Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas EVE

What Day is Today? GEESH... first I thought it was Sunday..then Thursday lol.. concept of time is out the window!! 

Going Minimalist 

I feel like we are going to have to talk about the Q mansion at some point. Now, if Tracy had done this as a "surprise" while the fam was in Switzerland or something, it may have made sense...but?? I'm all for an update-- and hell, if it gets the Qs on more, serve me up. BUT! The door moves? Who moves A DOOR? The DOOR has been the DOOR for eons. You just don't mess with that ish. Now people are entering in where the kitchen used to be. I can't process this!! 


Old people home: Gladys is there and Carly comes in too. Carly wants to invite Brad to dinner. Sonny's like: ok, you invite someone I have to put up with..and I'll invite someone you have to put up with. Gladys tells Carly shes' coming to dinner! 

Christmas in the Square: Curtis is Santa... Leo goes to see him... Cameron is his elf for "Community Service" . Jason brings a giant Scout and Danny-- geesh, I guess I haven't seen Scout in awhile! She wants Mommy home for Christmas. Curtis gives her a 'magic" candy cane to keep her happy lol. Alexis comes to get Scout and Danny to go decorate the tree. He has to "do something" first. 

Joss tells Dev about American Christmas. He tells her about Turkish Christmas. She tells him Christmas is about joy and giving .. and looooove :eyeroll: Trina says Cam has only a week to go on his community service. She also tells Joss that he has a crush on her. 

Sam's in jail. Nelle is needling her about her being in there and not with her kids. Says that her baby is dead, but Sam's is alive. Nelle keeps bugging her, saying she might get out before She does and how Ryan knifed her and everything. Says she could 'help Jason with the kids". Sam tells her to shut her mouth before she shuts it for her.  The guard comes up and tells Sam the warden wants to see her. Oh, it's going to be Jason. I just know it. Oh! Hey, Jason got Sam OUT OF JAIL for the evening. LMAO 
NO! She's PAROLED!! WHAT??? Yep, she's out of jail!!! The board approved her. Welp! 

Q House. Tracy wants to know why Monica didn't ask her about the house redecoration when Monica clearly said it was "their" house. Monica said she said that because Tracy was leaving and she was feeling sentimental .  Tracy says she's sorry about Oscar and Drew dying. Also, what's holding up probate? Then Olivia and Ned come in. Olivia stands open mouthed lol . Monica got punch out. She's going to have them wassail with punch.. which involves singing. Tracy asks about ELQ. Michael tells her some things. She thinks Brook Lynn should be a junior exec. Michael says they have to go. Then, Ned gets out his guitar to sing. the House of Corinthos:  Gladys is being snarky to Sonny and he tells her to cool it, he's paying for her sevices, they aren't "family". Dev and Joss come in.  Dev goes to wrap stuff. Joss is SUPER nasty to Gladys. I mean..geesh!! Like it's Glady's fault Sonny asked her to lie for them!!?? That was weird. Gladys goes to talk to someone on the phone. Sonny asks who it's "Brando". Gladys has been paying his phone bills just so she can call he service and hear his voice on the message. She's sad. Say she misses him. Sonny says he understands. 

 IN jail, Nelle has a "vision board" with blonde ladies and little boys and mansions LOL 

The Q family sings

Jordan gets a call a "Friend passed".. and Curtis doesn't know them. It was weird.  Oh RECON: People on Twitter says SOD says it's her new story. She doesn't think this friend died naturally and investigates. :Eyeroll: 

Dev and Joss think they see the real Santa in the sky. 


  1. So Ned pulled strings to get Sam paroled? I missed the first part of that

    1. It was hard to tell..he was just like "thank you...ok, Merry Christmas"-- so maybe? He told Jason that he couldn't influence them but they were all good guys. Maybe he put in a good word. Didn't seem like bribery.

  2. So happy to see a Quartermaine Christmas! This new Brook Lyn fits in so well. I like Gladys, too-the actress is really good. Loved Monica and Tracy!

  3. I do like this Brook Lynn. I don't usually like recasts at all, but she has a great screen presence and fits in so nicely.

    1. I don't remember what the other Brook Lynn(s) looked like, but this one looks/sounds like an Italian girl from Brooklyn, great casting.

    2. Yeh, agreed...she could totally be Rena Sofers daughter.

    3. I loved how she kept calling Tracey “Granny” and Tracey said to call her Tracey. I think it happened three times. Lol

    4. Yeah some recasts work and some don't. You just never now. It's a crap shoot. :)

  4. Not only does the door move, but they look like they are sitting in the family waiting room at the hospital. It's a horrible design. I am usually not critical but this is really bad. But yes, if it means the Q's will get more air time then great!

    1. I guess I'm the minority (?) I absolutely loved it, the door doesn't bother me cause I guess I never noticed the door before? LOL!!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Thanksgiving was THREE weeks ago. Please explain how the Q mansion was completely renovated in 3 weeks? (For some reason this annoys me more than all the other "suspend reality" stuff) AND... why miss out on the opportunity to have the renovation as a storyline? Lois vs Monica. The thanksgiving dinner being replaced by pizza due to renovation. It came out of nowhere. I don't get it.

    1. Sorry... *OLIVIA (not Lois) vs Monica on the redesign.

    2. Explain in 3 words:it's a soap. Oh and a smiley haha ๐Ÿ˜

    3. Yes, I know, it really was crazy that they renovated in, like, 2 minutes.

    4. "Patrix said why miss out on the opportunity to have the renovation as a storyline?"

      EXACTLY! :)

  6. God Sonny is such a child!
    LMAO when Nellie girl ended up back in P-ville, laughed even harder when Sam was paroled. Take that Nellie. Burn....
    Ned's reaction when he saw Tracy was hilarious!
    Why don't I believe Gladys??

    1. "Michelle P says, Why don't I believe Gladys??"

      Oh you mean about when she was talking to her "son" on the phone, and her explanation to Sonny? Yeah I don't believe her either. :)

    2. I don't believe Gladys either. I think her son is still alive and this will come back to bite Sonny.

      Also I was wondering if the "friend" who died was an old boyfiiend of Jordan. Maybe from their teen years.And a sad past secret reared its head. Yes, I went there. lol

      I also laughed out loud when Nelle found out that Sam was parolled. lol Twist of the knife. lol

      I also liked the Monica/Tracy hug at the end. (The actors' personnas slipping through methinks.)

    3. I was crying, and actually watched it twice, the way Monica smiled at her, just amazing!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Why is it so small now??? Just overnight?? Having to zoom in to read which makes it awkward to read. ๐Ÿ™„

  9. Q home:

    Tracy and family: Wow! Everyone is surprised to see Tracy!!! Uh you just saw her at the hospital!!!! You must have temporary amnesia!!! I think you are all just tired and need a nap! ROFL! Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Because my brother was an idiot.

    ROFL! Oh Tracy never change. :) Love that Ned, Brooky, Olivia and Uncle Leo sang!!! Great scene.

    Turning woods: Okay! Gladys needs to go away!!!! She really rubs me the wrong way.

    Carson's home:

    Joss and Gladys: Go Joss!! Hahahaha! Now it's the Tribbles turn to turn on her!

    Sonny and Gladys: Gladys talking on the phone with her son because he is dead and she misses him?!!?!?! Yeah it really feels like she is manipulating Sonny! I don't trust her. She is up to something.. Maybe her son is still alive!!!

    "Karen says, Dev and Joss think they see the real Santa in the sky."

    That was a great scene!!! I love that! :)

    The square:

    Jason, Scout, and Danny aka Trim and Cheeto: The kids talking to Jason about how Jason is really bad at putting lights up hahahhhahahaha! Jason you gotta do better!!!!! :)

    Santa Curtis, Trim, and Cheeto: Awwww! Sad. :( She wants her mommy home. :(

    Santa Curtis and Jordan: Man Curtis wearing glasses is sexy!! :) Hmmm Jordan's friend died? Huh!!?

    Karen says, People on Twitter says SOD says it's her new story.


    "She doesn't think this friend died naturally and investigates. :Eyeroll:"

    But we never met this friend!!!! *Face palm*

    Cam and Trina: Oh!!! When Cam said he was going to do community service, I thought it was to clean! But it's to be Santa's assistant!! Oh it's not that bad. This should be a fun thing!!! Cam why are you whining!!!?!?!?! You are not cleaning!!! Trina what?!?! Cam has only 1 more week of community service left?!!?! YAY!!! About freaking time!!!! Trina called Cam handsome more than once. Trina do you have a crush on Cam? :)

    Joss and Trina: Trina!!!!! Keep your mouth shut about Turkey boy having a crush on Joss!! I don't want them together!!! I want Joss and Cam together, I don't want Trina and Cam together, well, they were cute fighting over the phone because she said she wants to put Cam's picture up hehe. That was adorable, but I just like them as friends.

    Joss and Turkey boy: Ohhhh! He is talking about Saint Nickolas!!! About time someone on GH talked about the REAL Santa Clause!!! :) He really did exist!!! Joss talking about love? Joss do you love Turkey boy? UGH!


    Sam and Nelle: Nelle needling Sam! LOVE IT! Oh Sam snapped at her. HAHAHAHAHA! Can't take Nelle anymore eh? :)

    "Karen says, jail, Nelle has a "vision board" with blonde ladies and little boys and mansions LOL"

    ROFL! It's a beautiful board!!!!! :)

    Jasam home:

    Jasam and the kids: Wait what!!?!?!?! Sam was paroled?!?!!! I thought it was just for a visit!! How the hell did Ned get Sam paroled? Makes no sense.

    1. I want Trina to keep her mouth shut about Turkey boy having a crush on Joss too. I don't want them together!! He has the personality of a turnip!!!

    2. i agree about turkey boy. go away

    3. I kind of like turkey boy now.

  10. Yeah, don't know why TPTB aren't listening to the viewers. There is almost universal dislike for Dev and Peter. Get rid of them! And, I agree that the new Brook Lynn is fantastic.

  11. I totally agree about a Dev and of course Peter. Dev has no personality and no chem with Joss. The actor should be modeling and not acting.

    1. I agree. People should be hired for their acting ability. I get that it takes time to get into a role, but not that much time. And the newly pubescent tweeters that are clamering for more of Dev are only looking at his face. They probably don't even hear the words coming out of his mouth as they drool and stare. lol

  12. The Q mansion is redone in a flash and Sam is paroled because she's a perfect candidate. And of course Scout has appeared. All just Christmas miracles of GH. HoHoHo



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...