Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Vet Day


No, not GH Vets, My girlie's VET! I'm going to be gone for most of GH so I decided to watch it all on Hulu later. 

Enjoy this pic of Tillie Joy McGee instead! She is bald with her summer-cut LOL 


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Tillie!!!!! :) Such a beautiful face! :)

    Jordan's office:

    Jordan and Dante: Jordan got Dante's report about that pilot! Jordan knows about the cameras at GH are down again.. Time to go!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Jason: Oh oh! No body! Oh oh Spinny doesn't know who took the body!

    Sub sub sub sub sub basement: Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy and Anna:

    Finchy: I think I'd know if somebody was dead.


    Finchy, Anna, Jordan, and Dante: Time to investigate! Anna is leaving Finchy out of it, and Finchy has kept Liz out of it. Awwwww. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly, Gladys, and Laura: Gladys is STILL bugging Carly about Brando and joining the family organization! SHUT UP GLADYS! Glad Brando took her away.

    Carly and Laura: Carly talkin about Sonny and how much she misses him. Talking about marrying Jason. It was a nice scene.

    Brasha and Gladys: Brando wants Gladys to move out and get a job! ROFL! She was whiny. The baby will get her room. Sasha gives her a job at Deception. Gladys didn't really want to, until Sasha told her she would get a lot of attention, now she wants to! Be careful Sasha.. Gladys could do something really bad to you and the baby!

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Joss and Trina: One minute Joss has red lipstick on, and the next it's gone. Joss is complaining about Chad again and he is not even there! Damn Joss do you have a crush on him? Trina talks about her mom and Curtis. Trina has a feeling her mother and Curtis were together before. She thinks Curtis had an affair on Jordan!!! Oh boy! You are WAY off Trina!

    Portia's home:

    Portis: I LOVE them, but uh Curtis, it's none of Trina's business what you two did back in the day!

    1. Surprisingly enough I really liked Laura and Carly! Laura makes everyone tolerable and I loved her talking about Kevin. I need to see him. Is he hanging with the Tribbles and the Popsicle?

      I really liked Finn not mentioning Liz and Dante finding blood is bad. Very, very bad! And Jordon's constipated self is going to figure out that it was Finn. Again bad, very, very bad!

    2. "Julie H says, Surprisingly enough I really liked Laura and Carly!"

      Yeah me too. :)

      "Laura makes everyone tolerable"

      She does!!! :)

      "and I loved her talking about Kevin. I need to see him. Is he hanging with the Tribbles and the Popsicle?"

      Well gee if Doc is with the Tribbles, then he should save them!!!

      "I really liked Finn not mentioning Liz and Dante finding blood is bad. Very, very bad!"

      I don't want Liz and Finchy to go to jail!!!

      "And Jordon's constipated self is going to figure out that it was Finn. Again bad, very, very bad!"


  2. Hopefully SOMEBODY moved the DEAD body of Peter. My guess is still Scotty, or maybe Scotty and Leisl????? To help Liz. We know it's not Anna, Finn, Jason or Liz. I like this guessing game if he is really dead and gone.

    1. I think it's someone protecting Elizabeth who saw what happen but I DO also think the writers have NO clue ------------- they keep changing history!!!!!!!!! Curtis KNOWS Nik tried to kill Hayden and NOW he doesn't?????????

  3. sonya said..." Be careful Sasha.. Gladys could do something really bad to you and the baby!"
    *** I think if Gladys was homicidal Sasha would be dead already. lol I'm really looking forward to her trying her lip out on Lucy though. PMSL

    sonya said..."One minute Joss has red lipstick on, and the next it's gone. "
    *** I noticed that too. And I'm glad it was changed. It didn't flatter her mouth and I wouldn't think it was something they would wear to a small indoor pool.

    1. "Di says, I think if Gladys was homicidal Sasha would be dead already. lol"

      ROFL! Maybe... Or maybe Gladys is biding her time. :)

      "I'm really looking forward to her trying her lip out on Lucy though. PMSL"

      You mean lipstick? Or her attitude? :)

    2. Obviously I meant giving her some lip (attitude). lol Have the writers offered you any koolaid today? PMSL

    3. "Di says, Obviously I meant giving her some lip (attitude). lol"

      Lucy will eat her alive!

      "Have the writers offered you any koolaid today? PMSL"

      ROFL! Smart ass! :)

  4. my bet is Cyrus hid the body or has him locked up to use at a later time. He is a good actor and bet GH wants him back. The cameras were working for Cyrus only.......

    1. Cyrus is in prison on the other side of the country.

    2. I know but he has "people" I just don't think Scotty of Liesl hid the body, and Cyrus was working with Peter, it just makes more sense, so he can blackmail somebody and maybe he gets out. I think they will bring him back

    3. Very good theory, but nooooooooo! :)

  5. Tillie is adorable!
    I enjoyed the Carly/Laura conversation. Gladys is a hoot.
    And the Hiney hunt is on.

  6. I'm hoping Scottie, Liesel, or Val moved the popsicle, as others have suggested. Not Cyrus, and NOT the popsicle still being alive. Liz and Finn both said he was dead, and if the medical folks can't pronounce a body, I'm done!!

    Sasha handled Gladys like a pro, but she's opening herself up for all kinds of mess, lordy!

    I wouldn't be telling Trina anything about the affair that was years ago. Another can of worms and another Lordy from me!

    Tillie is the cutest little thing, I heart her!

    1. I am with you. The thing with Valentin moving the body. He would tell Anna.

  7. Wonder if they will temporarily recast Maxie or just let the baby thing alone for long time. Just seems so weird someone with missing baby would skip town, not want police to help find her etc. The whole thing is ridiculous.

  8. Tillie is so darn cute!! Was it just me or did it look like daytime at Portia's house and yet the kids were at the pool? Maybe it was Finn's parents who saw something and hid the body, and I say "body" optimistically. I couldn't believe Jordan and Dante were not even curious to open the freezer first thing. Joss is getting to be as annoying as her mom.

    1. You are SO right - I have been frustrated lately with the timing that is crazy! AND for the first time Tan-O (according to Phyllis) is almost time to open.........then no customers and then Nina was tired and went home because of the TWO hour drive and it was late............BUT in Port Charles it was DAYTIME!

  9. Duh, I meant nighttime at Portia's - it was so dark.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...