Friday, July 30, 2021

Space Jam


HERE we's Friday again. Wow.. I'm telling you what, this week/month FLEW BY!! 

Wiley's Birthday Party! Willow and Michael are wrapping gifts in the Gate House. Austin comes to the party as does Valentin.  Jarly is going as their first "couple" thing. Willow talks about her son dying that day ...she went to the grave and she talks about how Chase helped her through it. We see an unknown hand putting flowers on the grave too. Wills and Michael kiss before going into the Q house. Carly sort of sees them. Confronts Willow, says that sometimes good intensions go bad. Michael talks to Jason. Nothing of note. 

Austin says he's having dreams where after he's knocked out at Maxie's birth, he can hear 2 women talking. Brook has big-eyes. 

Chase goes upstairs (elevator) and tries to walk by himself.  He stands and takes 2 steps. Austin sees him. 

Doorbell: Willow opens it-- must be her mom (we will have to wait until Monday)! 

Spencer tells Ava he'll make up with her. She's like: WHY? I'm done with your Dad. He tells her he saw them hugging.  They talk....he's lying to her. She'd better figure it out quick. 

Sam and Shawn talking about the Hayden shooting. MESS.

Nikolas' and Liz talk about Hayden's shooting.  Oh my GOD, So Liz remembers Nik said he had Hayden show but she didn't want to BELIEVE HIM? what the fffffffffffkkkkkkkkkkkkk . I am NOT going to talk about this anymore. I'm pretending it's not happening. Oh they even have a false flashback in the stairwell they made up with NuNikolas. MESS. 


  1. The last three words of your first paragraph sums up today's show: "Nothing of note".
    Lousiest Friday show that I can recall. Fake flashback farce and all.

    1. I think the time is also way off so it wasn’t technically Friday show!

  2. Whatever happened to the fun and adventurous GH during the summer?

    1. I agree -- fun and adventure used to be par for the course in summer. "GH" needs to remember that and revive the tradition.

      Hell, I would be willing to put up with Peter *just for a few months* if we had Anna, Valentin and (separately) Jason chasing him all over the globe during the summer.

    2. Also, is it just me or does Nixon Falls (the town) seem dreary AF?

    3. "Kevin says, Hell, I would be willing to put up with Peter *just for a few months* if we had Anna, Valentin and (separately) Jason chasing him all over the globe during the summer."

      Hmmmmmmmmmm.. Yes I can put up with that too.. :) Along with Finchy and Liz.. Cus it would bond them even more and even get a kiss from them. :) And Anna and V.C. can kiss too.

  3. Jonah's grave:

    Hmmmmm.. Oh! Jonah and Wiley are 3 years old. I was wondering how old Wiley is. Wait the birthday is in August 1st! Not now! ROFL! Actually the birthday is on Sunday! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jarly: Carly is nervous?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah of course she is! Her dream is finally coming true, and she can't believe it!

    Chad and Ava: Oh no! Don't you DARE yell at Queen Ava! Or you will pay for that!!!

    The REAL park:

    Shaun and Sam: Come on Sam!!! Remember that Nik shot RayRay!!!!

    The gatehouse:

    Mildew: Eye sex!! Oh yes. Next year Mildew can be together. Chase will be able to walk and Wiley can have a puppy! He can't have a puppy now? Oh kissing?!!?! Willow is now a cheater.

    Carly and Willow: Well Carly didn't see the kiss, but she knows something happened.. Carly is no dumb blonde! :) Willow has a bad poker face? ROFL!

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Nik: Okay I am so confused. Are the writers rewriting history and saying Nik didn't shoot RayRay? Or is Nik lying? Stupid fake flashback.

    Q home: HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILEY!!!!! Hey a person should be spoiled on their birthday!!! :) Oh oh The Holtster remembers 2 girls talking at the woods!!! Stay cool Brooky. Stay cool!!!! I thought he had a man bun at first hahahaha!

    The Holtster wins the line of the day.

    The Holtster: Do you argue with your mother? Do you win?


    V.C. and The Holtster: OH! A new bromance? :)

    V.C.: You and I should have lunch.

    The Holtster: I do like lunch.

    OH! Are we going to watch them eat?!?!! Is Roger Howarth going to eat?!?!?!! :0 :)

    Private room: I thought at first that Chase was lost, until he closed the door. Oh no Chase don't push yourself!!! :( Oh you can stand! YAY! You can walk a teeny tiny bit YAY! Hmmm now what is the reason that the Holtster was watching?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 2nd 1983 to December 5th 1983* This is after everyone saw that Laura is alive.

    1. OH! Forgot to mention that Ted King is on Bold and the beautiful! He started today! HE LOOKS GREAT! :) He has a mustache!

    2. Oh, now I think GH should have Ted King back. He's one I'd like

    3. "lindie says, Oh, now I think GH should have Ted King back. He's one I'd like"

      Yeah I want him back too. :(

  4. sonya said.." I thought he had a man bun at first hahahaha!"

    *** He couldn't manage a man bun, so he settled for a piece of crust. It looks ridiculous but then, that's probably the look he was aiming for.

    sonya said..." Is Roger Howarth going to eat?!?!"

    *** Sure. Why not. Last time he was on he slurped on his drink like a two year old before he and his crustling zombie walked out of the room.

    1. "Di says, He couldn't manage a man bun, so he settled for a piece of crust. It looks ridiculous but then, that's probably the look he was aiming for."

      Smart ass! :)

      "he and his crustling zombie walked out of the room."

      What?! Who is his crustling zombie?

    2. His crustling is his little attempted man bun which looked more like a piece of crust than a bun...hence, crustling. He and his crustling walked like a zombie; ie:"zoombie walked", out of the room.

    3. "Di says, His crustling is his little attempted man bun which looked more like a piece of crust than a bun...hence, crustling. He and his crustling walked like a zombie; ie:"zoombie walked", out of the room."

      OH DI!!!! You snarky little thing!!!! :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well Anna probably won't have a dinner date with VC so he can have dinner with Austin.

  6. I think Chase finds out about Michael and Willow and pretends to be cripple. Sadly I think NOVEMBER sweeps during nurses ball he will show he can walk but willow and Michael will be told before that he COULD walk and lied. And the Peter reveal will be November sweeps. Please please though bring Mike back! 8 months!,,,

    1. "Mufasa says Sadly I think NOVEMBER sweeps during nurses ball"

      Wait what?!?!! The nurses ball will be in November?! :)

    2. It's been around May in the past. Do they have a new Nurses ball date?

    3. On Patreon Steve B and Bradford A said they didn’t know but I read that Frank mentioned November. No May cause of stupid COVID. Last year 2020 I think in July ? Just remember that it was telethon.

  7. I really hope that Chase doesn't keep it from Wikkoe but of course he will because...GH. 🙄 OK seriously hating the man bun, please lose pronto. 🤣 Personally the show wasn't ALL bad. At least Austin is catching on to there being someone else there. Moving along. 🤣 OK so I thought that Carly babes would be the airhead and obviously to Willow and Michael (what WAS I thinking) and that Jason would catch on...apparently he's the airhead 🤪

    1. Chase will find out about Michael and Willow and he will be able to walk and won't tell Willow so he can keep her. Classic soap. Done WAY too many times. I used to watch GH with my friends mother who knew EVERYTHING that was going to happen. She would never tell us just say she knew what was going to happen. Lol

    2. I don't like Austin ponytail thing either

  8. I honestly don't know why the writers didn't watch all the old episodes involving Hayden's shooting before starting the new material with Shawn. It now seems like they are trying to clean up a mess they created. Oy.

    I am digging Austin, all the scenes with Monica and the attention the Qs are getting, in general. I hope it continues.

    I am beginning to think they may be turning Spencer into a bigger villain/bad guy than I thought. I am not opposed to that, as long as it is done well. It should provide juicy scenes for Trina, once it is revealed.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...