roll. If only the 'numbers' would show better..

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Heather IS awesome. Agree.

    Glad we can't see Jawns & Gnats reunion. More than likely if OLTL was still on, he would find Gnat in someone's bed by the time he came home.

    McBain sexy??? Ewwwwwww...not on my watch he isn't with those nostrils flaring and his hands in his pockets!

    Love my Kate/Connie. Great acting. That in itself good entertainment and keeps me laughing.
    The cake was ugly. Sure looked good though! lol

    DID will never go away while Ron & Frankie are around. Whether its Skate or someone else. Those 2 LOVE those DID storylines.

    Sweeps are coming and I believe GH will Rock n Roll. If only the 'numbers' would show better..

    April 23, 2012 11:31 AM
    Blogger sonya said...

    Karen says . I would like to see Porno Rick show up at some point. Maybe at Vaughn's!?
    Chant: Porno Rick! Porno Rick! Porno Rick! :)

    He is such a sleezeball but he is HOTTTT! :)

  14. I agree with most of what you say -

    Jason needs a smack in the head and a swift kick. This is too much making Sam beg when he should be comforting her.

    I think the DID story was forced to quickly. A way to bring Starr on get rid of Kate with a bang and shake the hey out of storyland.

    I do love Heather! More Heather and Maggie. Maggie gets a scared look in her eyes!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...