Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Nik...Liz   NIZ

Milo..NuLu   NuLuLo 

AJ and Carly AJar? 20130429 1704(27)

And ELLIE ..finally YOU LOOKED. Thanks.


Um.. that's it. Oh Badger BOB got shown today!! WOOT!!

WATCH OLTL on Hulu !! Today's show was awesome.

Monday, April 29, 2013

GH: Snail's Pace Race

Sorry, but after watching the REbOOT of AMC and OLTL, GH is going to seem soooooo slooowww. Plus, they don't have the groovy music track lol.

Sam went from hot, gun toting private eye to baby mama and FOSTER MA to Rafe.. goodness. Wonder what her story is going to be zzzzzzzzzzz

Britt's giant belly goin' in for an abortion. 
Um, NO! looks like she's going to give birth any minute.

SOLIVIA yeah. 

AJ's hair looks Scott Baldwin-ish. Sonny punches him, he has a panic attack.

Morgan is into Online gambling? ahaha how stupid.Whatever. He's at Vanderbuilt.  


One Life to Live and AMC...Back in GREATER GLORY!!


I was WRONG.

The ONLINE versions of AMC and OLTL made me giddy. Great productions, music...and zexy!! They go faster and are just damn FUN!!!

GO TO HULU it is free. It's fun. It's just AWESOME.  Vicky is devious...David Vickers is back doing his reality show.  Pete Cortlandt is SO GORGEOUS!! lol 


Sunday, April 28, 2013

One Life To Live and AMC-- HULU IT BABY!!

Starting at 5am.. 
You can log on to Hulu.com

And watch...OLTL and AMC all day-- whenever YOU Want!! 

THE EPISODES are always there once they air. Ergo, you can BINGE on the weekend and watch them ALL if you want.

If you do have Hulu PLUS-- then you can have it on your TV-- Or I guess if you are savvy and have an HDMI cable, you can watch from your computer to your  TV.



Sunday Surgery: The Remains

Kinda like the  "After-Party". Now that the Ball is over, Lulu's home--Stavvy's on ice, we are left with...
Baby Bellies,


Ellie  investigation
Pickle Making
and Lulu Milo mischief

so, saddle up and get your relish forks at the ready!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Soap Opera Uncensored

INSIDE — 2013’s Sexiest Woman Alive: GH’s Finola Hughes In Her Most Intimate Interview Ever! The Beauty Reveals What Gloria Monty Would Think of Today’s GH; Why She Misses “The Llanview 3;” If Kimberly McCullough Will Ever Come Back Full-Time; What Kelly Ripa Thinks of The Soap Opera Renaissance; What It Was Really Like to Make Out With A “Latex Mask;” and Her Sexy Secrets Revealed! — DAYTIME EMMY AWARDS PREVIEW: WHO WILL BE NOMINATED NEXT WEEK? — Sofia Vergara’s Sis Joins A Soap! — SOAP HUNK COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET — Trevor St. John Back on ONE LIFE — INSIDE PROSPECT PARK’S LAWSUIT AGAINST ABC! — Juicy Blind Items: Which Superstar Is Embroiled In Tense Contract Negotiations? — NEW ROLES BEING CAST ON AMC AND Y&R! — UNCENSORED Quotes Of The Week! 
I'm putting this up and a LINK to the Smashword subscription to read Branco's latest edition. It's great...! good info on the Prospect Park stuff going on and of course,  Trevor St.John news!! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Today's Show?


Hmmm. Was glad to see Anna and Duke.

Paddy's still moping around. Britt looks about 7 months PG.  GEESH! You can't just walk around asking for a termination at that point. It's even stupid to entertain.

Sorry girl at Crimson. Connie fired you. Gwen, what a name.

Ellie, I so don't care about the baby info.

JOHNNY Z!! It's his last showing, pick up an SID to see his exit interview. :( WAH

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

LULU and...Milo

Wow..look who has airtime. Mr. Milo and if you watched OLTL, you can pretty much write the Natalie er. I mean Maxie Lulu....er... wait.. Jessica..no MAXIE LULU story. Yeah.
Sorry  LOL 
Oh.. and There goes DANTE feeling Maxie's tummy! 

Pickle Tracy. ahah.  Catchy.

Tyler has 9million tatts. 

LOL Flea thought NuLu ring was for her. WHOOPS


And where the hell is Anna--and Duke? 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Great Piece On Ingo in Glamour Mag

Glamour visited Dancing with the Stars last night and has a great interview up on the site. Hit the link--there's also a nice video up as well. 

OK, a little backstory here. After hearing—during the live taping, no less—that Ingo was celebrating his 42nd birthday, I darted off to the nearby Sprinkles cupcakes at The Grove to pick him up a birthday treat. And how about this coincidence: Because it was Earth Day, Sprinkles had vanilla cupcakes with surfer-surfboard decorations on them. As many of you know, Ingo is an avid surfer in Hawaii. So, bingo!


I love Lisa LoCicero.. and I thought there was a huge story with Olivia and Sonny-- and they missed the boat. IF Brenda's not staying-- (and who the hell knows) I would like this. She's tough and wouldn't take any sheeze. Plus, her kid's a cop. Why not.?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Brenda Shocker....NOT

Say What!?

Oh wow, she didn't sleep with him.
worst kept secret Evah!! 

And BTW-- Ummmmmmm.... is Spin Danny's nanny now? 

Moment of Silence For Boston. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Honey, I Shrunk the Lulu!

I had to say it.. LOL NuLu is so tiny-- it was like she shrunk in the freezer!! She did a good job in the time I saw her, so no complaints. GH was a short one this week due to the Boston story and I was busier than a bee in Lila's rose garden, so this Surgery will be short and sweet. 


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chrissie Fit in "Filly Brown"

 Our own GH alum Chrissie Fit (Night Shift and GH as Mercedes) is in the 2012 Sundance Pic "Filly Brown' which opened April 19th. The film, also starring Lou Diamond Phillips and Edward James Olmos, traces the story of a rising hip-hop artist who must choose her path to stardom. Fit plays the sister of  Filly in this gritty independent film.

Fit at the Premiere of the film with costar Gina Rodriguez.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Today's GH will be on Monday...

 Due to the Boston manhunt, they will air today's GH on Monday. I know this is a minor point in times like these but I wanted to let you know. 

IT's also Franco's birthday today..not that many of you want to remember he was on GH lol 

Casting Rumors

Since I haven't seen any confirmation:

Looks like Kris Alderson is playing Serena Baldwin
Roger Howarth is playing Alex Quartermaine (son of Alex and Tony Cassadine) 
Michael Easton will be playing some variation of Caleb Morely or the singer guy. 

Maura West expected to join the cast... 

NuMorgan is coming (see photo below in blog)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prospect Park..crying like a BABY

This is just stupid... Prospect Park is SUING ABC for using OLTL characters on GH--even though they PULLED THE PLUG ON THEIR OWN Reboot before then deciding to green light it again.  I don't pretend to understand all of this but to ME-- that's just sour grapes. GH is doing great and a lot of Press out there right now. What better way to get some PR for your own shows? 

FROM Daytime Confidential  Go  read their take. I think it's sour grapes. 

According the article, All My Children and One Life to Live will relaunch as planned on April 29, as PP gears up to duke out their grievances with ABC in court. Among PP's reported claims concerning GH's use of OLTL characters are that, “for over a year, ABC outright failed and refused to consult with Prospect on any storylines involving these characters, rendering Prospect’s approval rights meaningless.”
The Deadline article also mentions PP isn't happy GH decided to kill off two OLTL characters (Cole and Hope?) and revealed a OLTL character was actually a GH character (Alcazar/Tomas?).

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Friend Terry Morrow

Terry was a wonderful man who wrote for the Knoxville Sentinel Paper as their entertainment columnist. Terry did many interviews with daytime stars, especially for General Hospital. Every time he would talk with someone he would sound so excited! I remember when he got to interview Tony Geary--he was like a little kid. "I'm talking to Geary this week" he told me and we both gushed a bit.   His blog, Tele-Buddy's Tinseltown Tales was popular with the soap set as well as those who loved his fun interviews with prime-time and movie personalities. 

Terry passed away today with complications from cancer. He was fighting until the end. We even messaged each other last Friday and he wanted to know all about Stavros Cassadine.  I sent him some info on the character and he said "oh good. ..another baddie"!! 

On twitter, he was known as @Telebuddy and we'd dish all during GH when we happened to be on together.  We'd laugh about Franco and all the weird stuff going on.  We even had a mutual love of FRONKEYS:

Terry was a big supporter of the East Tennessee Children's Hospital and loved dressing up as Spider Man to entertain the kiddos there.  

The internet can be such a strange place. I never met Terry personally and was hoping to get to Knoxville to give him a hug and have a beer together. Yet, we "talked" almost daily and always kept each other 'up' on the latest dish out in the cyberworld. He loved "The Walking Dead" and "Breaking Bad".  When he interviewed the actors on that show we both were dying!! I was like YOU MET  Aaron Paul??  WHAT!!?!  He knew I was jealous and I always told him I wanted to be his assistant someday. 

Terry was 52 years young and was to celebrate his birthday next week at his beloved Dolly Parton's cabin. He was positive he'd be well in time and would tell us all to "save the date"! I have the lobster tie I bought him (yes, he would have loved it!!) , right here and will keep it always as a reminder of one great guy. 
 You will be missed. Godspeed, my friend.  xxoo 

Terry's interview with Tony Geary: HERE 



"I'm an internist" lol... ;) Katie was pretty fun. I liked it. "Get your skinny ass outta my hospital" Says Epiphany..then its' SPONGE BATH TIME for the PRINCE! ahahahaa. 

I so wish JMB was doing this Lulu thing, it's so hard to put a Nuface on when they are all forgetful and we're supposed to care.  SHE'S TINY! wow...
I think Lulu "married" Stavros and we'll see it in flashbacks, I bet that's the photo that was tweeted.
Just deducing. 

Heather!! "Franco the Dictator? Franco the Body Builder? Franco the Artist"?? 

Tracy is is going to start a new company "TAQ" !! 

Snoop LION to create song for OLTL

They got it wrong on BallerStatus...didn't they? Isn't he SNOOP LION now?? LOL Any hoo, he's created the new song for OLTL's online show! Remember when he was on...as a friend of Bo's? Yep..

Monday, April 15, 2013

Girls Who Wear Glasses...

Isn't it a hoot that after the "MakeOver" for girls, they ALWAYS leave their glasses off? And BTW, they must not be too strong if she had spare contacts laying around at the ready? 

Dr. Evil is leaving! BYE

Noah's leaving...

Bobbie's leaving...

Dom Z crying to NuFace Lulu.. I know they are actors but I'd have trouble transposing to another face. (Maybe that's why I don't do it?!) LOL 
AND LULU has no memory.  
Ok, Chess. Got it.

AHHHHHHHHHH AJ "What, Carly..Sonny wouldn't shoot his son? YEAH? Tell Dante that"!! ahahaahahah. And then Michael tells Sonny he had sex with Brender. I'm dying here. 
Sonny..hides his gun. :)
Brenda's lie of Omission?

Bobbie  and Noah ending up at the same hospital... nice. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Surgery: What To Expect When You're Expecting

Oh.. yes.. she's showing  MORE belly than Maxie is...and she's proud of it! Mama tries to give her warm milk to calm her down. From the dialog you'd THINK she was really PG (and with Patrick's baby) BUT--is she? Seems so.  Is it really his or did she steal some sperm/egg combo from her own lab?? You know I am SO OVER BABY DRAMA!! LOL. Although a legit grandbaby of Faison's?? Hmmmmmmm, could be rich!! 

GET ON your OBGYN scrubs and bring over some OUZO because this week's GH was OLD SCHOOL FUN!! 

Disclaimer: Yes, I said I was leaving..yes, I had this huge good-bye blog but DAMN! HOW can I leave now?? When My Cassadines are creeping back!!?? How how!!? 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Strange Tweet Deepens Mystery!

Haley Pullos tweeted this and I HAVE to believe it was intentional because..look how it's framed. Ergo..

is it a flashback?
Why is CT Facing the other way from the front?

What Church? Looks Cassadine like LOL.. Russian Orthodox?

Flea-Mac Wedding!

Yeah!! SO Glad they are getting married!! (I got home at 2:22)

Olivia and Sonny--Here's hoping Lisa LoCiccero gets a fabulous story. 

"I was just briefed on your family history...isn't he dead"? says Anna to Alexis! Anna, weren't YOU dead a couple times too? LOL  
Alexis "HELENA IS DEAD? A nuclear bomb couldn't take her out... she's too evil to die"!! 

 "I would have to see her cold, lifeless shriveled up old body..and then I wouldn't even believe it" 

Luke knocks out Stavros. They find LULU but Luke doesn't kill Stavvy-and we wakes up. They trap him in the Space CHAMBER (circa 2001). Lulu of course,  has a NuFace. Everyone thinks she's dead. Oh ye of little faith.
Lasha turns the chamber o n Stavros. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



 From  yesterday.



that's all...
you're welcome!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Legend of Stavros Cassadine

Once upon a time, Helena had a son...his name was Stavros. (I call him Stavvy). He was tall and handsome and much to her other son's chagrin, much more loved than he. 

Blueberry Days with Stefan
When Laura (Lasha to them) was kidnapped after her wedding to Luke, the Cassadines locked her up in their castle on a Greek Island where Blueberries Grew. Stavros wanted her..and Helena let Lasha know she would marry him. How did that happen?
Helena told Lasha Luke was dead...so Lasha married the cruel prince. She also gave birth to Nikolas. (This was actually retrospective memories made up by Bob Guza during the Nikolas years). This was when Stefan stepped in and showed Lasha some kindness (and a picnic) while she was captive for those years. 

Laura managed to reunite with Luke in grand fashion at the Mayor's mansion. Stavros found them however and tied up Luke and was going to force him to watch the ravishing of Laura when...
Luke escaped and crushed his head with a post!
Stavvy survived but fell down the stairs to his "death"...

The RETURN of Stavros came in the form of his mama "deicing" him in underground chambers. He came alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this was part of the "End Game" story in 2001 that was scrapped because of 9/11). 
He actually murdered Chloe Morgan (relative of Lila) when she discovered who he was.  
There was much DNA testing.
Up down...false ...positive to determine if STAVROS or STEFAN was Nikolas' father. Stefan had raised Nikolas as his own..he called him Uncle..then father ..then uncle again when the tests were found to be messed with. To this day, I'm sure we'll never REALLY REALLY know if Nikolas is Stefan or Stavros' son.  For now, he is Stavvy's. 

When we last saw Stavros he was falling to his death in a "never ending pit" that Luke pushed him into. He laughed at Luke and cursed him. 

There you have it.  Stavros. In a Nutshell. 

Cassadine Rising....


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jen Lilley is going to DOOL

I really liked her a lot and am so happy she's been picked up by Days!! Congrats and good luck!! 

PS. Here's a cute photo of Ingo and Steve Burton. Ingo posted it on Twitter just now!  STEVE/INGO

Oh, it's FaiSPAWN!

That's what I'm calling Britt now.  :) FaiSPAWN!
That belly was GIANT for 3 months.
LORDY but then again, she's a spemination job, so who knows?! 
I have SO MUCH to write about this story but I think I'll save it for Sunday.

I loved Dr. Evil  dancing to "Jump" LMAO.  FUN stuff. 

Hey, when Molly was singing Kate Grahn, Nancy's daughter was on the guitar and that was her band.

Michael is getting dumped by Starr over the phone-- LMAO. Prospect PARK YOU MEANIES!! She's coming back as someone ELSE!!


Monday, April 8, 2013

So.. What did you Think?

Who on this blog didn't know who Brit's daddy was? 

She HAS to be evil with HER parents. LOL.

Magic Milo? Yeah..?? Or nay? 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday Surgery: A Stitch In Time

What a week...!! Singing...Dancing.. Scrubs on PARADE!!  Get your tap shoes out and let's celebrate...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Deleted Nurses Ball Scenes

These scenes were deleted from today's show due to time constraints..enjoy!

GH Red Carpet

Everyone looked awesome!! What fun!! I can't wait to get more photos for everone.. Carly was my fave. Honestly I really liked her dress and hair.  Brenda was all in Haute couture over there. 

14 minutes in on Twitter:

 YEP! Nurses BALL!! WHOO HOO! Note: ABOVE the Final Four AND Kurt Cobain! LOL
Wubby Hubby comes in "so..what ya doin'??" I'm screaming at him GET OUT!! JUST GET OUT!! :) This is my week off..after this, it's DVRing for me. If I get to watch at all.

Brenda called Carly A "Miserable Skank" tee hee

Alexis looked great, and so did her chestalooge.  

Patrick and Sabrina kissin' it up. 

IT'S STARTING!!  Lucy comes out and this is a dream!! WOW, the lat regime was just "we can't do it..no money -- no time" 
Well, BS. 

It was so fun! Sonya Eddy was great and of course Sabrina sounded like Anne Hathaway.    She blinded me with Science! PERFECT Song for SpinELLIE!! 

Sam doing her DWTS... it was so nice! Loved the number. 

ACK!! Frisco singing to Flea. Wow.. first loves are JUST. ;/ and he PROPOSES!! He sang that song for TANYA btw, Tony's love and he fell for her.

Monday will be Milo stripping... and Rick Springfield and Britt and her nasty mama. 

I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK!! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Emma: "What are Abs"??

WHAT A DOLL!  She and Sabrina and Emma Skype! awwww. Emma LOOKED ADORABLE!

Ok, so.. no follow up on my HELLS LAYING ON THE DECK OF THE HAUNTED STAR!!  I got her on the Bat Phone and I'm handling things quite well now.

NOAH shows up! He never really left last time, remember? LOL. Just kinda walked into the bedroom.

I so want Bobbie to stay on the show. Get the Brownstone going again.  And for those of you with 'issues' on her surgery, please know that she got a bad batch of whatever when a shady doc did both she and Priscilla Presley..so be kind. Thanks.

Jax and Brenda...talking about Carly LOL.. Carly goes IN To Jax and totally blows Brenda in :) And  BRENDA says she wants to get back with Sonny!! Then she tries to say she didn't mean it. Good gravy.


Watch Katie Today..

Genie, Kin..Finola, Tony and Kelly all pop up on the show along with Rick Springfield! Katie usually airs on ABC after GH in most east coast areas,  check your schedule! 
More great pics up on Tony Geary Dot Net FB page! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Wubs 5 Top General Hospital Scenes of All Time

Here they are...just my opinion, but I found these to be my most memorable scenes I watched on the iconic soap. I've watched since I was a kid--and then very closely (obsessed)  when I was a teen. GH was a little drama in my day...always! 

Honorable Mention:  The entire 1993 Luke and Laura return story. It was filmed in and around Rochester, NY where I live.  The "Triple L" diner is in Newark--so many people went to watch that. This scene was taped in Letchworth park, part of Seneca Nation land. I've been there MANY times. Swam  right in that pool!! There is still a vintage shot of them in one of our downtown mini-museums riding down the street in the Pink Caddy.

Number 5: Helena Poisons Stefan. Nasty and creepy! Helena kneels down to watch her son die and berates him for his childhood and basically, not being able to breastfeed. :shivers: 

Number 4:  Brenda and the Wire: Good Lord, but I was curled up in my chair with my hands under my chin flinching during this. Brilliant acting by both Maurice and Vanessa. 

Number 3: You all know this scene... Tony leans down and listen's to BJ's heart beat in Maxie. Waaahhhh

Number 2: Tracy with holds Edward's medication.  If you've never seen this...watch it.  Magnificent. Made my heart jump a mile high. Wow. 

NUMBER ONE: Luke sees Laura on the lawn of the mansion. His scream is just......... :thud:


Wasn't yesterday's show awesome?? I loved seeing everyone-- even Emily!! I did love Amber but if she's going to visit Nikolas, this Emily fits better. That's some LSD Pickle! :)

Today's show:

Ball decorating. 

Laura on the boat...Should she kill Ethan? LUKE? After listing all the sheeze he did to her, I would say SHOOT LOL 

AND LUKE DOES IT.. are they fake bullets? You know they've done that before..hmmm. I'm dying. HELEEEEEEEENAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
OMG is shereallydead?

OMG.. Damn. No she can't be!! NO NO!! 
No way. Ok, I'm not going to believe it. LOL..but Connie is 80 and this WOULD be a good way to go out. 

"Crazy bitch. Should've killed her 30 years ago" -Luke 

Jax and Brender. Sonny tells Brenda to just Leave.  Carly shrieks like a banshee LOL she was SO RIGHT about Brenda though!!  Brenda just doen't MAKE UP HER DAMN MIND. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


"That bitch is working overtime with her winged monkeys snatching my kids" says LUKE 

WATCH the show today..a LOT of surprises!!

I don't want to spoil because it was so good. 

Shriner: OUT of the Ashes Came Frank and Ron!

Oh this TVGUIDE  interview is AWESOME!! read it all..here's a sample: 

TV Guide Magazine: It's such a joy to have the old guard back together on GH these days. Jane, I saw you on Access Hollywood asking a great question: "Why did these people ever go away?"
I'll tell you why! It's a writing issue. Writers dry up. They can't think of a place to go with the older characters. It's easier for them to do an old story with a new character than do a new story with an old character.
Geary: And let us not forget that writers get residuals for every new character they create as long as that character is on the air.
Elliot: It's my belief that The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful are the highest-rated shows because they use the same people decade after decade. That's what this audience wants to see — their old characters in new situations. And that's what our current executive producer and head writer, Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati, are delivering.
Geary: Usually, new producers and writers want to put their stamp on a show. They don't want to continue what's working. They want to reinvent the wheel. It's an ego thing. And once they've gotten rid of characters that were well known and deeply loved, they think they can create that same magic with new characters. Frank and Ron did the exact opposite and it saved our ass. Things were pretty rough there for a while, but they got better as soon as [ABC Daytime chief] Brian Frons left. He hated the soap medium. He hated it from the beginning. He wanted reality TV.
Shriner: It's weird how it all changed overnight. Everybody was firing everybody. Brian fired [head writer] Bob Guza. Then [exec producer] Jill Phelps got fired. Then ABC fired Brian. "You're fired!" "No, you're fired!" It was crazy. But, then, out of the ashes came Frank and Ron.
Geary: The timing was so right

Monday, April 1, 2013

Burlap Bag Head

 20130330 2102(7)

That is what Luke and Laura saw.  You know it's not Lulu...is it Lucky? WHO? Hmmm or a dummy or decoy? 


Nik Wakes Up.
Bobbie and  Carly


Can't wait for tomorrow.


WE Love Soaps has great pics and the video!!

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...