Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Salt Mines.

I HOPE to be here to watch some of GH...we shall see, if so I'll open this up to post. If not, let me know if the DVR is worth watching. I'm thinking YES, because GH has been good for a week now!! Yes, you do have to register to post now--and use that spam detail. Sorry, but that's the way it goes. I tried for a long time to leave this completely open but that has sadly failed. If you have trouble logging in, create an "Open ID" account -it links to a real email (you have to get confirmation) and you can post in many networks that way. Google works best. 

It's Real Andrews Bday today!! (Taggert) wish he'd be the one that Kate's talking to. He's BCI or something now LOL 


  1. Anything with Johnny is worth watching - repeatedly!

  2. Carly and Sonny: Great scene! Now where is Kate to ruin the scene and stick up for Sonny? She didn't show up YAY! Carly and her is she Kate? Is she Connie? Is she Kate? ROFL!

    Alexis and Sonny: LOVE IT! Love how they talk about how she might quit but he doesn't think so. She brings up how she quit the last time and Sonny says it was complicated ROFL! Alexis says she was pregnant! ROFL!

    Grandpapa Z, Johnny, and Tracy: Johnny spills the beans about his papa Solito and his mama sister! :) Poor Tracy needs a drink! ROFL!

    Grandpapa Z and Johnny: Great scene!!! Poor Johnny! He looks awful. :(

    Police station: Oh look Mulva is talking with her hubby on the phone. Things aren't looking good. Oh a Johnny and Mulva scene love it!! Ewen talking about the person who is beating up the strippers. Ewen looks right at Demestico! ROFL!

    Spinny and Mac: Great scene! Mac being over protective of Maxie awww! Maxie dodging Mac's calls oh oh!

    Luke and Ethan: It's sweet that Luke is trying to protect Robert's son by warning him against Cassie. :)

    Luke: Oh someone hit him!!!!! Helena? :)

    Molly and TJ: Wow he is beating mean to her! Oh he can't read! I thought so!!! The other day they were studying, and all he wanted to do was look at her myface I knew it! :)

    Karen what do you mean BCI for Taggart? What's BCI? :) That sucks we have to do the word verification. Ah well.

  3. I am trying desperately to catch up. I am up to 1/13. (I was focusing on OL and had to backburner GH for a bit) I want to be ready to watch "live" when RC's work hits the air.

    Also, I just opened a google account, and I am seeing if this works.

  4. didn't get to watch it yet today. my mom had a doctor's appointment and she wanted me to wait until she watches it, so hopefully it is worth the wait.

  5. I missed todays show but from sonya's recap (thanks) it seems like it' s worth watching!

  6. LaTanya said...I missed todays show but from sonya's recap (thanks) it seems like it' s worth watching!
    Yeah it was good. :) If you don't like the Cassie and Ethan scenes, then fast forward that. :) But then Luke comes in and he made the scene better. :)

  7. Today's epi for me wasn't that great. Some of the writing was just plain bad. The hi-lights for me were MAC questioning Spinelli about why he's living with Maxie and Johnny telling Tracy he's a Solito and he wants the $$.

    The Carly/Sonny stuff was the same old rehash about him putting the kids in danger...yada, yada, yada...Zzzzz.

    Luke/Ethan/LIW, the police station stuff and the angry new kid...just didn't do it for me because I really don't care what happens with any of them thanks to the writing.

    The ending was good - Luke getting knocked out in the bat cave and then a shadowy figure appears....hmmmm...


  8. Thanks guys... I was working 8-4 and was swamped. End of the month all paperwork was due.
    I'm pooped! LOL
    thanks for catching me up!

  9. I like Luke more in the past 2 days then I have in the past year. The writing seems more realistic to the character. The Spin/Mac scene was great. Spinelli's hair is looking great and they are clearly trying to make him look more handsome in subtle ways, which is excellent 'cause I think he's a really cute guy. Mac took the cake today! He was looking smoking hot with that hair cut and his serious face on. Woooo, is it hot in here? *fanning myself*

  10. Hey Sonya!! Welcome back!!

    B O R I N G
    Anytime they show LIW it ruins the 'mood' for me. Ewan needs to go too. I know, we have to see the end of these people, but ICK!!

    I LOVE Uncle Mac. He keeps getting better looking as he gets older. Why not give him a storyline?? He is fustrated from not having sex for soo long!!!!

  11. With all the good reviews the show has been getting here lately, I decided to try to watch today...I lasted about 10 minutes and had to turn it off, couldn't handle it. It was as bad as it was when I stopped watching almost a year ago.

  12. Todays show was not good. Give it another try.

  13. Watched online and skipped much of it. I don't watch any LIW although I know the cassadine/faison story is being set up. Sonny and carly argument was like watching any show from years past, same lines, dull. High point was no jasam on today, yeah!
    Mac does need a story and he does look hot! When Mac first came to port charles women were all taking notice of Robert scorpio's brother. We need a new hot lady for him or a vet to be brought back. Alexis/Mac have been a no go for so long that it doesn't interest me and I don't see him with Dianne. Somehow they took Mac and took away his personality and shoved him into the background to create the sonny/jason/sam/carly show. Pity.
    lisa :)

  14. Deb K said... Hey Sonya!! Welcome back!!
    Thank you!!! :) Hey sounded like Cassie has a cold. That is the only thing interesting about her today. :)

  15. Thank you guys for reminding me how GREAT Mac looked! Can't believe I left that out...was clearly daydreaming after that scene. ;) He is such a handsome man. We definitely need more MAC! :)

  16. sonya said...
    Deb K said... Hey Sonya!! Welcome back!!
    Thank you!!! :) Hey sounded like Cassie has a cold. That is the only thing interesting about her today. :)
    I ff her so I didn't even know she was talking yet!!! Let alone a cold. We have to see her once a week. Lets hope this is it!

    I wrote Mr. Lee at GH and told him I want more Uncle Mac! He is so yummy to waste his talent harping at Spinelli!

  17. Has anyone heard rumors that it's not Sonny who is being sent off but Jason instead? I would be so disappointed.

  18. While I am VERY glad you got rid of that "Anonymous" option Karen, Wordpress is pissing me off because it keeps telling me that I don't own the "djrogue" identity (I do). In fact, I spent about an hour trying to comment on the inital post that brought about this change (and it was actually about something OTHER than all the childishness in that post).

    Anyways, it doesn't matter since I DO have an account with Google (one I forgot about).

    Oh, and about GH...it's no OLTL, but it's not as bad as it's been for the past 5-10 or so years..

  19. Did anybody read Karen's spoilers?! :) If you haven't and you don't want to know, don't read what I'm about to say.


    **Helena is confronted by both Holly and Luke
    Hmmm are they confronting Helena about Ethan's REAL paternity? :) Does Helena know that Ethan is really Robert's and she switched the DNA test? :)

  20. Deb K says I ff her so I didn't even know she was talking yet!!! Let alone a cold. We have to see her once a week. Lets hope this is it!
    Yeah I can only handle her once a week!!!

    I wrote Mr. Lee at GH and told him I want more Uncle Mac! He is so yummy to waste his talent harping at Spinelli!
    Who is Mr. Lee? :) I love Mac! :)

  21. SONYA-Mr Lee (from what I heard) is the force behind keeping GH on the air!
    Here is his contact information:paul.lee@abc.com

    I don't overwhelm him with 'ideas' but I do let him know when Gh has a good day! And yesterday, I suggested he use more John York! (Mac)

    LOVE the anon option being gone.
    Nice move Karen.

  22. I agree with the comments about the gorgeous John York. What a waste! And can't complain about seeing more Johnny. Carly and Johnny make a much better pair than Carly and Shawn, who is still so stiff. That role should really be recast. I like the closeups lately, too. Raven says Brenda is coming back and that she left preggers. Maybe with new writers they can get it right this time.

  23. PLEASE no more Brenda!!! PLEASE!!

    Can't Jax come back for Carly? Or has that ship sunk??
    I think its sunk.

    I say more John York!!

    If this is deleted...I know I am done here.

  24. Deb K said...SONYA-Mr Lee (from what I heard) is the force behind keeping GH on the air!
    Ahhhh I didn't know that! Cool! :)

    My2Cents2 said...PLEASE no more Brenda!!! PLEASE!!
    Well if she is back to her old self then I say come back! :) I hope the vets that are coming back are back to their old selves too! :) And hey you got your old my2cents name back YAY!

    If this is deleted...I know I am done here.
    Why would your post be deleted? :)

  25. Sonya...how strange!! I was just about to email you on fb. I was making posts here, and they disapearred. WTF??
    I tried to go to fb and it told me to sign into my google account. So I did.
    Now I am My2Cents!! I told you I am computer illiterate! I didn't even realize I was 2cents until you brought it to my attention.
    Not sure what happened.
    Oh well.....Glad to be 2cents!

    Done with Brenda. Seriously. Its time for new. I am kinda hoping its Kate that brings Sonny down and that is how he leaves the show.

    Little confused to what I am reading. Hear Bree is coming to GH as an attorney.
    However, why an attorney when she is Jessie from OLTL and other OLTL people will be on the show??

    Also read new writer from OLTL was hired. He/she is the one who wrote that speech Vicki gave at the end about what soaps mean to people.

    Alexis is getting a storyline!!
    Though it is about menopause, at least it will be comical and its better than another shooting storyline. Besides, isn't Demi & Heather going thru menopause?? lol

  26. Sonya-Yeah I miss the 2cents name too!!! Glad it's back!!! :)

    Me too! I just brought my picture over so people can't blame me for being 2 people.
    How strange that happened. Oh well!

  27. My2Cents2 said... Me too! I just brought my picture over so people can't blame me for being 2 people. How strange that happened. Oh well!
    Hahahha that is probably a good idea. :)


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...