Friday, July 31, 2015


Biggest thing to happen today? Liz told Laura Nikolas had Hayden shot in the head because she knew who Jason really was!!
WHAT!???? holy hello!! LOL
Laura was way. THEN, you could see it. It hit her like a ton of bricks. It could be true because he's a total Cassadine!! 

Nikolas eventually comes in. I bet Laura caves because..
HAYDEN IS WAKING UP! that's right! 

Franco told Nina it was Silas that took Avery and he saved Ava -- she's gonna need some Xanax!

Morgan went after Silas even tho Ava told him not to...

Nikolas and Michael were all bitchy at the Metro.

Sam and Jake talked. He thinks Nikolas knows the truth and he wants to know who he is now. 

Ok, so the end, it looks like Morgan or Ava could have killed Silas as both are sweaty and drinking. Then Franco goes to Silas' place and finds Nina over him with a bloody knife.

I bet it's none of them. I say Ric or Donna Mills did it. 


  1. Was that the cryptsex music playing over Silas' murder today? LOL

  2. Liz's suspicion that Nik had Hayden shot totally threw me as well. Kudos to Genie and Becky - loved their scenes, and throwing Nik in the mix at the end was great. Can't wait to see this continue on Monday.

    As I have posted before, I also think that either Donna/Madeline and/or Ric killed Silas.

  3. I hope it was Donna Milks because she is dispensable, although it would be nice to get rid of Nina. Laura is truly the heart and soul of this show. Great scenes with GF & BH.

  4. Linda, I absolutely agree with you about Genie. I hope TPTB do whatever they can to keep her once her stint ends later this year.

  5. I hope they keep Genie too... I hate to use "Matriarch" because we are the same age LOL :) We are still young!

    the MUSIC was total murder music!! Not sure if it was crypt sex??

    Now that TG is gone, it's like they have time to do everything they SHOULD have been doing LOL

  6. Liz's home: WOAH! Holy cow!!! Liz knows Nik shot GreenHayden!!! :0 Great scenes!! In the beginning, when Laura brought up she knows Jake Doe is Jason, Liz peed all over herself, and then when Liz talked about Nik shot GreenHayden, Laura peed on herself! Wow Liz! Wow! You caught me off guard there! Oh oh there is Nik! Gee yesterday it was during the day, and wow it's dark now! Laura was there all day?!!?! ROFL!

    Julian's home: Oh boy! Moochie and Morgan are scared!!! Nobody is around guys! Time for another round of sex fun? No? Oh well.

    Morgan: Maybe I can spin it somehow.

    Oh yeah? How? Oh Kiki we were both drunk? High? I came to visit and she was in the shower, and I fell in the shower and oops. Had sex.

    Metrocourt: Around and around Nik and Michael go. Where it stops nobody knows! Fight for ELQ MICHAEL YEAH! Boy that guy in black glasses, in the background was very distracting. I wonder if he was on a date. :) Oh there is Morgan! All upset. I was thinking Why are you upset Morgan?! What did you do?! Did you kill McSilas?! I started to tear up. :(

    The hospital:

    Sam and Patrick: Oh she is excited to see him! :) Oh more of Danny and Jakey meeting talk. Geez Sam. Does it have to happen this minute?

    Sam and Jake Doe: Blah blah Liz. Blah blah Hayden. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sam, Jake Doe, and Patrick: OH! GreenHayden is awake!!!!!! :) She is out of her Nina coma! YAY!

    Shadybrook: Oh BobTodd IS real!!! :) BobTodd why aren't you telling Nina right away about McSilas?!!?! What are you waiting for?!! BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: What are you nuts? Sorry. Oh wow wrong choice of words right?

    ROFL! Oh oh! Nina is pissed at McSilas now! Nina no!!!! You are all wrong about McSilas!!! Oh look a patient!

    Patient: FRANCO! Oh you're back! We can play shoots and ladders and then battleship!

    BobTodd: Oh look over here!

    Patient: HUH?!

    HAHAHAHAHA! Great scene! :)I want to see that guy again! More!!!! More!!!

    Julian's home continued: Wow Moochie what is wrong with you?! Did you kill McSilas? I had tears in my eyes!! Or did you just see his dead body? :(

    Bates motel: Oh look it's the movie psycho!!! Oh no wait. It's McSilas's home and he is dead!!!! :'( But it was a strange scene! Nina over the body with the knife. What did she do? Pluck the knife out of McSilas's back!!??! Why?!!?! Oh McSilas!!! :( Damn it!! We just found out that ME was leaving, and poof McSilas is dead! :( This stinks! If he had to go, why not put McSilas in jail?!!?! Why kill him off?!!! Well, we all know for a fact, that Nina didn't do it! ROFL! Red herring anyone? :)

    Knife: I didn't do it I swear!!!

    Couch: Why are you looking at me Knife? I didn't do it!

    Lamp: I didn't do it either! Did you see who did it?

    Knife: No. I was sleeping at the time and I woke up and I was in Silas's back.

    Sidenote: GH promo! I've been seeing promos a few times on tv, and the announcer says Friday cliffhangers are back! I wonder if that is really true. Well today was a cliffhanger. A sad one. :(

  7. Great job as always, Sonya and Karen!!!

    Sonya, that night/day thing always bugs me. Remember when Lucky and Luke arrived on Liz's doorstep to deliver little Jake? It was mid-day bright when they arrived. When the scene picked up the next episode, it was pitch black outside. Do the lighting people not know how to dim the lights for a dusk look? Ha.

  8. "Paul773 said...Great job as always, Sonya and Karen!!!"

    Thanks! :)

    "Sonya, that night/day thing always bugs me. Remember when Lucky and Luke arrived on Liz's doorstep to deliver little Jake? It was mid-day bright when they arrived. When the scene picked up the next episode, it was pitch black outside. Do the lighting people not know how to dim the lights for a dusk look? Ha."

    Hahahaha. Yeah I know!!! Port Chuckles time just goes by so fast! Hey Lighting people, wake up!!!!! ROFL

  9. "kdmask said...

    Now that TG is gone, it's like they have time to do everything they SHOULD have been doing LOL"

    Tony was really an energy vampire wasn't he? LOL Anyways I'm glad the show is playing, mystery, scandal and romance now instead of exploring the vague "darkness" of someone's inner persona. After an awful year it looks like Ron may be going out on a high note.

  10. ooooh was it the knife Franco threatened Morgan with, because now his fingerprints will be all over it!! Good twist.

    My money is still on Madeline.

  11. Today was another good episode. Laura and Liz scenes were great.

    It was also great to see many scenes with more than 2 people in them. Even the hospital seems to have more background people and not just the same orderly exiting stage left every scene.

    I like that things suddenly sped up.

    And Nina, you ninny. Never touch a murder weapon. lol

    Sonya said...Lamp: I didn't do it either!

    Of course you didn't do it, poor lamp. You did Madeline already. It was knife's turn now. lol

  12. "CareyN said...ooooh was it the knife Franco threatened Morgan with, because now his fingerprints will be all over it!! Good twist."

    OHHHHHHHHHHH! I didn't even think about that!!! Delicious Soapy twist! I hope it's the same knife!

    "Di says Of course you didn't do it, poor lamp. You did Madeline already. It was knife's turn now. lol"

    ROFL! Well, that lamp was at the hotel, and it died. :( BUT yes it's the knife's turn to do something! :) It's always bombs, guns and lamps! ROFL!

  13. We saw Nik order the hit on Hayden back then and the disappointment on his face when she did not die. I was surprised Liz figured it all out, though.

    Genie was terrific showing all the emotions as she heard about Jake, Jason and Nik.

    Moron and Ava really are over the top with their reaction to Silas wanting to tell Kiki about their sleazy affair. They are hurting Kiki worse by killing her father!

    I think Nina really is NUTS! She plays innocent very well.

  14. Written by:
    Suzanne Flynn
    Elizabeth Korte

    Breakdown writers:
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Chris Van Etten
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Katherine Schock

    Director: Frank Valentini himself directed this episode!


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...