Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Artsy-Smartsy


It was a glorious time--watching Ava one-up everyone in the room. Didn't she look spectacular doing it too?? Damn, Maura West. I do bow down!! 

Forget eating, grab those martinis!  

PS. I want that woman's bronzer and highlighter. NOW.


Watch and Learn, Watch and Learn!! 

STING OF THE WEEK:  Oh the ART AUCTION!! What a delightful little surprise. It was everything I didn't know I needed. Ava was splendid. Trina was a joy-- everything about it was just FUN.  Everyone bid and Trina even knocked over a waitress to get Valentin to stop. Then, the painting went up-in-smoke! WHOOT! 


ZEXY OF THE WEEK:  Now hear me out. I'm very very weird with recasts. I don't like them-- never have, never will. BUT!! Things have surprised me in my life. Some recasts happen way too soon and I can't deal. Sometimes they go changing the face in the story line to explain things. For whatever reason this Nikolas is intriguing me. Way more than the other one did when Tyler left so abruptly. I think he looks like a Cassadine--he's certainly how I'd imagine "Nikolas" and as one of my colleagues put it, he could be his younger brother. Nik has been gone long enough that I'm up for this change and seem to get a good vibe. He's also being written differently than Tyler's Nik (or could be my imagination??) I get a spark from he and Maura (who doesn't she spark with??) so... I'm rolling with it for now. True test comes when Spencer is back. For now tho, Wubsy gives a thumbs up.


JUMP OF THE WEEK:  Oh Charlotte-- you thought your bodyguard would save you!!?? Nope. All you got was hypothermia and a trip to GH. This did produce a great little snark from your Papa though. Then Your Mom and he fought and he's going for custody. Anything to pep Valentin up!! 


"Thank God you're you and you're hungry"

EYE OPEN OF THE WEEK: I think we were all ready for this to be over. While going down the "other memory" road could have been intriguing it just didn't come off well. We need Franco as Franco. Then, The Franco haters can hate him as usual and the Franco lovers can love on him. We all agreed when he was Drew and that could not stand! Now, it's all back to normal. LOL. I DO think tho that maybe Ol' Drew's memories could peek through long enough to get Peter off my screen. (Wishful thinking??)


I mean, she did see a photo but it's probably something she ate! 

CLUELESS DUH OF THE WEEK: Oh My GAWD. Seriously? I'm loving the writing on GH--praise it on the daily but this one area? Driving me INSANE.  Laura heard the psychic-- she checked on Lucky. She heard Ava swear Nik was alive before checking herself into Shadybrook and then Charlotte talks about the bodyguard thing-- and SEES A PICTURE OF NIKOLAS!! but NOPE!! I mean, it's just dumb. Either don't have Laura have so many clues staring her in the face or have her realize Nik is alive and well. Because ... well, this is not Laura Webber Baldwin Spencer-Spencer --umm... oh yeah, Collins. 


JELLY OF THE WEEK:  Oh CarJax! Busted The House!  Caught by Sonny talking at GH with smoothies!! LOL ... Carly's face :) heh. So anyway, Sonny asks Jason to run interference and to check out what the two are gossiping about.  Jason asks but Carly won't really tell (yet) because she thinks Jax will get deported. 


Now, I do declah... this young lady has suffah-ed enough!! 

SICK-BED OF THE WEEK:  Oh poor Nelle, stabbed and still it's not enough to keep her out of Pentonville! I have a feeling Tad is going to do something though. I'm loving his character--even the funky accent. Oh, BTW---Nelle turned the corner on Friday and-- saw Willow and Wiley!! Squee!! 


WHITE-BREAD OF THE WEEK: Yes, call me a bitch but...dang. He's just SUCH a bore. He told Willow all about the time he got custody of Avery ..yada yada-- Something I forgot all about. It was also the best time Chad had playing Michael. Don't remind me of your ONE good story that I liked.  You know they were chem testing this three-some. BTW, Wiley is the best of the bunch. Cutie. 


DEAL OF THE WEEK:   Lucy gets an investor for Deception: "Alyssa"... I do wish it was Ava but..whatever. Sasha's going to be the "Face" and Michael got her a stake of the profits. My thing? Sahsa: Boring and too old.  I'd say put Trina and Ava in there as the faces. Shade spectrum and generational. But, that's just me. 


TRUTH-TELLING OF THE WEEK: Dr. O breaks her silence and admits that she did know about Sasha not being Nina's daughter. She also had some creepy hair in a bag for her to use for the DNA. Yes. That's creepy.


FACE OF THE WEEK: Well, this is Laura looking at Valentin. This is also Wubsy's exact face 89% of the the time in life lol. That's me. YEP.


PYRO-PROP OF THE WEEK: Oh yes....... Ava did that. Did she call Bob Guza for the set-up? Hmmmm, not sure but it surprised me and I was delighted! (photo thx to @audbeachvixen)


HOPEFUL ANVIL OF THE WEEK:  Oh yes, please. 


Lucy gets Deception off the ground and Sasha gets a piece of the pie. 
Franco wakes up--as Franco. Finds out he was Drew and slept with Kim
Curtis is finding Claudette for Jax
Laura wins the painting...but it catches fire before she can get it
Charlotte is OK after jumping in the water
Dr. O tells Nina she knew about Sasha and gives her some of her Mother's hair for the DNA
Aiden is visiting Lucky in Ireland for the holidays
Anna is suspicious of Peter and found a connection to the gunman.
Nelle is trying to stay in the hospital or get out of jail..and sees Wiley! 
Brad thinks everything is Nelle's fault
Ava tells Nikolas she has the codicil
Valentin is going for full custody Of Charlotte
Julian is happy to hear the PCPD couldn't find out what happened to Brucas' car

pic thx to @soapjenn 

So, this Monday will be a great show I hope and I cant wait to see it!! People are already crabbing about Finn being Scrooge. I don't care--it will be different and FUN. SO ENJOY IT!! 
The rest of the week is repeats and Football games.  I'm busy here baking and getting things ready. We have a nice snow and cold--just perfect for the season! 


  1. Thanks, Karen, for another great Sunday Surgery! Lately, I've felt guilty for reading recaps here and not actually watching, lol, but I've got a long binge coming up this week. Happy Holidays!

  2. The best for me this wk and last is of all things Franco and then Ava and Nik, Niva. Loved their scenes. Ava is the best! I cannot wait til Nik's fam knows he's alive and we can see him interact with them, especially Spencer.
    Great SS!

  3. Thanks for the great SS. It's too bad we had so many interruptions but at least what we did have was good, and moved things forward.

    I wouldn't mind Francoo having a few Drew memories from his childhood but I just want that phase of Franco to be over. I'm actually hoping that Cameron remembers the phone and that Drew left a message of the last memories he had in Afghanistan, when Peter sold Jason to Helena. That would tie things up nicely.

    I also want the Nelle storyline to wrap up. I don't care if she's renting a cot in the studio, that shouldn't be the basis for having someone back. If you have extra funds bring Mac back to work and have Robert on more often. Let Nelle die with the Wiley storyline. ..SOON!

    Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate.

    1. I couldn't agree more Di (Nelle). I'm glad the Drew's memories sl is wrapped now please writers for the love of God, the FANS, and Michael, let him know Wiley is really Jonah. This is crazy! Now Lucas is going to the long term facility that Muke is at and God only knows how long he'll be there and if he even remember what Brad told him! Will Brad have the balls to come forward to Michael himself and tell him???

    2. I agree. Nell is past done. Finish it already.

  4. VERY GOOD Di about the phone AND AND we still have the locker that "Drew" told Monica about....
    When WAS the last time we saw Mac and yet Nelle breezes in and out - i want Brad to kill her and frame Julian - now THAT would be a good storyline (Not lasting forever) and Alexis would defend Jules---- and then they all find out Brad did it and why, etc. It's been ONE FREAKING year of the stupid Wiley storyline....Just don't see Valentin as redeemable right now...........especially when he WON'T be Charlotte's biological father.

    1. Oh I like that! Brad seems to weak (I have another word but I'm have a potty mouth lately to kill anyone. But it's a nice idea. I wouldn't mind him framing Jules.
      I really hope Valentin isn't Char's bio father....laugh in his face. Bahahaha So sick of him treating Lulu like shit when it comes to "their" daughter. Like he's the better parent. Ha!

    2. Didn't Brad try to kill Dr. O? He threw her overboard, right?

  5. Oh and again I think Tracy hired the sleeze bag producer that Brook Lyn trusted - she hates Brook Lyn - and that is why she returns...

  6. Happy Hanukkah from me, too! Excellent SS! Not only is the new Nik growing on me but so is Nina. I think she has settled down a bit in the role and actually made me forget Michelle. Ava rules and it was genius to put Trina with her at the gallery. This young actress is so good that I hope she doesn’t move on like the original TJ did. Roger looks ecstatic to be playing Franco again and not that dour Drew, who never was actually dour. Laura needs to be looking at real facts and not analyzed ones for Charlotte.

    1. I am loving Nik and Nina and Ava and Franco. When I saw him in the hospital bed and he was talking about the Cafeteria oh man it was hilarious. I loved Franco before but now after him being gone not knowing if he'd be back....renewed love for the character. Love RoHo!
      As for Ava and Nik. I could totally see them together same for Jax and and Nina.

  7. I think Michael should find out on Christmas or New Year's that his son is alive!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Great SS following a great GH week.
    Even the actors seem rejuvenated and animated. It is really enjoyable except for just a couple of little things...Hiney and baby story. Which will end eventually, or not.
    If Nina/Val make it until NYE maybe all the poop will hit the fan at one time. They do that sometimes. At least now it will probably be worth the wait.
    Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate along with myself.

  9. Excellent SS once again, thank you! Di, great idea about Drew recording something about PP on Franco's phone, I love it! Ava and Nik were everything this past week, at least for me. GH has been great and I can't wait for today and the GH version of Scrooge.

    Happy belated Hannukah and an early Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm so happy I decided to join the comments section this year, you all are brilliant! :)


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...