Monday, July 26, 2021

Your Ex..My Ex...Together at Last


Pool: Sam and Shawn talking. Sam has on a Golden Girls robe thing.. and I can't hear her as usual. She goes to talk to Jax and they talk about Alexis a bit. Jax finds out Shawn didn't shoot Hayden. They want Jax to find Hayden so they can find out who really shot her. Jax has no idea where she is.. Sam wants to know why Hayden wouldn't at least reach out to Violet. Jax thinks it could be to protect her. 

Alexis taunts Ryan at the prison common room. She is going to poke him to see if he's faking, then someone scares her from behind. Nik is there. 

Nina and Sonny..drink beer. He says he almost came to PC to find her. They talk about Wiley. Boring. She says she thinks about Sonny all the time. Sonny says he'd give up knowing about his old life to be with her. Sonny takes a selfie with Nina on his phone.  They dance and Kiss. 

Liason talking in the park. Liz tells Jason Peter is dead. Tells him the body is in the freezer in the sub-basement of Helena's lab.  Jason says he'll make it go away.  Jason goes to GH and is on the phone telling Spinelli to turn off the cameras. Then he runs into Britt. She tells him she spent money on an electric toothbrush or something. Anyway, he has to get to the basement. He finds the freezer. 

Anna and Finn. He wonders why she's dragging her feet. She says because it's led her to a place she doesn't want to be.  Then she tells him what the pilot said about Peter being on the roof but not alone. She says she has a theory that the person did something they regret; and they can't tell because it would endanger their lives and the people they love. OOOOOOOO!! OMG Then LIZ barges in "FINN!! I just talked to......." Then Finn tells Anna he'll show her what happened to Peter. 

Monica has narrowed the COS down to Terry or Britt. OMG they are co-chiefs!! AHAHHA. Britt is pissed, she stomps off.  Monica tells Terry they have to accept together or no deal. She goes off to talk Britt into it. 


Finn says he'll show Anna what happened to Peter...they head to the basement.  They get there and Jason is gone. BUT Finn doesn't open the freezer yet. So we don't know if Jason moved it or not. 

Monica is told someone tampered with the cameras, they put a silent alarm on if someone over-road them. 


  1. Dis anyone one else notice the wierd way Sam laid on that lolounge chair? That would be really hard on the back, I think.

  2. the cameras on silent I did NOT see coming!! Monica will protect Jason - I think WE are supposed to think Jason moved the body and ANNA thinks that, but Jason won't tell them the body is gone-----silent treatment, blah, blah, blah....
    I SO wish Jason would just scream, "the freakin body is gone!"

    1. cause the body WILL be gone when Jason opens it and we all it....

  3. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Mike and Nina: Little bit flirty, little bit kissy. Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: I let it simmer until it was hot. Best sauce I have ever had.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Oh really now?! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Jax and Sam: WOW! They haven't been in a scene in ages! Love Sam's robe. Sam brought her bread to the rooftop today.

    Jax: My ex and your ex, together at last.

    Hahahaha. He would have won the joke of the day, but sorry Jax, Nina wins!

    Jax, Sam, and Shaun: Oh come on!!! Sam you lost your memory!!! The men in black must have erased everyone's memory!! Including mine and other fans who forgot that Sam and others know that Nik shot RayRay! I remember calling Nik and RayRay Mr. and Mrs. Snails when they got married because they were so boring!

    Spring Ridge:


    Alexis and Nik: Nik who is a Cassadine is afraid of Ryan?!!? BAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA! OH! Ryan is smirking a little! :) Hehe delicious!!!

    The park:

    Liason: I'm so glad Liz told Jason! Love that he is going to help! YAY!

    The hospital:

    Monica, Britch, and Terry: OH! Two co chief of staffys! Great idea! :) That was a strange edit when Britch left. Very odd.

    Britch and Jason: Yeah Jason you are not the only one who was confused hahahaha. Toothbrushes? :) Was this just an excuse to talk to him? :)

    Britch and Terry: More toothbrush talk? Are they getting money from advertising toothbrushes?

    Anna and Finchy: Oh yes. Show her the body! That will be fun!

    Sub sub basement: Oh Jason!!!!! :) I really hope Jason gets the body out and then when Finchy and Anna open the freezer, the body is gone!!!! Soapy goodness!!!

    Finchy and Anna: Time to open the freezer!!!!! Hopefully the Tribbles are in there!

    1. Great recap as always! I loved when Nik turned Ryan to face the wall and told him to enjoy the view ;-)

    2. "Paul773 says, Great recap as always!"

      Thank you. :)

      "I loved when Nik turned Ryan to face the wall and told him to enjoy the view ;-)"

      ROFL! Sureeeee. He will enjoy the view alright!!! :) Hahahaha. Love that little smirk Ryan made. :)

    3. Yes. I loved that little smirk at the end. I see action a-comin'.

    4. "Di says, I see action a-comin'."

      Yeah I see action a-comin too! :)

    5. Loved Ryan's smirk! Actually I enjoyed all of the scenes in the prison. Thanks for the line of the day Sonya, I was fast forwarding the snooze Nixon Falls spinoff. I just can't anymore with that sheez. The fall out from howler monkey Carly is going to be the pits, lol!

      So so happy Liz told Jason about popsicle Pete. Yay!

      Snickering about the toothbrush conversations, and seriously, where are the freaking Tribbles???

    6. "Julie H says, Loved Ryan's smirk! Actually I enjoyed all of the scenes in the prison."

      Yeah it was great!

      "Thanks for the line of the day Sonya, I was fast forwarding the snooze Nixon Falls spinoff. I just can't anymore with that sheez."

      Yeah it's time for Sonny to go back to Port Chuckles memory or not, and still be with Nina. :)

      "The fall out from howler monkey Carly is going to be the pits, lol!"


      "So so happy Liz told Jason about popsicle Pete. Yay!"

      WOOT WOOT! :)

      "Snickering about the toothbrush conversations,"

      Hahaha. Is she getting any money for the advertisement?! :)

      "and seriously, where are the freaking Tribbles???"

      I don't know! :(

    7. I also FF'd through all the Nixon Falls scenes with Mike and Nina.They're just dragging the same sh.. out because they went into another wave. If the writers want to stay home, let them. BUt have them write something original.

    8. I FF'd Mike and Nina, too. It was dumb of Nik and Alexis to have that conversation within hearing distance of Ryan - can't trust him even like that. I like Nik and Ava together but I really don't like him much anymore.

  4. I don’t want Ryan back. I feel they are just recycling storylines. Let Jon Linstrom have a storyline with KEVIN. Ryan equals been there. Done that.

  5. What I'd like to know is how come the Tan-O NEVER has any customers?


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...