Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Simple Plan

Harmony and Willow: Harmony is out of jail because of overcrowding. She's on parole at a halfway house. Ankle monitor. Willow thinks she should change her name back to Lorraine. Willow wants to keep Willow because she DID do some good charity things. She likes the name Harmony. (whatever) Willow tells her about the accident. She wonders how Brad is caring for Wiley. She wants to meet "her grandson"

Carly and Sonny; Planning Donna's Christening and Sonny wants to call the Doctor in Sweden. Carly says Mike might be too old and too progressed. Sonny talks about a drug that removes plaque build up (true there are some) and if he gets Mike on it now, it could help. Joss wants to go see Mike by herself. Carly thinks it's not a good idea because Mike is worse at night. Sonny's like LET HER GO!! Oy...

Nelle wants out of Jail TONIGHT!! Tad is like DERP...Nelle says that Carly and Sonny will get the satisfaction of seeing her rot in jail. HE says you're lying to me, why do you really want to get out?? She tells him Brad has to take care of the baby himself now that Lucas is in a coma and she's afraid Social services could intervene and she wants to help Brad. LOL..Martin says "Who would let you care for a baby"?? AHHHAAA.  She then says she only has one kidney and should get out on a medical leave..he says as long as you take your medicine, you'll be fine.
THEN Nelle goes to see Ryan!! He's in the infirmary with an infection. The prison thinks he did it to himself to get in the hospital part. Nelle says she's glad they are friends. She wants him to "punch her ticket out of there"...
Ryan says "GOOD PLAN, but what's in it for me" (we didn't hear the plan, btw)..She says she'll take pictures of Ava all over Port Charles for him and be his eyes and ears !! He's like Ok, but we have to modify your plan a bit!! OH yeah!! 

Julexis are in Lucas' room. Lucas is out getting an MRI. Julian is crying about him not being able to walk or speak again. Alexis says don't think like that. She asks what happened with the police. He said the brakes failed and they are looking at the car. She says "don't worry forensics are figuring it out'!! GULP. 

Lulu and Olivia are in GH waiting room. Lulu wants to know when Brook Lyn is going back on tour. Olivia tells her about the letters she got back from Dante... cries a bit. Very good scene. I love Lisa LoCicero. 

Brook Lynn fired Lois as her manager! She is tired of County Fairs and supper clubs. She hired a hip new manager but there's TROUBLE!! She says she made it very clear to him what she "would and would NOT do for her career"!! Oh... casting couch stuff??!! Hmmmm. Anyway she wants Ned to help her. She gets out her contract for him to look at.  "You signed a five year contract without a lawyer looking at it"?? "YOU"RE A QUARTERAMINE!! Everyone KNOWs that in THIS FAMILY, YOU GET A LAWYER FIRST! Even AJ KNEW IT!
Brook Lynn is like "YOU'RE COMPARING ME TO AJ"??  Then she storms off. LOL 

Olivia tells Alexis to drop the lawsuit against Julian with the Charlie's stuff. He's got too much to think of now.  Olivia sees Julian, says Leo loves him and he could visit him anytime. He says the kid is better off without him. 

Sonny is on the phone with the Swedish Doctor

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! RYAN STABBED NELLE!!!!! that's the plan?? ahahahha what!!!!!!!??? 


  1. A bit of a slow day but the ending was worth it lol I hope it backfires on Nelle and her little stunt to get her out backfires and she loses her good kidney. I've had enough of her.

    I was also thinking "casting couch' too. I hope she eventually tells Ned because that would get her out of the contract. And those Q's can be just as deadly as Sonny. That agent wouldn't be resisting.

    Anyone else surprised that we heard nothing about franco today.? We may not even see him again until next week.

    1. Yeh I'm not surprised but still....I'm tired of waiting though. Don't give a crap about Nelle. I want to watch Franco wake up. Oh well...guess we'll find out next week?

  2. P.S. I wasn't surprised that they let Harmony out early as she's the type that would qualify in an overcrowding situation. I think Sam would too because there was the self defence issue.

    And I was surprised that a good Catholic like Sonny didn't have Donna baptised before she went into surgery right after she was born. Just saying....

  3. Funny how the Pentonville inmates walk the halls and visit their neighbors. At least we get a bit of Ryan.
    Brook Lynn is electric. I hope she stays around and a story develops around her.
    Going back to Peter...can someone remind me why he wants to kill this memory plan thing, especially if it brings out Franco. Clearly when Drew was 'out' he had no memory of what Peter thinks he does. Making the whole Peter thing hogwash. Right?

    1. Remember there are 3 more outcomes. One of those being that Drew's memories could be intensified. Peter was the one who brought Jason to Helena and Drew was there. This was for the memory transfer thing all those yrs back after Jason "died". Peter knows this, so if the memories are intensified and "Drew" (Franco) remembers he would tell.

    2. Killing someone over such a longshot is ridiculous. Well, everything about Hiney is ridiculous. imo.

  4. Bringing in Nelle and Ryan is good only so many times, writers! PLEASE put us out of our misery and reveal the whole baby swap NOW! Nelle being there every 3 weeks DOES NOT WORK - we don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I couldn't agree more. If only they cared.🙄

  5. I DO giggle everytime i read the word Hiney......

    1. Me too. I think kd is to thank for that.

    2. Actually, I think I'm the one who first called him that.

    3. "AntJoan says Actually, I think I'm the one who first called him that."

      Oh really? I thought I was the first one who called him that. ROFL!

    4. Think you're right Sonya - you are a legit nickname generator - lol

    5. Well, I remember that I thought of it, so maybe we thought of it at the same time LOL

    6. "JohnD says you are a legit nickname generator - lol"

      I am? Oh thanks! ROFL!

      "AntJoan says, Well, I remember that I thought of it, so maybe we thought of it at the same time LOL"

      Maybe! We both rock!! ROFL!

  6. Q home:

    Ned and Brooky: Brooky really?!!?!?! You didn't have a lawyer for your contract?!?!! SERIOUSLY?! You know better than that!!!!!!!

    Carson home:

    Carson: EEP!!!! Carly is right Sonny!!!! I don't think this Swedish doctor is going to help. Maybe he is a quack!! Even ask one of the Tribbles!!

    Visiting area:

    Marty and Nello: Awww poor Southern Mawty. He didn't get enough sleep. He wins the line of the day though.

    Marty: I'll take that as sarcasm, considering attempted murder is more in keeping with your social station.



    Ryan and Nello: oh they have a plan!!!! What is your plan!!!?!?!?! Oh the plan is to stab her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love them together. :)

    The hospital:

    Olivia and Lulu: Great scene!!!! So sad. :(

    Lucas's room:

    Julian and Alexis: Oh when Alexis finds out Julian is the one who did what he did to Brad's breaks! Yikes!!!

    Chillow's home: and Willow: OVERCROWDING!!!! HARMONEY.COM IS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Next up is Nello? :) Awww she can't keep Lorraine Baines Mcfly!!!! :( Go back to the future and get your name back!!!! Go meet up with your young self, and meet George Mcfly!! Remember no parking because you don't do that,and no smoking!!

    1. Well, the strange thing is that Julian saved Alexis's life by what he did. Also, I doubt the prisons would be "overcrowded" in PC.

  7. Does anyone know if Nelle and Martin are on the show permanently ? It seems like they are both on a lot.

    1. According to Chloe Lanier "Nelle", she lives down the street from the studio so she's available any time they need her. 🙄 Wish she'd just go away.

    2. nelle and martin are not needed

    3. Nothing against MEK but I agree on both counts.

  8. Good show, and I hate to admit it, but I finally like Martin Gray's accent. I know you Tad lovers are rolling your eyes, but I didn't watch Tad. Lol! However, when Franco wakes up he better not have ANY accent. Man, that was awful!

    Seriously how did Chase get to the prison hospital so fast? Wasn't he at GH investigating the unnamed shooting victim? I was giggling about that, but as we all know time moves in mysterious ways in Port Chuckles.

    Now if I could only get Ryan to stab PLP I would be all kinds of happy!

    No comment on the Corinthi scenes.

    1. I hope Franco doesn't have that accent either. Maybe RoHo did it to tell the difference between the two. I don't know? I'm sure he won't have it.
      If only we could be so lucky. Ryan and Peter will never cross paths. Haha.

  9. A little bit of info for Matt Cohen fans. His movie, 'Holiday Date' airs on Sat. night on Hallmark or the W network.

    1. P.S. And Anthony Montgomery is on Magnum P.I. tomorrow night on CBS.

  10. I liked seeing Harmony - good actress. And it's about time Jon Lindstrom was back.

  11. I also liked seeing Harmony again; lots to explore with her character & Willow.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...