Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Where's the Popcicle?


Spencer, Joss, Carly. Spencer congratulates Carly about marrying Jason. He also outs Cam and Joss going out. Carly's like WHAT? Joss pushes him in the pool again! "I wish he'd stayed in Italy" They talk. Then, Shawn comes up and says hello. 

Shawn and Curtis.  Well, Curtis says he has NO IDEA who shot Hayden. I'm not reporting on this farce. All you need to know is they have their shirts on. Damn it. Curtis wants Shawn to work at the Savoy.  Shawn wants to be his own boss-man. But Curtis wants him to work there temp. Shawn says ok. 

Portia and Trina at home. I like their house. Portia tells Trina she went to Curtis' Club. Trina is surprised but supportive. 

Jordan and Stella. OMG This is just... I don't want to hear this anymore. Don't care. Stella's mad Portia and Curtis kissed. Wants to talk to them. Jordan yells no. Jordan signs the papers and puts them in her outbox to be sent out. I think Stella gonna steal them. 

FANNA in the basement! Finn tells her he killed Peter. She doesn't think he's capable. He says he is and he'd do it again LOL . They talk about him trying to save him then putting him in the freezer. She wonders why he didn't tell her. HE said he was afraid Violet would lose her last parent. Anna know s he couldn't move the body alone. 

Liz called Scotty. Wants to know what Justifiable homicide is. She tells Scott about a "friend". He says the other friend (her) could be an accessory. He says JH is when it's "Killed or be Killed". He also figures out it was Finn because Finn had called him before. He says he wants to represent Elizabeth not Finn in this. Tells her to keep her mouth shut and call him if the police come. They hug. Jason peeks in the window... Scotty can't see him. 

Jason calls Spinelli... "Thanks for the cameras, now I need you to do something else" ...then he asks if "he found it".  Then he goes to see Elizabeth. 


Jason and Liz:  Jason says Peter's body was gone. 

Freezer opening:  Peter's body is gone. 

PETER IS NOT IN THE FREEZER. Is he alive? Or..someone else move it? 


  1. Were we ALL not there for MONTHS and MONTHS of Stella screaming at Curtis NOT to marry Jordan and screaming at Jordan and NOW we are supposed to believe she wants them together? I am so disappointed in the character of Stella - come on, Frank and writers, do something else with her instead of making us all hate her!
    We all knew the body would be gone.......so I truly guess July 2022 is when we will know where Peter is.......cause I think the writers don't even know. Still stupid--tell us now - let it be a good reason - someone is protecting Liz and moved the body, but for the love of everything that is good and kind, let Peter be dead.....and HOW can Maxie EVER come back if no Peter ---- cause ANNA still thinks that baby is missing....
    what a mess.....................sigh..........

    1. Question was the freezer wiped clean? Any PLP blood in there?

  2. Unless he woke up very quickly, wouldn't he suffocate in the freezer?

    1. yep, which means someone was watching and took him out quickly-----going back to maybe someone was helping Liz and not Finn?
      OOOOOO------maybe it's Hayden? LOL

    2. Of course he would. And it wouldn't take long for an unconscious man to die of hyperthermia either. But that's only if you don't belong to the video game generation. then you can just poush reset for everything!!

    3. Freezer would lead to asphyxiation unless you have
      been placed in a Soap’s Freezer.

    4. Good one Mufasa!! There has been a lot of Hayden talk lately. 🤔🤔

  3. Well I don't think there's a person on the planet who didn't see that cop out coming! I'm hoping that the conversation between Spinelli and Jason means Spin recovered the footage of someone moving the body.

  4. Peter is most likely alive which makes NO bloody sense.

    1. "I'll be back" is what stupid Peter says. Terminator voice and all.

  5. Enough with Peter. In all my years of watching soap operas, I have never seen a character continue to suck the air out of a show.

    1. Ain't that the living truth!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Make that 4. And much thanks to LW for making this all happen. I'm sure he couldn't get a job anywhere else and then we were blessed with him.

  6. Portia's home:

    Portia and Trina: Great scene! I love the mother and daughter moment. Trina was acting like a mother asking a lot of questions hahahaha.

    Curtis and Portia: Yeah Jordan isn't happy and is very constipated, but oh well! :)

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Curtis and Shaun: Curtis's chesticals is exposed! *Drool* Gee I hope Shaun doesn't work for the mob! I hope he works for something else!! Workint for Cutis at Savoy, well that's a start!

    Carly, Alien boy, and Joss: Geez so much banter between Joss and Alien boy! Does she like him?! Carly notices too!

    *Joss pushes Alien boy in the pool*

    ROFL! How many times is she going to do that?! Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: You have got to stop pushing that kid in the pool.


    Joss, Trina, and Alien boy: Boy! Trina and Joss are bantering with him.. Do they both like him?!

    Shaun and Carly: NO CARLY! NO!

    Police station/Jordan's office:

    Stella and Jordan: I kept thinking is Stella going to steal the divorce papers? YUP SHE DID! OY! I man Jurtis are divorced now right? What is Stella going to do with them? Is she going to rip them up or just keep it in her purse for a year?!

    The hospital:

    Scotty and Liz:

    Scotty: Elizabeth. You are my top priority. I would do everything in my power to protect you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That is so sweet!!!!!! Love their scene!

    Scotty: So if the police come knocking at your door. Dummy up, and call me.

    Awwwww! Yes yes do that Liz do that!!!


    The sub sub sub sub sub basement:

    Anna and Finchy: Chit chat chit chat chit chat chit chat chit chat chit chat chit chat chit chat chit chat.

    *Millions of hours later*

    NO BODY!!! GEEZ! Did the same person who kidnapped the Tribbles kidnapped Hiney too?!?!!

    1. Oh forgot to mention the squeaky door over at Portia's home! I think they are going to need to use the tin man's oil can!!! :) WAIT A SECOND! Portia blamed Curtis for breaking down her door.. That was Jordan! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WOW! It seems the men in black showed up again, and this time made Portia forget and also the writers! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    2. There's going to be something about that squeaky door. It's been mentioned way too often. Wait...what am I saying? Sonny's sauce amounted to nothing.

      Great, PLP with the Tribbles. He'll probably take a weed wacker to them!

      Line of the day....perfect!

    3. I thought the same thing about that door, Sonya. If the writers can't even remember what they wrote themselves a few weeks ago, how in heaven's name can they remember history. These sleepers must be drinking Sam's kool-aid!

    4. "Julie H says, There's going to be something about that squeaky door. It's been mentioned way too often. Wait...what am I saying? Sonny's sauce amounted to nothing."

      ROFL! Yeah two bottles of sauce, and nothing!

      "Great, PLP with the Tribbles. He'll probably take a weed wacker to them!"

      Yeah between him and Di, the poor Tribbles! :(

      "Line of the day....perfect!"

      Hahaha yes! :)

      "Di says, I thought the same thing about that door, Sonya. If the writers can't even remember what they wrote themselves a few weeks ago, how in heaven's name can they remember history. These sleepers must be drinking Sam's kool-aid!"

      Yeah no kidding!!!!

  7. oh joy surprise, Peter is alive

  8. I agree with those who speculate that the Hiney story will go on and on. A nobody really cares who took the body story. As long as it's a dead body. But probably not. He's in storage with Nelle, Morgan and whoever else they decide to resurrect.
    I love(d) Auntie. The writers have done their thing and made her a hateful bitch.
    BTW...I read that the Nixon Falls spin-off was not MB's idea. They came to him with it and he said let's go. Now it's time to end it.

  9. The writers really stuck it to us on this one. No climatic ending with Peter getting what he deserved. Instead he will live. Well at least we have gotten a break from his smug face

  10. Parking Lot Peter's contract is up in November from what I've read. Whether they are negotiating a new one at this point....I do not know. Let's hope Julliard is out for good.

    So nice to see Liason being able to share scenes again now that she's not paired with that awful Freako.

    Not interested in anything Hayden related because of the rewriting of that storyline. We already know who shot her. We saw it, we have receipts. Hate when writers and EPs try to pull this BS. #DoBetter

    1. "MatchboxGinny says, Not interested in anything Hayden related because of the rewriting of that storyline. We already know who shot her. We saw it, we have receipts."

      Yes yes very true, but the men in black erased all their memories. Now they all forgot! I hope they break through that and finally remember!!

    2. Good grief about PLP's contract. I have no words. :(

    3. Me either. The thought is repugnant!!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Loved Karen saying she's not reporting on the farce of who shot Hayden, and the crack about the hot men having their shirts on, lol! Nicely put.

  12. Ooo. I wonder of Scotty moved thw body to help Liz? Maybe he overheard them talking. IDK. Not Scott's first dance with trouble.

    1. I'd rather it was Valentine. Anyone or anything except Peter's feet.

    2. That fits right in with my hopeful theory of Leisel. What a flashback that would be!

    3. Di...Peter's feet...hahahaha! Agreed!


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