Wednesday, April 11, 2012


YES!! GH is staying!! The Revolution is getting CANNED and GH is saved! Deadline reports:

EXCLUSIVE: Soap fans can rejoice — I’ve learned that ABC will keep its only remaining daytime drama General Hospital on the air while canceling freshman talk show The Revolution. The news ends months of speculation about what will happen to the venerable soap whose long-time 3 PM slot will be taken over by Katie Couric’s new syndicated talk show in the fall. With Katie joining ABC’s daytime lineup, General Hospital and new lifestyle series The Chew and The Revolution, which replaced canceled soaps All My Children and One Life To Live, have been competing for two slots, with Disney-ABC TV Group president Anne Sweeney stating early on that the two stronger performers will make the cut


  1. I don't remember the last time I was this happy! It almost brought tears to my eyes. Now if they killed Sonny and brought back can dream, right?

  2. Woohoo!!
    I didn't know how I would live without my GH family.
    Now I have at least 6 months before I have to start worring again!

    Thanks for relaying the good news!

  3. LOL @ Robert about killing Sonny (one can only hope)! Congrats GH fans looks like we have more time to enjoy our show......YES!!!!

  4. We still need support, support support! I feel bad OLTL is off due to Revultion!

  5. Add me to the please kill Sonny list. I'm surprised. TV Guide reported a few weeks ago that this is what would happen but they're usually wrong.

    Karen you probably know this - the band Port Chuck is coming to both Rochester and Niagara Falls.

  6. Add me to the please kill Sonny list. I'm surprised. TV Guide reported a few weeks ago that this is what would happen but they're usually wrong.

    Karen you probably know this - the band Port Chuck is coming to both Rochester and Niagara Falls.

  7. Yes, what a bitter pill for OLTL fans. Ugh. I feel bad for them.

    How long does this give GH do you think? I'm just afraid they'll dream up some other sheeze to go in that 2pm time slot at a later date.

  8. I won't celebrate just yet until I see that GH is given an official timeslot for fall 2012. There is a new show being launched by ABC called Good morning America In the Afternoon. GMA-Afternoon will be airing alongside GH and The Chew. I am glad The revolution is cancelled but I wish The Chew was as well. Katie will take 3 pm, The chew, GMA-Afternoon will be on and where does that leave GH?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. yes, I tweeted about Port Chuck! I knew they'd be back!! They said they loved Roch (the money!)

    I realize GH isn't out of the woods completely-- but I do think they'll have another year. It's a WIN WIN for ABC

  11. Yeah I heard!!!! Is it REALLY true?!!?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  12. Obviously relieved at the temporary stay of execution.

    Bittersweet for AMC/OLTL fans, I know. I don't mean to dance a jig on your show's grave. You guys got a RAW DEAL from Frons & Co.

    I think Ms. Dummer has made a wise decision on two fronts: one to please viewers who are still watching their network and haven't already been chased away...and two, it's a better lead-in for Katie Couric. I bet she's pleased today too.

    Happy not only for the fans but the cast, crew and everyone out in L.A. who work so hard to bring us over 200 episodes of GH every year.

    I know a battle was won today but the war is far from over.

  13. That's great news, not just for us but for the cast and crew too. Now if we can just slowly get those numbers up again too.

  14. I am pleasantly stunned! I thought for sure it was a gonner. Glad to see that it's at least going to make it to 50 years.
    I feel like the show runners and actors now are definently doing things with more creative urgency, and that's good. Although there is room for improvement still, it's a lot more fun to watch than it has been in the last 7 or 8 years at least. Anna and Heather back have been a big plus. Luke has been re-calibrated and is a lot more enjoyable now. The Spib/Matt bromance is hilarious and letting the two actors really open up. McBain vs Sonny is gonna be fun. Things are looking UP!

  15. I certainly agree with you about Luke, Anon. I laughed out loud when he tackled Anna when heather went into her purse the other day. It was a great tense scene and he lightens it so easily and effortlessly. That's the Luke I love. And Anna seems to raise the calibre of every scene she's in.

    Matt and Spin are also fantastic. Pairing them was a stroke of genius.

  16. Whoa! I did NOT see this coming! Holy cow! Yay!

  17. Us fans won this battle, now for the war....In the meantime I'll be doing my little happy dance for now!!!!

  18. Thank goodness! The show is excellent lately. I'm loving it again.

  19. Thank goodness! The show is excellent lately. I'm loving it again.

  20. frank, great comment. I think Couric will be happy too, it really is a win for her. I am excited to see what Cartini does with a whole year!

  21. GMA afternoon is allegedly a 9 week run after The Screw, uh Chew ends leading up to the Couric debut.

  22. As excited I am about this news, I know not to trust one word that comes from ABC.

    Well said Frank - a temporary stay of execution. That's all this is, but I'll be there watching with the rest of you! Yay!

    In my Providence/Boston market, GH has been added back on the fall schedule in the 3pm slot and Katie will be airing at 4pm here. Katie commercials started airing here a few days ago showing her air time.

  23. Great news! GH will also benefit from the Chew as a lead in instead of the Revulsion. Such improvement in GH! Now we just need to regain a lot of the lost viewers who thought the show was dead.

  24. Well, I read somewhere else that GMA afternoon will be on for 9 weeks after the Revulsion ends. I thought the Screw was on hiatus

  25. See what I miss being without a computer? I am just learning the fantastic news now.
    Congrats to Frank & Ron!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...