Thursday, July 15, 2021


 Here we go! 

Pool Set being used, I Like it!! People even got "in" the pool. Oh, Gladys has nice new blonde hair. Wow she does look younger! She tells Brando that now there's a shake up at Corinthos' Coffee, he should jump in. Carly listens in. She tells Gladys she's not family. Then Joey Novak (the younger) walks in. 

Portia friendzoned Curtis. 

Bar set for NYC. Valentin says to Anna he found out what the "sing along" was in the back. "Some woman named Maeve is leading them in Danny Boy"!! OHHH Ryan's HOPE!! He says they have to Go to the hospital to talk to the chopper guy later (AH!! NY Methodist where Sonny is). and the bar reminds him of a Pub they went to in Dublin. They get a call that the guy is back in the hospital. 

ANOTHER SET---NY Methodist for Lenny. The doc comes out and Lenny goes in for tests. MikeSon says he might rememeber NYC but it could just be the movies he's seen. By the way a ton of people noticed he's not gray anymore LOL. He goes to talk to the doctor about Lenny and of course, VAnna just miss him . Because it's GH. 

Mike finds a cap in the hall that looks like Mike's old cap. The "hears" memories of talking to "Dad".

Valentin walks right into Phyllis. I think he knows her from when she was in PC to visit Nina? 

Ellie left Spinelli. He's drinking and talking to Jason. He says Ellie didn't like the direction their life is going and wanted to leave. Jason says Spin can always walk away from the business. Spin says he can't. He basically says since Jason came back he's "Jackal" Again and WUBS him LOL. GEESH

Maxie tells Sasha she's leaving PC.  They talk about Sasha being pregnant. Maxie has on a really heavy leather coat  LOL BLACK! 

THen Maxie tells Spinelli about going to Texas and wants he and Ellie to have Georgie the entire time she's gone. Spin says Georgie would love Texas. Maxie is sad he and Ellie are splitting up. 

Brook Lynn goes to Nina's... she tells Brook she knows her secret . Brook freaks out. Nina wants to know why she went through with the charade. Also, why she won't tell Valentin the truth because he'd agree to protect that baby at all costs. Brook Lynn says that's Maxie's call. AND they think if they tell Valentin the truth, he'll tell Charlotte. 

Val is chatting with Phyllis while she waits for MikeSon

Anna almost sees Sonny open the door. 

NOTE: Previews show neither Anna or Val see Sonny. 


  1. I actually sniffed a bit when I saw Mike's hat on the floor. Great way for him to have a flashback. Maybe more will come now.

  2. This story line with Mike is stupid. It'll be until November sweeps until anyone but Nina sees him. Guaranteed

  3. I guess Brando is only still around cause Gladys is trouble? No other reason I can think of that we need Brando or Sasha?
    I am PRETTY sure that Phyllis and Val have met, so I guess the writers again are changing history......
    SEVEN MONTHS of this stupid storyline----------bring Mike/Sonny HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Valentin and Anna should go back to the bar/pub and he should sing to her. That would be awesome. I love his voice and piano playing. I especially loved the Billy Joel song he sang a few years ago at Nurse's ball

  5. It looks like Valentin and Phyllis had never met. He recognized her name when she said it. Poor Valentin. Anna is ignoring him and he will be heartbroken over baby Bailey Louise. Be will need comforting

    1. Think I will volunteer to comfort him.

    2. Pretty sure we already discussed this. LOL we have a line!

    3. "Linda says, Pretty sure we already discussed this. LOL we have a line!"

      Hahahaha. Yes we do! :)

  6. Everyone welcome the 3rd new spinoff - NYC Methodist hospital!

    NYC bar:

    Vanna: Man V.C. is so charming and sexy!!! Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: If you say so.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh Anna stop fighting it! :)

    NYC Methodist hospital:

    Phyllis, Lenny, and Mike: Awww Lenny! :( He is so weak and in pain! :( So while on the plane, was there a hairdresser there to work on Mike's hair? :)

    Lenny, Mike, and the doctor: The doctor found something?!?!! What?!?!! And is it treatable?!?!

    Mike: A hat!! Oh he is remembering!!! Remember the Tribbles Sonny! Remember them!!!!

    V.C. and Phyllis: Hmmmmm. Didn't they meet before?

    Anna and the door: Oh soapy goodness!!!! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Brooky: Brooky just listen to Nina! She is right!!! Tell V.C.!!!!! And of course Nina can't tell V.C. because it's not her secret to tell!

    The Metro Court Hotel rooftop pool and spa: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! It looks just like the set from Y&R except they didn't show a pool! This set does!!! I LOVE THE POOL AND PEOPLE IN THE POOL! :) It made me so excited seeing people in the pool! The Tribbles would love this! If they ever are found. :(

    TJ and Curtis: TJ is very wise Curtis! Listen to him!

    TJ and Brando: Now that is more like it! :) Maybe they can be besties!

    Joey Novak and Carly: Stay calm Carly! You don't want Joey to get upset!!!!

    Joey Novak and Brando: See? Brando knows how to handle him!

    Gladys and Brando: Love Glady's new hairdo. She looks good.. But she is still annoying. And what the hell color is she wearing? Black? In the summer?

    Carly and Gladys: Great scene! Go Carly! :) Carly looks great in her outfit! Give Gladys some pointers Carly!

    Portia and Curtis: Come on Portia!!! Give in to Curtis! You want to date him and he wants to date you. Just give in and say yes!!! :) I mean damn look at him! He is one sexy man! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Spinny and Maxie: Yes Maxie SpinElle are dead in the water. :( Damn I loved them together!!! Maybe Spixie could get back together! :)

    Spinny and Jason: Oh look! Spinny is in wuv with Jason and he knows that Jason and Carly are soulmates!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 1986!* In honor of Jimmy Lee Holt's sad passing, :( Here is he and Charity together. You can watch them get married, and watch Alan really really wanting to go be with Charity because he has feelings for her.

    Keep going. It goes until part 135.

    1. Curtis is so sexy. Dang. V.C is so charming. He tells Anna he likes her. Like he's a teenager. Awwww

    2. I found it funny that Lenny had chest pain and was holding his stomach. Oh well. Do like Phyllis and Lenny

    3. More like the spleen area. I wonder if he has a tumor and it's not the heart.

      Also I wonder if this is why we're having more outdoor scenes at GH and why it may be taking so long for MB to get back to the studio.

      Maybe even more people will be "going away" for a while.

    4. "lindie says, Curtis is so sexy."

      Yeah he is! :)

      "Dang. V.C is so charming. He tells Anna he likes her. Like he's a teenager. Awwww"

      Hehehehe yeah it's so adorable I can't stand it! :)

      "Di says, I wonder if he has a tumor and it's not the heart."

      Hmmm could be!

      "Also I wonder if this is why we're having more outdoor scenes at GH and why it may be taking so long for MB to get back to the studio."

      Oh oh! This is just awful. :(

    5. Yup COVID rates increasing again in like 47 states I think. Probably no kissing again. Boo

    6. "lindie says, Probably no kissing again. Boo"

      :( Damn. Back to Covid kissing.. Oh well. Just as long as they are safe.

  7. Maurice has a YouTube series titled "State Of Mind". In it he has discussions with individuals about mental health. I've watched four of them... Christian LaBlanc, Lisa LoCicero, Courtney Hope, and Sean Kanan. In every one of them Maurice mentions how "messed up" he was last year with major depression, and he had to take time to help himself. I suspect that is why he's been given the Nixon Falls storyline. In the video with Christian LaBlanc (Micheal Baldwin on Y&R) they also discuss hair coloring since Christian allowed his natural color grey show up on his soap. Maurice was just about totally grey while sitting there, and he told Christian to use "Just For Men".. That's what he does... lol. So... I guess he had a box of that with him on the plane to NYC.

    1. Thanks for sharing that about MO. He is a good man who shares his struggles and tries to help others.

    2. I forgot to say that I greatly admire him for that.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...