Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK: A Day A Soap Was Replaced and Who Remembers Emily and Edward?

Well, today is a day without ONE Life To Live and it gives a taste of what it may feel like with NO soaps. *sobbing* I worked today and didn't watch that Revulsion show--did anyone? We won't blame you for taking a peek.

I remember Martin Luther King Day on GH a long time ago that had Emily asking her grandfather the Ward side of the family's story. I looked for it on You Tube but didn't see it. 

My dog is already mad at me for working -- Poor Gus. I don't konw if he'll make it. Heh. He's such a baby. Today I can watch GH because of the holiday. Some days I do get home by 3 and we'll see if I can keep up with it when I'm super busy. 

 Liz is pretty blabby about Robin but I'm glad, it's about time.  Jason Thompson rocked it today!! He's such a good actor.

Cassandra and Dr. EWAN. ewwwwwwww I hate the EWACASSAWEENIES!! And there's Helena Skulking all over.
Lulu and Ethan were ok, tolerable. Even JMB couldn't do the "art" stuff with any kind of truth to it. TOO RANDOM.

Jason and Sam can cry for another few weeks. *sigh*That's all they've done is MOPE.  Steve has GOT TO KNOW he's orange!! I think it's my duty to tell him. Good Gravy. Terrible Tan!

LUKE AND NATASHA!! I love Luke and Alexis...."You make me laugh" says Alexis..awww. "You still have a car"..."Yes, do you"?? Luke: DON"T GO THERE! LOL
"It  was a Bitch-A-Thon" says Alexis about New Year's Eve!! Luke read Diane's Gossip Column.
"It's never your intention to make anyone miserable...but you always do" says Alexis to Luke

Maxie and Matt were pretty charming too. LOVED Maxie's dress. Skulker guy

Sonny was hit in the side "through and through" Can I hope for a whopping infection? Please? 



  1. It's so sad, my DVR was asleep at 1:00pm, no OLTL ever again. keep telling my self it's only TV. What made it worse, GH pretty much sucked. Wonder who is stalking Maxie?

  2. Luke and Alexis: YAY!!!!! I love when they are in a scene together. :) Talking about their cars ROFL! And asking if they miss one another ROFL! I love when he calls her Natasha. :) The one thing I hated, was them talking about Tracy UGH!

    Ewen and Cassie: Blah blah blah, stay away from Ethan. Zzzzzzzz. And there is Helena skulking around with that knife!! COME ON HELENA KILL OFF CASSIE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

    Patrick and Liz: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!! Jason Thompson did a fantastic job!!! Poor Patrick!!! :'(

    Matt and Maxie: What the hell?! Maxie is afraid of the man in the fedora? Oh wait!!! She isn't paranoid it's true!!! There IS a man with a fedora. And he looks like Stefan. Who is that fedora guy in the shadows?

    Sonny and Shawn: Sonny was shot!!! Oh the bullet landed on the wall. Sonny is just going to suffer. :)

    Jax: Jax who are you on the phone with?!!? What are your plans? Did you shoot Sonny?

    Lulu and Ethan: Uh Lulu? Ethan is NOT your brother. Lucky is!!!! :)

    Sam and Jason: Zzzzzzzz. Sam took a pregnancy test TWICE! Really? I didn't see a second one. She is tormented wondering who the father is! She knows she should have gotten to the hospital to see if she was raped or not. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sam is pregnant zzzzzzzzzzzz.

  3. After reading the weekly spoilers on SoapZone, I have a feeling that the entire week of GH is going to be zzzzzzzzzzzz.

  4. Mary Mae Ward! I loved Roslyn Cash. she had the most beautiful voice...remember she passed away at the time Stone died, and when they did his memorial all of them sang Amazing Grace together in her honor, because it was supposed to be her doing it solo. Ned (Wally Kurth) started singing and he broke down for real, he and his wife in real life (having a senior moment here, cant remember Lois' real name) were so close to her they named their baby girl after her....

  5. Loved Matt and Maxie today!

  6. I just read thru Sonya's comments, thank you! I think I won't watch today. No desire for the show until Ron steps in.

  7. I miss the Wards so much! I remember Mary Mae's funeral all of the characters were in attendance and Roslyn Cash's real life friends like Andre Crouch and others came on to sing and pay tribute....that was true soaps right there!!!


  8. My2Cents2 said...I just read thru Sonya's comments, thank you! I think I won't watch today. No desire for the show until Ron steps in.
    You're welcome!! :) Yeah don't bother watching! Altho you should watch Jason Thompson's performance!!! AND Alexis and Luke's scene. :)

  9. OK Sonya then I will!! I forgot about Patrick & Robin! I fell asleep with the tv on before GH started, and I woke up to see LIW and thankfully fell back to sleep!

  10. Is it possible that the orange is due to your TV adjustment, Karen? Steve (Jason) looks pretty normal to me. Just a thought...

  11. My2Cents2 said...

    OK Sonya then I will!! I forgot about Patrick & Robin!
    :) It was a great scene! So worth watching.

    I fell asleep with the tv on before GH started, and I woke up to see LIW and thankfully fell back to sleep!
    Oh dear!! Yeah I don't blame you. LIW and Ewen are so boring!!

  12. Liz and Patrick talking about Robin being sick was the only thing interesting that I watched online. Sam and Jason are so mind numbingly dull.

  13. Jax didn't shoot sonny. I think Jax is there to see Michael and his daughter Joss.

  14. Wake me when Ron's stuff starts airing.

  15. The finality of no more OLTL is starting to sink in :((((((

  16. Sonya..thank you I watched Luke & Alexis, Jason & Sam, and Patrick & Liz.

    Luke?? What does he do for money?
    Where is he living at? His character totally has me going in circles.
    Alexis I adore, I only pray she gets a storyline!!!
    Patrick & Liz. I enjoyed the scenes.
    Liz did the right thing for once and it was enjoyable to see her in such a situation.
    Sam & Jason. I vote abortion. If she can get pregnant again, no harm no foul. Sorry people but I wouldn't want a little franco monkey coming into the world I live in.

    Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza-frons are gone, correct?? Or they still on the writers list? Anyone know??

  17. People, People, People .. YOU CANT just turn off GH till Ron comes on.. think about it? do you want the show cancelled? every single rating counts, every single day the show should be on your TV .. if you want GH to continue.. DONT TUNE OUT .. keep it on.. common sense here people!!!!!!

  18. I liked GH today mainly because of TG(Luke) and JMB(Lulu ). You could not be more wrong about JMB and the conversation about art having" no truth "becauseJMB IS a artist in real life. She draws and paints and does self portriats.She has even had her work featured on S
    oap Talk.She is really good.

  19. I meant to say JMB had her art work featured on SoapTalk.

  20. I agree that we do need to keep watching or DVRing or we are helping put the nail in the coffin. Loved Patrick and Liz today - seriously Jason T. should be one of the few cast members who could be a film star. Of course I loved Alexis and Luke. Sam should either abort if she finds out the baby is Franco's or give it to his mother to raise. He always wanted his mom to have a baby. At least Jax said a few words - how about Helena? Cassie and Ewen are just not interesting having a long conversation. I love Brits but the actor playing Ewen is pretty dull.

  21. I want CasSUCKra dead....NOW!

  22. I apologize I shouldn't have said Sam should get an abortion. 'touchy' subject, and a personal choice.
    However, once we find out the baby is Jason's, will there ever be a way to find out that she wasn't raped since Franco is DEAD?
    I would like to see Jason be the daddy, however, lets do a little creative writing and make the baby born with some illness, one to educate the public. Bring real life to TV in a real way. jmo

    Personally I wouldn't get to involved in LIW, Ethan, Ewan, Maggie as I see them leaving the show.

    Poor Jax. He probably came in for one day of filming. He has no storyline and no face to face with Jossie. What a waste this has been.

    Please someone....put Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza-Frons in a room and blow it up. That would get ratings!

    Kassie DePavia (Blair Manning, OLTL) posted the following on her Official Website:

    "I must say the ads and press release by ABC is a little misleading and I feel I need to clarify to all my friends, family and fans...wondering when I'm moving to Los Angeles. Frank Valentine, GH's EP, asked me to come out for a couple of shows in February and I'm thrilled. Not only will I get to work with a fantastic cast...but a little piece of OLTL will live on. That makes me very happy. And who knows where it will lead. Once the Mannings come to town anything is possible. I wish everyone at GH the best. No one loves daytime more than Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati and no one works harder than those two men. GH is in good hands and hopefully ABC will let GH live on! See ya'll soon in Port Charles!"

    Who stated that she was looking into schools for her child?? Obviously not true.

  24. My2Cents2 said...Sonya..thank you I watched Luke & Alexis, Jason & Sam, and Patrick & Liz.
    You're welcome! :)

    Anonymous said...People, People, People .. YOU CANT just turn off GH till Ron comes on.. think about it? do you want the show cancelled? every single rating counts, every single day the show should be on your TV .. if you want GH to continue.. DONT TUNE OUT .. keep it on.. common sense here people!!!!!!
    That's only for people with Nelson boxes. If you don't have one, then it doesn't matter if you watch GH or not.

  25. That's only for people with Nielson boxes. If you don't have one, then it doesn't matter if you watch GH or not.

    Sad but true 25,000 households in this country decide what is going to be watched my millions.

  26. People who use TiVo are counted as well, assuming they watch what's on their TiVo in a timely fashion. It's not the same as Nielson ratings but it does count. Sadly I have neither and can only "count" by watching on



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...