Friday, July 2, 2021

Prom Queen


Cam Matthison posted this on his IG--he's filming today--GH that is. I still think he's Drew. 

Art Gallery: Trina Maces Nik. Nik washes his eyes out. Hoodie Ninja skulks around. Trina calls Laura to come and help Nik. Then They leave for GH. Trina comes back for something. Sees a thing that Ninja guy dropped. He comes out. She tries to spray him but the spray is out. Then Something falls and they both look up and gasp. 

Trina's party!! Jordan looks stunning. Ava and Nina are there. Ava tells Nina to get Curtis to give her boyfriend from Nixon falls a job there LOL. Ava talks to Jordan about finding her stalker. Jax talks to the kids... Nina gives Joss a present. Curtis talks to Portia...zzzzzzz. 

Cam and Joss wonder where Trina is. Nina gave her a journal. Sore subject. Oh, Cam mentions ROLLING PAPERS..making me gasp. Like they know about POT?  Joss remembers then that Cam read her other journal and gets all mad at him. LOL geesh. They argue. OMG then Cam says she called him a bad kisser in her journal. She grabs him and KISSES HIM!! OOOOOOOOO!! YES JOSS! 

Michael is trying to understand the Jarly wedding. They explain about the Novaks and the bombing etc. They go through the whole thing. Michael is like: let's set a date!! "Who's telling Monica"?? LOL He thinks it's a good idea. Jason thinks back to telling Britt. Sad. Then Carly takes off her rings. Good dialog. 

Brad and Britt talking on the jail phone. Talking about Gray's Anatomy. Then about Wiley. Then about Jason. YOU need to watch this, it's too funny and SO Brad/Britt! She thinks back to Jason. Great dialog. Brad has a parole hearing soon! yeah!! 

END: Trina walks into her party covered with blood. It must have been a bucket of blood over Ava's desk and it fell on her!!! 


  1. This Nicholas thing seems silly. I can see a 13 year old Spencer not liking Ava and doing stuff, but it just doesn't seem right for an 18 year old to be doing childish stuff. Thoughts?

    1. Yes! You and I don't always see eye to eye but Spencer needs to grow tf up!

  2. Maybe Cameran Mathison will be Drew. I don't think he'd agree to a short term character.

    1. Yep. His pic on social media screams if this is Drew! Scruffy etc

    2. never cared for cameron mathison on AMC

  3. Fun show! The Britt/Brad scenes were great, as well as the ending with Trina. And yes - I thought the dialogue was really good all the way around :-)

  4. I was just having a horrible thought. Do you think if Drew is back, Peter is not far behind? God I hope not. This is GH after all and someone said he's still in the credits. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I sure hope not.

    1. I am enjoying my Peter free screen, and wouldn't mind Carly gone too.

    2. You and me both! Carly will be insufferable married to Jason. I can’t stand to even see Peter’s face in the opening credits.

    3. totally agree about carly and peter. I want them gone permanently

    4. Shush with the PLP talk 🤣 WE FINALLY got rid of him

    5. Linie, I saw he who shall not be named in the opening credits in Friday's show.

    6. It seems like a lot of people have PTSD -- Peter Traumatic Stress Disorder.

  5. There is an article in USC Health magazine about Nancy Lee Grahn's fiance, who has been through a cancer battle.

    1. Oh, and there are some nice pics in the article, too.

  6. Ava's art gallery:

    Trina and Nik: Hey great scene!!! So glad Trina has pepper spray to protect herself!!!! :)

    Trina, Nik, and Kevlar: Wow! The make up department is very impressive!!! Nik looks awful. :) Laura wins the line of the day.

    Laura: You are a good sport!


    Ninja boy and Trina: They both look up! I was thinking.. Water? Ninja water?

    The hospital:

    Kevlar and Nik: WOW! This was very comprehensive! Nik has something over his eyes and he is laid back. Nice job!!! And nice job make up department! :)

    Carson home:

    Jarly and Michael: Yes Michael.. We will have a Mr. and Mrs. Jarly soon... (Thanks to Karen for giving us Mr. and Mrs. Jarly on twitter.)

    Jail meeting area:

    Britch and Brad: BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! Dammit we need Brad to go freeeeeeeeeee! COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Oh oh Britch is sick.. My first thought was preggers?


    Britch and Jax: Oh! Both on the rebound, so are we getting rebound sex? Okay rebound sex is fine, but I don't want Brax to be more than that! Oh wait. What if the reason she is sick because she is pregnant and then sleeps with Jax, and then she doesn't know who the father is? Oy!


    Nina and Jax: No reason for this scene.. He calls himself an idiot when he leaves.. Yup you are Jax!!!

    Cam and Joss: Argue argue argue.. Journal.. Kiss. Blah blah blah.

    *Joss grabs him and kisses him*


    Curtis and Laura: I'm glad Curtis is figuring things out about Portia. :)


    When the voice over said on the next General hospital, I started to laugh! :) WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW! ROFL!

    Sidenote: Okay where the hell is Anna and V.C.? Still standing around looking at the picture? Where the hell is Pawtucket Holtster?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1980* Alan knows that Monica is having an affair with Rick. Make sure your sound is really high.

    1. Jax has a white knight thing for what he sees as damsels in distress. If Britt is pregnant, I can see him pretending to be the father.

    2. "Gary says, Jax has a white knight thing for what he sees as damsels in distress."

      Yeah he has always been like that.

      "If Britt is pregnant, I can see him pretending to be the father."

      Yeah I can see that..

    3. As long as he doesn't sleep with her!

    4. "Michelle L says, As long as he doesn't sleep with her!"

      Yeah we have to wait and see what happens! :)

  7. I'm so glad the truth about Dev and the journal finally came out. They just seemed to drop it so they could ruin the Cam/Joss friendship. I think we all gave a little cheer when she finally kised him. lol

    1. I will be sad if Spencer swoops in and Josee falls for him instead.

    2. "Di says, I'm so glad the truth about Dev and the journal finally came out."

      Yeah me too! I was thinking, FINALLY!

    3. Same here. I was happy when Joss went for it and kissed Cam. About time!

  8. What in the holy hell happened to Trina????

    1. When Trina was sparring with the burgler (Spencer), he dropped a small black object. Trina picked it up and it looked like she broke it. I think she in fact detonated it as it was obviously the remote for whatever Spencer had hooked up above Ava's desk. That's why he ran towards her so fast to try to get it back.It looked like it must have been a bucket of fake blood. When it went off it poured over Trina (and probably over him too.) It would have terrified poor Ava. (That kid needs help....little psycho! that goes way beyond a prank.

    2. Di, I have a feeling that Laura will see that Spencer spends some time with Kevin.

    3. I'm just hoping that it wasn't paint! Poor Trina.

    4. I'm now starting to wonder if maybe Nick had set that trap for the stalker. I hadn't considered that since it was over Ava's desk. If he did then I'm glad he got maced. lol If it was Spencer then I'm sure he will be spending a lot of time with Kevin, methinks.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...