Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Sizzle or Fizzle?


Actually, a lot happened this week. I have a feeling everyone is at odds with what's going on. Good news is, GH Spiked in ratings with Peter's death so we have that to celebrate. I am thinking that things might just keep going well for the show given the storylines. Love them or hate them, I find the writing intriguing and dialog on-point! 

By the way? I vote: Sizzle !! 

Gee, a HAPPY WUBBY! What to do? Eat donuts of course!! Here we go! 

Things really changed over the past few months. Most couples we are used to were blown apart and started looking in different places. GH has a big enough cast (as you know I bitch about) that they can change partners without repeating themselves too much. I know the other soaps with more limited players seem to play musical chairs, back to the same over and over. GH is so big we can keep this up for awhile! This blog is more introspective than snarky so bear with me. 

*Find all photo credits at the end of the blog 

RANKING THE GRAD PARTIES:  There were 3, how did they do? 

Number 3: Bottom of the list is Joss' party. Basically a set up so Carly could tell Jax, Michael and Bobbie (Jason who?) she was marrying Stone Cold. I do give those balloons an A+ however. They were stunning. 

Number 2: At least Cam got to have his at a Pub and more people were there. Insert snotty Jake it it made for a pretty good watch. 

Number 1: Trina's party was rocking at Curtis' soft opening and people were dressed up and ready to mingle. We got a Cam-Joss kiss AND Trina walking in covered in blood at the end. Hey, as parties go, this is a hit. 

BLUE EYES OF THE WEEK; I might as well start out at the place where most fans seem the most torn: Jason. Now, you all know my feelings on Jason. He's the Saint Superman that can do no wrong. He's also shown staring in most scenes and not saying much. Well, that's changed for me when I watch him with Britt. Kelly and Steve just have 'it' for me. He's played bored for SO LONG I was so surprised when I saw life there. Hell, Steve hasn't taken off his shirt in a decade it seems! I KNOW he and Britt just hooked up. I KNOW it makes little sense they are so connected but... I KNOW I like it. When Britt found out she had Huntinton's, Jason was shown to be honestly ,deeply affected by that. Again, Haven't seen that in a LONG time. He and Kelly played off each other so well that yes, I did believe he had a hard time telling her he was marrying Carly. I also liked his vulnerability with Carly when they were deciding to get hitched. It wasn't just a "oh hell, let's get married". It was planned and thought out with emotional consequences shown. This, coupled with great dialog is why I'm liking the story. 

STORYLINE OF THE WEEK/MONTH/YEAR:  And here is where we are going to part ways even more I'm afraid. Yep... I think the Jarly marriage is good for the show. Soapy Drama at it's finest. Why? We know Carly and he have some kind of weird almost mystical bond. They probably had great zex (you can see it in their eyes!!). They've kept their hands off each other all these years even with an undercurrent traveling beneath them. Now the writers found a way to put them together but "not together". I'm here for the fallout!! Will they finally break those barriers and admit they LOVELOVE each other instead of just "love"?? Will they fall into bed together to have torrid lovemaking? What will they do when they find out Sonny's alive and they betrayed him? (and are really in lovelove at this point). Eeeeeeee. Possibilities? Endless. Sorry but it's the story that's there. It's got legs and I've got the popcorn. 

MISSED OPPORTUNITY OF THE WEEK: Dante should have been at Josslyn's party. They are step sibs after all. Would have loved to have seen his reaction to the holy-mobular-matrimony idea!! 

ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM OF THE WEEK:  Once again, it's Nixon Falls!! Do we really need it? Hell no. Everything is moving really well without MikeSon and that sleepy little town. Did you miss it this week? 

CUTENESS OF THE WEEK: Well, can Lesil and Scotty BE any more adorable? NOPE!! He invites her to Cameron's grad party (with a little nudge) and they are off to have some fun. Even Laura is giggly with the two of them. Yes, Lesil's past is a bitch but KG plays her so well that all is forgiven. We've done it before people, we can do it again. 

COUPLE SHUFFLE OF THE WEEK:  Finn and Liz? Meh.. they are united in Popsicle Pete adventure but I'm not feeling it. Valentin and Anna? Um...YES please!! They were honest, had some sparks and really caught my attention. It's apparent that JPS and FH love working together as well. They have a very complex history to play off of and are connecting on a deeper level. They almost kissed twice. Anna was ready; Val was not!! I think it's because she was always "that girl" for him. He's scared!! 

NINJA OF THE WEEK: Ok, so we all know it's Spencer lurking around Port Charles trying to cause trouble. Thing is ...he's not 10 anymore and it's not going to be cute when he's caught. NB could have played it that way but this new guy? Hm... will he be an entitled sociopath like most Cassadines? We shall see. I am glad they SORA'd him. Yes, NB was great and I'll miss him but he needed to be 18-19 to fit in with the gang.  I can only hope it doesn't take all month to out him. 

MAKE UP OF THE WEEK: Geesh, Nikolas' pepper-sprayed eyes were perfection!! They made me hurt looking at them!! Very real and he even went to GH where one should go if you get that stuff in ya eye. Loved Laura fussing over him as well. Mamas are always mamas. 

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Becky looks so great right here. I do love her as mom of 3 boys... anyway, she looks great but Laura behind her?? She has that face on after seeing Lesil show up!! LOL She was just all over gossiping with Curtis about his love life, then Scotty's. Very organic and fun. 

STOP THIS ISH RIGHT NOW OF THE WEEK: JUST when you're going in the right direction you put THESE TWO in the same damn orbit?? LORD NO...No one wants this. Like NO ONE. Not even as a "we hate it but it's soapy" thing. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. Unless Britta is going to murder him, not interested. 

BEST SCENE(S) OF THE WEEK: Britt visiting Brad in jail. Hands down the most delightful, honest and fun dialog I've heard in awhile! Yes, Brad's hair looked like he just came from the Salon but who cares? I'm so excited his parole hearing is coming up and the two of them are talking about watching the Nurses' Ball together. Note: Britt hasn't told him about her disease yet. I think because he's in jail and can't do anything but worry.


Carly and Jason decide to marry for the "good of the family"

Jason has to tell Britt it's over even before it started 

Joss kisses Cameron 

Finn almost tells Scotty about Peter but at the last minute doesn't

Jake is still pissed at Cam about blaming Jason for the shooting of Franco

Austin gets a load of drunk Ava 

Austin asks Scotty for help with a Quartermaine (off camera) 

Nik gets pepper-sprayed by Trina 

Ninja stalker gets Trina all bloody 

Taggert wears a suit

Valentin and Anna get cozy at the cottage 

Ava and Nina discuss MikeSon over coffee 

Scotty takes his girl Lesil to Cameron's Grad Party 

Britt visits Brad in jail to get a pep talk 

SPOILERS:  Looks like CM is playing Drew, who's being held in a foreign prison. That's all I have. He does shave that beard at some point however because he showed it on IG.  Other scoops: Jason tells Monica about his marriage-plan,  Cam apologizes to Jake and we'll see Alexis in solitary confinement. ALL of next week's spoilers are at Diagnosis Daytime.  

If you remember this...I applaud you. It's Ariel...BBQ via Britt!! 

IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR, You're a super star!! Have a nice July 4th-- I love hot dogs so I'll be right in there having fun!! July 4th already, wow. 

PHOTOS TX TO: @Lindelshot @Twynk @JasonandBritt @SerialDrama @AlittleliarPLL5 @annasdevane @BillingsOctavia  ALSO Follow @GHGifs on Twitter for daily recaps in gif form! 


  1. Thanks for great SS.

    I'm not really on board with the Jason and Carly thing. Don't like Carly anymore but if Sonny ever comes home he and regains memory he will flip out.

    You all know I LOVE Vanna.

    Guess Spencer will fit into their teen crowd now. Hope he's better than Oscar or Dwv.

    I do really like Scott and Leisl.

    The very bad Britch is most likely back.
    I don't like her bad.

    The Ava and Nic break up is stupid and makes no sense.

    Mayne give Dante a love interest. Just NOT Sam. Loved him with Julie Marie Bermans Lulu. Great chemistry.

    Thanks again. Happy 4th. It's a rainy weekend here. We need it though since we are in a drought

    1. Sorry. I meant Oscar and Dev. It's too early and I'm on my phone.

    2. I KNEW who you meant. And yes, it was two misses for me in the young men's casting category last time. They just weren't great actors. I hope this one is a find!

  2. I actually liked the past week overall. I do think the writers/producers are trying to recover from the Peter and Nixon Falls storylines. So, will Nina spill the beans before Jason and Carly say "I do?"

    1. We haven't had a wedding interruption for awhile. lol I'd love for Sonny to walk in and object to that one. muyhaha

  3. Thanks for the SS!
    I think the Carly/Jason marriage is a plot ripe with possibilities: a tension induced sex hookup between them; a sneak cheat by Jason/Britt; Carly begins to fall in romantic love with Jason but he still years for Britt, causing jealousy in Carly; Sonny returns and doesn't remember anything still, causing them to have to stay married longer; Sonny returns and doesn't care that they're married - doesn't want that life anymore and they can have it. So much possibility here. And any tension with Britt/Jason is going to be good - Steve Burton hasn't had to remember so many lines in decades.

    I hope Cam Mathison, if he is Drew, doesn't pair up with Sam again. Snooooooze.

    Ava and Nina were awesome together this week. I am so happy they are finally writing some realistic female friendships on this show.

    Does anyone else think the Austin character is going to turn out to be a really bad guy? Ala Todd Manning?

    On the Maxie storyline- isn't the reason she hid the baby because she didn't want Peter to be involved in parenting? So if he comes back, isn't he going to be under arrest and go to prison? (well, in normal life, yes) So why keep the baby hidden now?

    Thanks for all your hard work!!

  4. I don't mean to be disrespectful but I think Sam needs to be the next one to exit. I am sure that won't happen but it needs to.

    1. Also don't pair Britt with Jax.

    2. I so wish Sam would exit the show. The character is boring and it is clear the actress is not having a good time.

    3. That would be another cheer heard round the globe.

  5. First of all, Maura West is gorgeous/perfection.....
    I don't mind if Carly and Jason get married IF IF IF they don't fall in works with them because we ALL want a best friend like Jason and it destroys that chemistry and relationship if they have sex or fall in love. I would LOVE for Sonny to interrupt but he won't...VERY confused with the five families needing to know who is in charge BECAUSE when Sonny gets his memory back, does that mean he has to kill Jason? MAKES NO SENSE.....
    I realize some are still all about JaSam, but that ship has sailed...once upon a time they DID have chemistry, but not anymore....something/someone changed and it became a chore to have scenes with the other......that is EVIDENT with Kelly and Steve (BRITT and Jason)…'s all over her face how she adores working with him.....
    not sure WHO has been holding Drew captive, but I think Austin has nothing to do with it...
    I myself watched Valentin and Anna scenes multiple times - their chemistry is off the charts. JPS has become this HERO character that we all glad.....
    Dear Frank----------it's time to wrap up STUPID Nixon Falls - bring Mike home - it's been 7 freakin' months - haven't we all suffered? You can do memory loss in Port Charles MUCH better with everyone trying to 'get through to him' and in the meantime, it's time for Nina and Sam to go - they have no use right now...
    WHERE is Felicia?????????
    rant over.

    1. I am wondering if it's Kristina Wagner that doesn't want to come back or if it's tbw weitwr. YES to Felicia coming back for Maxie. Mac too

    2. There are some really rabid JaSam fans on Twitter. They bash anything and everything and everyone that isn't worshiping at the feet of the great JaSam. Don't they realize that all soap couples break up eventually? Even Luke/Laura broke up. Steve/Audrey were married for decades, but in the 60s it wasn't smooth sailing for them either. Couples who stay the same are boring and that is what JaSam became.

  6. one more thing - I don't see how the kids at college in a dorm is gonna work quite honestly...….I DO think Spencer and Trina will get together - but college doesn't work in daytime dramas.....dorms, etc...…..

    1. I find it funny that they are staying in a dorm that's in the same town they live in. Dorms are expensive. Joss could afford but Cam not so much.

  7. I am thinking that Nina invited Ava to move in her guest room in the Penthouse. Phyliss will encourage Mike to visit Nina in Port Charles. He will go to the penthouse and Ava will open the door.

  8. Thanks for another great SS!
    Waiting for Sam to find out about Jason/Carly. Which could just be a set up for the return of Smike. Or not.
    Yes to Val and Anna. They do click. Big NO to Britt and Jax.
    Hope Brad gets paroled. We need some wit and humor. PC made fun of his prison hair on his FB page. He is a riot.
    Wouldn't it be interesting if Carly and Jason faked marriage and went under cover with the feds to take down all criminal activity in PC? It would change the landscape but maybe a welcome change. They would still have the coffee biz.
    May the 4th be with you!

  9. Great Sunday Surgery. I'm in total agreement.

    kd said..." LORD NO...No one wants this. Like NO ONE. Not even as a "we hate it but it's soapy" thing. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. Unless Britta is going to murder him, not interested."

    I laughed out loud at this. I couldn't agree more. That's why I was happy that Brad said he's up for parole. She needs just a friend right now who she can hang out with and learn to laugh again. And having him out will probably PO Carly which will be another plus. lol

    And I'm a big NOOOO with Liz and Finn too. I wish they'd stop trying to put poor Liz with anyone. Give her space. This is 2021. A woman doesn't need to be paired up every second of her life. They're writing for the wrong crowd. The lonely heart shippers living in their portable devices are not soap opera fans.

    And you're right on the money with Anna and Valentin too.

    And Happy 4th of July to all.

  10. Loved SS, and I agree with everything! I do enjoy Liz and Finn, though lol! Loved seeing Brad, and I so hope he's paroled! Britt needs her buddy.

    Happy Independence Day and a hotdog for me too, please!

    1. I think I'm the only one on the planet who doesn't like hot dogs. Me and my daughter


    "Good news is, GH Spiked in ratings with Peter's death so we have that to celebrate."



    Mmmmmm... *Drool.* :)

    "I might as well start out at the place where most fans seem the most torn: Jason. Now, you all know my feelings on Jason. He's the Saint Superman that can do no wrong. He's also shown staring in most scenes and not saying much. Well, that's changed for me when I watch him with Britt. Kelly and Steve just have 'it' for me. He's played bored for SO LONG I was so surprised when I saw life there."

    Yes!!! There was life!!! I was surprised what he said to her!! He was so vulnerable!!! He was not stone cold there!

    "ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM OF THE WEEK: Once again, it's Nixon Falls!! Do we really need it? Hell no. Everything is moving really well without MikeSon and that sleepy little town. Did you miss it this week?"

    I miss making fun of it. :) And I miss Phyllis and her husband! They need to move to Port Chuckles..

    "CUTENESS OF THE WEEK: Well, can Lesil and Scotty BE any more adorable? NOPE!!"

    NO!!! I love them together!!!! :)

    "Valentin and Anna? Um...YES please!! They were honest, had some sparks and really caught my attention."

    Yes!!! I see sparks too!! And she doesn't act like a stupid teenager around him like she did with Finchy!!!

    "They almost kissed twice. Anna was ready; Val was not!! I think it's because she was always "that girl" for him. He's scared!!"

    Awwww yeah he is!!! I hope the fear goes away and they kiss soon!!! :)

    "I am glad they SORA'd him. Yes, NB was great and I'll miss him but he needed to be 18-19 to fit in with the gang."

    Hmmmm nahhhh. I don't agree. Spencer didn't need to be sorassed. So unnecessary! He doesn't need to fit in with the 18-19 gang. He could still be 16 and hang out with his 16 year old friends, and have a mystery to solve with them. Just like what GH used to do.. They never sorassed Robin. We watched her grow up.

    "MAKE UP OF THE WEEK: Geesh, Nikolas' pepper-sprayed eyes were perfection!! They made me hurt looking at them!! Very real and he even went to GH where one should go if you get that stuff in ya eye."

    Yes! That was perfect I loved it!!!

    "SPOILERS: Looks like CM is playing Drew, who's being held in a foreign prison."

    I heard that, but I also heard that he is a Novak, so I am confused. :)

    "If you remember this...I applaud you. It's Ariel...BBQ via Britt!!"

    Hahahahaha. I will NEVER forget it! :)

    1. Wasn't that poor Emma's doll barbecued on 4th of July? I forget, how did it wind up in the grill?

    2. Did Britt throw it in there? Thought I remember something about Britt. Mac was there?

    3. If I remember correctly, Emma handed Britt the doll, which promptly wet on her. Britt threw it - because it pee'd on her, and it landed on the grill. One of the funniest things on GH I've seen.

    4. I forget. Was Britt dating Patrick? I didn't really watch back then. I had quit GH for a number of years. Think like the Guza years.

    5. I agree about Spencer. I wish they did NOT recast.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...