Friday, July 23, 2021

Jail Blues



Sam and Alexis..Alexis is going to a minimal security prison. She's happy but it's still prison. 

Shawn needs to talk to Jordan ...and then Alexis to tell her he's a free man. The Gov also got the judge to resign and is going to look into all her convictions to see what she did wrong. 

Alexis is in her 'swank' prison... fruit bowl too! Cereal!! 

Shawn asks Sam to find the real Hayden shooter. 

Nik and Spencer at the pool Nik runs into Ava (looking fabulous). They give each other googly-eyes. She walks by. Trina says Spencer owes her one for keeping his secret about being in town longer. She wants to get Ava and Nikolas back together!!! ahahaa. Spencer is like: NO. She says she'll do it on her own then. She sends a drink to Ava from Nik and to Nik from Ava lol . They find out from Spencer it was Trina that sent them. Trina doesn't tell on Spencer about him staying in town so long. 

Britt daydreams about Jason; turns around and he's there at the nurses' station. She tells him she doesn't need him. Austin cracks a joke about them being cousins LOL . Britt then asks Austin to back her for COS since she hired him. He asks what he'll get in return. She says she'll sign off on whatever he needs. He smiles. 

Jason tells Monica that Spinelli vetted Austin and he checks out. Monica wants to talk to him about his engagement. She tells him that it's been hard for her after AJ. She says Carly was the one that always brought AJ down trying to get to him. He says he wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Carly. (barf)  YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS SCENE, IT'S PERFECTION and I can't do it justice. It's amazing. Loved it. 

Finn and Liz talk about Peter; Terry overhears. Terry says that she wishes someone would just Kill Peter ahahahhaa. They leave and walk outside. Liz tries to talk him into telling Jason about the body. He's like NO..Liz talks about why he's a good one to do it and JASON HEARS HER!! OOOOPPAH!!! Finn leaves and Jason steps out "Elizabeth"!!! 

Anna is at the Qs talking to Val about Peter. They discuss the "roof man" . She starts crying a bit. Val says "it's Finnnnn".. yep. So sad. She said she knew it when she talked to him at the hospital yesterday; it was all there...the body language, everything. They discuss if he could have killed him. 

NIXON FALLS: Lenny is going to Llandview for exploratory surgery. Nina's back. She and MikeSon hug. Lenny talks to her about helping him out so much. He wants her to help Phyllis let him go when the time comes. 

Terry and Britt tangle about COS. Monica says she wants to see them both in her office. 


Alexis sees someone in a wheelchair--IT'S RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason says he'll help Liz get rid of Peter

Monica is going to make her recommendation for COS

Anna goes to see Finn. 



  1. Ryan will be trouble for Alexis for sure.

  2. How many doctors do we have at the hospital now? 5? Finn, Austin, Britt, Portia and Terry. So sad since it's General HOSPITAL

    1. There's Monica assuming we will see more of TJ (just graduated) and Willow (nursing school I think). Wish we could see Lucas. Miss having Patrick Drake.

    2. Forgot about TJ. Didn't see him until recently. Glad they are showing Monica more now. Yes, Willow is in nursing school. Wish they'd show Epiphany again and Felix.

    3. I miss Felix and Pfiffy too. Hope they are able to come back soon.

    4. They should have made Felix and Lucas a couple. I have been waiting years to see that.

  3. my favorite soap couple of all time still has chemistry LIASON

    1. Liz has chemistry with everyone.It's because Becky always stays in the scene and maintains eye contact with whoever she's talking too, drawing them in.

    2. Rebecca Herbst is such a treasure for "GH." I can't believe they tried to fire her a few years ago. So incredibly stupid, and I am glad the fans led a backlash.

    3. I agree! Was looking at her in those scenes with Finn and even Jason. Not a line on her flawless face

  4. Nope..I am done with Ryan. I love Jon, but I want him on screen as Kevin. I miss him with Mac. Instead of Dante talking about therapy with Kevin SHOW IT! Let's see married life with Laura.
    Ryan is now in another long list of characters in this show that need to go away, and that also includes Gladys.

    1. Maybe Ryan can try to kill Alexis and she kills him instead while saving a guard. She can then have her sentence commuted too. ( I wonder if they brought him back so Spencer can be vindicated.)

    2. I agree completely. I'd rather have Kevin than Ryan. Show Kevin with Mac. Show Kevin with Laura. Show Kevin with Dante. I agree.

    3. Me too. But maybe someone has wised up to that abnd they are now going to end his story. Hopefully.

  5. I may not be remembering right, but didn't they send Ryan to a with maximum security? Even if he is supposed to be comatose, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw the hospital.

    1. If he's acting it's so he would get sent to a minimum security prison since he no longer seems to be a threat. That would put him in a position to escape. I'm still hoping that happens and Alexis stops him.

    2. I do too, Di. I'm also hoping now that Ryan has resurfaced it will mean that Spencer will be outed as Ava's stalker, because there was that letter Spencer sent Ryan.

    3. Maybe Kevin is somehow responsible for him being moved there? He was definitely supposed to be in a max security prison.

  6. Here's what I think is going to happen. I could be wrong. I think Liz will have Jason "move" Peter's body and she won't tell Finn. Finn will tell Anna he killed Peter and they will go look for him in the freezer. The audience will be left wondering what happened to the body. IDK. Something like this type of scenario. Maybe I'm wrong

    1. My thoughts exactly too!!!!! Although I'm thinking Jason won't tell anybody including Liz!

    2. I'm good with any scenario - as long as Peter August (they always say his last name) is dead.

    3. I agree Paul. This bringing people back when we have seen their dead bodies is ridiculous. Liz is a nurse. She pronounced him DEAD!His body is then put in a cold airless closed freezer! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD!

  7. If you all aren't watching Max's daily updates on GH - you're missing out!! Check out the insta....he's adorable - and says what we're all thinking a lot of the time

    1. I found his twitter updates a few days ago. I love him and followed him. He is adorable and you are right, Max says the same stuff that we all are saying.

    2. He's a little boy who does recaps of each day's episodes. They are cute.

  8. I'm all about soap pacing and tempo and I get as frustrated as anyone else when the reveal takes too long BUT the inconsistent speed of a plot reveal is also a frustration. Anna has figured out the who, what, where, and when of Peter's demise at the speed of light. How long did the story line drag out until she figured out he was a bad guy? The inconsistency of an Anna who couldn't buy a clue to save her soul versus the Anna who is the crack investigative detective is glaring.

    Spinelli will disable the cameras. Jason will arrange the disappearance of the evidence. Jason and Liz will keep Finn in the dark. Finn will finally cough up the truth to Anna and Anna will finally brings herself to tell Dante....and by then there will be nothing to find by the PCPD. Anna will tell Val but Val will keep it from Brooklyn and there will be no baby reveal

    1. And on it goes. Your idea is definitely in keeping with the way these writers write. Everything is a never-ending story. 💤


    2. Personally I'm glad Anna has figured it out. She was too smart for Peter to have pulled the wool over her eyes. Let's get her back to the smart, capable WSB agent we know and love!

    3. Yes, I think these scenes are the writing team trying to "do right" by Anna after months of stupidity.

  9. Nixon falls Spin off:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Phyllis, Lenny, and Mike: Lenny picking up a heavy beer keg?!?!! Oh no no no no!!!

    Mike and Nina: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Great hug!!! :)

    Lenny and Nina: Awwwwwwwwwwww!! Great scene!

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital: Britch daydreaming about Jason. Awwwww. :)

    Britch and Jason: Yeah Jason I don't think it's a good idea to say hi to her. Just leave her alone!

    Britch, Jason, and Dr. Pawtucket Holtster: Dr. Pawtucket Holtster wins the line of the day.

    Pawtucket Holtster: Hey cuz. How are you? We are not there yet? It's okay I understand.


    Jason and Monica: OH! GREAT SCENE! Pawtucket Holtster is legit!!! YAY! :) Talking about the past! Love it!

    Finchy, Liz, and Terry: Terry you got your wish! HAHAHAHAHA!

    The REAL park:

    Finchy and Liz: Love that Jason is overhearing them! :) So what is going to happen? Jason helps them by moving Hiney, but then he won't tell them what he did, and then when Anna opens the freezer, the freezer will be empty?! Would LOVE that soapy goodneess!! :)

    Liz and Jason: Will Liz tell Jason? Cus he really wants to help!!! COME ON LIZ TELL HIM! Jason can help. I want him to help!!!

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Trina, Nik, Ava, Pawtucket Holtster, and Alien boy: This was funny hahahaha. Misunderstanding of who gave who a drink! :) Priceless.

    Alexis's new jail: What is it called? The river something? River ridge? Ridge river? RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Blinky eyes. :)

    Q home:

    Vanna: Love that they both know it's Finchy!!! :) They work very well together! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumped into my time machine to go to December 6th 2000. Juan, Emily, and Zander. I did love Emily and Juan at first, but then I fell in love with Emily and Zander. Watching this now, she was better off with Juan!! Zander would have been free from her and he would still be alive! :( My poor Zander! :(

    1. Didn't Ava look stunning today.

    2. Yes I agree. Ava looked great. Loved the hat on her too.

    3. "Di says, Didn't Ava look stunning today."

      Yes she did, but why was she wearing black?! Is she nuts?!?! YIKES!

      "lindie says Loved the hat on her too."

      Yeah I love the hat on her!!! :)

    4. She brightened it up with the shawl. Besides black made her look more glamorous, like a movie star of old. lol Probably the look she was going for.

      And the hat completed the look perfectly.

    5. "Di says, She brightened it up with the shawl. Besides black made her look more glamorous, like a movie star of old. lol Probably the look she was going for."

      Hahaha yeah that's probably the look she was going for. I hope she doesn't melt! :)

      "And the hat completed the look perfectly."

      Yes it did!!!!

    6. Black is every girls friend though. Very slimming IMO.

    7. "lindie says, Black is every girls friend though."

      Yes very true, but not in the summer! ACK! ROFL!

      "Very slimming IMO."

      Yeah very true too.

  10. Nina and Sonny have NO chemistry as a couple

    1. I agree lindie. Their interest in each other seems so fake. Maurice is a good actor but somehow his "like" for Nina is not convincing.

    2. Sadly, I agree. You can't force or fake chemistry.

    3. I concur. It falls flat for sure.

  11. I really hope Britt keeps the job. She's been great in the role. Love her quick wit and the smile on her face. If she loses it we have less of her on the screen. Terry will still be there even if she doesn't get it. She's a doctor. Give her TJ as an intern and she'll get more screen time if that's what they want.

    1. Monique will declare them co-chiefs.
      Guaranteed drama.
      Like Leslie and Monica back in the day.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...