Friday, July 24, 2015

Happy National Tequila Day!

Scotty and Laura gabbing at the Metro Bar...Frank Smith memories. Bringing Little Jake home. She's doing the whole exposition of everything.

Donna Mills meets Maxie. They could be related...they have that blonde pixie look. Donna's mean to Maxie. She tells Nate about Nina being crazy.

Nina sees a crib and crying baby in it. Ric is so mean. He takes it out and pretends it was never there.

Stupid Morgan and Kiki at the gym. Kiki's going on Vacation!! Everyone Drink up!

Luke and Bobbie at the house that didn't blow up. They say good bye.

I bailed at 2:33. I'll watch the rest later.


  1. I almost fell off the couch when Kiki said, "You were really punching the hell out of that bag!" to Morgan. For a second, I thought she found out about him and Ava/Denise.

    Liked the Luke/Bobbie goodbye. Yay! A flashback!

    Sorry, but I don't feel bad for what Ric is doing to Nina. He's a scum, but Nina has pulled a lot of crap, and I just don't care for the character or the actress.

    Did NOT like the previews of Laura with Scotty. Was relieved that they're just friends.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  2. Paul said...I just don't care for the character or the actress.

    I feel the same way. She's one character who I feel eats up screen time at the expense of some of our great GH characters. Now I'm afraid she's going to be on even more.

    Glad I wasn't the only one who snorted at that line from Kiki. lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Gym: Wow Morgan got a haircut! Bit too short!!!

    Kiwi: Oh Morgan my BFF from college is getting married! So, I will be away for a few days.

    Morgan's thoughts: Oh good. While Kiki is gone, I can have more sex with Denise!


    Magda, Nathan, and Maxie: Magda wins the line of the day!

    Magda: You took that unfortunate tumble in front of all the cameras. Little too much champagne in the limo? You really should learn how to make a graceful entrance dear.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! She is so rude to Maxie! :) I'm glad Nathan defended Maxie. Gee where is that waiter or waitress? The place wasn't even that busy!

    Laura and Scotty: No Laura!!! Don't tell Scotty about Jason being alive! He is the DA! He might have to arrest Nik or Liz! Hmmm well wait he said you can trust him. Awwww talk about the past. :) Always love that!

    Nina and Ric's home: Love this!!! Oh look! A crib and a doll baby!!!! :)

    Doll baby: Mommy! I am hungry! Feed me! Oh you dropped me! OW! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh Nina! Go talk to McSilas! He will be able to help you!!!

    Ava and BobTodd: Great scene! Glad he called her out on Julian and Alexis! And about sleeping with Morgan!!! :)

    Nightmare on elm street home: Love love love!!!!! Bobbie and Luke scene fantastic! Love the flashback!!! MORE FLASHBACKS PLEASE! Oh young Luke! YAY! Good to see him again! Jackie Zeman and Tony Geary saying goodbye. :(

  5. Actually, Sonya, I liked Morgan'd haircut. It played nicely into my fantasy that Sonny cuts him off and takes him to the recruiting office. No job....problem solved. Immature...problem solved. Too much time on his hands...problem solved. No self control...problem solved. Yep. I like the hair cut. lol

    I thought Maxie showed great self control. Magda may have met her match. lol

    Did doll baby remind you of a barbecue? lol

    Young Luke was great. Loved Bobbie and Luke too.

    And Laura better not tell Scotty anything.

  6. "Di said...Actually, Sonya, I liked Morgan'd haircut. It played nicely into my fantasy that Sonny cuts him off and takes him to the recruiting office. No job....problem solved. Immature...problem solved. Too much time on his hands...problem solved. No self control...problem solved. Yep. I like the hair cut. lol"

    Ohhhhhhhhh! Love the fantasy! Love the haircut! ROFL!

    "Did doll baby remind you of a barbecue? lol"

    Actually, YES IT DID! I was thinking of Areal! (sp?)

  7. Me too. I was looking for burn damage? lol

    Now we can both imagine Morgan in a uniform, all grown up and mature when he returns. lol

  8. Yes, Morgan's haircut not good, he has SUCH BEAUTIFUL hair, don't cut it off!! And yay, Luke and Bobbie flashback, all during their scene I was like, "PLEASE show a flashback," TY sooo much for that!!

    OK, NO MENTION OF THE Moranigan flashback boner scene? There it was, in all its glory (not the boner, the scene . . .)... I studied it carefully (thanks, DVR), couldn't tell if it was a boner, or if the actor is just, ahem, well endowed . . . No one else saw this?? Or am I just the only one crass enough to comment on it?

    One other bone to pick here (so to speak) . . . Young Luke: was soooo distracted by the fact that his ears are TINY while Tony's are GIANT . . . Did no one else notice this, either?

  9. AntJoan, I saw the Morgan boner scene! Had to rewind but I can't believe they showed it again. I noticed the small ears on Young Luke. Was actually wondering how they could grow bigger. Loved Luke and Bobbie-very necessary and well done. Another sincere goodbye with the actors as well as the characters.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...