Thursday, July 2, 2015

Kiki in a Bikini

I wanted to say Kiki in a Bikini because it's fun.

Just watched yesterday's show. And it was SO NICE TO FF!! Maybe that's what I need! LOL DON"T watch it live and get all mad, just FF. It lasted like 20 min. 

Kiki in a Bikini.

20150630 1403(9)

"Cassadines ELQ" Hardy har har..

Liked Laura and Holly saying THEY were all gonna kill the person that took The Boys. I hope it was Fluke so Luke gets shot. lol 

Dr. O and Franco... My faves as you know. Kinda like David Vickers-- just my bright spot.  CheetoS! 

"I've got something"..aahahhaa like those stupid sign language signals? Geesh, Luke, great work.  They sure found that fast.
"Looks like the place where they are holding our sons"

Swear to god this is written for 10 year olds.  Terrible Terrible dialog WOW.. and NO suspense. I mean.... The simplicity is overwhelming. 

Ava and Sonny... I so wish he'd just call her Ava and not "Denise" so sarcastically

Sam and Nik... yet another convo about ELQ. LOL. Thank GOD for Kelly and Tyler because they are gold.  Too bad Alexis isn't around. 

OMG, St. Jaysus sermon to Jake from Michael. 

They can just expound all day. 


  1. Haha - Kiki in a bikini! Well, she looked so trashy. I hate to say it but the actress is awful and always looks like she needs a shower. And she and Morgan are totally worthless. But she is smart as far as Morgan is concerned, LOL. I wonder how much RoHo is being paid to come in once a week to eat Cheetos and camp it up. They should cut their losses and put Rick H. on contract. Loved Sonny playing cat and mouse with Denise, but the Luke adventure storyline is as exciting as watching paint dry.

  2. Welcome back, Karen!! Watch however you like, just WAtCH, we need you!!

    Sonny and everyone else really seem to think that Denise is a real person, it looks like NO ONE suspects the truth.

    I hope Monica comes back soon, and I also am missing Spencer, Joss and Alexis. Why does Carly not say where Joss is since she moved in with Sonny? I know someone else mentioned that here, but it's driving me crazy!

  3. "AntJoan says Why does Carly not say where Joss is since she moved in with Sonny?"

    Carly moved in with Sonny? Since when?!

  4. Wubs, I posted a link to a Tony Geary interview that I think you might like. He actually comes off very gracious and adorable in it.

  5. AntJoan, I think Joss has gotten an apprenticeship on a farm in Iowa. lol

    I guess they don't know how to write script for a child unless they're being an obnoxious brat or in a precocious relationship.

    Thanks for the link, SaveOurSuds. It was a much better interview. (He's sounding more frail to me since his last surgery. He's wise to think of his health and just go home and live his life now.)

  6. Karen, I always watch the recorded show. Being able to FF through what you KNOW are repetitive/recap convos makes it a much better show.

    NuKiki looked straight out of Dukes of Hazzard in that bikini top and short shorts. She needs to go on an extended visit to see NuKristina.

    The Luke Farewell Story comes off like it was written by a committee. Of eight-year-olds. Lulu feigns labor pains and gets a bad guy to drive her to the hospital? Jiminy Christmas. Luke, Holly, and Laura's plan is to "go into the building". And then what? It's like the writers aren't even trying to make an interesting story. So sad. Luke's exit can't come soon enough.

    Olbrecht and Franco were wonderful. Great actors having a great time are a joy to watch.

    I kinda like Evil Nik. He's much more compelling than Patsy Nik.

  7. Actually, We love soaps actually tweeted me that link after my epic bitch LOL :) THey did a good interview. Doesn't negate the crap in EW, but it's nice
    I am going to type up some of the "Lumber Yard" Dialog at some point because I need to get it on paper.
    And ask around if a 4th grader wrote it :)

  8. Is there a partial writer's strike? Maybe Joss hasn't been seen because she's busy writing the farewell Luke story. I expect Snidely Whiplash to be behind this whole farce. I keep hoping it will get better.

  9. Okay well, I don't know if Karen is going to blog today's show, so I will put my thoughts here.

    Lante home: Poor Dante! Went to British Columbia hotel room and now he thinks his wife is cheating! Yeah It doesn't look very good. Damn you Lulu! Now Dante is vulnerable, hurting, and maybe drunk. Cus I mean he had like 3 beers.

    Q office: Nik and Spencer scene.. GOLD! Spencer is changing!! :) He thinks being a townie isn't so bad afterall. And he brings up his mother! Awww! :)Hey he wants his dad to call Michael and give him back his job! :) Nik won't do it but he will think about it. Planting seeds Spencer good boy! Spencer's voice is changing, and sounds like his lisp is gone! :)

    British Columbia:

    Lulu, Dillon, and the bad guys: Oh oh the baby is coming!!!! Lulu is on the ground now! The water broke!!! Oh no the baby exploded!!! *cries*

    Bad guy: One more move, and I'll snap her neck!

    What?! No way! Lulu come on you are a Spencer! Act like it! Oh there ya go! :)She maybe teeny tiny now, but she is still strong! :)

    The warehoue: Ethan!!!! Oh oh he is standing on a bomb! Someone Macgyver the bomb! Or someone go get Macgyver!! Oh Luke will Macgyver the bomb. Luke wins the line of the day!

    Luke: We are in this together, live or die. Give me your damn hand you jackass.


    Luke: I am your father!

    Me: NO! Robert is his father!!!

    Oh look Lulu, Dillon, Laura, and Holly are caught. Rats. Holly is smiling so huge when she sees her son! ROFL! They finally meet the boss!!!! Who is it?!!?! Is it another woman Luke knows who wants to have sex with him?!!?! Helena?!!?! :) Oh man I want Ethan to meet Nathan! :)

    Ethan: Hi I'm Ethan.

    Nathan: Hi I'm Nathan.

    Ethan, Nathan, Ethan, Nathan. ROFL!

    McSlas's home:

    Moochie: Morgan it's all your fault that I can't see Avery! You look great in a towel.

    Moochie's thoughts: I want you so bad!!!!

    Kelly's: Great BobTodd and Kiwi scene! Kiwi doesn't think Morgan would cheat on her and can trust him! BAHAHHAHA! Listen to your once father! And love how BobTodd talks like Dr O! Kiwi notices hahaha.

  10. I FF'd through the Valerie/Dante scenes. If she was really worried about him she would have sent his partner, Nathan to check on him.

    Thanks for the summary, Sonya. I'm still disagreeing about the greatness of the Bob Todd scenes. At times when Kiki was talking to him he was turned away from her, looking straight into the camera and flicking his eyes from side to side; no doubt trying to get a laugh, but definitely taking the focus off the person who's talking. Very disrespectful of the actor who's in the scene with him. (Even if it is Kiki. lol)

    I almost FF'd when Spencer starting talking in that tone to his father, but he dropped the attitude and did really well for the rest of the scene. I like him with Nik when he's not being an entitled brat. ( Maybe he can help Sam steal those shares back. lol He knows the combination to the safe.)

    I so wanted Robert to be Ethan's father too. *sigh* Liked his scene with Luke though.

  11. Karen, let me help you. Todays dialogue between Luke and Ethan:

    Luke: You're my son and I love you
    Ethan: You're my dad and I love you
    Luke: We are related and I love you
    Ethan: We love each other.
    Luke: There is a lot of love in this room
    Ethan: I cant let you die for me because I love you
    Luke: I'm not leaving you because I love you.

    Ok, so who is the mystery man?

    Could it be Lucky, still brainwashed by Helena and she triggered his brainwashing with a phone call?

    How about either Stefan or Stavros?

    I would love --LOVE-- for it to be Mikkos unfrozen. After all, the big story in the 80s was the Ice Princess. How about it coming full circle with Mikkos? (then let Alexandra be alive too and come to Port Chuck and be a kick ass Q and take down Nik)

    Frank Smith? Would anyone recognize the actor?

    Robert Scorpio or Sean Donnelly? (Although I am not sure the actor is still working after his last stint on the show)

    I need spoilers and speculations people!

  12. Dave,
    The actor who played Frank Smith (George Gaynes) has been dead for years. If he were alive he'd be close to 100. I can't imagine where they will find a working actor who is nearly that old. Although this is so bad who knows?

    Maybe Frank's dead son?

  13. "Di said...Thanks for the summary, Sonya. I'm still disagreeing about the greatness of the Bob Todd scenes."

    ROFL! It's okay.:)

    "but definitely taking the focus off the person who's talking. Very disrespectful of the actor who's in the scene with him. (Even if it is Kiki. lol)"

    Hahahaha. But but Kiwi deserves it. She is a dummy! :)

    "I so wanted Robert to be Ethan's father too. *sigh*"

    I don't care what Luke or anybody on the show says! Ethan is Robert's!!

    "delcodave said... Todays dialogue between Luke and Ethan:

    Luke: You're my son and I love you
    Ethan: You're my dad and I love you
    Luke: We are related and I love you
    Ethan: We love each other.
    Luke: There is a lot of love in this room
    Ethan: I cant let you die for me because I love you
    Luke: I'm not leaving you because I love you."

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Basically that's what it was. :) Oh shoot I forgot the Jake Doe and Sam scene. Well, it was another boring scene.

  14. "dar said...The actor who played Frank Smith (George Gaynes) has been dead for years."

    I had no idea.

    "If he were alive he'd be close to 100."

    Yeah that is my thought too!!!

  15. Sonya,
    I decided to check when George Gaynes died and I'm wrong. He is still alive and 98 years old.

  16. I loved the scenes today between Spencer and Nikolas. It was like the roles were reversed. Spencer has matured since "seeing" his mother and he really made some good points with his father today.

    LuLu's part in this story is really stupid. It makes no sense for her to leave her family after making such a big deal about Valerie trying to steal her husband.

    Damian Smith cold be the culprit. He is not that old and had a grudge against the Spencers.

  17. "dar said...Sonya,I decided to check when George Gaynes died and I'm wrong. He is still alive and 98 years old."

    Wow! Well he IS close to 100 though! :)


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...