Wednesday, January 11, 2012

OLTL and GH Crossover Promo!


  1. You ROCK! No work today?? lol

    What does this all mean?? I know Kristen and her family moved to CA.
    Michael E & Roger & Kassie are all New Yorkers.
    I guess they will have to relocate for a job??

  2. The uber fantastic Kassie DePaiva just posted that promo on her Facebook page (LOOOOOOVE HER!!!).

    And yes, all of these actors are relocating to Los Angeles to do this short term gig (it will end in August).

    She is super stoked and also said something like, "Carly better make sure she isn't standing next to any windows!" LMAO

  3. OK. It ends in August which makes sense...GH is ending and they are coming to the show to help wrap up.

  4. Is the GH cast is going to be too huge to sustain all that (even with Lucky, Robin, and Ethan leaving)?

    Although I like the idea of Blair vs. Carly, a Todd and Luke frienemyship (two antihero types with women abuse issues in their past trying to come to grips with their present), McBain/the Scorpios teaming up to take down Sonny, and Maxie befriending Starr in an Ab Fab kind of way...Actually that sounds pretty dang intriguing!

    Honestly, I'd rather see them than a bunch of new eyecandy who can't act. At least we know all 4 of them are proven commodities! Roger H in particular can really bring it...I sincerely he and Luke get some screen time.
    -Old School GH fan

  5. This is what I think: abc is filling their fall schedule with the assumption that GH is over.
    Should GH be a 'HIT' with the Landview crossover, contracts can be extented and room can be made on a schedule. If it means $$$$ for abc and the sponsors who sponsors the show, its all good. Big IF though. jmo

  6. They have to put Sam and McBain together. Kelly and Michael were SMOKIN together on Port Charles.

  7. There was a story that Ted King was going back to GH...what are the odds that this is to wrap up the whole who killed Victor story for us since OLTL is no longer going on-line?

  8. this is too cool. I wanna see BLAIR take on CARLY and put her in her place. McBain and the SCORPIOS taking on Sonny and Jason - BRILLIANT!
    hopefully this stunt will improve GH in a big way

  9. Great, more screentime for Carly, Sonny, Jason, Sam, Todd, Blair, Starr & McBain while the rest of the GH cast is stuck on the backburner...


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