Friday, July 9, 2021


 TJ and Molly talk to Marty and Jordan about Judge Carson and her statements they taped. Jordan is sending them to the judicial review board. 

Liz and Finn talk again about Popsicle Pete. He doesn't want Jason's help. 

Terry wants Portia to back her for COS. Britt is all snotty, Terry is snotty back! LOL Portia tells Terry it's a hard job. Her Dad was COS and it was all politics and Paperwork. 

Curtis is angry that Stella talked to Portia about backing off.  

Maxie wonders why Austin is at GH. Later, Britt is welcoming him to the GH Staff! He says he has business in PC and wants to move there. 

Maxie and Anna go to the Metro Court. Anna tells Maxie she might know Austin (she flashes back to seeing the photo). Then they talk about Valentin. Maxie thinks Anna likes him. 

Alexis is having a fit about going back into solitary confinement. Shawn tries to calm her and the guard grabs her. She screams and falls. I think her wrist was broken before and she didn't get treatment. Shawn tells the guard and the guard is like "NICE TRY"! Shawn says he won't let the guard take Alexis. UT OH. The guard goes to hit Shawn and Jordan walks in to stop him! 

Carly says Monica will be pissed off about her marrying Jason. They go to talk to her at GH. (see below)

Monica talks to Valentin about living there and ruining her company at the same time. She tells him he can stay because she's put up with worse, mainly her sister in law !LOL and URI the bodyguard (who seems like a butler now) totally checks her out when she leaves!! Martin goes to see Val. They talk about ELQ. Martin thinks Michael might be willing to share power with him. Valentin can't listen right now, he's thinking about Anna. 

Carly chickens out about talking to Monica..makes Jason go alone LOL He tells Monica she's like DOH!! Then she says if he's happy, she's happy. 

OMG Carly totally lies to Britt and tells her that she and Jason admitted they loved each other right after Sonny's funeral-- and waited until now to act on the feelings. Making Britt believe that Jason never really cared for her!!  Carly said what she and Jason had was fleeting. And what THEY have is "forever"...oh, Jason overheard part and he's not happy! Britt storms off

Alexis hugs Molly; Shawn hugs TJ. They are at the PCPD now. 

Austin is on the GH Staff. 

Monica tells Liz and Finn the cameras are all fixed !! LOL So they can't sneak out Peter even if they wanted to!! 


  1. Not one to defend screaming Carly but I gotta agree with her lying to Britt. Michael is the ONLY person who knows the truth as to why they are marrying. I don’t trust Britt. I think she’d tattle one night in public and
    The Novak family would
    Know the truth. For me I think it makes sense.

    1. I agree except that Carly is nasty and I am sure stuck the knife in and twisted and twisted

    2. Britt had already washed her hands of Jason. There was no reason for Carly to get in her face like that. It was cruel and not needed.

    3. Man and for a second I thought she was going to be a human being. Laura Wright is so good its making dislike the actress..

    4. I've always loved to hate Carly, but today I just hated her. She didn't have to be so cruel.

    5. Right, Paul, she was cruel. She could have said nothing. Or been a little more sympathetic.

    6. I don't think carly can be human. she is just cruel. character is in her 50's and still the conniving cold bitch. zero growth. me me me. that is what she is about.

  2. kd said...". I think her wrist was broken before and she didn't get treatment. "

    *** I thought that too until I saw the scenes yesterday of her pounding the wall with no reaction at all. If this is the way they're going, and I think it's good as it makes Alexis a more sympathetic vicyim, then the editor should have picked up on the wall pounding scene. (It's things like that that drive me crazy.)

    Carly just needed to be a biatch and turn that knife. She could have been more human about it.

    1. Carly acted this way with Liz and Sam. Why should Britt be spared? Not really liking the Britt and Jason pairing anyway, so I kinda enjoyed the snarkiness. It's so very soapy afterall.

    2. To each their own Jill... I just hate the very unhealthy hold Carly has always had on Jason no matter who was in his life. And I agree with the others below, it felt cruel and there was no reason for her to say they had those feelings earlier before they hooked up. The look of Spite made it was worse as well.

    3. Oh and don't forget Robin too! The only she didn't do this with was Courtney

  3. Wasn't there a plot point about Alexis having bone loss or something a few months ago and maybe this is there stab at continuity. I vaguely remember something like that.

    I just hope Britt and Jason are the endgame. They have way too much chemistry to throw it away.

    1. There was, Alexis has osteoporosis.

      I agree about Britt and Jason, they have a ton of chemistry. I actually can stand Jason when he is with Britt.

    2. Yes. Alexis has osteoporosis. It weakens bones to the point where they break easily. It's called a “silent disease” because you may not notice any changes until a bone breaks. It doesn't "act up" like arthritis.She was holding her wrist yesterday and saying that her osteoporosis was "acting up" and a few mintes later she's pounding the wall with both hands. I think it's great that they're following up with that theme but they should at least get it right.

    3. and during that storyline I found out I had osteoporosis and I remember thinking 'none of what Alexis was told was I told and certainly not in that dire tone of voice.'
      yes they dropped it and then when Molly asked her if she had told the warden and doctor about osteo she kept saying no-------------which again that would be in a medical chart.....excited about Alexis and Shawn I hope!
      when she finds out NICHOLAS shot Hayden, it won't go well!

  4. Carly is just a selfish mean SOB. this character and actress have zero depth. the only carly I have always hated. Tamara Braun was my favorite.

    1. I liked Tamara too. Then Sarah a close 2nd

    2. Mine was Sarah Brown. I liked Laura at first but over the yrs not so much and then bringing in her boyfriend a character everyone couldn't stand didn't help.

  5. Jordan's office:

    Jordan, Tolly, and Marty: YES YES YES! Great job folks! :) Bravo!!! :)

    Tolly: TJ wins the line of the day.

    TJ: Is that a real question?

    HAHAHAHAHA. I know!!! What the hell? :)


    Alexis, Shaun, and guard: Breath Alexis! Breath!!! :( She is hurt Guard!!!! So glad Jordan shows up!!!

    Q home: V.C. can't stop thinking about Anna! Awwwwwwwww. :)

    Monica and V.C.: I'm glad Monica isn't going to kick him out! :)

    Yuri and Monica: Oh my!!!! Yuri is interested in Monica! I wonder if they had sex yet? :) I'll call them Muri! :) I want more scenes with them!

    Yuri and V.C.: Hahahahaha. V.C. can't stop talking about Anna. Yuri not a great conversationalist? I bet he is with Monica.. ;)

    V.C. and Marty: V.C. can't stop thinking about Anna hahahaha. Marty notices. ;) Marty needs a lady too! ;)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Curtis and Stella:

    Curtis: Where the hell do you get off telling her something like that?

    Ohhh boy! I am surprised Stella didn't say to him, don't talk to me that way! :) Stella is right though. Until Jordan signs the divorce papers, they are still married.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Austin and Maxie: More chem testing? Man he so sweet!!!! :)

    Maxie and Anna: I love that Anna can't stop thinking about V.C. :) Maxie notices something between Anna and V.C. Hahahahaha!

    Anna and V.C.: V.C. acting all not chalant about her, when we know he wants to grab her and kiss her! Hahahaha!

    The hospital:

    Jarly: Carly skeered of Monica?! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jason and Monica: Great scene!!! :)

    Britch and Austin: Hmmm chem testing? Maybe they can have a thing going on. :) Come on now! Can we please find out who Austin is and what his last name is?!!!

    Carly and Britch: Wow Carly! That is cruel even for you! I thought you would have at least had SOME character growth. You haven't. You are back to being the old Carly! Oy! Oh did Jason overhear? Probably not, but after Britch said you both can go to hell, yeah he knows Carly said something hahaha.

    Portia and Terry + Britch: Hahaha of course Terry can't go to the high road. Britch just brings it out the low road hahahaha.

    Portia and Terry: Oh! Girls night!!! Will there be karaoke? :)

    Portia and Curtis: Come on Curtis. Tell her you want her and kiss her! :)

    Liz and Finchy: Well, maybe not tell Anna, but you can tell Jason!!!

    Liz, Fincy, and Monica: Oh oh!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to get to Liason's love story through the years.* There are 11 parts to it.

  6. There has to be karaoke on girl's night out. It is a requirement.

    I'm with you Sonya, I want Muri. Monica needs some loving and Yuri looks like just the guy to handle the job.

  7. "Gary says, There has to be karaoke on girl's night out. It is a requirement."

    Yes it IS a requirement! :)

    "I'm with you Sonya, I want Muri. Monica needs some loving and Yuri looks like just the guy to handle the job."

    Oh yeah!!! :) He can handle the job!!! ;)

    1. I LOVED the karaoke scenes and girls night. I am forgetting now who it was. Robin and I can't remember who else. Don't think any of them are on the show anymore

    2. OK. So I was just watching a clip of karaoke. I don't think I watched at this time. Mac and Patrick singing and dancing to Macho Man. OMG. Then Coleman gets ON the bar with 2 hot chicks and sings Macho Man and flirting with Kate in the audience. OMG, hot guys!!!!!!! I always thought Coleman was so grungy but still charming and sexy. lol

  8. Is it just me or do I still see chemistry with Sean and Alexis in those prison scenes?

    1. I do not see it. But I didn’t see it before, either.

    2. Me either. And I don't want to see her with another bad boy.

  9. Carly vs Britt. I am team Britt!!!! And, I never used to like Britt. I hope she chews Carly up and eats her for breakfast!!!!!!!!

    1. Team Britt 100%. I also did not like Britt (unless with Brad) until they showed her vulnerable side.

    2. Yup, I agree Linda. Think that's why I like Britt now. She is "human" and actually has feelings, before they just showed her being the "britch" and she didn't really have depth to her character. Now she does.

    3. Same here. Couldn't stand Britt until recently. She's definitely changed. Then putting her with Jason helped too. #teambritt

  10. Monica often liked the young guys; Ned.

    1. Loved Valentin's expression on his face when he saw Yuri checking out Monica. lol

  11. it IS stupid that we STILL don't know Austin's last name - you gotta fill out paper work when you get a job - and Monica is on the there a board meeting coming up where Austin will walk in? Cause I am really close to not caring who he's not cute anymore...

    1. Guessing his last name currently is a front (like Smith or something) but everything takes forever on soaps.

    2. Monica would be "privy" to everything going on and she would be suspicious if his last name is Holt.

  12. The writer's are finally using history in their favor. So, it appears that Anna feels she is not worthy of a relationship with Valentin or anyone now. She feels that because she told lies and hurt people. This is so Anna. If you remember she came to town like in 1985 with a fake scar because she was paying penance for her crimes of being a double agent with WSB and DVX. She is doing it again now in a way to "pay" for her lies.

  13. I really liked TJ and Molly together the other day. They make a good team and wish they'd be on the show more. Get rid of some of the others instead. AND, get poor Marty a love interest.

  14. Carly always hated Sonny's business so why she would want to show the other families who is boss is ridiculous. As is she and Jason getting married.
    At the start of the show when Jordan takes the drive out of her computer, the screen says: "Port Charles Polic Department". These kinds of errors make me crazy.
    I love when story lines happen fast. Molly and TJ were so sweet.

    1. I know what you mean about the errors. My brain sees everything. lol Like when Sam and Dante went into the harbor and came out with dry pants. lol Only their heads and the top of their shoulders were wet. Someone must have grabbed their feet real quick and pulled them out. LMAO


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...