Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday is I'm Back DAY!


SHARK GIRL!! This is in Buffalo on The CanalWalk. You know I had to see her and get a photo!! :) I love going to explore cities, even if they are close. You always find things you don't know about. 

Stella and Jordan. It's so weird Stella is rooting for Jordan now.  She makes a good argument. Jordan still hasn't signed the papers yet. Says to go to the Savoy and talk to Curtis. 

SAVOY OPENING:  Portia came!! Terry is all dressed up too. Oh does she like the bartender N'neka ?? Portia wants to get she and Curtis' relationship right-- and she's just talking too much LOL. I don't think these 2 have chem. AT. ALL. They kiss and Jordan sees it. :eyeroll: Jordan runs crying. 

Gladys is at the Metro. Talking to Olivia about how se can get Carly to help Brando be a mobber. She leaves and Olivia tells Sam that Austin is a Q. 

Sasha and Brando. She's at the POOL ..after it's closed I think? Anyway, he's going to tell her he's not going to do crime. He says he chooses her and the baby. Gladys hears this.  Brando says he's turning down any job from Jason/Carly. 

Dante and Anna. She tells him about the pilot and him seeing someone on the roof! wow, didn't think she would. They talk about the case. 

Anna is looking for records of everyone that were there at the hospital the night Peter disappeared. (the staff). 

Valentin and Brook. He can't wait to see Bailey. Awww. She asks about Anna... he gives a short history. 

Olivia suspects something between Sam and Dante 

Anna realizes something is up with Finn/Liz because they act guilty AF lol 


  1. I wish Gladys and Cyrus woulda married and she would have moved to the Midwest to be near him......I swear, is she NOT the most irritating character in a while? WHY would a mother want her SON to be in the mob? Sasha and Brando need to move, too......nothing there....
    I feel that we ARE getting close to the freezer being opened, though, and the body is missing....I now think Finn will tell Anna and 'I'll protect you' and the body is gone...

  2. Gladys is definitely a piece of work. She wants him in the mob so that she can leech off the family. She doesn't care if he gets killed. She can then blame the family and expect to be taken care off your life. After all, it's all about her.

    She's like those sickos who push their kids in fron of a car to get insurance money. Psychos!!

    If the body ends up gone and we don't see how, I'm ready to give up on the show. I want a body.The come back debate is getting way too old. This isn't the walking dead.

    1. That should be " and expect to be taken care off FOR life."

    2. We'll miss you Di LOL ----- cause NO WAY are they gonna let Peter stay dead and it'll be a year or more of 'who has Peter'....scream..........I am with you all the way, Di------

    3. You know they're not getting rid of the pets. Lol

    4. "mufasa says, We'll miss you Di LOL -----"

      ROFL! We sure will! :)

    5. mufasa, as Sonya says, "I'm dead"! Lol! I'll miss you too Di, and I totally agree!

    6. "Julie H says, mufasa, as Sonya says, "I'm dead"! Lol!"


  3. BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS!!!! The spin-off NYC Methodist has been cancelled.. The ratings has been poor.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sante: Hahaha. This banter was adorable. So much better than Sam whining or arguing with him for no reason. Olivia hahahaha. Yeah uh they kissed. :)

    Jordan and Stella: Well yes Stella you are right.. She is making so many excuses about why she hasn't signed the divorce papers. Stella wins the line of the day.

    Stella: That was very kind, but I wasn't praying for you.


    Metrocourt roof pool:

    Brasha: Oh! Look it's romantic to be by the pool at night. :) Brando chooses Sasha instead of the mob life?! YAY! :) That's a first time any mobster did that!

    Brasha and Gladys: Gladys wants to punch Sasha in her throat doesn't she?

    Sasha and Gladys: Uh yeah Gladys really does want to punch her in the throat! Was that a threat Gladys?

    Police station:

    Anna and Dante: At first I was like who is that guy? OH! It's Dante! :) It was a strange angle. I thought it was a new character. Whoa wait Anna what are you doing? Why are you telling Dante what you found?

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Liz: More bonding moments. :)

    Anna and Liz: The look on Liz's face! Hahahaha.

    Anna and Finchy: Hmmm is Anna trying to get Finchy to admit he killed Hiney?

    Anna, Liz, and Finchy: They are both acting strangely and Anna notices!

    Anna on the phone with V.C.: Yup! She knows something is up!

    Q home:

    Brooky and V.C.: Come on Brooky! Let V.C. in on the truth!!! Before V.C. gets any deeper!!!

    Brooky and Chase: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    The Savoy:

    Curtis and Portia: I so love them!!! Great scene. So realistic!! They kiss! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Oh Jordan walks in on them hahaha. Bye bye!! Now Portia when are you going to tell Curtis that Trina is his daughter?

    The bartender and Terry: Hmmmm they would be cute together. :)

    Jordan alone: Oh oh. She is VERY constipated.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2003* Oh no! Huge mistake! What was I thinking? Zander and Emily scene. Natalia's first scene. This was when Emily didn't want Zander to know she has cancer.

    Watching it broke my heart all over again.. Get me out of here!!!

    *Jumps to my time machine to get the hell out of here.*

    Sidenote: Last night Coby Ryan McLaughlin who played Shilo aka King Mufasa, was on 2 and a half men last night! :) Episode in 2008.

    More sidenote: Joseph Behar, a director of both Days of our Lives and General Hospital, has passed away. He died June 26 at his home in Manhattan Beach and was 94 years old.

    1. You're recap was quite the riot, lol! Cancelling the spin off due to poor ratings, line of the day (perfect, BTW), and your time machine trip...yup, get the heck out of there!
      Dante's haircut threw me off too, but it was sharp!
      And I was so waiting for your constipated line. Dang! Jordan out did herself with that look, for the ENTIRE episode! Sheesh!
      I'm ready to punch Gladys. In the throat, on the nose, anywhere will do. Run Sasha, (or waddle, she looks ready to pop any minute now!) run!

      Thanks so much. :)

    2. "Julie H says, You're recap was quite the riot, lol! "

      Hahahaha. Thank you. :)

      "Cancelling the spin off due to poor ratings,"

      ROFL! Yeah that poor show. :(

      "line of the day (perfect, BTW),"

      YES! Stella said it perfectly. :)

      "and your time machine trip...yup, get the heck out of there!"

      Yeah whew. Glad I'm back.

      "Dante's haircut threw me off too, but it was sharp!"

      Oh yes! Very sharp! He is lookin gooooood! :)

      "And I was so waiting for your constipated line. Dang! Jordan out did herself with that look, for the ENTIRE episode! Sheesh!"

      She needs to sign those papers! It's making her very very constipated. She looks like she is in pain.

      "I'm ready to punch Gladys. In the throat,"


      "Run Sasha, (or waddle, she looks ready to pop any minute now!) run!"

      Waddle hahaha! She needs to stay far away from Gladys cus I have a bad feeling!! She might do something to have Sasha lose the baby! :(

      Thanks so much. :)

      You're welcome!

  4. Yeah.... I'll miss you girls too. Walks away...accidently tramples another tribble. muyhaha

    P.S. Someone warn Sasha not to walk down any stairs if Gladys is about.

    1. "Di says, Yeah.... I'll miss you girls too. Walks away...accidently tramples another tribble. muyhaha"


      "P.S. Someone warn Sasha not to walk down any stairs if Gladys is about."

      Yeah no kidding!!!

    2. Di, you're a hoot! Except now Sonya will be after you for trampling her Tribble, you had better scoot along, lol!

    3. "Julie H says, Di, you're a hoot! Except now Sonya will be after you for trampling her Tribble, you had better scoot along, lol!"

      ROFL! Yes Di! You better go to the witness protection program!!!! :)

  5. Yup, Anna has figured it all out. Wonder how she'll approach things. Was weird that she told Dante. Gladys need to go. Don't like her. Ya, Jordan is always constipated. Wish we had the old Jordan back. Two totally different actresses. The first one was so warm and always smiling. I'd like to see Chase with Brooklyn. It seems like she really likes him.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Am I the only one that noticed that it was daytime on Wednesday and the Savoy was having their grand opening? Also my friend just moved to that area in Buffalo and sent me a pic of Shark Girl :)

  8. My one day off to watch GH and my stupid weather man keeps breaking in to tell us about freaking thunderstorms


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...