Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Revealing

                                                                          Oh, CRAP. 

We had 3 reveals this week: Spencer 'came out'...Maxie told Nina the secret and we found that Austin is a Q. Unfortunately this chain of energy didn't extend to The Nixon Falls Spin-off which is basically what I wanted the most. BUT! Much history and fun so I'm all good. 

All in all a solid B+ week for me. I just got Panera's great cheese bagel. Have one with me? 

REVEAL NUMBER ONE OF THE WEEK: Austin is a Quartermaine via Jimmy Lee Holt!!! If you didn't watch in 1983 on up then you don't know, do you? I mean, it was forever ago and I hope you'll watch some of the clips I put up in the last blog. They used all the right buzzwords: Pawtuck, Charity...yada yada. Austin got a DNA test and has a birth certificate. The Qs will check his realness for sure. Hey, Monica got way more scenes again this week so Win-Win! 

REVEAL NUMBER TWO OF THE WEEK:  "Hello Father"... and with that, Spencer steps out of the foyer and greets his Grams and Papi. Thank goodness, I couldn't take more skulking around in broad daylight. I would have dressed him in Gucci or LV but that's me. He's beginning to get some of the ol' Spencer banter down but needs work on delivery. Laura was so happy to see him. Nikolas was wary. Ava? She knows he's trouble. 

REVEAL NUMBER THREE OF THE WEEK:  Maxi confides in Nina about her secret. I think this was done because KS had to leave the show for a bit and without her there, the tension of keeping said secret was gone. This way, Nina's all conflicted watching Valentin bond with Louise. I'm glad she told Brook Lynn she knows because that sets up a whole other relationship. 

WHAT WUBS DIDN'T GET ie: NON-REVEAL OF THE WEEK: Aka "That Other Show" Nixon Falls. I'm trying guys. I do like the characters of Lenny and Phyllis. Great actors. But just like with the Elijah thing, it's just not that important. Why? It's so outside the GH bubble that I can't deal. We thought when Jax , Joss and Trina came to town maybe he'd be outed then. HOW LONG AGO WAS THAT? Seems like years. Not even the sauce jar came up in conversation! Near misses with Anna and Valentin led to nothing. All we know know is that Lenny has Pancreatic Cancer. A slight movement in the memory department when MikeSon finds a hat that reminds him of his father's voice. 

GLORIOUS SET OF THE WEEK: Well, the PC Pool is sure a hit!! WOW Everyone seems to love it. Very airy, looks real and people can get in and out of that tank! Nice job. Lighting is perfect. PLUS WE GET SHIRTLESS PEOPLE. And it's INSIDE SO WE CAN GET SHIRTLESS IN WINTER TOO!! 

RUNNER UP SET OF THE WEEK:  We got a little Bar by the name of Ryan's in NYC with VAnna! That's right. And guess what? Val reported that "Maeve" was singing Danny Boy in the back. Nice nod to the show. I know they've used it before (Deliah) but this was just whimsical. 

CLUNKER OF THE WEEK: Sam and Jason. Good Lord. The whole scene had the energy of a nursing home at nap time. Wow. Seriously? I understand Sam gets that he's loved Carly--but ... really? KeMo delivered those lines like she was asleep. There I said it. THEN they have her go talk to Carly, hold her hands and tell her if she can help she will. I guess that was a nod to the fact she knew something was going on--probably a 'protection' marriage but didn't come out and say it. I just really expected a powerful scene. And.......nothin' .  NOTE: Did Wardrobe get mad at us making fun of Sam's clothes and just dress her like a bar-back to mess with us? LOL 

BREAK UP OF THE WEEK: All off camera because we haven't seen Ellie in years and years. She's like Norm's wife on Cheers, never seen only heard about! Spinelli is of course happy for Jarly. He loves them as much as he loves himself. I get why they'd do this. Why keep Ellie around when she's never seen? The Spixie factor can raise it's head again, right? 

FACE OF THE WEEK:  That's Carly, right after Jason gave her a peck on the cheek so people would think they are 'real'.  Um.. GIRL!! We know you want it!! 

MENTION OF THE WEEK:  Even with all the Pawtuck news, Monica mentioning Annabelle was just chef's kiss. Plus she gave the face she got "knocked up by a common stray" lol. That's so vintage Monica!!! 


Marco--Polo!! Everone  in the POOL! New set at the Metro

Gladys goes Blonde 

Nina and Maxie talk about the baby switch; Nina tells Brook she knows

Austin announces he's a Holt, and is contesting Edward's will cutting out his father's decedents

Brando steps in to help Carly; will he be their 'enforcer'? Sasha would hate that! 

Maxie prepares to leave Port Charles

Spinelli announces his break up with Ellie but it's ok, he loves Jason and the mob more

Spencer disposes of his paint covered boots in a dumpster

Spencer surprises Nikolas, Laura and Ava upon his return

Portia wants to be friends with Curtis. He's not happy

Austin tells the Qs he's Jimmy Lee Holt's son; Edward's grandson chaos ensues

Valentine and Anna go to NYC to find the pilot connected to Peter

Lenny has cancer; MikeSon finds a cap and doesn't run into VAnna 

SCOOPS:   Dante and Anna compare notes, Britt has a reunion, Sam is investigating who shot Curtis and Shawn is at the Metro Court Pool! Find out all the spoilers on Diagnosis Daytime. 

SUGGESTIONS OF THE WEEK:  Let us see if Peter's body is in the freezer or not. We need to know. Lenny/Sonny/Phyllis. Will the reveal be when Lenny dies and has a funeral? Just hurry it up. I guess we have to have Sonny get back some of his memories if he's going to be any use to the Jarly story. Although you know I want Cary to get him back as "Mike". heh.  I'm going to say if actors don't want to come to work (and you can really tell) then please, replace them.  The pool is a great thing and thank you. Wardrobe has to be told that Laura and Brook do NOT need to be dressed in black and heavy blazers. More than half of women look normal like they do. It's so apparent that it's really starting to make me angry.  Willow should be shown having to care for Chase.. all the intimate things a caregiver has to do. That will bond them. Either that or show her really pining for Michael to the point she seeks out zex in a closet from him. Because again-zzzzzzzzzzzz. I think Jake and Danny could be great troublemakers for Carly. Thank you for more TJ and Molly. 

THAT'S IT! I just realized I'm gone Mon-Wed!!! Going to visit my parents then staying over for my Anniversary in a cool hotel. Dave and I will have to think of some blog fillers to get in there! Hope it's not as soggy where you are as it is here. Cheers! 


  1. "Unfortunately this chain of energy didn't extend to The Nixon Falls Spin-off"

    Don't forget the new spin-off spin-off! NYC Methodist! :)

    "GLORIOUS SET OF THE WEEK: Well, the PC Pool is sure a hit!! WOW Everyone seems to love it."

    YES!!! I love it so much! I love seeing people in the pool!!!! :)

    "NOTE: Did Wardrobe get mad at us making fun of Sam's clothes and just dress her like a bar-back to mess with us? LOL"

    They must be angry at us since they keep covering her bread!!! ROFL!

    "The Spixie factor can raise it's head again, right?"

    Why yes we can! :) Don't get me wrong, I love SpinElle, and it sucks that she won't be coming back... And right now I'm hurting for Spinny. :( Looks like the Bromance with Jason is back and stronger than ever and eventually yes Spixie should get back together.

    "FACE OF THE WEEK: That's Carly, right after Jason gave her a peck on the cheek so people would think they are 'real'. Um.. GIRL!! We know you want it!!"

    Hahaha. She has always wanted it!!!! :) She is finally getting what she wants!

    "SCOOPS: Shawn is at the Metro Court Pool!"


    1. I agree that Carly still has the hots for Jason, but he is in the "just friends" zone for her even though he is puppy dog for her and covering up for her all the time. IDK. It's stupid.

    2. "lindie says, I agree that Carly still has the hots for Jason, but he is in the "just friends" zone for her even though he is puppy dog for her and covering up for her all the time. IDK. It's stupid."

      Hahaha she has and always will have the hots for Jason.. Jason on the other hand is interested in Britch!

  2. I agree with the blazer thing. If it's actress preference I guess that's another story, but they are normal size women and it's not right to dress them that way. They are beautiful women. Laura's blazers often look like drapes. Maxie with a huge black leather jacket in summer. I will excuse that once maybe for her as she is ill IRL.Nina and Carly get to look like summer with sleeveless but not Brook and Laura and Maxie. That is not right.

    1. They could at least put her in a cropped jacket...not a long long one

    2. They could dress them occasionally in the pretty tunics like the Pioneer Woman wears. - much more youthful and flattering. Brook is definitely too young for that wardrobe, as is Maxie.

  3. I'm telling you it will be until November Sweeps before Sonny comes back; at least. I don't even care about that spin off at all. It's a waste. I like Mo, but he is the new Tony Geary and always getting what he wants on this show. He and LW and SB. There, I said it.

    1. "I don't even care about that spin off at all."

      Don't forget about the new spin off!!! NYC Methodist! :)

    2. You tell them Sonya! Lol! Too many spin offs for me, and I don't like any of them!

    3. "Julie H says, You tell them Sonya! Lol!"


      "Too many spin offs for me, and I don't like any of them!"

      Hahahaha. I think we just need 1 show!!! GH! :)

  4. I wonder how L.A's new mask mandate will affect the show??? Maybe not at all if they are vaccinated???

    1. P.S. Depends on the new regulations I imagine. I work healthcare in a state with semi good vaccination rate and healthcare wears the masks.

  5. Either Kemo has her face frozen with Botox or she just doesn’t care anymore.

    1. Very sad but probably both.

    2. I think it's a combination of both.

    3. Combo- she doesn't even TRY about Steve or Laura - in the work world - she would be fired!

  6. Thanks for another great SS. WE're melting here so I'm not outside too much. Love having your SS with my coffee in the morning.

    kd said..."Sam is investigating who shot Curtis"

    *** Who hired her or is she now doing pro bono work to get away from the kids she loves so much? Given her energy level I no longer can imagine her as a P.I. The writers should at least put her behind a desk so she's not holding up walls as often or sitting when everyone else is standing.

    I also love that pool area. So bright and airy looking. It adds a little light to the show. (Can someone accidently knock Gladys in it next time she starts her mean girl snarling. lol

    1. "Di says (Can someone accidently knock Gladys in it next time she starts her mean girl snarling. lol"

      I'll do it!!! :)

    2. I'll help Sonya, though I do like Gladys' blond hair.

    3. "Gary says, I'll help Sonya, though I do like Gladys' blond hair."

      Yes I like her blond hair too. As they say, blonds are more fun! She isn't! Time for her to go! Wait that's blondes have more fun.. Meh. I don't care. I will still push her in the water and knock her off a cliff! :)

  7. Thank you Karen for all your hard work. Really appreciate it!

  8. Another great SS! Thank you.
    GH sometimes does a fantastic job with casting but nuSpencer, so far, is not one. He is so bland and unanimated. Quite the opposite of NB. Hope he gets better.
    Love having more Monica. History coming from her mouth is always welcome. Her mention of Annabelle made me happy.
    IMO Jason and Carly have no love chemistry. Whole thing is dumb as she always complained about Sonny's business.
    More sadness. Lenny's diagnosis. Unless some soapy reason for him surviving comes along, he probably won't live.
    Wish they would wrap up the spin off and Hiney.
    Good Sunday to you all.

  9. nu- Spencer is a no-go for me.
    For SOME reason, my DVR kept rewinding when Curtis was at the pool.....over and over - especially when he put on his sunglasses - wonder why??????LOL..
    Yep, I screamed when Mike kept missing Anna and Val - SEVEN FREAKIN MONTHS - I am SO tired of it, and I think he will come back before November, or be found out but NOT get his memory back until November sweeps......
    Hate hate hate Gladys -------- take that energy and give DIANE more things to do or MONICA or whoever - DON'T make us live through Gladys........

  10. "Mufasas says, nu- Spencer is a no-go for me."

    Me too! That's why I call him Chad. :)

    "For SOME reason, my DVR kept rewinding when Curtis was at the pool.....over and over - especially when he put on his sunglasses - wonder why??????LOL.."


    1. I don't understand the significance of calling him Chad.

    2. "Di says I don't understand the significance of calling him Chad."

      There is no significance! It just popped into my head! Hahaha! :)

  11. I was hoping that Lenny would need a heart transplant maybe sacrificing someone who isn't needed. Like a Novak. Or Gladys. Or Sam. Just kidding?

    1. I was hoping the same thing. hmmm...They have been keeping peter on ice.

    2. VERY upset that the writers chose pancreatic cancer....horrible and no cure...a heart transplant would have been perfect!!

    3. I'd rather have Lenny instead of Sam, Nina, Sasha, Willow, etc. Not right.

  12. Great SS! I agree with most posters, nu-Spencer isn’t quite hitting the mark. They needed someone who can learn the lines, sure. Looks good is a bonus (necessity in soap world, I suppose), but should capture the essence of the character. Spencer was annoying and privileged but charismatic in a way most still kind of liked him. He could be a pain but would also show a side that made you empathize. This guy (I know it’s early) isn’t either being written that way or can’t pull it off.

    IS the pool indoors? It looks like it but more than one person commented on all the sun they were getting.

    1. I agree about NuSpencer.

      I think that pool set is indoors made to look like outdoors.

  13. Shawn is going to be at the pool? I wonder if he will be in his swim trunks, shirtless. I can go for that.

  14. Um, didn’t we SEE Cyrus shot Curtis? And his in Fed prison elsewhere? Did you mean Hayden? I’m confused!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I forget to mention this until I saw it posted elsewhere, but how odd was it when Phyllis heard Lenny had terminal cancer she immediately hugged Mike and not Lenny.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...