Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Family Friendly

Behold my Splendor! 

Hope your holiday was filled with JOY! Our snow melted and left mud and gray, gray skies! I'd rather have the white stuff and sunshine for sure. Christmas week on GH was short. 3 days of content (unless you are in Canada, then I think you got 4). Monday was the special day for sure. 

Should be a short and sweet blog today (just like me!) 


I think that I shall never see a vision more lovely than these three!! 

THE GIFT OF THE WEEK: Oh what a treat Monday was! If you didn't like it you were a Scrooge for sure! I really liked the cast they showcased and Finn as the main man just worked. Ava as death: Perfection.  Joss was all light with Christmas past and Dr. O was a shiny present to be opened in "the present"! If you haven't seen the show, I suggest you look on for it or Hulu. Well worth your time. 


Robert and Anna were grown up Belle and Scrooge's partner, first played by Willow and Michael. It so worked!!  This was a lovely little surprise for the week. Because we were off course, we did see Tracy at GH before we saw her at the Q house but I didn't even care. 

Oh it's my house !

THE SET OF THE WEEK: Let's address the gray elephant in the room first. I'm all for the Quartermaine house being used more. I'm happy as all heck with the direction this is going. HOWEVER....soap people are creatures of comfort and habit. You change one picture and we notice. Why you spring this on us all at once?? Seriously, it actually could have been a fun part of the story-Monica wants to redecorate and asks everyone their opinions and we go through the transformation together. The Qs fight over colors and which pieces of heirlooms they want to keep or be put into storage. Don't go all whole-hog on us in 1 day--and on top of it change the damn front door!! I have NO idea why they decided to move where people come into the room. It's always been there. We know the kitchen is on the side the door is now-- what is this sorcery? Where are Lila and Edward's pictures? You'd better show them quick or suffer a mutiny. Wubsy is shook over here. 


COMING HOME OF THE WEEK:  Well, well, well...doesn't she look FABULOUS!!? Brook Lynn said a line about Tracy leaving and "never coming back" -- which we all thought was the case. I'm thrilled she's here. For however long she's here. It works. Let her give some angst to Michael. You know She doesn't want Brook calling her Granny. heh. She'll probably complain about half the town's kids being taken care of in the house as well. All is right with he world. 


TREE DECORATING OF THE WEEK: It's he Friz Fam! All happy and united again, free of the shadow of Drew. Or are they?? Hmmmm.... Franco finds out Kim and he slept together. He's not happy. Liz says 'let's move past this".  If Tams didn't leave in such weird circumstances I would swear she'd be back in 8 months with a giant Franken Baby. 


 NO-NO OF THE WEEK: I love Joss... Eden is a great actress. Joss deserves a bad boy. Is Dev supposed to be it? Um, no..Cam has more edges than he does. I'm also going to say it. Forgive me..but .. I think Dev needs a recast. There I said. it. Phew. I still say he should be SORA Spencer and this whole Turkey thing can go away but....we know that's not going to happen. If this was the 70's Joss would fall for a college guy. She's smart and Carly's daughter and it would just work that way. BUT! We are all "woke" nope.
PS. Cam still has community service for trying to buy some pot!! He's got the longest sentence of anyone except Shawn and Jeff Webber  lol 


WESTERN NY PAROLE BOARD DECISION OF THE WEEK:  Welp. Sam is sprung. I'm trying to figure out why GH even has people 'go to jail' when they are basically going to be let out. Unless it's a character leaving or a real baddie, they are before you can say boo. I personally liked Jason roaming around town while Sam was away. He did more in that month than he has in forever. JaSam fans are happy so there's that.


DINNER GUEST OF THE WEEK: Cousin Gladys. Not sure why she was around but it could be to make Sonny realize there are people in the world other than hisself. He asks this lady out of the blue to lie for him about Dev, pays her...then treats her like crap? Um.. what?  Only when she talks about her dead son does he start to have a crack in his coffee-covered heart. PS. I like how natural Gladys looks. She's real people. 


NICE OF THE WEEK: Gah. Just love her to bits...but where's Roxy? She can't cost that much to bring out for the holiday, can she? 


NAUGHTY OF THE WEEK: Oh Nelle--trying to get that Wiley into your clutches!! Good on you. You're the one drama piece that keeps me alive right now!! I see so many messages wanting Michael to "get his son back" and Nelle to go away to prison forever. Um, Seriously? Come on now...she's the new Heather Webber and I love it. (if she starts eating!) 


GIANT SORA OF WEEK: Holy Moly! Scout? Is that you? What in the hello?!! Okay then. You got big.  Um..welcome? 


WEIRD OF THE WEEK: Jordan gets a call out of the blue on Christmas Eve telling her an 'old friend' has died. It was quite the head scratcher. Then, people piped up on Twitter and said there are mags out there saying it's her new story line. I guess she's going to investigate the death? Um.. okay? My thought: Aunt Stella should have called Curtis to tell him his old girlfriend died in a car accident 'you know, the one I liked" the same time Trina gets a call from GH. Later, Curtis gets a letter explaining why the mom couldn't tell him about Trina.  Something like that. But just a rando Jordan friend? It had better be someone that connects to the canvas. 

Tracy is back, not liking the new decor of the house and bugging Michael about ELQ.
Violet misses her mommy
Sam's out on parole
Glady's is staying for dinner at the Corinthos' house
Cameron was an angry elf for community service
Dev and Joss share a moment (I think?)
Anna realizes Peter's probably lying but hates to admit it.
Nelle almost had Wiley sit on her lap for a minute but alas, is back in jail. 
Jordan's friend has died. 
Lucas is still in the same coma 


FACE OF THE WEEK: My Roger. Back again. Sans weird accent. *sigh* 


PROP OF THE WEEK:  I only chose this because I want to burn it. 


WUBS TWO CENTS OF THE WEEK:  This is new this time because I have a few things to say to the fans and shippers out there. I see glee because Friz is happy and things are 'back to normal'. I see JaSammers all joyful that Sam's out and things are 'back to normal'. I DO wonder however, why so many people want their soap to be all happy. I'm here for the drama! The more the better. This can't last because lets' face it, we'd all fall asleep. Maybe we can have one 'stable' couple I guess--but let that be Olivia and Ned. There, I said my piece. 

OK! That's a wrap! As you can see, I tried doing my blog again-- and who knows?? Seems ok and easier to see? I have to try it on my phone and such. I still can't find the first template I had. This week no new shows the 31st or 1st. The 31st is a repeat episode and the 1st is sports. So another short week!! Did you check out the PROPS of the DECADE below?? It's my most fun post I think.

I have next week off as well!! Once ever 7 years schools get the full 2 weeks off and this is it! It's so nice.. wooot!! See ya here! 


  1. Great SS! Loved the whole short week! Read in SOD that they had to move the entrance door at the Q’s for technical reasons-it wasn’t easily accessible. Apparently the original plan way back when was for it to be where it is now.

    1. I really wish Tracy would have walked in and said "They even moved the damn front door"??? Or something!! anything lol

  2. Let JaSam be unhappy LOL! I'm looking at this from my browser and it's still a tad small but not bad. Not sure what's up with ph cause everything else is fine. I even did reboot. Anyways...
    I'm thrilled Franco is back and thanks for that photo up there! 😊 Bite your tongue on Kim returning preggers! 😂

  3. Thanks LSV422. That makes no sense though about the door not being easily accessible since that has been the same door for decades. Hmmmmm

  4. Good read as always! I see the happy couples thing differently than you do. Of course we want our favorite couples to be happy! That's the point! We need to see the happy moments to see what we're all rooting for. It means we love the couple & love watching them so it's a good thing! I would also argue that the problem with much of the drama these couples have faced recently is that it's really BAD drama. Kim raping men & then having Liz apologize to her because of her grief was not good drama for Friz because it wasn't even about Friz. Sam sitting in prison on GHOffscreen for killing a creepy cult leader isn't good drama either because it just doesn't make sense. Same could be said about others. Hopefully DOC & CVE have some better stories waiting for some of these characters.

  5. I agree, I wanna see my couples happy. Besides I'm not a Nelle fan so I could care less what happens to her. She chose to leave the show but months later (?) she decided to come back every 5 minutes cause she lives down the street. LOL She needs to focus on someone besides Michael.

  6. Sure angst for couples is expected & a soap staple. But the angst has to make sense. The Kim raping NotDrew made no sense. The story could have been good--but it was written horribly.

    Ned &has Olivia aren't on often enough to be the anchor happy couple. Plus there are plenty of stories to explore while a couple is together.

    This Scout was in an episode in the summer with Billy. So her appearance here shouldn't have been a surprise

    1. Exactly she went to the Aurora office with Drew.

  7. I didn't know jaspam had fans. I'm all about breaking up some of the GH couples. love how jason acknowledges Jake.

  8. Another great SS! Thank you.
    Not too many happy couples. One or two at a time should do it. Happiness is revolving on soaps.
    The Q mansion redo made the place look like every place on House Hunters. Staged. But who cares if it means more Q's. Stacy is terrific as usual. May she stay for a while.
    Gladys reminds me of an actress/character from OLTL. She was a bad girl who I think did something nasty to Todd, but not the RoHo Todd. She wasn't on for that long but she was good. I'm sure someone here might remember.
    GH is sure going in the right direction. Looking forward to some full weeks until....

  9. Karen, thanks for another great SS. I love you madly, and hate to say this, but your new format is giving me a headache, too "busy," I know you are trying to go back to the other one, hope that you succeed . . .

    I watch every minute of the show, but couldn't figure out what your "prop of the week" was, can you tell me?

    Also, as I am spatially challenged, I didn't notice that the doors had moved, can someone explain this to me? Count me in as someone who does not like the new Q decor, or the idea that it was done in, like, 2 minutes.

    Tracy looked absolutely fabulous, they used to dress her in horrible mumus and other shmatas, I can't say enough about how beautiful she looked in that smashing white blouse with the black pants!

    1. AntJoan, the front entrance door was moved to the right of the staircase, formerly the entrance to the kitchen.

    2. Linda, thanks so much, I'll have to look again next time they show it.

    3. AntJoan I didn't notice the door either LOL but I do love the decor.

  10. I thought Tracy looked much better too. White blouse black pants and a nice necklace that I want

  11. Is Sam just out for one day???? I am so confused.
    I still stand behind my theory that KM and SB do not get along, so we never see them truly happy for very long. This new storyline for Jordan makes NO sense - she can't even solve the crimes in Port Charles and now she wants to go global???? let's make Tina the daughter of Curtis and bring in her mom................

    1. Sam is paroled, she is out for good, I know that it makes no sense . . .

    2. and Cam is still doing community service for

    3. I know, and he never even bought it, and it was for a sick friend . . .

  12. Just a note: The actress/character from OLTL who reminds me of Gladys is Barbara Garrick/Allison Perkins. Great villain.

    1. She's from OLTL? I thought she looked familiar, thank you, yes Allison Perkins wow....character never one to forget.

    2. No...I meant she reminds me of her.

  13. I think the actress was asa buchanan's wife


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...