Thursday, July 29, 2021


 Liz catches Cam and Joss kissing in the foyer.  Joss leaves. Liz is happy for them. Cam says he's sorry that he didn't tell her. 

Ava, Spencer and Trina are at the pool ...Ava ends up leaving. Says to Trina to charge whatever she wants. 

Dante accuses Anna of not telling him everything about the investigation. Valentin comes over. Dante leaves. Anna tells Valentin the whole Finn story. 

Everyone at the Qs is getting ready for Wiley's Bday Party.  Valentin thinks he's spoiled. ahahaha. Olivia tells Brook she's a good mom. Later, Chase hears Brook tell the baby "Save your adoring eyes for your real mama".   Brook says she doesn't feel like her real mother. Chase says she's a great mama. He wants to hold the baby. 

Dante goes to talk to Olivia. Rocco mention! He's going to go visit Lulu soon. 

Sam asks Nikolas to help her find WHO SHOT HAYDEN. JFC. Seriously?? Are the writers trolling HARD now? WHAT!!? AHAHHHA COME ON.  She thinks that he might know because he was married to her.  Stupid. Anyway, she leaves and he talks to Ava. 

Sam asks Liz to help her find Hayden. OMG Liz remembers it was NIK that shot Hayden!! ahahahahaha. Liz wonders if something happened to Hayden to make her stay away. 

Teens at the pool: they talk Spencer into throwing them a party.  

Spencer sees Nikolas and Ava hugging in the alcove of the Metro. 


Liz calls Nikolas to talk about Hayden
Spencer says he realizes that Ava and Nik love each other, wants to make up with Ava . Sneaky! 

Val and Anna figure out Peter is probably alive and Val wants to kill him. 


  1. So Peter was bleeding out and left in a freezer. Two medical professionals pronounced him dead BUT he's alive. WTF

  2. first of all, Karen, your tweets are hysterical as you watch! Everyone needs to follow you on Twitter!!!
    THIS nu-Spencer seems mean to me - not sneaky- I dunno..
    the fact that Valentin said Wiley was playing with my phone is a DING DING DING moment - he'll pick up Nina's phone or something and see Mike's pic or she left her phone at Willow's and Mike sends the stupid selfie to her......but Wiley + phone = something is gonna happen.....
    SO at least Elizabeth remembers about Nik but all these years, she kept quiet? AND SAM AND CURTIS KNEW! gonna be mad if writers change AGAIN and Nicholas is holding Hayden hostage somewhere....Hayden thought someone was trying to kill her because of Nicholas ---- and we are supposed to believe she would leave her daughter????

    1. Don’t like nuspencer, kid can’t act!

    2. Ruthie, tell us how you really feel LOL

    3. "mufasa says, first of all, Karen, your tweets are hysterical as you watch!"

      Yes she is!!!! :)

      "Everyone needs to follow you on Twitter!!!"

      Yes they do!!!!! :)

      "Ruthie, tell us how you really feel LOL"


  3. maybe hayden moved the body to protect finn and liz

    1. that has been my guess - IF the writers even know.

  4. My 2 new favorite characters are brooklynn and valentine

  5. So, it was Sam that knew Nik shot Hayden before. NOW it is Liz that knows??

  6. Dante and Sam flashback. Please make it stop.
    I had a funny thought: Austin is really Hiney. He got out of freezer and went to some island for an instant facial and body remaking. Of course this is not possible.

    1. Weirder things have happened zazu.

    2. I'm not sure who is right for Dante. NOT Sam

    3. Maxie would be right for Dante. (And that would cause major drama whenever Lulu -- original or nu -- comes back.)

    4. I like that, maxie with dante

    5. Maybe they're showing flashbacks because he only signed up for one kissing scene. lol I'll be polite and say because of covid.

  7. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sam and Nik: Oh come on Sam!!! I know the MEN IN BLACK erased your memory, but fight it!!!! Fight those memories!!! Remember that Nik shot RayRay!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nava: So sad!!!! They love each other so much! :(

    Ava and Chad: Man what a slimy little snake he is!

    Liz's home:

    Jam: I love that they were kissing, and love that Liz saw them hahahaha.

    Liz and Cam: Oh come on Cam why would your mother be mad at you? You are 18! An adult.

    Sam and Liz: SEE!!!! The men in black wiped away Liz's memories and now her memories are coming back!!!! Your turn Sam!!!

    The Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Trina, Ava, and Chad: Chad is such a slimy little snake..

    Jam, Trina, and Chad: PARTAY TIME!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and Dante: I'm glad Anna isn't telling Dante squat! :)

    Vanna: I love that Anna is telling V.C. everything!!! Hahaha yes V.C. people who die aren't really dead! Hahahaha.

    Q home:

    Brooky, V.C., Baby Bailey, and Olivia: Man that baby has a huge head! Hmmm is that baby a doll? Wiley plays with V.C.'s phone? ROFL! Olivia's hair is full of glitter hahahahaha. Hmmmm Olivia borrowed Joss's red lipstick!

    Brooky and Bailey: Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Your biological father is a wall crawling psycho.


    V.C. and Chase: Awwww V.C. it's not your fault that Chase is in a wheelchair. Chase wants to be full husband to Willow? Why can't Willow be on top? Or can't Chase feel anything?

    Brooky and Chase: Chase singing to baby Bailey! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! It made me emotional!!! I'm so glad we got to hear Chase singing! Since there is no nurses ball. Oh look at the way Brooky was looking at him! Looks like she is falling for him.. I want Brase!!! :)

    Dante and Olivia: Invisible Rocco! ROFL! Yeah Olivia I'm glad you can see the way Dante is when he is talking about Sam! :) Dante do you really think Olivia is going to butt out?! ROFL!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Robert and Holly's party* Oh yes.. I remember this. This was when Anna was around and then Robin showed up.. I hated when Anna got between Robert and Holly back then. I loved Robert and Holly!! Here is the story.

    In 1985, Anna Devane came to town and struck up a friendship with Holly. Holly was shocked to learn that her friend shared a past with Robert. After discovering Robert and Anna were former WSB partners, Holly demanded the truth. Holly thought the only thing Robert was concealing was his guilt over Anna's scar. She was not prepared when he revealed that Anna was his wife! Holly was outraged! She stormed out of their penthouse and headed for London, determined to stay away from Robert. Eventually they reconciled and decided to move to Australia but before they could leave Robert found a young girl in his home. It would later be revealed that the young girl was his daughter, Robin whom Anna kept secret.

    Here is the rest of the story.

    1. OMG, Sonya! You're killing me. Willow on top?? Stop! TMI! Lol!

      I was laughing out loud at line of the day, but BLQ shouldn't say such things. Bailey will be scarred for life!!

      "Chad" is an evil child and needs to be caught. I'm getting used to the actor, though.

      Valentin is the only PC resident who understands that the dead ALWAYS comeback in Port Chuckles. Good for him!

      I didn't understand why they wrote in Olivia having glitter in her hair. Whimsy, or was there an incident back stage? :)

    2. I liked Robert and Holly too. Hated Anna. She became one of my faves at some point. I guess at some point when little Robin came around.

    3. "Julie H says, OMG, Sonya! You're killing me. Willow on top?? Stop! TMI! Lol!"

      ROFL! But but but it's a legitimate question! Since he can't move, why can't she just do all the work? ROFL!

      "I was laughing out loud at line of the day, but BLQ shouldn't say such things. Bailey will be scarred for life!!"


      "Chad" is an evil child and needs to be caught. I'm getting used to the actor, though."

      Yes he needs to be caught!!! I like the actor, but he feels more like Nik has a 2nd son!

      "Valentin is the only PC resident who understands that the dead ALWAYS comeback in Port Chuckles. Good for him!"

      ROFL! *Dead*

      "I didn't understand why they wrote in Olivia having glitter in her hair. Whimsy, or was there an incident back stage? :)"

      Hahahaha. I have no idea. Good question.

      "lindie says, I liked Robert and Holly too. Hated Anna. She became one of my faves at some point. I guess at some point when little Robin came around."

      Yeah Anna became one of my faves at some point too, just not in the beginning.

      "witch says, sonya you are hysterical"

      Hahaha thanks! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...