Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lexi and Nancy Talk about Krissy Recast

 in SOD: 

After yesterday's announcement that GH will welcome daytime newbie Lindsey Morgan the week of May 21 as its new Kristina, Lexi Ainsworth (ex-Kristina) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) spoke out on Twitter. "Thank you guys for all your support but I won't be reprising the role of Kristina. I loved her but I've also loved being free to do film," wrote Ainsworth, who elaborated, "I enjoyed meeting Frank & I know you will love the new Kristina that he has found. I learned so much from my GH home & want to grow further." Commented Grahn, "Lexi's already got offers 4 many primetime projects. She didn't want 2 sign contract. & Kristina contract role. IMO she made right decision."

I am hoping beyond HOPE this is the case and she was asked back. Having Kristina grow up on screen was really important to me as a viewer. I think she and KA (Starr) would have played really well off each other. I know NLG loves Lexi and supports whatever she does. She will be missed.
We'll follow her career wherever she goes!! Just ask people like Amber Tamblyn or even JJ when he was off the show for a bit. We stalk ya'll all over the industry!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lexi is a true class act. She's a ray of light in the often shady world of television and film. If the nuKristina has even a pinky's worth of Lexi's talent I'd consider GH lucky.

    I won't be watching but I'm hoping the h8rs come out in full force and tear apart the new Krissy. LM should be treated as badly as LA was, if not worse.

    I adore Lexi but I'm not a class act -- I would like to say a big F U to the idiots who thought she was too young to play her own god-damn age.

  3. I always will wish Lexi the best. I do hope that its true and she turned down the role.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...