Tuesday, July 20, 2021


I decided to interview the WubQueen to get a little background of her life with General Hospital. This is only the first part. The second part will be compiled with YOUR questions for her. So enjoy Karen's answers to these questions and please write a few for her in the comments and we will do it again. 

1. What got you to start watching GH? Do you remember the first scene/show??  

Oh boy.. dating myself here but I remember when my Mom watched it back when it started. They had an abuse storyline on with Dr. Hardy and it was big-stuff for the time. I really began watching when Genie Francis came on in  1977 as we are the same age and she was so "cool" LOL. 

2. What other soaps have you watched over the years?  

I'm an ABC Gal. Watched Day one of All My Children. Saw it in Patty Andolina's basement. We thought it was just the best thing ever. Tara/Phil...Erica. It was also the one show my mother and I watched together all through the years. Even if we weren't getting along, we'd watch AMC together at some point! LOL.  One Life To Live came on when I got out of school and I'd watch before GH. I got into the whole Karen/prostitute storyline. Saw her courtroom reveal in real time. Great stuff. Ryan's Hope was also in there as was Loving and The City, Night Shift and Port Charles.  guess I watched a lot of Daytime TV back in the day!

3. So many musical numbers from the Nurses’ Balls. Do you have a favorite?

Edward, Emily in 1997. Doing a "Together at Last" From Annie. The Ward House Kids were also included. 

4. Do you have a favorite storyline? One that stands above the rest either negatively or positively

So many storylines, so little time!! I think the most important and timely was the Stone HIV/AIDS Storyline. It was very novel for the time and enlightened on a subject many wouldn't touch. Well written and poignant. Great acting as well. Can't beat that. 

Now, I have to admit that it was Luke and Laura that hooked me. Not appropriate now but back then? It was everything. Hot-Hot and so romantical. Soapy and it just made me run home to watch. 

5.  What do you want to see happen over the next year or so? What is needed 

to spark the storylines and the ratings?

I think GH has been on a good track with bringing back the Q family. Remember that a few years ago there was just nothing. Now, there's life in that house again just like it should be! The Nixon Falls Saga time is overdue, that's for sure. The teens set is being buffed up with Spencer. I actually like the couple shake up. The show has to keep going in the direction of the younger characters if they hope to attract some more audience. 

6.  A soap opera staple is when someone isn't who they say they are and then revealed. (different name, different history, romantic past not mentioned). 

Can you see any character today who would benefit from being an imposter?

The one character that could lend themselves to that would be Dante. The Turks could have absolutely switched him out. It would give some life to his story! 

7. You have made it clear that the cast is bloated and that there are some characters 

that are expendable. What 5 characters are so essential to the entire show that they 

should be there on the last episode?

Putting me ON THE SPOT OR WHAT!! LOL... Let me see if I can do this. Laura of course. She needs to be included. I need to represent old school GH and Elizabeth does that well. We also need a Quartermaine so I'm taking Ned. That leaves 2 more people. I wish there was a Ward. Let's go with Robert Scorpio and one youngin' from the Corinthos Clan. I pick Joss. 

8. When it eventually ends, how do you envision the final scene?

Probably a hell-scape type thing with the 5 characters setting off to find if anyone else survived the nuclear war or disease. "Last Soap On Earth". 

There will be no live blog today.
The next live blog will be on Thursday.
Please feel free to use this space for Tuesday's comments.


  1. That was a great interview, thank so much for sharing!
    My questions for Karen:
    1. Who is your current favorite character, male and female?
    2. Who is your current favorite actor and actress?

  2. Who is your favorite Super couple over the years and why?

    1. I know this is for Karen but Mine are:

      Felicia & Frisco (loved knowing they were a couple in real life)
      Liason (loved their friendship first relationship over the years)
      Luke & Laura (definition of a Super couple)
      Liz & original Lucky (Him sleeping on her floor was so dang sweet!)
      Robin & Patrick (her coming home during his wedding to Sabrina was just WOW).

    2. My favorites were
      Luke and Laura
      Anna and Robert
      Frisco and Felicia
      Liz and Lucky as teens
      Robin and Stone
      Robin and Patrick
      Sonny and Brenda first time around
      Ned and Lois but not as much as some others
      Anna and Valentin; new favorite
      Might be others

  3. Well today was not bad at all. Anyone else watch yet?

    1. I did. Loved the teens. Laughed out loud at Spencer's hair when he got out of the pool! Loved Violet too with Liz & Finn. Yay for Sean!

    2. I laughed at his hair too. lol Agree with everything you said. And I have a feeling Anna is going to be moving a body soon. lol Her brain was really working overtime today. I'm sure she knows who was on the roof. Hope she doesn't mention it to Valentine before she speaks to Finn.

      Happy for Alexis too.

    3. "Linda says, Laughed out loud at Spencer's hair when he got out of the pool!"

      Hahaha. I loved his messy hair when he was trying to dry his hair with the towel hahahaha!

    4. Anna is pretty sure it's Finn. You could see it on her face. She will go talk to him and he'll tell her the truth

  4. Spin off - NYC Methodist:

    Ryan's bar:

    Vanna and the fake nurse's brother: I'm not sure why they had to reshow V.C. grabbing the guy. The guy told them another person was on the roof. I think Anna is figuring out who!!! :)

    Vanna: They are talking about the guy who was with Hiney. If that other guy is a good guy or not. I think Anna knows it's Finchy! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    The REAL park:

    Finchy, Liz, and little V: This was adorable!!! Whenever little V did something good in the game, she would run to her father! Awwwwwwwwww! :) And yes of course Finchy brought healthy snacks.. I mean he IS a doctor! HAHAHAHAHAHA! A dentist wouldn't give out chocolate! :) But hey Liz saved the day with Aidan's cupcakes! Well, actually Aidan saved the day hahaha! Little V won the line of the day.

    Little V: My team is going to hate me!


    Police station:

    Laura, Jordan, Alexis, and Shaun: I love Jordan's red blazer!!! Shaun is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :) Shaun can you go and find the Tribbles please?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tolly and Nik: This was so boring. They were just rehashing everything to Nik. The only thing I liked was that Nik was feeling very uncomfortable! That snake!

    Shaun and TJ: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Great reunion and hug! And Nik's uncomfortableness didn't ruin the moment. Shaun said he is going to find the truth of who shot Hayden. Nik is about to pee his pants.

    Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Jam and Borg: Joss was in shock to see him, and Cam was jelly. The Borg hasn't changed. Trina meets the Borg and doesn't look happy.

    Jam: Cam hopes that Joss is only interested in him and not the Borg. Joss says that she has always been interested in Cam.

    Borg and Trina: Yeah she isn't happy. Borg apologizes and Trina asks if he lied about his mother. :( He says he didn't and that she can look up online about Courtney Matthews. :( She makes it clear that he better not lie to her again or she will tell Cam and Joss the truth. Yeah Trina! YOU GO! :)

    Sidenote: Great interview for Karen!!!! :)

    "I'm an ABC Gal. Watched Day one of All My Children. One Life To Live came on when I got out of school and I'd watch before GH. I got into the whole Karen/prostitute storyline. Saw her courtroom reveal in real time. Great stuff. Ryan's Hope was also in there as was Loving and The City, Night Shift and Port Charles."

    I used to watch AMC, GH, OLTL, Ryan's hope, Loving, The city, and Port Charles just like you! :) Night shift. No. The Karen prostitute reveal was awesome!!! :)

    Here is my question.

    Do you remember the first episode you watched of AMC? :)

    1. I watched some of those AMC shows a little. Also Y and R and Days of our Lives a little.

    2. NYC Methodist Spin off....hahahahah! Stop!
      Yes, I would much prefer Shawn look for the Tribbles than figure out who shot Hayden. I don't want Nik in trouble (yes I like the actor!) and I never, ever liked Hayden. So there. Lol!

      You need a new name for Spencer. Borg is Jason for crying out loud! :)
      I laughed out loud at his pool hair. Gracious, he had a an abundance of mess!

      Thanks as always for the recap!

    3. "Julie H says, NYC Methodist Spin off....hahahahah! Stop!"


      "Yes, I would much prefer Shawn look for the Tribbles than figure out who shot Hayden."

      Yeah Shaun can look for the Tribbles first, THEN look to who shot Hayden aka RayRay.

      "I don't want Nik in trouble (yes I like the actor!) and I never, ever liked Hayden. So there. Lol!"


      "You need a new name for Spencer. Borg is Jason for crying out loud! :)"

      ROFL! Well I did call him the alien. I mean that red eye thing was so CREEEEEEEEEEEPY!

      "I laughed out loud at his pool hair. Gracious, he had a an abundance of mess!"

      Hahahaha. He did!!!! :)

      "Thanks as always for the recap!"

      You're welcome!

    4. Sonya, you're right, Spencer can be Borg. The EYE makes it so, lol! Besides Jason has enough nick names. Stone Cold, Anger Boy, Box of Pain, Jaaaaayyson when Sam needs rescuing, the list goes on! :)

    5. Julie H says,

      "Sonya, you're right, Spencer can be Borg. The EYE makes it so, lol"!

      Hahaha. Well, he can be Star trek Borg! :)

      "Besides Jason has enough nick names. Stone Cold, Anger Boy, Box of Pain, Jaaaaayyson when Sam needs rescuing, the list goes on! :)"

      Box of pain hahahaha. Yeah that one is my favorite. :)

  5. Great interview! Thanks. I too was/am an ABC soapy. Watched all you mentioned.
    My question: Who is your favorite Michael Easton character? Might as well throw in Roger Howarth. Which one of 'him' did you like best?
    Today's show was okay. nuSpencer is still a dud. Bland. What NB never was.

    1. I don't like NuSpencer either. Big shoes to fill. Nicholas Bechtal is so unique.

  6. Loved the interview! On yesterday's show it was quite clever to have Finn and Liz discussing their dilemma between shouting to Violet. She is such a little doll! I don't mind NuSpencer, in fact he reminds me a bit of NB. I always thought it was so out of character for Nik to try to kill someone and now it is rearing it's ugly head.

    1. Loved that shouting too. Beautifully choreographed.Just shows what they can do with two great actors in a scene.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...