Wednesday, July 1, 2015

We Were On a Break


Yep..I need one, people. Sorry. Not sure when I'll be back to blog on a regular basis. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week. I'll try to do Sunday Surgery though if I can make myself sit through the shows. (at least I can FF them). 

Now, I don't have to be  a beeatch so much. :)  


  1. Beeatch all you want. It's your blog and you can bitch if you want to. Enjoy your break.

  2. Karen, come back soon, we will miss you :(

  3. I sympathize, Karen. I've been watching for more than 30 years. Instead of skipping episodes which I've benn doing lately, I am trying to watch the entire Luke farewell but they sure aren't making it easy.

    How do they forget Bill and Holly? After they split I remember Holly on a boat saying "Revenge is a dish best served cold. Funny it tastes bitter." She had destroyed his wine collection to get even and it didn't make her feel better.

    How do they forget the long explanation about Luke and Holly having sex because they thought they were about to die? That was fairly recent.

    If none of the writers know any history can't they ask the cast? check Wikipedia? Look at You- Tube? Does anybody there care at all what they're putting on the air? I still think they're deliberately trashing the show.

  4. Karen I don't blame you for one minute. Yesterday was just UGH! And Genie Frances said this would be a crowd pleaser. Where?!!?!?! If she was talking about yesterday's scene, she was wrong!!!

    Oh it's Saturday the 4th of July in Port Chuckles!

    Sonny's home: Sonny wins the line of the day!

    Sonny: What do you think you were doing, nearly screwing my kid?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Go Sonny! And go Sonny for kicking Moochie out without seeing little AJ! :)Great scene.

    Q home: Michael and Jake Doe! Great scene I thought. Jake Doe wants revenge, but Michael does not. They talk about Jason. Michael calls Jason, Uncle Jason. Hmmm? Uncle Jason?!!?! Well okay then. Time to take off your shirts Jake Doe and Michael! :) No? Rats. :(

    McSilas's home: Kiwi is all looking sexy in a 4th of July bikini, and Morgan is not paying any attention. He is too busy thinking about Moochie, and looking at her online! He seems jealous that BobTodd and Moochie are a couple.

    Kiwi: I would be pissed if you cheated on me. Wouldn't you?

    Morgan: Why would I stray, when I have such a smart, hot super sexy girlfriend?

    SMART?!!?! You think Kiwi is smart?!!?! ROFL! Oh wait you are just trying to change the subject by having sex with her! I get it! Kiwi leaves after having sex with Morgan, and here comes Moochie!

    Dr O and BobTodd: Sweet sweet sweet! Love love love! :) Dr O and BobTodd scenes are GOLD! :) Scene of the day goes to BobTodd when he puts on hand sanitizer, and most of it drips! ROFL! And then when he grabs tissues, to clean up, he puts the tissues back in the box! BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! I feel bad for the person who grabs tissues from the box! :)

    Nik and Sam: Nik is on the phone and wants to go on GOOD MORNING AMERICA! BAHHAHAHAHHAA! Sam and Nik have the same damn conversation!

    Sam: I don't know who you are! Jason would have kicked your ass if he was alive!!!! How could you?

    Hmmmm we need a Sam doll too! Just pull the cord! And Nik has the gall to say that he is lucky that Jason isn't alive!!! WOW!

    Sam: I can't believe you just said that to me!

    Nik: But I wuv you!

    Sam: I wuv you too!

    Nik: We are family.

    Okay that dialog was strange.

    British Colombia: Oh no! I was hoping we wouldn't have scenes with them today after the crap we got yesterday! UGH! Hey not bad scenes today. They figured out the clues in the picture. Lulu pretends she is pregnant so that her parents can get into the warehouse! ROFL! Now THAT is Lulu being a Spencer! YEAH! Maybe Genie Frances was talking about today's scenes as a crowd pleaser. Or when Luke and Lucky see each other and talk.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sonya said..."SMART?!!?! You think Kiwi is smart?!!?! ROFL! "

    lol She is if you compare her to Morgan. ROFL.

    sonya said...."Dr O and BobTodd scenes are GOLD! "

    We can agree to disagree here. Kathleen G was great as usual but I'm not a fan of Roger Howarth in this role. He can't seem to act without props in his hand that can be turned into sources of amusement, even during serious conversations. I'm not a fan of slapstick and I don't see the point of it in that conversation, except that he probably can't do it straight. Without the props he's constantly looking to the side as if for direction, or perhaps to see if anyone is finding it funny. Even when he was kissing Denise he kept looking to the side and acting like he was going to bite her face off. He needs to get his own 1/2 hour comedy and leave my soap!

    Also you'd think the kidnappers would have noticed the boys' hand signals. Do you suppose they faked their own kidnapping? maybe they need Luke and his ladies for something.

  7. "Di She is if you compare her to Morgan. ROFL."

    Hahaha. True. :)

    "We can agree to disagree here."

    Awww. :( Yeah we can agree to disagree. :) But we both agree that yesterday's dialog for Laura and Holly scenes were bad. :)

  8. Yesterday's dialogue between Holly and Laura was terrible. I was wondering if they all had evil twins because they weren't talking about the scenes I saw many years ago.

  9. Sonya, I think that Michael has been calling Jason "Uncle Jason" since he fully accepted AJ as his father. Before, he had seen Jason as his "first father" (which he still does), and Sonny as his actual father. After fully accepting AJ as his father, it is natural to call Jason "Uncle Jason."

    Re Laura and Holly, I am sooo upset that they mucked up the history, but still am thrilled to see these 2 ladies on my screen. My hubby walked in while I was watching yesterday, and I was proud to say, "Look, it's Luke, Laura and Holly!" (My husband watched GH back in the day, while he was in college, before I knew him.)

  10. "Di said...Yesterday's dialogue between Holly and Laura was terrible. I was wondering if they all had evil twins because they weren't talking about the scenes I saw many years ago."

    Yeah!!! It's like the invasions of the body snatchers!

    "AntJoan said... Sonya, I think that Michael has been calling Jason "Uncle Jason" since he fully accepted AJ as his father. Before, he had seen Jason as his "first father" (which he still does), and Sonny as his actual father. After fully accepting AJ as his father, it is natural to call Jason "Uncle Jason."

    Well, once he finds out Jake Doe is Jason, he will have his uncle Jason again awww. :)

    Oh and Karen, I love the we were on a break picture! Love friends! :)


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