Thursday, January 12, 2012

TV Line: Emma Samms Returns to GH

TV Line reports that Emma Samms will be back on GH to play Holly Sutton.

On the heels of TVLine breaking the news that Tristan Rogers is returning to General Hospital this February as Robin’s father, Robert Scorpio, we now can also report that Emma Samms is on her way back to the ABC soap, to reprise her role of Holly Sutton Scorpio.

So, that's Robert, Anna... now Holly. Sure sounds like a send off for GH to me.


  1. Could she please have some pizazz this time around? Her last couple of comebacks have been beyond boring.

  2. Hopefully Ethan will stay now and have a decent storyline.

  3. Sounds like GH is winding down...Genie would be great but I kinda hope she sticks it to the IIC and doesn't come back. They've disrespected her and her contribution to one of daytime's hottest couples time and time again.

  4. Another vet returns! Does sound like a wind down to me! If I had a wish for this one, since Robert is also coming back, it would be for Holly to say to Luke..."I lied; Ethan is not your son, he's Robert's!" I never liked that they made Ethan Luke's kid. If Ethan is indeed leaving, maybe she's coming back for his exit?

  5. I would love to see Sean and Tiffany as well as Lucy Coe if we can get them would be great.

  6. I bet she comes back for Ethan in some way, either he dies or needs her help.

  7. Hmmm Robert and Holly both on GH! Please let Ethan find out he is really a Scorpio! PLEASE!!!!!!

  8. I dont think it necessarily means the end.. Days of our lives brought back veterans to boost the ratings.. maybe this is what is happening.. I am really hoping ABC will stick with GH.. why else would these OLTL characters be coming over?? c'mon Lets be positive!

  9. Karen and All Alfred here does anyone remember when we have been this excited about a sweeps Month I know February is one but I can't ever remember getting excited during Guza's reign when it was sweeps do any of you????

  10. I hope Genie sticks it to them as well. Plus, she is great on Y and R and I don't want her to leave that show.

  11. good, maybe this means we will find out ethan is holly and robert's son. why did the writers ruin luke and laura with an affair?

  12. Sonya...I KNEW I would find that comment from you! I thought your thoughts as soon as I heard the news she was back.

    Karen...could the vets be coming back to gain back popularity? I mean, what else are they doing with their careers?
    When I hear Felicia is back, I will know its the end.

  13. Alfred, I did when Genie came back.... and when Emma came back the first time-- it seems like I get excited..then nothing

  14. My2Cents2 said...Sonya...I KNEW I would find that comment from you!
    Really? Hahahaha awesome! :)

    I thought your thoughts as soon as I heard the news she was back.
    WOOT WOOT! :) Ethan is a Scorpio!!!!! :)

  15. Sonya..I thought Ethan was done taping though? Guess NOT all rumors you hear are true!
    I refuse to believe this is the end of GH.
    IMO its the beginning!
    (but I am never right either!)

  16. My2Cents2 said...Sonya..I thought Ethan was done taping though? Guess NOT all rumors you hear are true!
    Yeah it was probably just a rumor or maybe he was going to leave but the new writers got him to change his mind. :)

    I refuse to believe this is the end of GH. IMO its the beginning! (but I am never right either!)
    I'm afraid it's the end. :(

  17. Sadly, I agree that it sounds like a send-off for GH. But I love Robert,Anna and Holly so I will just be grateful for a few months of these wonderful actors. :-(

  18. I refuse to admit its a send-off.
    Why would Kassie move her child into a new school for 6 months??
    I say they are all on contract for 6 months, however that don't mean anything today. Right? Wrong?

  19. I'm so excited Emma is returning to GH. I would love to see Robert and Holly together again. And PLEASE make Ethan a Scorpio!

  20. Bringing back Anna & Robert & Holly IMO is giving the fans what they think we want, at the same time, giving jobs to middle aged actors who probably haven't worked in years. I am sure all 3 jumped at the opportunity.

    I don't see it as a send off at all. Not until they bring back the real LOVES of GH.

  21. @Roseanne: Bless your naieve heart. You aren't a part of the "I lost 'Guiding Light,' 'As the World Turns,' 'All My Children,' and 'One Life to Live' Club," are you?

    I am and a I am no longer living in denial about the fate of my few remaining soaps and am accepting of the fact that "General Hospital" is dead and gone once this upcoming summer comes.

  22. This is something that I wanted to share that I got off one of my other blogs I visit. I LOVE this attitude!!

    'I will reiterate that I don’t believe one word that comes out of the mouth of any executive at ABC, and that includes that they haven’t made a decision about General Hospital. I DO think their minds can be changed by strong ratings that will provide a solid lead-in to Katie Couric'


  23. Oh yea...I took that quote from:

    Line #23



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