Monday, December 23, 2019

"God Bless Us Every One"... GH Scrooge SPECIAL !!

I've been waiting for this day with such squealy anticipation!! I love specials and this looks to be a goodie. 


I'm not going to spoil too much so you'll have to watch for yourself!! They all get stuck in GH for the night because of a storm. TRACY IS THERE! HER hair is natural gray and she looks so so good!! Squee!! 

Finn wants to leave, is being all grouchy. Violet overhears him and now he's afraid she'll be upset. Monica reads another book because of the storm and it's Dickens A Christmas Carol. Finn imagines himself at Scrooge. We see the story as played out by cast members. 




Cratchit: Franco
Nephew: Peter
Charity collector: Curtis
Maid: Monica (lol)
First ghost: Marley is Tracy 
Joss: Ghost of Christmas Past 
Chase: Young Scrooge!!
Michael: Young Scrooge's partner
Willow: "Belle" The love of Scrooge's life
Ned: Scrooge's Boss when he was young 
Anna: Old Belle--omg so good!! 
Robert: Old Michael --ditto!
Dr. O Ghost of Christmas Present
Maxie: Nephew's wife
Liz: Mrs. Cratchit
Tiny Tim: Jake
Brother: Cam
Ghost of Christmas Future: Ava ..gah! 
Brooklyn: Town seller of goods 

It's wonderful..I hope you watch and have a very wonderful holiday--however you celebrate! 


  1. This was spectacular! What a great job everyone did. Can't wait to watch it again...and I never do that.

  2. I liked it but was confused by Tracy just showing up on the episode, did I miss them showing her coming back? Wondered if it because of the hearing interrupting so many times. She did look fantastic.

  3. It was very good but it felt like we missed a day. It's like oh look there's Tracy standing there by the wall, like she never left. Ummmmmkkk. So it felt odd.
    Anyways. Loved Dr O with Scrooge. Franco as Bob, which was funny cause we sometimes call him BobTodd. LOL!
    So I guess the actor that plays Aiden is not available, so that's why he "with Lucky" for Christmas? Anyone think they are aging him?

    1. I hope not, but had the same thought.

    2. Michelle p says, Franco as Bob, which was funny cause we sometimes call him BobTodd. LOL!

      Hahahahaha! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! And since Drew Jr is gone, now we can call him BobTodd again! YAY! :)

  4. Maybe we did. Could they have eliminated one show to catch up from all the interruptions? Today's show was on the schedule for Monday since way back. Regardless...I love Jane Elliot and wish she would stay.

    1. I think that's exactly what happened, and they had to play this Christmas ep before Christmas. We'll probably see Tracy arrive at the Q's in the next ep after Christmas.

    2. Yes, they said they would show the episodes out of order. I loved the show, I love seeing our talented actors in other roles, I cried . . .

    3. "AntJoan Yes, they said they would show the episodes out of order."

      Oh no! Really?!?! ROFL! That's going to be confusing. :) Now we will just have to make fun of the out of order! :)

    4. Yeh I guess that will be funny to make fun of it! LOL!! 😂

    5. "Michelle P says, Yeh I guess that will be funny to make fun of it! LOL!! 😂"


  5. Loved loved loved this show! Everyone was wonderful! I thought it was odd with Tracy but the explanation seems plausible. JE looks fantastic and it was great to have her back!

    1. Yes it was! There were like 2 people on Facebook who hated it. I was like, "well you're the 1%"
      It was a hit! Violet was adorable and when she got scared and wanted her daddy, even more adorable! Finn shines as a dad! Oh and his legs, nice....haha!
      Everyone did a fabulous job!

  6. The hospital: Snowstorm!!! We don't get to see it. :(

    Finchy and Tracy: TRACY!!!!! Great to see you!!!! The grey hair, looks wonderful!! Don't get rid of it!!!!! Hmmm she didn't talk about Luke, which is good. :) I hope they are not together. Finchy and Tracy are both scrooge! Hahahahaha. Well, until the book was over, and then they felt all Christmasy. :)

    Finchy and little V: Awwww the book is scaring her. Great scene with them! Awwwwwww! :)

    The Christmas Carol: Great story!!!! I have always loved it. Never read the book, just saw the movies.

    Curtis who played the Charity collector: His clothes, the top hat, and his glasses! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! :)

    Ghost Marley: Tracy playing Marley! Did you notice that Scrooge didn't call him Bob? ROFL! Scrooge was shaking so badly! ROFL!

    Young Belle/Old Belle and Young Scrooge's partner and old partner. PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!:)

    Ghost of Christmas present: Dr. O was great!!!!! :)

    Ghost of Christmas Future: THE QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! I bow to the queen!!

    Maxie Nephew's wife: She wins the line of the day. She and Nephew are at Scrooge's funeral.

    Maxie Nephew's wife: The only people who came, Did so for a free lunch.


    Maid Monica: She's a maid hahahahaha! I love the shocked look she had when Scrooge kissed her on the lips hahahahahahaha!

    Mrs Cratchit's family: They all dressed wonderfully, especially the boys! :) Love how the boys were dressed!

    1. Scrooge did call him Bob Sonya, I even commented on it. Cause I found it funny since we call him BobTodd sometimes LOL!

    2. "Michelle P says, Scrooge did call him Bob Sonya, I even commented on it. Cause I found it funny since we call him BobTodd sometimes LOL!"

      Hahaha. No no I mean Bob Marley! Tracy played him. He didn't call Marley, Bob! :)

  7. Maid Monica can report Scrooge for sexual harassment, #metoo . . .

  8. I just realized that Sonny and Carly were not in the episode. Neither were most of the "closeted" children. In fact, newcomer Violet seems to be the featured child.

    1. Neither were the Cassidines, Jason and Sam. Also Aiden wasn't.

    2. I was so glad that Sonny and carly weren't there, or the Cassidines, Jason and Sam. Aiden would have made a great tiny Tim but he may not have been available. Jack was good.

      And yes, Violet is the featured child now. They can't have them all on at once. Too expensive, I imagine. They all come with minders, and teachers, if they're older. They got lucky with Violet and Wiley.

  9. Does anyone know if today is a repeat? My 'guide' has a generic description.

    1. I asked on Wally Kurth's FB page and the answer was probably yes. :(

  10. When Tracy entered the Mansion she herself looked great. She seemed horrified that they changed things after 50 years.Where is the wooden paneling and velvet drapes? The ugly furniture is gone. No more Persian rugs!!If she gets to the kitchen the wood stove and butter churner will be gone. There will probably be a bowl of moss on the counter.

    1. hahaha I would love to hear her comments on that bowl of moss!

    2. I can't wait to watch! I hope we don't get a repeat! Gotta love Tracy!

    3. I think we'll see this episode Thursday?? Not sure. The Canadians got it and not the Christmas Carol? HOW ODD!!? Why not do it in order!!?

    4. They could have used yesterday for a new show and left them in order. Not too many sit down and watch as they air these days anyway. I read it was an ABC decision. Who knows what they are thinking.

  11. Just watched the Christmas Carol episode. Excellent, loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just perfect.

  12. James is so huge. Shouldn't he be about 6 months old, or a year tops

    1. I think it was announced awhile back they changed the little actors who baby James. So I'm guessing they aged him just a bit?

  13. I noticed that the actress that plays little Violet has almost the same blue eyes as Michael Easton

  14. "God bless us everyone". She was adorable.

  15. So today I was confused at first. Nelle and Jason were talking outside Kelly's and I'm like huh? Is this a repeat? Oh Nelle is preggers and she is talking to the baby. OH THIS IS A REPEAT. :) Okay so this episode was 2 years ago.. I will share my comments on what I said 2 yrs ago. I'm copying and pasting.

    Carson home:

    Carson, Michael, and Janelle: So basically,

    Janelle: It was so cold outside! A tree almost hit me Michael! I almost died.

    Michael: How is the baby?

    CarSason: Awww great scene. :)

    CarSason and Michael: WOW! Love the walk down memory lane!!! Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: I was a messed up young woman.

    ROFL! That is an understatement. :)

    Molly and TJ's home: Man! So cold and no lights! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Charlie's pub:

    Jordan and Stella: DAMN JORDAN SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! She misses Thomas!!! Leave her be!! She can talk about him as much as she wants to!!!

    GrAva: Ava went to church! ROFL!

    Griffy: Tonight is the night of peace of harmony, of forgiveness.

    Oh? Does that mean you will forgive Julian? :)

    The wedding:

    "Karen says She brought her significant other MARCHELLO who's ITALIAN and SEXY As ALL HELLO!"

    HELL YEAH HE IS SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! So glad that Leslie found someone! YAY!!!!

    "Karen says Maxie has on sure."

    ROFL! A school marm outfit! :) Burn that dress!!! They didn't want Leslie to perform the ceremony, which I get. It's fine, but then the hot Italian guy did the ceremony and didn't know a lick of English, so Leslie had to do it along side him. That was so stupid! Made no sense!

    Sidenote: 2 years later, and I forgot all about the Italian guy. is Leslie still with that Italian guy? And wow Kevlar were married 2 years ago!!!! YAY! Happy anniversary Kevlar!!!! :)

  16. I watched all except for Sonny, Carly & Michael,scenes. Nice to see the old Jordan and TJ! And we still haven’t gotten rid of Nelle.

  17. the whole episode was perfect!!! Happy Holidays everyone

  18. Here's some more BTS pics. I laughed out loud at the last one with Maxie and Peter. She definitely has a 'Gawd, yes, I'm still with him. When will it end?' look.haha

  19. Great pics Di! Loved Robert's frown!


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