Monday, July 19, 2021

Hey, don't you look familiar? (Monday)

This is one of those "fillers" we do that open a blog page for your comments on the days show, but have nothing to do with the show itself. I'm sure you are used to this by now, so here it goes...

Have you met a celebrity? I don't mean saw one on stage or in a distance. But actually face to face and said a few words. I have (this is Dave). 

Brooke Shields - I was a waiter at Chi Chi's in Princeton, NJ while she was attending the University. (Remember Chi Chi's?) She came in with 7 other people and they asked me and another woman to take care of the group. She is stunningly beautiful and so polite and genuine. 

Greg Louganis - He was starring in "Jeffrey" in NYC. After the show I did the stage door thing and got his autograph and said a few words.

Mark McGuire - When I lived in CA, we had the same optometrist. One day I was there at the counter, he came up to the counter and I said "Hi" and he patted me on the back. 

Halle Berry - In the lobby at the premiere of Wicked in LA in 2007. I turned around and she was right there. I said "Hi" and she said "Hi" and I said "Enjoy the show". She is very small and petite and really is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Pia Zadora - Two years ago, on Mother's Day, she got a delivery from our company. I didnt know it was her until I got to the guard gate and they asked me for the resident's name. I looked on the ticket and saw her name. Due to social distancing, I stood a good 15 ft away and when she came out, I thanked her and wished her a happy mother's day and walked away. 

So today's question is pretty simple. If you ever met a celebrity, mention their name(s) before you start your comment. Of course, you dont have to participate but it can be fun. On with the show!

Here's Karen: 
I worked at Chi Chi's too--in Rochester! The biggest name we had come in was Foster Brooks. I'm actually pathetic when it comes to meeting celebs. Mine are all GH 

Nancy Lee Grahn- she has great get togethers. Saw her in Manhattan years ago. Really fun time. 

Lisa LoCicero, Dom Z--Toronto Canada. Great venue. I also met a fellow blogger that I knew for years so it was double fun. 

Vanessa Marcil, Maurice Benard-- Staten Island ... We went to Vanessa's charity event at her uncle's jewelry store. What a fun, funky night! One of the Mob Wives was there too. Maurice was charming and Vanessa was really personable and approachable. I also saw them out at a diner after the event. We were the only people in there. Vanessa's son Cassius ran into me when we started out the door.

Roger Howarth-- Syracuse NY.  Interesting venue; old theater. I actually met him in the parking lot when we both pulled up at the same time. He had driven from his NY home. Meet and greet was great and he was VERY funny during his talk. 

There will be no live blog today.
The next live blog will be on Thursday.
Please feel free to use this space for Monday's comments.


  1. I've never met anyone famous :( boo hoo

    1. My Dad has a story about selling snowtires to Stephen King in the 1970s. He didn't even know who he was. He said his coworkers asked him what Stephen King was like and my Dad didn't have a clue. Probably why Stephen King chose my Dad. Lol

  2. Scott Spezzano from 98 PXY radio - Remember him and the radio station Karen?! :) I was in high school and he was visiting. I don't remember why. I was really shy, but my nemesis was flirting with him.. UGH! ROFL!

  3. I met Jimmy Dean at the World's Fair, Michelle Obama at a luncheon pre-presidency, and my bunch of GHers - Becky Herbst, Nancy LG, Sarah Brown, Rick Hearst (several times), Greg Vaughn, Ian Buchanan, Will Devry, Wally Kurth, Kathleen G, JPS (mmm), Donnell (Curtis, double mmmm), Ted King (Alcazar), Tyler Christopher, Laura W., Dylan Cash (young Michael), Maura West, Josh Swickard (Chase), Finola Hughes, Christian LeBlanc (Y&R), Stephen Nichols, Michelle Stafford. Will meet some more next April.

  4. My favorite was Robin Strasser. In Palm Beach FL, both walking our dogs who wanted to meet. So we let them sniff. I kept saying "I know you from somewhere don't I? She giggled. Then I realized. We sat on the sidewalk and talked about stuff. Cute guys on the soaps. It was great. Saw her again a day later and she introduced me to her friend. Remembered my name.
    Susan Lucci: she was getting in car. I introduced myself. She was lovely.
    I too met Brooke Shields. Very nice.
    I lived and worked in Palm Beach so I met quite a few celebrities. Sean Connery, Sam Shepard, Shelley Fabares, several Kennedy's.
    I grew up with Michael Bolton(Bolotin). Long time ago.

  5. Show was dull for me. My observations:

    Joss: Holy Spray tan BATMAN!
    Brooklyn & Maxie: Its July! Why are you wearing a blazer Brookie? And even worse Maxie in a leather jacket and boots.
    Ava: Talking to Austin sharing all her beezwax! WTH!

    1. So the show was a snoozer today?

    2. "lindie says, So the show was a snoozer today?"

      Oh not really. Mike telling Lenny that they will all fight, made me cry. V.C. protecting Anna I love!!! :) Maxie saying goodbye to her baby was great!

  6. I PROMISE I am trying but I do not like Austin's character NOR nu-Spencer......Anna is gonna figure out that Finn was the last person to see Peter, so let's get on with it-----let Jason open the freezer, no body is there and a new storyline cause we ALL know if Peter was really dead, that freezer would have been opened by now......
    Each day I think I will say SEVEN MONTHS ------- since Mike/Sonny lost his memory.....

  7. The only celebrity I have ever met (and had a conversation with) is Mike Farrell (from MASH). He spoke at my college and afterwards he just walked around and talked with people. Really nice, down-to-earth, genuine guy.

    I did see Sigourney Weaver at a local grocery store (I live in the Adirondacks and she used to have a house here), but I didn't bother her.

    1. Oh, I don't know if this counts, but I did receive a phone call from Brian Patrick Clarke. He played Grant Andrews/Putnam on GH in the 80's. I wrote him a fan letter, with my phone number in it and he actually called me! We talked for about fifteen minutes. My sisters went bezerk! That was a long time ago.

  8. Oh I forgot - I met Red Skelton - Jay Leno AND Tom Selleck (when he donated his Magnum PI things to the Smithsonian - I got to be in the room!) and some others throughout the years - not counting daytime people!

  9. Rick Springfield nearly trampled me and my kids at an outdoor concert (he went into the crowd and all the moms went crazy). He then helped move me and my kids out of the way of the swarming crowd. I met Ricky Nelson at a county fair - and he kissed my cheek!! That's the extent of mine. My husband used to be in the same youth acting troop with Audra McDonald when they were young...she was an ALTERNATE her first year....crazy!!!. My son played one on one and and he and his basketball team got to shoot around with Kobe Bryant for over an hour.

  10. Spin-off NYC Methodist.

    NYC Methodist hospital:

    Lenny and Phyllis: I loved that they talked about how they met! He was fishing. Awwwww. :) I love them so much. I don't want Lenny to die! :( I'll call them Lenlis! :)

    Mike, Lenny, and Phyllis: Lenny! No time for pride!!! Nina is going to pay for your treatment! That's it and that's all! Just give in!!! :( Whew. Glad he does. :)

    NYC Ryan's bar:

    Anna, V.C. and the fake nurse's brother: Ohhhh. The fake nurse is that guy's brother!!! That guy was going to grab Anna it looks like! Well Anna can handle him, but why bother? I love that V.C. swooped in and helped. :) So now they know! He never picked up Hiney!

    Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nik and Chad: HOLY COW! Chad's eye ball turned red more than once! DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!!! WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL!!! That was creepy! Is he going to turn into an alien?!!?!!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Ava: I guess he has that kind of comforting trusted face because Ava didn't have a problem spilling her guts to him.

    The hospital:

    Brooky and Maxie: HOLY CRAP! AGAIN?!?! Out in the open?!!? You idiots!!! Okay good glad you went into a private room!!! *Facepalm* I thought Maxie left already.

    Brooky, Maxie, and Pawtucket Holtser: Oh great now we have a witness!!! UGH! *Facepalm* Maxie stop being paranoid about Pawtucket Holtster!!!


    Nina on the phone with Mike: I'm so glad Nina is going to help Lenny!!!!!

    Nina, Willow, and Wiley: I was waiting for Wiley to say grandpa Mike!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Joss and Trina: Trina wins the line of the day!

    Trina: Please no. Don't tell me you guys are at it again!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She don't want the drama! :) Oh Joss Trina don't care if you and Cam are together!!! She has "Victor" now!

    Jam: Awww they are holding hands!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Chad: Watch the hands towney!

    Yeah you better be careful! Alien boy will tear your head off!!

    1. Did you see VC smirking when Anna was talking to the helicopter guy. He likes watching her work.

    2. "lindie says, Did you see VC smirking when Anna was talking to the helicopter guy. He likes watching her work."

      Yes I saw!! It was awesome!!! :) He sure does like to watch her work! :)

    3. OMG!!! I thought I was seeing things with Chad/Spencer's eye! WTF was that?

    4. "Paul773 says, OMG!!! I thought I was seeing things with Chad/Spencer's eye! WTF was that?"

      I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad lighting I guess!!! Someone said on she knows website that it happened yesterday too!!! ACK!

    5. as always, thanks for the recap.

    6. "david says as always, thanks for the recap."

      You're welcome. :)

    7. I thought I was seeing things...the eye!! Sheesh, glad I'm not the only one. I also swear Victor (not Chad, lol!) winked at Joss right at the end. Ha! I did like Valentin watching Anna, such a look on his face. :)

      I am not feeling Austin at all, except when he's with Ava. But Ava makes everyone better!

      Thanks for the recap Sonya!

    8. "Julie H says, I thought I was seeing things...the eye!! Sheesh, glad I'm not the only one."

      Hahahaha I'm glad I wasn't the only one too!! :)

      "I also swear Victor (not Chad, lol!)"


      "winked at Joss right at the end. Ha!"

      Hahahahaha. He did!!!! :)

      "I did like Valentin watching Anna, such a look on his face. :)"

      It was fantastic! :)

      "Thanks for the recap Sonya!"

      You're welcome!!

  11. I just have to ask...Who is Chad?

    1. "Zak says, I just have to ask...Who is Chad?"

      Haha. He is Spencer. But he don't feel like Spencer to me. So I call him Chad. Or maybe I should start calling him Alien boy after today!!! YIKES!

    2. he is the guy that played zander smith.

    3. "david says, he is the guy that played zander smith."

      Okay I looked it up. No that was Marc Brett. :)

  12. I've met a bunch of GH stars at various events. Steve, Bradford, Tristan and John J. I have met all of Bon Jovi a few times. I met Rick Hearst on the street in NYC when hecwas playing Ric. Recently I ran into Billy Porter in NYC and barely got the words out to acknowledge him. Then the whole Broadway stage for thing prior to Covid. Oh and I have a picture of me and Lance Bass of NSync around somewhere!

  13. I met Genie at a small (20 people?) event in March 2015, before she came back full-time. I was nervous, as I have adored her since I was a teen, and was afraid I would be disappointed. She was amazing! So kind and genuine. I will always treasure that, and the photos I have with her. :-)

  14. I've only met sports people, all at the University of Michigan Hospitals where I work.
    Mitch Albom (sports/book writer). Chris Osgood, Red Wing Goalie during the Stanley Cup years, he was so very nice as I followed him out of the hospital. Following not stalking! He was visiting sick kids. And Lloyd Carr University of Michigan Head Football coach. Again, a lovely friendly man!


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...