Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Detained

Yeah, Dev...if that's your REAL NAME...we knew your hair was weird. 

So, I caught up to Thanksgiving and I have to say that the Thursday show was great in so many ways. Loved how they played the family-beats, especially with Mike. So many families go through care giving (the holidays are a biggie) and I just thought it was done well. 

Let's get to it. Leftovers are key today!

So, at least the show tried to catch up a bit. They aired onThanksgiving when they were previous only going to show a repeat. Nice pre-Thanksgiving episode. It will be weird to see "Real" Thanksgiving Monday but we're ready for it! 


DECISION OF THE WEEK:  Soon DrewCo will lose that 'lyrical' accent he's been sporting and become...welllll, not entirely sure but something else. Andre Maddox is back in town and he even went to Anna's for Turkey Day!! By the way, he had mentioned that Franco could be in a coma, lose all of his memories, be "more Drew"  ...and other things.  That's why Peter is worried. Maybe he'll wake up and remember that he had a hand in capturing Drew to give to Helena. Maybe he'll wake up and want a nice ham sandwich. Who knows? 


BAIT-AND-SWITCH OF THE WEEK:  Just when you think it's a nice talk about getting engaged, whammy!! It becomes about marrying a white woman, being a young black man in the USA and all that comes with it. This scene was something to behold. First of all, the writing was top-notch. Secondly, both actors did a great job with the material. We even revisited TJ's getting stopped in Wyndam's "black while Shopping".  Nice moment. Now, here's hoping management buys a clue and makes TJ and Molly a focus of 2020. 


SELFIE OF THE WEEK:  And Sorrow of the Week.. damn. RB only signed for a 4 month stint and I don't know the circumstances. Her choice? Their choice?? Whichever, they need to get her back and signed ASAP. She's phenomenal as Hayden. Liz has a sister, there's a great triangle brewing with Finn and Anna. So MAKE IT WORK!! 


CAVE-IN OF THE WEEK:  Welp, Trina and Cam pushed Dev to reveal that he's not really some kid from the east coast, he's from.... TURKEY!! So now a billion people know and... I still don't care. These scenes were cute though, and even with the Disney Plus promos (and Lays) I enjoyed it all. They are becoming the 'friend set' that's gelling together. I really hope we find out about Trina's DNA soon. That could be a game changer.


GET IT OVER WITH OF THE WEEK:  Kendra clocks Alexis on the head with a rock after Alexis finds out she's Keifer's sister. Hmmm... I hope she just leaves her there, someone finds her and then Kendra gets arrested in about 10 minutes. See ya girl--BYE! 


PLAN OF THE WEEK:  So.. Laura and Jax talk about Helena's portrait and Tad goes over  He acts like he's representing someone that wants to buy it. Laura figures that out and thinks she's all smart but his plan really was to leave the iPad there and tape them!! Ergo, Val found out about the codicil and sent Mr. Gray off to "keep an eye on Spencer". (in reality. MEK is doing another gig he had planned before joining  GH and then will be back again for longer). 


WEAK LINK OF THE WEEK:  Here I was, kind of hoping that Jax and Nina would have a fun "pretend" romance like the olden days and spoof Valentin but NOPE, seems Nina still has a soft spot for he and Charlotte. She went home and read "Little Women" with them on the couch. zzzzzzzzzzzz


SCENES OF THE WEEK: Mike going home for Thanksgiving. Raw and real. I remember when my Mimi came home for the last time for a holiday. It was so overwhelming for her, she was just better off and less agitated back at 'her home'. Sad...but it happened. The anger was so real too. I'm glad they are exploring the whole thing instead of just saying "he got sick' and doing it off camera. 


MOST FUN OF THE WEEK: Dr. O and Brad!! LOL he asks her why she's still alive and she tries to comfort him when he cries. All with a hilarious outcome. These two are comedy gold. 


FACES OF THE WEEK:  Um, guess we have a little girl to raise, don't we?? With Hayden taking off, these two will have adorable Violet to keep us happy. Get that girl a puppy and people will tune in just to behold the cuteness. PS. Please pay for a Roxy-Violet scene, Frank. Thanks.



Alexis is 'cured' of her Tallium poisoning but..Kendra knocks her out with a rock
Lucas decides to spend Thanksgiving with Brad and their son instead of working
Franco tells Liz he's getting the procedure done "tomorrow"
Hayden leaves town after Nikolas stages a scare
Tad (Martin Gray) records Laura and Jax talking about the codicil
Mike is entering last stages of his disease
The kids have detention, eat chips, talk about Disney Plus and Dev outs himself as a Turk-Boy
Julian tampers with Brad's car


Kristina shows up again, just when the whole Keifer thing is winding up?
Tracy visits!! 
Nurse Amy is back at GH 
Car accident puts Brucas in jeopardy
Franco undergoes the mind-mapping

Today is World AIDS Day. It would be remiss of my not to mention this as GH played such a huge role in the early days when this disease was still considered something to keep hidden. Powerful story line that meant so much to so many. 

So, there it is. This week was mostly filler. Tying up of loose ends, letting Hayden slip away into the night (sigh). Next week should be pretty lively!! Car crash..the Qs....Alexis all knocked out. The hearings start up again Dec 4th and so far, not sure what's going to happen to our soapies. Stay tuned! 


  1. Thanks Karen. Excellent blog as usual

  2. Another great SS. Thanks Karen.

    I'll miss Hayden a bit but Colonel Sanders not so much. I guess they have to bring in a male lawyer because they've turned Scotty into a clown and our 2 female lawyers aren't enough since one is now turned into a blubbering mess and the other is also on only for comic relief.

    At least the new team is moving things along quickly and not just dropping storylines. Kudos to them for that.

  3. I am not a huge Haydn fan. She is OK IMO. I think she was good to have around though because she and Michael Easton do have good chemistry and it adds some "angst" to the whole Finn, Anna and Violet thing. Now even though Violet is such a cutie pie, the whole thing will be boring. I am also not really an Anna and Finn fan. I want Anna with Robert.

  4. PS LOVED Robin and Stone. One of the best story lines this soap has ever done. Cried like a baby when Stone died.

  5. LOVED having a real episode on Thanksgiving day. Perhaps this could become a permanent thing?

    I also loved RB as Hayden, thought she added a lot to the show. Fingers crossed that somehow they find a way to bring her back.

    Pretty decent week, especially considering the interruptions. Next week looks really promising!

    And as for Robin/Stone, I think that storyline set the bar for socially conscious storylines. It was flawless. Educational and emotional, with characters we loved. Difficult subject and done in the most brilliant way.

  6. OMG, please say it isn't true! No more public hearings on ABC please, there are other platforms.

    1. We know that and they know that...but they don't care.

  7. The next impeachment hearing is scheduled for December 4th; the networks haven't announced any details yet re coverage.

  8. You know I'm with you about Kendra. The sooner the better. At least Alexis is out of bed for a few minutes.
    The Mike scenes are superb. I will be sad to see him go.
    I did read somewhere that RB was coming back in Jan., I think. It does not seem possible for her to run and leave Violet, even in a soap opera, so hopefully she will return.
    Thanks again for the great SS!

    1. I hope you're right...while in the beginning I wasn't a RB fan because of how she was brought in and ME was let go. I grew to love the character and ME was hired back and their chemistry is undeniable. I hope she comes back for good. For Finn and Liz and Violet....

  9. Thanks as always for the SS! GH has really picked up the last couple of weeks, and I'm loving it. I'm not a big RB fan either but Liz does need her sister.

    Robin and Stone were the best. I too cried like a baby when he died, and his memorial service....oh my, I was a blubbering mess!

  10. Think Trina will be Curtis daughter that he never knew he had...they can then introduce her mom who may cause some friction between Curtis and Jordan. Stella will be her aunt, Jordan step-mom & TJ cousin.

  11. I like Trina being Curtis daughter and her Mom comes to town. Bring some excitement.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Karen have you read that Parry Shen (Brad) is leaving? I read somewhere that the actor confirmed it. I also saw comings&goings in Google for GH and he wasn't in them (they however are always late. As they listed RB as going as she's been gone LOL)
    I knew you'd be in the know so I thought I'd ask. Hate to see him, but he's become so unredeemablable.

  14. Am I the only one hoping that Trina's mom will end up being Gia?

    1. Noooooo I'm sorry I'm probably the 1% who couldn't stand her. Which brings me to, isn't she on Blue Bloods as Danny's partner?

    2. Gia is the sister of detective Taggert who had tried to bust Sonny down for years. She was engaged to Nicholas at one point and was the face of Deception when it was owned by Laura/Sonny/Carly. I think it could be a good use of the shows history and pull a lot of characters in who were around the time she was on the show. Although i cannot for the life of me though remember how she, and Taggert for that matter, left the show.

  15. I've read a few articles where he confirmed it. Maybe check out his facebook or twitter accounts if you really want to know. I love the actor but Brad is beyond redemption.

    1. He is really good. He has been on regularly for years so maybe he can go to some rehab, aka vacation, and become a better man and return. Unless he dies. But even then.

  16. I agree with all of you re Brad; his lying & deceitful behavior has made him unable to be redeemed. His departure from GH must be due to the change in writers because about 6 weeks ago, he said he was assuring GH fans that he wasn't going anywhere.They could have done a backstory of his family & his story with Rosalie ( remember her?)to give his character more depth, but guess TPTB weren't interested.

    1. He is a very good actor, who I think has gotten better through the years. People are saying he is not redeemable, but, c'mon, he didn't kill anyone, there are sooo many murderers on the show who have been redeemed over and over.

      The death of his adopted child and the sequence of events that followed just happened to him, and he got caught up in it. Of course, keeping Michael from having his son is horrible, but much worse crimes have been committed by others still on the canvas.

    2. OK, just read it on the other GH site that I visit,, yes, sadly he is leaving. I guess he will be killed off, who knows? I loved him with Britt, and with Dr. O, he will be missed. . .

    3. Yes, thank you AntJoan! That's the one where I read it. I read different things on Google and Insta and hard to keep track.
      Yeh they made it sound like he'd be killed off and still nobody would know about Jonah of course except Dr O and Jules. They need to tell Lucas and Michael! Yeh he was so funny with Dr O...especially as of late when she tried to console him in her own Dr O way. LOL!

    4. Yes, that was hysterical! Dr. O is just amazing!! I thought they would kill off Brad once the secret was out, don't tell me he won't get to tell it!? Julian likely wants Lucas to keep Wiley, and Dr. O is Dr. O, so please don't tell me they will drag this out for years!

    5. Every soap needs an eternal sleaze, and Brad has been ours. And he is so good at it. This last lie has been a snowball out of control. Dr. O's consoling of Brad was perfection as she pat, pat, patted his shoulder.

    6. Yes Zaza it was so funny!
      Maybe before Brad takes his dying breath he will tell it. One can only hope. I can't take much more....

    7. zazu, Kathleen Gati said she loves acting with Parry. She said it was a short scene but she had a hard time trying not to laugh.

    8. I know Brad is not really redeemable but everyone else sure seems to be. Hate to see a front burner gay couple, quite an innovation, be destroyed. I hope Lucas finds another partner and we still get to see him.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...