Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Catching Up

So, I watched yesterday's show and I have ONE thing to say:

Valentin is JUST DELIGHTFULLY SNARKY now! There's a new spring in his step OR WHAT??! I was loving him!! Geesh-- he makes fun faces, gets all snarly and well, entertaining!! 

So, Ava has Nik at gunpoint. You know me, I just want them to have sex. Like now. LOL Right under that burned up painting! 

Franco is Franco... meaning Anna will have to bring down her creepy son herself. I'm there for that. I also hope she finds out she never gave birth to him-and neither did Alex. He's just some rando Faison spawn. 

Charlotte didn't drown. Welp. Ok, ok, that would have been a bummer before Christmas sure, but you know me--I'm mean.  Laura sees Nik's photo. She'd better buy a clue after both Ava AND Char say he's alive. 

Oh! and watching the gallery thing again I didn't realize Trina helped thwart Valentin's bid! LOVED IT!! Ava gave her some mooooooonay!! Speaking of!! OMG!! HELLOOOO Curtis and she?? YEP!! Loved it. 

HAVE YOU SEEN THE TRAILER FOR MONDAY'S CHRISTMAS CAROL SHOW? Oh. MY!! EEK! It looks SO great...and so many of the cast members are in there! Squeee!! If not, go to Soaps In Depth and watch. This will air next Monday. 

Now. On to today's business. WHO KNOWS if the show will air.  Politics are even taking over our one respite !  SO, I'll be here if I can-- and??? Tracy's airdate is already pushed back. She was to be on the 20th I guess but that's delayed and the Monday show is a special.  Tuesday the 24th, GH will air a previous show and it will be sports airing the 25th. I believe we will have regular programming the 26th. It will be a very choppy week. I'm off to my parents for most of it so we will see how it goes. 

I should be here for the show today--if it's on. :eyeroll: Have a good one. We are one snowy wonderland here! 


  1. kd said...”Valentin is JUST DELIGHTFULLY SNARKY now!”

    *** I swear I saw a grinch snark at one point. lol

    I love that they’ve given Trina more to do. She’s been perfect in these scenes. I just need them to have her keep her moral compass.

    I detected an undertone in Franco's thanks to peter. Do you suppose he heard the shooting while he was in a coma?

    And I'm also curious about Drew's phone. maybe it has something on it to help trigger that when Cam remembers to give it to franco.

    1. Oh I didn't catch that. I'll have to watch again (I've watched like 3 times I loved it so much, plus the impeachment thing was on LOL).

  2. Looks like they are setting up Trina to be Curtis' daughter, which would be great. Loved Valentin and always like when he runs into Jax. Ava is back as the cat who swallowed the canary - great plan with that auction! Didn't anyone care that Dustin might have been suffering from hypothermia, too?

    1. Probably not. I guess with a change of clothes they probably figured he was a big boy and could take care of hisself? Charlotte seemed fine too.

  3. I was so excited for yesterday's show and only AntJoan and I were on. LOL! Then everyone came haha! It was the best show ever! I too didn't realize Trina was in on it. So happy Franco is back!
    I've asked this a couple times and maybe you don't know Karen but have you read or heard anything about Valentin not being Charlotte father? I follow General Hospital related stuff on Google and I read there an item that it's going to turn out that he isn't her father. So I was just wondering if you knew.
    And right now I'm watching regular programming so unless it's interrupted again we should get GH. 😊

    1. I hope ur right that valentine is not charlotte's father

    2. If you read that on take it with a grain of salt. They watch the little previews and make guesses about what they think will happen. The article that ends with "Imagine if this little girl Valentin has come to love as his own isn’t really his!", also starts off by telling us that Valentine wins the bid for the painting....quote..."If you’re wondering who will win that bidding war, it’s indeed Valentin." I never read their guesses.

  4. Yesterday's show was so great! But looks like we will be preempted by the real life soap. Darn it.

    1. I guess you're right! 😡 I turned my tv back to regular programming after watching what was on my firestick and ugh! That crap was on! Really....please....

  5. I know, I was so happy, it looked like they had the shows on again, then it started again, ugh!!

    1. OMG! So I turn it to nbc and it's the afternoon news YES! I'm gonna watch DAYS while I get ready for work. I'll be damned if they don't put the impeachment hearings on AGAIN!! Getting very frustrated. 🙄

  6. I got to see today's episode. I'm hoping they put it online for those who missed it in the eastern States so that I don't end up with a repeat tomorrow. A few secrets are out and there's a new development on the Lucy front. I won't say anything else till everyone sees it.
    P.S No Franco today.

    1. Lucky you. I figured since I get GH at 3 (central time) that I'd be the lucky one but it's 240 and the impeachment is still on. 🙄 I'll be so glad when it's over.

  7. I read on FB that yesterday's show will be on today. I'm eastern time, and GH comes on at 2 pm in my area. I was so bloody pissed when I got home! I heard that Canada got to see it, too. I checked and Comcast On Demand and the last episode available was 12/17. FB also said the "Scrooge" episode will still air this Monday. Our Wubbie Karen shared the FB info. At this rate we won't see Tracy until May, lol!

  8. I hear that! LOL! I was ticked too. It's not over either! Even though he's been impeached now they have to hold a trial??
    I came home and watched Tues show again haha! Hopefully we'll get today's show and yes they have said Monday we will still get our Christmas episode. I'm off so I can't wait!

    1. Me too, about the Scrooge episode! It looks really good!

  9. Good grief. Are we going to have to sit through months of a trial too?

    1. I just read that it will start in Jan. and both sides are hoping for a quick trial. If the Repubs have their way it will end with a dismissal of charges before it even starts. I'll stop here before I say something that needs to be deleted.

    2. However we feel about the impeachment itself, I think we are united that we don't want it broadcast on ABC. I wrote in an earlier post that you can write to ABC about this, I already did. Those of you who don't want the trial broadcast on ABC should write, and ask others to write, saying that we don't want impeachment stuff interfering with our shows, it is shown on other platforms.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...