Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wednesday July 21

 Today is National Junk Food Day. 

By now you should have guessed what your task for the day is. 
As you comment on today's show,
please mention what your favorite junk food is. 

Mine is...

There will be no live blog today.
The next live blog will be on Thursday.
Please feel free to use this space for Wednesday's comments.


  1. Almond m&ms and since I can't ever find them in the share a size bag, I have to buy those bigger bags on the candy aisle. 😂🤣

  2. Almond Joy. York peppermint patties. Most chocolate with mint or coconut 🥥

  3. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, real Coke (not diet, not Zero) and Lay's Potato Chips

  4. Twizlers!!! And ice-cream, and chips, and peanuts, and gummy bears, and... and... .and....

    1. Red or black Twizzlers?!!? :)

    2. Both.... Black is my favorite of the two though.

    3. "Pat..... Sun..... says, Both.... Black is my favorite of the two though."

      Black is your favorite!?!! OH NO!!! ROFL!

  5. Wish we could all have an actual RL junk food party together. Would be fun!

  6. Reeses Peanut Butter Cup and Butterfinger.

  7. This blog is making me hungry

    1. ROFL! Me too!!! I want some snacks yum! :)

  8. Not much junk food in my life anymore but My go to's were: Chick O Sticks, Sugar Babies, Abba Zabba, Taco Doritos, Pralines and Cream ice cream. I still can't walk past a candy store where you fill up a bag without grabbing mini Chick O Sticks.

    1. also - Wacky Wafers were so yummy!! And Bottle Caps! I had forgetten about both until this blog! This is fun!

    2. I've never heard of Wacky wafers or Chick O Sticks. Arw they regional or something? Or I am just behind the times?

    3. I don't know what Abba Zabba is either

    4. bottle caps are my second choice, however they are not the way they were when we were younger. but still good. get them at walmart

  9. Bit O honey and Charleston Chews were good too. Esp if you put CC in the freezer

  10. Stella is on my last nerve - they could do SOOOO much more with her - like a Laura character - sympathetic like she was with Mike - caring - I now fast-forward through her rants...LOVE the actress but they are RUINING her character.......

    1. I really wish she would go away. She can take Gladys with her.

    2. I agree about Stella. Too bitter for my liking. It's sad. Good actress

    3. Yes. I can't stand listening to her rants. And I'm one who loved her storyline with Mike. She's just turned into a rude busybody. And screaming at him like that in a public restaurant is beyond rude.

    4. I agree with all of you. I was embarrassed for her. No one can shriek and snark like Auntie Stella. :(
      Love the actress, though!

    5. I always loved Stella, but yesterday.... I just kept saying "I can't stand that woman" as she scolded Shawn. I understand that he killed her nephew who was like a son, but the Stella we knew and loved wouldn't have been so nasty as she was yesterday. She is the one who approached him, then she says "you better stay out of my way". Hope they don't ruin this character. I see no point in her hatred of Shawn as far as the story goes.

  11. Chunky is my all-time favorite. But, people have referenced some good ones from the past (Charelston Chew, Almond Joy). Also miss Red Hots and Tootsie Pops.

    1. lol I thought you were suggesting a name for Spencer.

    2. "Di says, lol I thought you were suggesting a name for Spencer."

      ROFLMAOPMP! *Dead*

  12. Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Star Trek Borg (Spencer) and Britch: REUNION!!! Awwwww. :) Britch is wearing a teeny tiny bikini.. She is so happy to see him!!!! :) Star Trek Borg talking to his father on the phone. Oh oh he is trying to set Britch and Nik up! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Britch and Nik: Yeah Nik knew that his son was trying to match make hahaha. Nik now you just have to figure out that The Borg is the stalker!!!

    Metrocourt reststaurant:

    Jordan, Shaun, and Nik: Shaun and Jordan are talking about who shot Hayden and Nik shows up! Man Nik you gotta chill out! Stop acting all nervous or someone is going to be suspicious.. Shaun is already lookin suspicious!!!

    Shaun and Stella: OH! Great scene! She told him off good!!!! About killing Thomas. She finally was able to tell him how she felt. GOOD FOR HER!!! Love Shaun calling her ma'am and he didn't yell at her and just listened.

    Jordan and Stella: Oh great Stella! Jordan is looking constipated. Stop bringing up her marriage to Curtis!

    The REAL park:

    Ava, Ava's bodyguard, and Trina: Awwww what a nice hug. Is Ava's new bodyguard looking for the Tribbles? Oh Ava and Trina talking about "Victor"

    The hospital:

    Chase, Chase's physical therapist, and Willow: OH! Great we get to watch some physical therapy!!! About time. Oh oh Chase wants to walk. No no no! You are not ready!!!! SEE I TOLD YOU! :(

    Chillow: Chase is so frustrated. :( My poor Chase!!! :(

    Chase: You didn't sign up for this.

    Uh yeah she did!!! For better or for worse!! Sickness and in health!!!!! Later when Chase was alone he tried to walk twice and failed. :(

    Chase and Sasha: They are talking about Willow.. I wish Brooky went to visit Chase again.

    Michael and Sasha: Sasha whining about Brando.. Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Portia and Terry: Terry wants to go out to the Savoy, but Portia don't want to! She is skeered about Curtis!! Terry you are very smart! :)

    Outside the hospital:

    Michael and Willow: UGH! They can't be together because of Chase.. Same old damn conversation. They are longing for each other.

    Michael: I'll wait forever if I have to. You're my future Willow. As much as I want to hold you and make love to you, I'll go on being your friend an co parent.

    *Throws up in the toilet*

    The Savoy:

    Curtis and Brando: Brando talks about Sasha and that he doesn't want to lose her. Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: Sometimes I just like to hear myself talk.


    Curtis and Portia: OHHHH! Eye sex!!! :)

    Sidnote from Yesterday's episode: I forgot to mention about how Finchy and Liz were yelling out to little V cheering her on hahaha. Adorable, and so funny since we can't even see it happening hahaha.

    Sidenote part 2 of Favorite junk food: I love RED twizzlers, M&M's, Reese's peanut butter cups, and many more! :)

    1. this is the last time i am thanking you this week sonya!!! (ha ha)

    2. "david says, this is the last time i am thanking you this week sonya!!! (ha ha)"

      ROFL! Oh? Why? Karen coming back?! :)

    3. Can I just say that Curtis was looking mighty fine, and I just like to hear him talk, too! :)

  13. I fast forwarded the whole show today. So boring to me

    1. One of the most boring episodes ever. I can't even sit through anything with Sasha, Willow and Michael. And I'm not digging NewSpencer.

    2. I agree Lori. I literally fast forwarded the entire episode. I watched a tiny bit but was too boring to waste my time

  14. sonya said..."Man Nik you gotta chill out! Stop acting all nervous or someone is going to be suspicious.."

    *** I totally agree. No one else in P.C. knows he did it so why is he worrying about getting caught. He just needs to keep his mouth shut and chill out. The way he's acting he might as well put a sign on his head saying...I did it!".

    Mike and Willow totally nauseated me too.

    1. "Di says, I totally agree. No one else in P.C. knows he did it so why is he worrying about getting caught. He just needs to keep his mouth shut and chill out. The way he's acting he might as well put a sign on his head saying...I did it!".


      "Mike and Willow totally nauseated me too."

      *Hands you pepto bismol.*

    2. Hand me that Pepto when you 2 are done. Michael, Willow, Chase....I'm done with all of them, sigh....they're worse than the Nixon Falls spin off.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i thought i would add one thing. here on the strip (vegas) there is a mammoth candy store called "its sugar". they have everything. there is an "80s" section with all the stuff from childhood.

    wacky wafers
    bottle caps
    candy cigarettes
    those wax bottles with syrup inside where you had to chew the wax in order to get it open
    and dots. no, not the gummy ones. the little candy dots that are on strips of paper where you peel them off and wind up eating more paper than you do candy.
    whistle-pops (omg, remember? they are smaller than they were back when)
    lik-m-aid (pure sugar)
    pixie stix (even more pure sugar)

    i remember when i first stumbled across this and saw the 80s section. i was a kid in heaven! they have it all from childhood. if you are EVER in vegas... It's Sugar on the strip.

    1. I used to eat all of these! I think I'm still digesting the wax from those bottles, lol! And Pixie Stix were the bomb!

  17. Love junk food. Most all of it. Going way back I loved all the penny candy. Dots on paper, waxed drinks, orange peanut marshmallows and more. Sure sounds weird now. But so yum.
    Licorice jelly beans.
    NuSpencer was creepy around Britt. Why didn't Trina tell Ava who 'Victor' really is? I thought that their meeting was to share his ID. Odd.

    1. Ya. I thought NuSpencer interaction with Britt was strange. IDK. Wish they could have kept the original Spencer. Don't like new Spencer and don't like Austin. Can't wait for Cameron Mathison character. NOT

  18. Great blog. Everyone got into this one Karen.

  19. I MISSED THIS and what a great question. I LOVE Wacky Wafers!!
    Mine is Combos ..Pretzel kind with cheddar cheese and or any kind of potato chip. I'm an addict I ALSO LOVE CHEX MIXXX

    1. Oh! I forgot about combos!!! I love them.. I still eat them!!! :) I can't believe they are still around!


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