Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Real Housewife ALEXIS from OC comes to GH

OMG and I LOTHE her-- more than any other housewife beeatch out there-- good god. Why Why Why. 
One of THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY, Alexis Bellino, will be appearing on GENERAL HOSPITAL. She tweeted today, "I just arrived on set of General Hospital for my 1st cameo appearance! EXCITING! I can't tell details yet but I will soon!"

cameo..she's playing herself? oh..lord.


  1. Um, Why???
    I actually have no idea who she is, but I'm sticking to my belief that we don't need anyone else on GH, cameo or not.

    Here is a question, where is Becky??
    Every time I think she might actually be getting a Storyline, GH let's me down, and nothing!
    It is quite frustrating for her Many fans!!

  2. So this is GH's version of OLTL when Kortney Kardashian came on. That was an epic fail and this will be one too!

  3. Absolutely unnecessary. Shame on GH.

  4. it's a cameo, she's only on for part of a day. I just loathe her. LOL

  5. Is this any worse than when Richard Simmons or Sally Struthers came on? For a day, we can deal.

  6. Hmmm, I have no idea who this person is, I'm not a "reality" t.v. fan. But, a lot of people are and maybe this is another ploy by F.V. and R.C. to draw new viewers to GH. I did catch DWTS last night and our Blackie, John Stamos was in the audience. That man looks great, sure would love to see him back on GH. Maybe he could talk to Maxie in prison.

  7. Ugh, she's so annoying. May have to FF through her 2 lines. Gotta take the bad with the good, though. And these days the good outweighs the bad so I'll forgive this momentary annoyance. ;)

  8. I personally don't watch reality shows but I think some of these reality stars have an over developed sense of their own importance and we shouldn't be feeding them. The word "star" is used so often these days we've forgotten its original meaning. It's a title that takes many years to earn.

    As for this woman's cameo, if it brings a few people over to watch, then fine. At least nowadys we're past the "two in an empty room" scenes and I'll just consider her another extra for the day.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...