Monday, July 12, 2021

Austin's First Day

 We started outside the studio today !! Right in the entrance. Portia and Curtis. They talk about Aunt Stella trying to meddle. 

Austin sees Amy. She welcomes him to GH. He says he's going to have the time of his life. 

Alexis is in GH getting her wrist checked. Dante is in with her as part of the PCPD. Sam comes in and hugs her.  They talk. Then Austin comes in to examine ALexis. Sante are all: WHY YOU HERE? He tells them he's move to town. Sam isn't happy. (He never says his last name of course). Anyway, Sam wants Alexis' first doctor, Portia. Austin leaves, pages Portia. 

Britt dreams of Jason in her office then Jax walks in to check on her. Jax talks about their night together. Britt basically friendzoned him! Jax says that Carly is drawn to danger and he thought it was Sonny's fault but it's Carly.  Dr O comes in and Jax leaves. Dr. O is sad she told Britta to follow her heart only to get it trampled. 

Carly tells Jason she had a few things to say to Britt. He's like WHY? She says to let her know there was NO HOPE of them getting back together. She then says "Unless YOU want to"!! Jason tells her not to lie. "I ONLY LIED about BEING IN LOVE!! this is HARD FOR EVERYONE"!! He tells her not to talk to Britt. Heh. Walks away. 

Carly walks down the hall, runs into Austin. He asks her where the Corinthos wing is. It comes out that Michael is her son. He says he has big shoes to fill since Lucas LEFT GH? What? Did I miss that? Anyway, Austin wants to know all about the head of the board, Monica Q. 

Jordan tells TJ and Shawn that Molly is going to file a complaint against Judge Carson. They talk about what could happen to Shawn. He could get out with time served.  Curtis ends up coming in and getting the whole story from Jordan. 

Maxie runs to the Q house, tells Brook Lynn Austin is moving to PC. She's YELLING about Bailey being HER BABY! GOD! like YELLING!! Brook Lynn tells Maxie she's being too paranoid.  Maxie cries badly. Brook Lynn says that maybe they should stop the pretense. Maxie says no because Peter's still out there. Brook says that's why she has to stay away from the Q house. Maxie says she has to leave town (KS had surgery so I think that is the plan to have her gone for a bit). 


  1. Ya. Kirsten Storms could be out for awhile.

    1. Don't guess the story line will advance much with her gone. Could be November sweeps before the baby Bailey stuff comes out.

    2. Poor Valentin. Think I might need to console him then. Lol

    3. Yeah get in line and I am in the front of the line! :)

    4. I'd get in line, but no look at those eyes and him saying 'darling', and I would pass out or stutter and not be able to move....................just sayin........

    5. ONE look - see, even THINKING about him I couldn't type the right word! LOL!

    6. Me too. heck I would share him.

    7. OMG. Everyone is in love with Valentin. I said he was mine first lol

  2. I think she said 2 months she would be out???? Her instagram posts are funny..
    even reading recaps, I am screaming at the GH Writers - WHERE is LUCAS?????? HOW do you drop that? Bobbie never mentions it??
    The Austin thing is tiresome; he's not cute trying not to say his is BEYOND time to tell who you are --------it'll be interesting to see what he says his DAD told him about Monica.....but it's TIME to say his name!
    Sam and Dante - still don't see it.
    Gonna be MAD if nothing happens to Judge Carson and they GO to Pentonville and MOLLY is fired by Robert.....
    thanks KD for your twitter update - Jason upset about the DIAGNOSIS makes more sense - he wasn't with Britt but ONCE and around her a couple of weeks, so it made NO sense he is sadder about Britt than any other woman?

    1. The Austin thing is getting beyond tiresome. I'm thinking he's going to be the guy who buys GH or at least is sinking money into the hospital.

    2. The only person on the canvas who seems to know who he is is Anna, who knew his father(assuming that was little Austin in the pic with his dad)...a huge Jimmy Lee Holt anvil if I have it right,but unless they aged his son wouldn't any son be early 30s at best, and RH would be playing someone about 10 years older than that? Of course, timelines are easily fudged on soaps, so there's that).

  3. I finally like kemo with someone. actually like sam and dante.

    1. I don't mind them either. Just want to see her smile again

  4. also would like to see jordan and curtis work things out

    1. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO! Jordan has no personality - not even a good actress in my humble.......

    2. I guess I don't see it. I like Jordan. I also like Sam with Dante, he makes her easier to watch. 🤣

  5. Outside the hospital: Oh!!! A new set! When they showed the new set when Gregory and Jackie were there, I was confused of what kind of set that is!!! :) It's outside the hospital! COOL! :) Great shot! :)

    Portia and Curtis: Yes Portia I don't blame you! I wouldn't want to be someone's rebound!!! Yuck.

    Inside the hospital:

    Amy and Austin: AMY! Where the hell have you been? It's strange seeing Roger Howarth in a doctor's white coat!! :)

    Austin and Carly: Whoa! He got really too close to her when she was on the phone hahahaha. Great scene.. COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! IT'S TIME TO KNOW AUSTIN'S LAST NAME!!!!

    Carly and Jason: Carly is all jelly when it comes to Britch and Jason! :)

    Alexis's room:

    Dante, Sam, Alexis and Austin: Okay Sam what the hell was that?!!?! Why are you so against Austin? Damn!

    Outside Alexis's room:

    Dante and Sam: The look on Sam's face when Dante brought up the kiss! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! PRICELESS! :)

    Britch's office:

    Britch and Jax: Uh Jax! There is no reason to see Britch! It was only a one night stand!!! Oh Britch wants to be friends. Okay I like that idea.

    Britch, Jax, and Dr. O:

    Dr. O's crush on Jax is gone. So that means Dr. O has feelings for Scotty!!! YAY! :) I did enjoy her crush on Jax.

    Britch and Dr. O: Dr. O should not know anything about her daughter's sex life! Although I do love their scenes!!! Love that Jason overheard them and his box of pain! Seriously though. Jason is sad. :(


    Jax and Jason: Steve Burton's blue blue blue very blue eyes.. *sigh*

    Jordan's office:

    Jordan, Shaun, and TJ: I forgot to mention yesterday about Shauna and TJ's scene on Friday! It made me cry! TJ calling him dad and they hug awwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene today too! Yeah Jorda no need to apologize again. The past is the past.

    Jordan and Curtis: Curtis isn't any hurry for Jordan to sign the divorce papers?!!?!?! WHAT?!?!!??!!

    Q mansion:

    Brooky and Maxie: SHUT UP MAXIE! Be quiet! Or people will hear you! UGH! Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: No he was out cold. That's what a firepoker at the back of the head will do to ya.


    Sidenote: The Tribbles are still missing. :(

    1. Oops forgot about the Lucas mention.. WHAT?! HE IS NOT WORKING AT THE HOSPITAL ANYMORE?!?! WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!?!!!

    2. He got kidnapped by the tribbles.

    3. Sonya said... He got really too close to her when she was on the phone hahahaha.

      *** That's because the actor likes to act wierd.That's why I don't like him. He dragged his foot and walked funny when he left her too.

    4. "Moma says, He got kidnapped by the tribbles"

      Hahahaha. No no. Lucas went to help find the Tribbles. The person who kidnapped the tribbles saw Lucas and kidnapped him too! :)

      "Di says, That's because the actor likes to act wierd.That's why I don't like him. He dragged his foot and walked funny when he left her too."

      It could be just the character! When we find out who he is, then we will understand him more.

  6. ooooo maybe Shawn could run Charley's - he WAS the person who ran Kelly's before working for Sonny ----

  7. This thing with Austin is SO SO STUPID. I think all his name tag might say is Austin. Dr.s name tags don't say just a first name. So, NO ONE has called him Dr.______?

    1. and PAPERWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. We should have found out who he is when Anna saw the picture of little Austin and told V.C. that she knows his parents!!

    3. If the writers think we care about this Who Is Austin? thing. We don't. It's not interesting or entertaining. Who cares? They killed Franco for this garbage.

    4. I care. I'm curious who he really is.

  8. Nice to see Amy.
    Maxie is tedious and annoying. Knowing that KS is fine after her surgery I'll say that I will not miss Maxie.
    What a beautiful scene with Britt and Leisel. Britt at the table with mottled sunlight and flowers. Very artsy. I totally agree with Jax about Carly. She always wanted out of the biz and now she is all in. I hope Jason keeps her at arm's length.
    Still love RoHo. The noname thing is stupid. My guess is he will unveil himself at the ELQ meeting. Big deal.

    1. Maxie has always been tedious and annoying. Speaking before she thinks... acting before she thinks. I love her though. Brooklyn is great and I hope they show her really bonding with Bailey/Louise to show some Angst when she gives her back.

      Britt looked beautiful by the light

  9. Did anyone else momentarily think why did they wait this long to replace Tony when he said Dr. Jones?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I did, L. It took me a long minute to realize he meant Lucas.

    3. I sure did, wondering why are they bringing Tony Jones up now...then I said right Lucas DOH

    4. Lucas never crossed my mind, I thought Tony too!

  10. Austin as Jimmy Lee Holt’s son is the red herring but what if he’s actually the son of Alan and Charity Gatlin. This would be a rewrite of course but Alan did have a relationship with Charity before she went with Jimmy Lee. maybe Alan never knew he had a son by Charity and Jimmy Lee raised him and Austin only discovered his true parentage recently, explaining why all of a sudden he’s in Port Charles, Made me think when he asked about Monica today.

    1. "Diana Taylor says, Austin as Jimmy Lee Holt’s son is the red herring"

      I hope it's not a red herring!! :(

  11. does anyone remember if anna and jimmy lee were on GH at the same time? being she recognized his parents.

    1. Yes. Anna and Jimmy Lee and Celia were on GH at same time. In the 80s.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...