Friday, July 3, 2015

Faux Frank

OMG SO, it's Frank Smith.
BUT! Not either of the original Frank the point is moot. REALLY moot and lame. 

Luke didn't check for a pulse and he crawled away and ended up paralyzed. 
OMG the dialog and direction today? AWFUL. the "tension" NONE. This was bad-- the ending was so lame. He lets everyone go, Holly and Ethan go to the hospital (he was shot in the arm). Luke and Laura face Faux Frank. Lulu and Dillon sneak BACK into the warehouse and.. hear shots.
So lame.
So sad. 

BTW, The real Frank Smiths: one is dead and the other is 98. So, even trying to revisit this story was a miss. 

The rest of the show?

TJ and Molly. Zzzzzzzz

So Dante went to BC and didn't ask Lulu and now he's going to stchuupt Val? UGH She's trying to cry about her dead mom.


  1. This is not getting better. Maybe Geary's goodbye with JJ will salvage something from this disaster? I am so disappointed. This is Guza level bad writing. It just seems as though nobody cares how awful this is.

    By the way there is a video on You-Tube of George Gaynes' (the original Frank Smith) 95th birthday party. I can't figure out how to post links.

    I don't know how I can keep my promise to myself to watch the whole Luke farewell story. Three more weeks? AIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I don't think the second Frank Smith, Mitchell Ryan, is dead. It does look like he's 81 years old, however. That doesn't seem too old to reprise the role for a short time. Unless he's ill or not mentally up for it.

  3. maybe you think hes dead because he died in the first Lethal Weapon lol
    I agree this whole goodby Luke story is pure crap. It could have been soooo much better if they had better writers or cared more about the story lines

  4. Punky Brewster should have played Jennifer Smith, although she is too young really, but it would have been a fun tongue in cheek reference to balance out the lameness of this story.

  5. I really don't think that this is all that terrible. I like the nod to Luke & Laura's first adventure. I like that they are bringing everyone back from Luke's past (glaring omission being Bobbie). I didn't even mind Ethan/Luke. We can't expect to see the type of adventure stories of the past, when they went on location and had bigger budgets. I think they're doing a passible job. Not great, but passible.

    Also, even though I have not been a fan of Valerie, the actress did a great job today and I really felt her pain in remembering her mother. Plus, Maxie and Nathan were cute, and the Ava reveal is coming. I liked today's show.

  6. Moochie and BobTodd: Poor BobTodd. He was happy that the Corinthos clan imploded.. But now, it seems they reconciled and he isn't happy about that hahaha! BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Ohhh. So when I was here chatting with Kiki, you were off alone, with Hunky Brewster.


    Moochie: Avery's isn't just Sonny's daughter. She's my daughter too.

    Hahaha. And the look on BobTodd's face! You know what he is thinking.

    BobTodd's thoughts: This chick is loony.

    Hahaha. Oh oh in the previews for Monday, looks like BobTodd knows who Moochie is!!

    Sonny's home: Yeah Sonny. You might as well tell Carly ALL, because she won't let it go! Yes Carly you are right! Lulu would never cheat! :) Wait no you can't go see Dante yet! He has to have sex with Val first! :)I love Molly and Sonny scenes! Love when she says uncle Sonny hehe awww! :)

    Lante home: Dante keeps drinking and drinking. He must have had 10 beers by now. I wonder if he drank at the British Columbia bar, and then went to the British Columbia store to buy beer, and drank it all there. And then bought beer at Port Chuckles store. Oh hi Maxie and Nathan.

    Maxie: WHAT?! Lulu isn't here? Where is she?! Went to see her grandmother? No no no. She would have told me! I am her bestie! She tells me everything!!! Every move she makes she tells me.

    Hmmm wait. I thought Nathan and Val knew each other. I guess not? Oh boy Val and Dante bond again! She talks about her mother and the 4th of July! And Karen, she isn't trying to cry, she IS crying! :)

    The park:

    Kiwi and Morgan:

    Kiwi: According to Franco, Denise wants you.

    Morgan: Phhht! Whaaaat?! Where is Franco getting this from?

    Kiwi: I know! It's crazy isn't it?!

    Dumb and dumber! *shakes head* Oh and then she calls him Captain! UGH! Stop calling him Captain!

    TJ and Molly: Oh no! Stop talking about that mall cop bigot Stan! UGH! Awww look the earrings from the store was sent to TJ as an apology. Molly wuvs them.

    Nathan and Maxie: She REALLY wants to go back to the Lante home! No Maxie you can't! Dante and Val have to do the deed yet!! Nathan handcuffs Maxie hahahaha. Man Maxie has got a huge glass!!!

    British Columbia warehouse: 200 year old Frank Smith is still alive!!!! Oh this reminds me of OLTL when Victoria's 2000 year old father was still alive! ROFL! Oh Frank Smith is in a wheelchair because he is paralyzed because of Luke hahaha. Hmmmm Does Frank Smith want to have sex with Luke?! Oh no he doesn't.

    Frank Smith: Eeny Meeny miny mo. Who shall get shot first?

    Luke: Take me!!!!! Shoot me!!!!

    Awww poor Ethan gets shot in the arm! Everyone has to go because Ethan got shot in the arm! IT'S AN EMERGENCY PEOPLE! HE GOT SHOT IN THE ARM!!! Now it's just Luke, Laura, and 200 year old Frank Smith! Dillon and Lulu want to get back to her parents! OH GUN SHOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which prop got shot and died this time?!?!! :(

    "fuzz5 said...I don't think the second Frank Smith, Mitchell Ryan, is dead."

    He's not. I just looked him up today, and found out he is still alive! :)I was going to share, but you beat me to it haha.

  7. I also think that this Luke send-off is OK. Bringing back Frank Smith is a HUGE nod to history, now the Jennifer Smith connection makes sense.

  8. sonya said... "Dante keeps drinking and drinking. He must have had 10 beers by now"

    I'm surprised that Maxie didn't say anything about Dante being drunk and Valerie being with him. It's certainly out of character.

    I didn't mind today's episode. Even Franco didn't annoy me. lol

    I do miss the location scenes of old though. Everything now is in a small room somewhere. It's depressing. I saw an promo for another soap today where they were talking about a location shoot and everyone was in a bathing suit around a pool. Now that is the perfect location to see guys with their shirts off, not answering doors or doing their office work in bed. *rolls eyes*

    They better not have shot Laura!! (Maybe the old guy will miss and hit his bodyguard. hahahaha

    I tried a little mental telepathy on Sonny and Carly today when they were talking about the Morgan problem. lol I kept chanting....Cut him off...Send him away....Cut him off...Send him away.....Cut him off...Send him away.... lol

  9. Can I ask that we all take a moment of silence to remember Baby Ariel's passing on the Fourth of July? So sad. Still mourning. ;-) The fireworks will never be the same.

  10. "Di said...I'm surprised that Maxie didn't say anything about Dante being drunk and Valerie being with him. It's certainly out of character."

    Did you see Dante when he was near the door about to answer it? He was drunk!!!

    "I didn't mind today's episode. Even Franco didn't annoy me. lol"

    YAY! ROFL!

    "I saw an promo for another soap today where they were talking about a location shoot and everyone was in a bathing suit around a pool."

    Days of our lives? :)

    "CareyN said...Can I ask that we all take a moment of silence to remember Baby Ariel's passing on the Fourth of July? So sad. Still mourning. ;-) The fireworks will never be the same."

    *bows head for a moment of silence* :( Wasn't that two years ago? Poor baby Ariel. :(

  11. It might have been The Bold and the Beautiful. I'm not sure since I don't watch any other soaps, but all those B's seem to ring a bell. lol

  12. "Di said...It might have been The Bold and the Beautiful. I'm not sure since I don't watch any other soaps, but all those B's seem to ring a bell. lol"

    Ohhh okay! ROFL!

  13. Who's in charge of the nail polish continuance..... That was a fail today too. Baby blue then red.

  14. :) WHO? Meowmanna...who switched? I need to know, Kiki?

  15. "meowmomma said... Who's in charge of the nail polish continuance..... That was a fail today too. Baby blue then red."

    Yeah who's nail polish are you talking about?

  16. Mitchell Ryan is 87 and alive. The new Frank, Joe Cortese, is younger than Geary!


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...