Friday, July 24, 2015


SID just announced that Ron Carlivati is out as head writer for #GH.  Shelly Altman and Jean Passanante have been named co-head writers. Switch will happen August 10th.

Read it all here: SID


  1. Yeah I just read about that! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now what kind of bad writer are we gonna get?! :( Oh no! Pratt? :(

  2. Geary must be pleased. Does anybody know anything about these writers? Fortunately it can hardly get any worse.

  3. Welp! I was wanting for that to become official. I have mixed feelings. I loved a lot of what Ron did up until this year. I think he made some major mistakes with some of the story lines and that hurt a lot of the characters. Good actors were given OTT story. I mean we have the show's recent Emmy winner running around town in a bad weave. My favorite new couple Franco and Nina never got any romance or a love scene before a bizarre obstacle was thrown at them. The awesomeness of Sonny's retribution/Michael's revenge was turned into "oops nevermind!" Dante is being the complete opposite of what he's always been. All the younger character's are jobless and stupid. And CarSon (blech!) is the big supercouple we're all suppose to root for. Meanwhile popular pairings like Julexis, Naxie, Samtrick etc. have no story.And don't even get me starter on the Jakson stuff...

    I loved a lot of Ron's new characters and really enjoyed some of his past stories. Wish him well!

  4. "dar said...
    Geary must be pleased. Does anybody know anything about these writers? Fortunately it can hardly get any worse."

    They both wrote for YR prior to Pratt. Jean had previously been co-head writer or something to that nature to Ron, meaning she worked right under him not that she had an equal partnership. Jean has a lot of other soap under her belt such as ATWT, AW, OLTL & all my children. Her writing style is the complete opposite of Ron's. More down to earth and slower pace. Shelly has written for AW, GH, OLTL & YR. I don't know a lot about her writing style.

    I think what we can expect is less "out there" storytelling and more romance.

  5. I'm so happy I have been wishing for a new writer Ron has the characters all over the place and the stories take forever to conclude.. the love stories are gone and I hate everything about Ava Kiki Morgan Silas story line along with what they have done with Nina and Franco's characters so much could be done with such great actor's and all of it is going to waste. I hope the new writer can bring GH back to being families.. Also better relationships I miss a good love/triangle and Ron never writes that way. I do love the nurses ball being back but that I read was Frank's idea.. so see ya Ron and oh yea remember what he did to Aj character with the stupid pickle story and anxiety thats why the actor left.

  6. Well, Karen and Dave can be co-headwriters now!!! :) And I can be back up writer for them. :)

  7. "neaneah said...
    I'm so happy I have been wishing for a new writer Ron has the characters all over the place and the stories take forever to conclude.. the love stories are gone and I hate everything about Ava Kiki Morgan Silas story line along with what they have done with Nina and Franco's characters so much could be done with such great actor's and all of it is going to waste."

    I was loving Nina and Franco! Crazy and romantic! He took LSD for her, she pretended to be crazy for him, all so they could be together! They were going to be the next Gina and Keith, scheming their way through Port Charles and then we ended up with a dumbed down Nina marrying Ric. WTF!

  8. I think Ron had a great first year (2012). I also enjoyed most of 2013, except for the intro of Kiki & Franco. I like Roger H. but he should have never been Franco. 2014 was the first serious issues, with the poorly constructed Fluke story, and the nonstop summer of Nina. But then last fall mostly rocked, with the Carly/Franco breakup and Michael learning Sonny killed AJ.

    Then in my opinion came the single dumbest reveal ever: Anna thought Faison was in a hole under Nik's stable. And the stupidity caught ahold and wouldn't let up.

    None of the front burner stories in 2015 have made a lick of sense. Sonny getting released...Ric hiring Hayden to pose as Jake's wife...the end of the Fluke story ... Morgan & Kiki drugging Michael... Ava's cancer... Duke's death... Luke's goodbye tour..."Denise". All were written in such a careless manner that I actually felt insulted.

    Both of the new writers were on the writing staff during Ron's first year. I hope that is a good sign.

  9. Since Sonya called me out in a post, I guess I need to make a comment or two.

    Anything that I think or feel about GH right now has been said already in every wubsblog post over the past month. And I am glad that everyone is commenting and talking about the show. I hate about 75% of the show, mainly for all the reasons that Karen has mentioned. The pace, the abandonment of storylines, ridiculousness of continuity, etc. Then there are days where they knock it out of the park. Which is why I continue watching. There ARE good days and I WANT the show to get better. And I assume everyone reading this blog also wants to see the show get better too. Isnt that the definition of "fan"?

    I liken it to being a Phillies fan. I still watch them and check the scores even though they are the worst team in baseball right now, because I have been a fan of theirs through the world series years and the bad years and I will continue to be loyal. Just as I am loyal to GH.

    I am glad Ron is out. This past year was disjointed and had no coherence. I m looking forward to new writers, but i have 2 questions.

    1. Did they mention WHY Ron was fired? Was it ratings? Was it a particular storyline?

    2. And this is what I really want to know. I am sure the 2 new writers are good, but are there no NEW writers in daytime? COuldnt they find someone or a pair of someones with new, creative ideas who can come in and turn the soap world on its head and reinvent the genre to attract former and new viewers? Innovation. What ever happened to innovation?

    Ok. One more question. I am drinking watermelon beer. is this something that is national or just a northeast kinda thing? I think hell or high watermelon beer is brewed in Philly. Do you have watermelon beer in your town?

  10. David,
    Never heard of watermelon beer in Buffalo.

  11. david said...Since Sonya called me out in a post, I guess I need to make a comment or two.

    ROFL! In a good way! :)

    "Ok. One more question. I am drinking watermelon beer. is this something that is national or just a northeast kinda thing?"

    I'm in Rochester N.Y., and I never heard of watermelon beer before.

  12. I don't know much about careers in this genre, but there was one male in this role before- Guza, Wolf, Carlivati. Now they replace a job one male has been doing with two females? I wonder how fair their pay is compared to their male counterparts. It's not as a exist as bit appears, right?

  13. Sexist, not exist. I read all the time but never comment because it's a pain to do it on my phone!

  14. What ever happened to the writer of GH: Night Shift? I recall him doing a decent job. It does seem as though there's only a handful of soap writers that get shuffled from one soap to another. I pray these two can do a good job. I miss that, I can't wait to see GH tomorrow feeling. Instead of reading this blog first to see if I should even bother!

  15. Also with so many actors we need a new spinoff or something.

  16. To the nameless commenter above - I think GH's best ever head writer was a woman (Claire Labine) and GH's worst ever head writer was also a woman (Megan McTavish). On Guza's last run, he originally had a male co-head writer for nearly four years of it, Charles Pratt, who is now at Y&R. Also they brought Shelly Altman in at the tale end of Wolf's run as a co-head. I think it's a sign of progress, potentially, that they are bringing in two women writers. Hope they do a good job.

  17. Didn't Michele Val Jean write for GH Night Shift? I was thinking what happened to her? So I checked and she is writing for Bold and the Beautiful...figures. She tweeted "Here's the thing. It's easy to criticize but HWs have to accommodate shit you can't even imagine. Thankless job." I hope for the best with the new writers!

  18. THanks for all the comments. I feel bittersweet as I really enjoyed a lot of Ron's stuff-- but as of late. NOT SO MUCH. I'll gather my thoughts on all of this. If you haven't already, head over to Daytime Confidential and read Jamey's piece on the whole thing. He really has a handle on the 'inner workings' where I really do not. I've done this for 15 years and still have no desire to learn about all that crap lol

    I am wondering if the cast will be dramatically cut or what. OY

  19. Sri Rao, that's who I was thinking of as head writer! I sure hope the new writers do well, I truly do! I did think Ron C. Was good in the beginning. What happened? And yes, they need to trim the fat so to speak. We have all complained how bloated the cast has become. Looking forward to Sunday Surgery!!

  20. I'm glad he is gone. His story lines were not good although the dialogue has been fine. Hoping the replacements are actually in CA and that with a writing staff this large they can get rid of what is not working. Ron C. nasty on Twitter. I once questioned something and had a really rude answer from him.

  21. This guy has run out of tricks. I give him credit for the first year or so of his time on GH and how invigorated it was, but he crashed hard and it is terrible now. The show can ONLY go up from here!


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