Wednesday, July 7, 2021

I Wanna Know


Well, today is my mom's birthday and I'm out of town. It's storming here which doesn't bode well. LOL 

Anyway, FUN show yesterday and I have some questions for you to answer!! 

Do you think it was a good idea for Sam and Liz to find out about Jason's marriage the way they did OR would you have liked to have had him tell them? I mean, I think he's father to one of their boys, right? 

Britt and Jax: Yeah...or throw-up? 

IF Sonny walks into the Jarly wedding: do you want it to be WITH his memory back or WITHOUT his memory back? 

NuSpencer first impressions: YEAH or NAY? 

That's it!! I'll see you all tomorrow. July is just rushing by compared to last year LOL. It seemed to crawl. Now our calendar is getting full again. Feels strange. 


  1. Sam and Liz -- LOVED how they found out. These scenes were the best ones for these characters in awhile.

    Britt and Jax -- Gross. And what's up with Jax's hair?

    NuSpencer -- I think I like him.

    Sonny -- No memory and rebuffs Carly in favor of Nina.

    1. BTW, I do not believe FOR ONE MINUTE that Michael would be cool with his mom marrying Jason. Having Michael react this way is both bad writing and makes his character even more boring.

    2. One last thing, I promise: It was super-weird that Carly wanted to visit the bridge that was so special for Jason and Robin. (And yes, I realize it's a replacement bridge, but it's in the same location.)

    3. I agree. Michael acting ok with wedding is stupid. Carly wanting to visit the bridge he shared with Robin is wrong.

    4. Last time I really liked Michael was with Sasha, and before that when he got tough with Nelle and teamed up with Chase to bring her down. He's terribly boring now, and with Willow sickening. NOTHING wrong with Chad Duell as Michael, EVERYTHING wrong with the current writing of Michael.

    5. THE BRIDGE Thing is weird...even for Carly and GH!! LOL

  2. I loved how Sam and Liz found out.That was much more creative than a nonconversation between Jason and Sam.And it made for a bit of fun between the ladies. They need to stop trying to pair Sam up with the single men and have more scenes like this. (I hate her with Dante. Total middle school writing there.)

    I second you on Britt and Jax, Kevin, although I admit yesterday made for a fun scene. Maybe they can have a few more laughs and cheer Britt up till Brad gets back. Then they can have some fun scenes together too. They need to raise the blinds on this show and let some light in once in a while. And, heads up writers; that usually means camaradery, not just sex.)

    NuSpencer is growing on me. Think he'll be good. The teens can then have a fun adventure or two like a few years back.

    Sonny...I think I'd like him to see Carly and have an instant flash back. If he's back without his memories some old enemy will take him out. I shudder to think how it ill be written though.

    And I want Grandma Laura to run into Spencer and put two and two together. lol

    1. Totally agree that we need more camaraderie and not necessarily sex all the time. More laughter and light is definitely called for.

    2. Love the Laura figuring it out idea

  3. Okay. Loved Sam and Liz finding out that way. When has Jason ever done the easy thing. Both are mom's to his kids. Agree with Di. Dante and Sam don't work.

    Second you on Jax and Britt. I used to love Jax but now he is a talk to. Britt needs a strong man.

    NuSpencer is growing on me. I loved NB but we needed an aged Spencer.

    Like Di. Sonny needs to come back walk in on the wedding ala Robin and have flash of memory. Nina needs to be there and have the best fall out all in one fell swoop.

  4. Not nice for Jason to not tell Sam and Liz but mor fun this way.
    Britt and Jax kind of fun.
    If Sonny walks into wedding he needs his memory back.
    NuSpencer is Nay so far.

    1. I liked jax and britt also. Jason and carly belong together. that is carly's true love

  5. Happy birthday to your Mom!

  6. P.S. Why would you sunbathe on the docks? Not a lake, pool or grassy area? Lol

    1. That's a GOOD question, and if he's trying to avoid people, WHY LAY OUT THERE? LOL

  7. Nice to see NuSpencer at the same age as his childhood friends/enemies. The kid who played Spencer was terrific but when the others were SORAS'ed and he wasn't , it never made sense. How long will he be able to hide from his family without running into them.

  8. Britt and Jax were fun and I loved seeing them walk in on the newly engaged pair. Liz and Sam were fun, too, and that Violet is just the cutest. Michael did look like he was going to throw up, as did Jason when they told Joss. Ah, Vanna!!!!! Love them!

  9. I like NuSpencer! NB played him pretty cocky, too, so that is no surprise and he looks like Nik. Jason should have told Sam and Liz, but considering how less than enthusiastic he is it wasn't a priority, but his kids should have been told, too, not just Carly's. It would be more interesting to see Sonny walk in without his memory. Happy birthday to your mom!

  10. Happy Birthday to your Mom! I think Jax and Britt are ok for now. She deserves some pampering and he will give it to her. Liesel will be pleased. I identify NB with TC so I think this new Spencer is fine. I would love t have Sonny come back and regain his memory. Be mad at Nina, get back together with Carly and then Britt finds out she is pregnant and doesn't know the father.

    1. Good grief. Why would you want someone else to get pregnant on this show? If we time travelled back to a turn of the century home for unwed mothers there'd be less accidental prgnancies than this show, and they didn't have birth control.

    2. I don't want anyone else pregnant either but it seems to be the stupid thing they always do

    3. Probably Willow will be pregnant and Chase realizes it can't be his??

    4. Didn't say I wanted her to be pregnant but it happens all the time on GH. Magic number seems to be three; Elizabeth, Carly, Alexis, and Maxie.

  11. Little Violet saves every show she's on. Wish she could get Ray of Sunshine award or something. She's the best thing since little Robin Saltini Scorpio

    1. Oh yes, I want her to stay this sweet age with her little voice

  12. Everyone seems to react to big news very casually. No one has had a meltdown about Carly/Jason? I expected someone to just go crazy. So Sam and Liz finding out that way was okay but Sam was too aloof...just like her acting in recent times.
    Jax/Britt...two pretty people having fun. She is great. Set up for baby daddy crap.
    It would be more amusing if Sonny comes back with no memory.
    NuSpencer is not likable at all yet. But it is too soon to tell.

  13. I liked Sam and Elizabeth finding out - still think Sam needs to go...
    IF Nu-Spencer is the same age as the others, will he go to PC? I still think it's stupid that Nicholas and Laura didn't think of him...
    a BETTER storyline would have been Ava TELLING Nicholas that Spencer was doing it and he didn't believe her....then it's the 'you didn't trust me' storyline.....
    I don't like Jax and Britt together because it's too forced - it's like, "well Nina dumped Jax and he serves no purpose, so let's put him with Britt..." Jax also could go....and by the way, is he NOT Nina's boss anymore and doesn't she have to report to him? EVEN if she is running Deception virtually from Nixon Falls? STUPID

  14. I don't like NuSpencer either. Maybe because I liked the other Spencer

    1. That's my thought as well. He as so unique I just loved him

  15. Anyone watch today? I am at work

    1. I did. A glimpse of some happiness today. Ahh, youth. Joss and Cam...sweet.
      Maxie being Maxie.
      Wardrobe note: Carly is stunning but that dress does not fit her.
      Lots of flirting. Not a bad day on GH.

  16. Dante and Sam kissed -yuck
    Valentin and Anna - love love
    Still hate Jax and Britt - Carly yelled alot -----
    Joss and Cam are back together....
    Monica wants Maxie to see a therapist.

    1. What was the Dante and Sam kiss like? Ewwwww

    2. "Mufasa says, Carly yelled alot"

      ROFL! She always does. :)

  17. I don’t like Jax/Britt. I agree they had nothing better to do with Jax so they insert him in this story. I think nuSpencer will be ok, but I would have preferred they stuck with NB. I do agree with Jax about Carly, that she can’t stand for another woman to come before her with Jason. But it doesn’t seem to be vice versa with Jason. At this point, he doesn’t seem all that thrilled about this marriage. Their “friendship” really crosses a line in my opinion.

    1. I think so too. Jason should have said no when Carly wanted to go to he and Robin's bridge with Jason. Carly has no business invading his past loves like that

  18. Nixon falls spinoff:

    The Pennsylvania side of the river 4th of July spectacular:

    Mike and Phyllis: At first I thought this was a repeat cus they are at the same place they were when they were at the barn dance. Phyllis talks about Nina.. Mike even tried to call Nina. Mike and Phyllis are having fun watching the fireworks!

    Port Chuckles:

    Q mansion:

    Vanna: I love their scene today!!!! Anna is so scared! :) I get it. I want them together so bad!!!! :) Kiss her again V.C.!!!! :) V.C. wins the line of the day.

    Anna: It's called proximity.

    V.C.: So if the mailman had been here, you would have kissed him instead?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! :) They are so adorable! :)

    Monica and Brooky: Yeah Monica is very worried about Maxie.. Someone should let Monica in on the secret!!!

    Monica, Brooky, and Maxie: Maxie you need to be smart about this!!! Or just tell Monica the truth!!!!

    The pier:

    Liz and Finchy: Liz talked about how she loved Jason a long time ago.. Love how she told Finchy it was her idea for the fire hahahaha. Oh she slept on Finchy's shoulder awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) And while she is sleeping, he says he important she is to him! Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Dante and Sam: Okay I am liking their scenes! :)

    Dante: No I am not going to take you to the station. Do you trust me?

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Sam: I don't know. Do I?

    *Dante takes Sam's hand and they leave*

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Okay I like Sante now. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Dr. O and Nina: Nina had to tell Dr. O that Jason is going to marry Carly.. Dr. O is worried about Britch. :(

    Sam and Dante: THEY KISS THEY KISS!!! I like it. :) Ooops she can't handle it and then scurries away.

    The park:

    Joss and Cam: Oh this is more like it!!! I love their scene!!! They kiss!!!! I think we are getting Jam! WOOT WOOT! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Jax: Carly! Everything Jax is saying is true!!!!!

    Jason and Britch: His blue eyes are very pronounced today!! *Drool* Awww Look at Jason! You can see love in his eyes for her!

    Britch: Go to hell.

    Awwww! :( You can see in Jason's face and eyes that hurt him. :(

    Carly and Jason:

    Carly: Part of me, is afraid that he might be right.

    Jax IS right Carly!

    "Karen says, Well, today is my mom's birthday"


    "some questions for you to answer!!"

    "Do you think it was a good idea for Sam and Liz to find out about Jason's marriage the way they did OR would you have liked to have had him tell them?"

    Yes!!!! Great idea! I love seeing Sam's face all green and want to puke! :)

    "Britt and Jax: Yeah...or throw-up?"

    Throw up!

    "IF Sonny walks into the Jarly wedding: do you want it to be WITH his memory back or WITHOUT his memory back?"

    WITH his memory back! Then get so upset, so angry, that he goes to find Nina! :) Then they have sex, and it's the start of Sonny and Nina! :)

    "NuSpencer first impressions: YEAH or NAY?"

    NO!!!! Nicolas Bectel posted on twitter. He said this,

    "Spencer suffered third degree burns at his own birthday party, spent time with the spirit of his Mother, ran away, was kidnapped, tampered with an election and broke his legs skiing in the Swiss Alps. It’s been a great run...thank you for all your love and support ✌🏼"

    I want him back as Spencer! :(

    1. You really DID like Sam and Dante???????

    2. "mufasa says, You really DID like Sam and Dante???????"

      Wellll, I haven't because of her being a bitch and arguing, but today, she was soft and vulnerable. They had great scenes today. I liked it! *Ducking* :)

    3. sonya said..." *Ducking*"

      *** lol You quake me up! (^_^)

    4. Don't worry Sonya, I liked them today too!

    5. I liked Sam and Dante too, they looked good together physically. That being said, Mumbles can still exit the show!

      Loved Vanna, omg, when he called her darling I was grinning like an idiot!

      It may be too soon but Liz and Finn are sweet together, and I like it, alot! Lol!

    6. "Di says, lol You quake me up! (^_^)"


      "LiamAZ says, Don't worry Sonya, I liked them today too!"

      Oh good.. :) A lot of new couples that the writers are bringing together. :)

      "Julie H I liked Sam and Dante too, they looked good together physically. That being said, Mumbles can still exit the show!"


      "Loved Vanna, omg, when he called her darling I was grinning like an idiot!"

      Yeah and it affected her!!!! :) She didn't keep walking. She stopped and turned around! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!

      "It may be too soon but Liz and Finn are sweet together, and I like it, alot! Lol!"

      Yeah they are sweet together. Awwww. :)


    1. That new set looks great. I guess the teens will make good use of it this summer.

    2. And Curtis ! He’s in a picture

    3. Curtis is in a picture and looking fine

    4. Curtis always looks fine.

    5. WOW! I like it!!! I love new sets!!! :)

    6. Curtis looks fine anytime and anywhere -

  20. Did Valentin call Anna "Darling" and it "ruffled her feathers" a little bit?

    1. Yes he did!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) It really affected her. A lot of things he said today affected her. :)

  21. LOVED Vanna scenes. Val is pretty confident. Loved it. Calling himself irresistible and charming. He sure was. Poor Anna is so scared.

    1. Was so funny at the end when she had trouble finding her words. I'm telling you. He needs to wine and dine her. Sing to her.

    2. "lindie says, Was so funny at the end when she had trouble finding her words. I'm telling you. He needs to wine and dine her. Sing to her."

      Maybe he will sing to her at the nurses ball! :) Whenever that will be! :)

  22. I don't want to be disrespectful but I think Kemo needs to exit. She is just phoning it in big time. She keeps getting worse. I really do line Joss and Cam. Jam

  23. Sam has no expression on her face anymore. Yeah, looks like Finn and Liz are a go. Val is irresistible! He was just as charming in person.

    1. You got to meet JPS IRL? He seems quirky in podcasts and stuff. Cool

    2. He was very friendly and nice. Finola was the disappointment - rather standoffish and serious. And she was the one I was most excited to meet.

    3. Wow. I LOVE Finola. She is my second fave after Genie. Not to be stereotypical but maybe a British thing??

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  25. Call me crazy but I like all of the new couples, especially Anna and Val and Liz and Finn. I enjoyed Britt and Jax's pillow talk, especially the barbecuing of the doll, hah!

    The only couple I can do without is Jason and Carly. She's the martyr now as people don't the truth? Give me a break. And I was furious about the bridge. That was Jason and Robin's spot and was a HUGE story back in the day, and one that I loved. Carly is a jealous cow and has to insinuate herself in every aspect of Jason's life and I hate it. I could care less if Sonny ever comes back, and Jason should have told Liz and Sam he was marrying the Mouth from the South. Shame on him.

    And last but not least, I like the new Spencer. As others have said Nicolas Bectel was wonderful and I'll miss him, but it was time for a new older Spencer. :)

    1. I completely agree -- the new couples are working for me. Most of them are quite good with the possible exception of Sam and Dante. And really, that's because Kelly Monaco always seems bored.

    2. And let's not forget the wonderful pairing of Liesil and Scott. I'm sorry but I hate anything Carly or Sam.

    3. Yes. I love Liesl and Scott too. Sunny smiles all around when they're together. More needed.

  26. It looks like the teen scene is getting a new place to hang out...

    I bet that set cost some decent money.

    1. AND the article said they are now filming September shows and still using it....which begs the question = SURELY for the love that is all good and kind, by SEPTEMBER Sonny is home??????????????????? Maurice DID retweet a comment or hit like from a viewer who expressed 'glad you had another storyline but time to come on'------so that gave me hope.

    2. Probably will be November sweeps when Sonny comes home. I love Phyllis and Lenny but the rest is a big snoozer.

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Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...