Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Under Pressure


Oh what a week. I had to watch three shows in one day on Hulu. Which by the way, is a good way to go!! No commercials and I swear the show flows better. 

This WILL be short and sweet..I'm only hitting the high-low lights. 

Went to an Amish bakery yesterday. Mistake. I'm in carbs for DAYS 

Ok, here we go. There's something I have to address right away that I'm not happy about but I will. Let me just say I've really been loving the show since COVID and all that jazz. This summer has, for the most part, come together really well. It's been fun, the dialog moves along and I enjoy watching. But.....

'Jason' wrestles with Nikolas after learning about the shooting. 

THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM:  So, I know people have been saying this for awhile and I've frankly ignored it because it didn't really matter. Now it can't be just swept under the rug. Shawn is out of jail. Shawn hires Sam to find "the shooter" of Hayden. Well... in 2016 there are quite a few intense scenes showing that Sam knew, Curtis knew and confronted Nikolas. Laura and Jason/Drew also knew (see above). It wasn't that  long ago and it was a major deal.  There's one of two things happening: Either they messed up or they rewrote it. I have to think it's the latter because--it's a biggie. Maybe having Shawn back and characters knowing they sent him away without saying anything is too much. It's going to be a hard one to get around though. Messy. I am scratching my head just wondering why they didn't let him out of jail and go with the judge story and forget the rest. 

You know I know how to dissolve a body, right? 

HELPING HAND OF THE WEEK:  Watch out Monday, I have a  feeling Liason will trend and... hoo wee. Jason of course will want to help and who better to dump a frozen Peter than him?  Question is: Will he still be in the freezer? Maybe he'll move it and when Anna goes to look he's gone? Can't wait!

Finn is the only one in a vest in know it, I know it....

REALIZATION OF THE WEEK: Oh, and doesn't Finola just act this to perfection? From when she started to realize at the Pub to when she questioned Finn in the hospital, it was just wonderful to watch. I love she knew that Valentin would say Finn's name and not make her do it. Now the question is, will she turn him in or??? The scenes in the Pub were really good; the fact that the pilot's sister was Claire/Marie was also a fun tie-in. VAnna is working--big time.

I need snacks and juice boxes for the roadtrip. 

GOODBYE OF THE WEEK: Maxie heads out to Texas, says goodbye to Bailey-Louise and because Spinelli is getting divorced, she's taking Georgie with her.  KS had to leave for surgery so this is the best fit. 

Does Lenny have Venmo? 

PHONE CALL OF THE WEEK: Nina finds out Lenny has cancer. She drops everything and goes back to Nixon Falls to lend money and connections. Lenny will be going to Llanview for surgery because Nina new the doctor via Silas (nice mention). MikeSon is upset, Phyllis is upset. Everyone is all angsty. I still think maybe Phyllis is connected to someone in PC and they might come to the funeral? 

You want fries with that? 

SPLASH OF THE WEEK: Oh, Spencer. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. This was the week he clicked for me; I loved to hate him!! Such a snot. Such a liar. Trina has his number tho. I think she might be the one to figure out he's the stalker. PS. Please have those kids order smoothies or slushies....not Shirley Temples. Thanks. 

It's hard to feel...when you don't feel... for feelings...

WEAK LINK OF THE WEEK: Hey, Portia/Jordan/Curtis...I just don't care. Stella finally talks Jordan into going to talk to Curtis and I swear we've already had a scene where she walks in on them? Anyway, I don't think Curtis and Portia really have chem and it's just boring me. 

Can I get you a magazine? 

WUBSY SCREAMED OF THE WEEK: Um, HELLO!! ahahhaha. I did NOT expect Ryan to be at the minimal security SPA prison with Alexis!! See, this is the kind of unbelievable stuff I can deal with. Why? Because it's FUN and So Soapy! 

Ok, but you do know I know Carly's a bitch, right? 

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Even with the big flaws about Carly being Jason's 'savior' during the early years (we all know it was Robin) I still loved these scenes. Monica talking about AJ being troubled but Carly using his weaknesses to get what she wanted was perfect. Jason also admitted that keeping Michael from AJ wasn't a good idea. Just excellent stuff. Look for it on YouTube. 


Monica is going to give her choice of Terry or Britt for COS

Jason and Monica talk about his upcoming marriage and AJ factor

Nina goes back to Nixon Falls to help Lenny with cancer treatments

Chase is frustrated by his lack of progress

Britt and Austin make a deal 

Jason wants to help Elizabeth move Peter's body

Alexis is in her new jail surroundings and so is...RYAN!!

Cuomo converted Shawn's sentence. He's a free man.

Spencer gets pushed in the pool by Joss; his secret is out to Trina

Trina tries and fails to get Nikolas and Ava together

Gladys wants Brando in the Mob-O... Brando wants to be a family with Sasha

Britt and Spencer reconnect 

Maxie said goodbye to Bailey Louise and left for Texas 

Anna figures out it was Finn on the roof of GH 

PLEASE READ THIS OF THE WEEK: I really just skimmed the surface here. I do think it's worth a watch to see the Spencer/Trina/Nik/Austin/Ava scenes. Also, Alexis and Sam.  Nixon Falls was pretty good as well even if it was in isolation. DON'T MISS THE VANNA scenes! Brook Lynn and Chase... there are so many little things to see!!

That's about it. I don't have spoilers to put up, Sorry... you'll just have to be surprised. Question: Do you think Hayden will be back soon? I mean, why else do this, right? 


  1. Ooo. What if Hayden comes back at the same time as Cameron Mathison??? Would be All my Children folks.

    1. Love Elizabeth's tank top, and Finn is in a tshirt??? Love, love Finola Hughes acting and SO GLAD she has her brain back. PLEASE let her keep it. Do I see chemistry with Brooklyn and Chase? I like them together I think.

    2. Oh no!! Not Ryan and Greenlee again!!! It's just going to remind me of how Ryan treated Kendall when he came back to Pine Valley!!! Which made no freakin sense!! I loved and always will love GreenLeo!

    3. I did watch some of Greenlee and Leo. Loved them. He was "easy on the eyes" too. Wink wink

    4. "lindie says, I did watch some of Greenlee and Leo. Loved them. He was "easy on the eyes" too. Wink wink"

      Haha. *Wink wink* ;)

  2. You can kind of see how tiny that pool is from the picture. I was reading that it's a small 3 foot pool. lol. I do love the addition of the pool for the summer though don't get me wrong. It works.


    Yeah I forgot all about it until I saw the video of it on twitter!!! Here is the video!

    I remember!!! It was so stupid that they are in bed together afraid and have weapons.. Who the hell wrote that crap?

    "Because Spinelli is getting divorced,"

    Did SpinELLi get married? I don't think they did. Hmmm.

    1. Is that what they said Spinelli is getting divorced? I didn't think they did. 9 YEARS together. It's been that long. Yikes

    2. Yeah 9 years!!! If they didn't get married, why not?!?!!

    3. Sam definitely knew all about it huh? She even said it. I don't know if I was watching at that time. WHY did Nic have Hayden targeted? I miss Tyler Christopher. Towards the end he got "sleepy" like Sam is now but I did like him. I personally didn't like he and Liz together but thought they had great chemistry; she and Tyler Christopher.

    4. "lindie says, WHY did Nic have Hayden targeted?"

      I don't remember!! Does anybody remember?

      "I miss Tyler Christopher."

      Yeah me too. :(

      "I personally didn't like he and Liz together but thought they had great chemistry; she and Tyler Christopher."

      Yeah they were hot!!!! I didn't want them together either. I wanted Lucky and Liz together!

    5. "lindie says, I don't know if I was watching at that time."

      Probably not. You didn't make any comments that day. Here is what Karen said that day, and my comments that day. :)

  4. There will be a new mystery coming up. Did Jason move the body? Liz will think Jason moved it. Anna and Finn will go there and it will be gone. dun dun dun. What happened to Peter part 2? I just want him to stay dead but we know the actor will come back and we all know why. Joy

    1. I'm thinking they could do this really one knows who moved it OR WHEN LOL

  5. I loved about 90% of the material with this week, with the highlight being Monica's talk with Jason. It does look like they are giving Monica more to do, which I love.

    I am really liking Anna and Valentin, but I love Finn and Liz. IMO, they just make a good couple to root for.

  6. I am in the minority but I don't want Hayden back UNLESS there is a HUGE explanation as to WHY she hasn't been with her daughter: i.e. kidnapped or something. I hate when actresses and actors leave a role and then want to come back.....i. e. Dante, too, but at LEAST he had a good reason for his character to return.
    Body = gone gone - I'm telling you it will be another YEAR before we know what happened to Peter...........
    THANK YOU for remember Sam KNEW about Nic and now we act like she didn't?
    Monica is gonna make Terry and Britt co-Chief of Staffs-------'for a time to see who better performs'
    My wish:
    Shawn - working at Charlie's
    Lenny - working at Kelly's and Phyllis is a nurse at GH/
    so disappointed the writers gave Lenny pancreatic cancer.

    1. I agree with everything mufasa. I like Phyllis AND Lenny. They will most likely kill him off for storyline purposes. It is so wrong. They are both good actors and would be better to have in the show than some others i.e. Gladys for number 1.

  7. Great SS! Thanks. Being late watching this week, Thurs/Fri blogs were pretty great too.
    Too many good guys die on GH. I hope Lenny will not be one. But I wish he was really going to Llanview. Sigh.
    Nope, still not liking nuSpencer. Trina deserves better and I hope she is the one to out him.
    Hayden won't be back until Elizabeth and Finn share a real kiss or more.
    The last story Sam had was the sex cult. Years ago. I have to turn up the volume every time she speaks.
    GH is big enough to have two COS'. Couldn't think of two better Dr.'s to share the position.
    Still...what Nina continues to do is unredeemable. It will be interesting to see, in the end, what happens to her. Probably years away. lol

    1. do you not like the actor or the character? LOL big difference. He's growing on me. I do love/hate how they are writing him. I love a mean/egomaniac preppy

    2. I don't know about zazu but I personally don't like the actor. Could be because I thought Nichals Bechtal played little snobby twit to a T. Really liked NB but we aren't getting him back. Too talented for GH I guess like alot of them.

    3. So far it's the actor. He is bland. Not saying he had to be like NB but taking his quirkiness into consideration when casting would have been nice. Didn't like nuNikolas at first either but he grew on me.

  8. ric lansing brought hayden on to pretend she was drew cain's wife, cause he wanted liz back. liz was with drew at the time. does anyone remember why nic shot her?

  9. Nik had her shot cause she knew he knew Jake was Jason and didn't tell anyone and she was blackmailing him with the info.

  10. Most excellent SS and I was giggling about the Amish Bakery. Plenty of them in certain parts of Indiana, and yummy!!

    I agreed with so much of what you said.
    First of the entire Hayden rewrite thing, and no I don't want Hayden back. Didn't like the character and not to fond of the actress.
    Next up, Monica and Jason's chit chat about Carly and AJ. Great conversation, and YES!!!! it was Robin not Carly that "saved" Jason. Blech.
    I don't have a problem with new Spencer, I think he's playing self-entitled snot quite well.
    Squealed like the fan-girl I am when they showed Ryan. HAHAHAHAH! Loved it!
    Can't wait for Peter's body debacle, and you know it will be one. And Vanna really are terrific together.

    Thanks again!

  11. I don't want Hayden back either - didn't care for the character or the actress. I hate that they are re-writing Hayden's shooting - really disturbing when we know several people knew about it. Nina may end up with Sonny but not in Port Charles. No one would every let her get away with what she has done. Loved the Ryan surprise and love Vanna!

  12. I guess I am in the minority. I liked Hayden... maybe because she is sisters w/ Liz and Liz needs more family on the show. It would be nice and soapy for Liz & Finn to fall in love over time and then have Hayden come back.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...